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Topol Ballistic missile hits the target at firing range in Kazakhstan

I know it may Sound Funny But Seriously Dude The Pace a Which Our Missile R&D is Going is not at that Level

We Shud Really Have Backdoor Talks with Russians to Help us in Missile inputs

If you study India's missile family, you will know that we have all the required delivery systems are in place to carry our conventional and nuclear weapons, there is no need to go for any outside systems.
Isn't the Topol being replaced in the coming years? I thought that its being replaced with the RS-24.
We are sovereign country, but Russia always threaten us by nuclear arms, you know since 1961 Russia conducted more than 466 nuclear tests, we have still around 40 poligons, and cause of that, we knows what is that and so on, we do not have other choices, sure they did not rent anything, its all proforma only. But instead of derising, maybe you do not know but their main target exactly India, Iran and Pakistan. They are not your strategic ally and never was. We have old Kazakh proverb when you dealing with Russians - hold the axe behind your back. The same with United States of America, the most big hit will be on US, Iran, India and Pakistan.

So instead of extreme hapiness that they did bomb us again, you should think properly forward because you all will have much more dark consequences. We knows them and you are not. Dark times waiting for you.
We are sovereign country, but Russia always threaten us by nuclear arms, you know since 1961 Russia conducted more than 466 nuclear tests, we have still around 40 poligons, and cause of that, we knows what is that and so on, we do not have other choices, sure they did not rent anything, its all proforma only. But instead of derising, maybe you do not know but their main target exactly India, Iran and Pakistan. They are not your strategic ally and never was. We have old Kazakh proverb when you dealing with Russians - hold the axe behind your back. The same with United States of America, the most big hit will be on US, Iran, India and Pakistan.

So instead of extreme hapiness that they did bomb us again, you should think properly forward because you all will have much more dark consequences. We knows them and you are not. Dark times waiting for you.


muslim paranoia about russia...
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