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Toshakhana Case against Imran Khan in the Dustbin Where it Always Belonged

The case would probably net Maryam / Zardari (taking cars) and the Generals (gifts from Arabs that just went missing) and we all know justice will be served.

He is doing what law allows him to do

Come ask me when he runs away from the country on a 50rs stamp paper
Why he is using delaying tactics and seeking refuge behind technicalities?? He doesn't want to run the case on facts, he is not disputing the facts, he is just disputing the jurisdiction, why??

He's simply dancing around the glaring questions, instead focusing on so called "democracy" that was never there in the first place.

His mental backflips are shamelessly blatant and obvious but... who's going to break the news to PTI cheerleaders, mesmerized by their own pom-poms?
Only 2 kind of people support pdm, Theives themselves for obvious reasons and brain dead zombies, zombies are like fish in bowl they keep going around in circles and find the same view different every time they go around because their brian capacity is the size of fish brains they can only store very little information therefore they must rely on their Spirtual leader hazarat whisky. Hazrat whisky gets his orders from Cult leader Hazrat" On the Run Nawaz sharief."
Good news is According to Hazarat "On the Run Nawaz sharief" as soon as PDM get in power they will fix the Pakistan economy becasue Imran Khans Younger brother showbaz sharief has destroyed the economy with his incompetent munshi finance Minister Ishaq Dalla...

Watch baught buy Ik was wrong I admit he was wrong but 40 plus years of gifts taken by sharief and other Cult leaders is Right and therefore can not be discussed...
Bogus how?!
It's not bogus
Imran Khan should be shamed for legally taking stuff from toshakhana at 50% discount and maryum Nawaz should be sentenced to jail for stealing a vehicle from toshakhana a BMW. Zardari should also face jail time for stealing a car

Mean while khaqan Abbasid should be ashamed for getting toshakhana stuff, damagh Pakistan Aristotle Ahsan Iqbal should face jail for not paying money untill he was caught recently

Only clean people are Jehngeer tareen Khan and our chief Asim munir shahab

All politicans are corrupt

There is nothing in the Tosha Khana case, Imran Khan did not do anything illegal, Imran Khan has taken the watch legally and deposited the money, on the other hand, where are the vehicles taken illegally?
These people closed those cases, no one is going to ask them.
"Barrister Ehtisham.."

View attachment 936798
"Dam darood kar keh chuff karney sey halal hu jatey hey" mualana sahab
And what about Farah Gogi and the Al-Qadir Trust scandal?

yet another idiot pakistan has produced and has a voice on this forum.. low life scum

What Panama Papers? Patwaris can't read remember.

Only biryani.
Good review

yet another idiot pakistan has produced and has a voice on this forum.. low life scum

Don’t take Fish seriously. He’s just another Amritsari immigrant worshipping his Amritsari god.
And what about Farah Gogi and the Al-Qadir Trust scandal?

Tell Me How IK Benefited From IT???
There is nothing in the Tosha Khana case, Imran Khan did not do anything illegal, Imran Khan has taken the watch legally and deposited the money, on the other hand, where are the vehicles taken illegally?
These people closed those cases, no one is going to ask them.
"Barrister Ehtisham.."

View attachment 936798

Imran Khan evaluated the price on fake documents, how it was legal??

Imran Khan evaluated the price on fake documents, how it was legal??

And Panama Papers were legal
Pakistan is a failed banana republic of Faujistan.

Imran Khan is the only honest leader Pakistan has had since Jinnah
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