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Transport & Tanker


Jan 11, 2010
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It has been rumored that a new medium transport design was proposed by 603/XAC, powered by two WS-118 turbofans. So far no details are available regarding the status of the project
. The latest image (March 2014) confirmed that the first Il-78 tanker (converted from a secondhand aircraft?)
ordered by China has been flying. It is expected to support the PLAAF Su-30MKK ,J-10S and J-16 fleet.
According to foreign military website russianplanes recently released photos show a suspected built for the Chinese Air Force Il-78 large air tankers under test. The russianplanes in this photo published today, the flight of an Il-78 tanker is a brush with the Chinese Air Force Il-76 transport aircraft is very similar to the pattern of modern painting. This pattern is very characteristic, under the blue-white, in front of the body has a wavy edge
This is a newly exposed, will be delivered China's so-called Il-78 large air tankers. Foreign media reported that the aircraft was upgraded from the renovation of old aircraft.
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According to Russia's strategic and technical analysis Web site on March 26 reported that Ukraine prepared three Il-78 tanker aircraft to China in the first Air Force supply after the completion of maintenance and modification, was March 25, 2014 Airports in Nikolaev City 库利巴基诺 off smoothly for the first flight.

It is reported that the aircraft from the Ukrainian Air Force active duty equipment, production numbers 59-10, the factory serial number 0073478359, the Soviet Union had used the / Ukraine registration number SSSR/UR- 76744. The plane Il-78 tanker aircraft in the Ukrainian Nikolayev repair shop for the overhaul and refurbishment of modification, re-colored paint, but does not yet have any identifying marks and numbers painted. According to the relevant contract in 2011 Ukraine and China signed the Ukrainian side plans to supply three Il-78 to the Chinese tanker , this is the first test aircraft. So far, the People's Liberation Army Air Force has never used Il-78 tanker aircraft .

The plane Il-78 tanker in 1987 in Uzbekistan, Tashkent Chkalov Aviation Production Association factory, was located in the Soviet Ukraine Lan Wu Tsu Remote Air Force 105th Heavy Bomber Aviation Division, 409 air refueling mission service. The Soviet Union after 1992 this aircraft aircraft with 409 air refueling mission outcome Ukraine all, from 1993 began to dismantle the air refueling equipment, for commercial purposes. From 2001 onwards, the aircraft was mothballed in the Ukrainian Air Force Melitopol airport.

December 2011, China and the "Ukrainian defense industry "national concern Corporation signed a contract worth $ 44.7 million, the introduction of three Ukrainian side seal used Il-78 tanker aircraft, to recover maintenance and modification, and then supplied to the People's Liberation Army Air Force. Ukrainian media have reported that therefore, the Ukrainian side signed the contract price was down, because only $ 52.5 million in the contract's price under it profitable to Nikolaev aircraft repair plant, the repair and modernization of China Il -78 job is operating at a loss
An unmarked Il-78 tanker was test flying over Ukraine in March 2014, wearing the distinctive blue top and white bottom color scheme of PLAAF. It was first reported in 2005 that China signed a $1.5b contract with Russia for the delivery of 34 new Il-76MD transport aircraft and four Il-78 tankers. This contract was never fulfilled due to the bankruptcy of Tashkent Aviation Production Association in Uzbekistan, which should have manufactured the jets.
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