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Top US general says 'not refuting' reports Russia supplying Taliban

Sorry for butting in, but Us giving qatar the go ahead is a perfect example of why the soviet union fell yet america still stands despite multiple defeats in various conflicts, the americans are masters at when to withdraw out of a conflict, they know when their plans and policies have failed so without any ego or grudges they come up with new policies to get even little positive bredcrumbs from a situation that is totally turned against them, they realized in time that their plan to break up pakistan had failed, the isi was too good for them, they know supressing taliban is a futile effort so now they will do everything they can slowly mind it to build relations with the next taliban govt n with time bring them into thier sphere of influence yet again, they are masters at changing state narratives these americans, that is why the isi must never get comfortable, we have won for the time bieng but they will find another back door into pakistan, they will definately try again

i guess they realized that unless they drop nukes on Afghanistan and kill over 1/3 of the population, there simply is no winning....we warned them in 2001, they didnt listen.

oh well. .
i guess they realized that unless they drop nukes on Afghanistan and kill over 1/3 of the population, there simply is no winning....we warned them in 2001, they didnt listen.

oh well. .
You warned? How? What you said at that time? Post links.
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