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Treating mental fatigue during exams


Jan 18, 2009
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for treating mental fatigue during exams i use --

complex carbs
cocoa powder 2 tsp in water / dark choclate
almonds/nuts 7/day
carrot juice
glucose --galaxoseD - simple carbs
protiens -- red meat, protien whey powder
fish / fish oil capsules
peanut butter
blue berries

multi vitamins [including A,D,E,K,B complex]

this is what i do--- people n the west can also add blue berries / red wine to
ive my exams coming , anyone has any other ideas plz tell us!
If you want to treat mental fatigue, simply sleeping and resting for a long period 8-12 hours may and can help. All while maintaining a good healthy diet. Exercise helps as well it helps to increase oxygen to your body and brain.

Though since you have an exam coming I recommend this stuff.

The Holy of Holies...


Though I advise you to drink with caution, drink in moderation. If you take this before and during the exam you may experience frequent urination, no way of averting that. Though it can help increase alertness and concentration (my experience). It is also good for when your cramming to study for exams and need to pull off an "all-nighter", so give it a try.

P.S Best of luck to you on your exam.
during my med. college -- my roomate used to take drugs causing insomnia to pull all nighters, but they also decrease concentration.

regarding sleep , you are 100% correct-- infact the rem sleep [in which u have dreams] is critical in memory consolidation, particularly converting new, short term memory to long term memory

my mom gives me snickers bar and khammeeras--- but they make me fat!

regarding gym, im trying to go 4 times/week for some months now! happy harmones [endorphins] are released
A1Kaid thanks for the wishes-- are u the same guy e the youtube channel? great videos i might add!
For physical fatigue, I remember reading about a study where chocolate milk was better than all the sports drinks.

I think chocolate milk, or sweet lassi, would work for mental fatigue also.
have some fun, thats all, i guess....
For physical fatigue, I remember reading about a study where chocolate milk was better than all the sports drinks.

I think chocolate milk, or sweet lassi, would work for mental fatigue also.

Aaah, but in the cold snowy weather we are havng, i'd rather suggest some Hot Chocolate instead. :D
@Sohni Dharti ,chocolate milk has far less coccoa than the real deal
during my med. college -- my roomate used to take drugs causing insomnia to pull all nighters, but they also decrease concentration.

regarding sleep , you are 100% correct-- infact the rem sleep [in which u have dreams] is critical in memory consolidation, particularly converting new, short term memory to long term memory

my mom gives me snickers bar and khammeeras--- but they make me fat!

regarding gym, im trying to go 4 times/week for some months now! happy harmones [endorphins] are released
A1Kaid thanks for the wishes-- are u the same guy e the youtube channel? great videos i might add!

There are easier ways of getting endorphins released into the brain, but let's not get into that...lol By the way it's good to get sleep but avoid becoming lethargic...

As far as YT, yes that's me and thanks for your compliment.
For physical fatigue, I remember reading about a study where chocolate milk was better than all the sports drinks.

I think chocolate milk, or sweet lassi, would work for mental fatigue also.

Cold Sweet Lassi gives the kind of relaxation that puts you on snooze mode, really great but not for studying.

Simply if you can work yourself into getting even 15-20 mins of REM sleep. Meditate , clear the mind of every possible thought and feeling and it works wonders.
@A1Kaid , the 'other' method youve indicated also boosts testosterone level , helpful in many anabolic functions f the body-- ofcourse testosterone is also released during gym

rem sleep occurs during the last stages of sleep -- when u arouse from rem sleep, u need some minutes to come to your complete senses--- thats why most of the commando action is done in the latter part of night-- to attack the enemy when its confused and less coordinated!
revisiting the thread ..fellowship finals are nearing

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8hr sleep
mix juice (all fruit ex.grapes, banana,pineapple etc)
dry foods
yoga for concrete ( jim, running & volleyball etc)
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