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Top Hizbul commander from J&K killed in Rawalpindi; Bashir Ahmad was wanted by Modi govt


Jan 22, 2021
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Another Patriot killed in Rawalpindi by Mafia gang on instructions of PDM​

This would NOT happen under Imran Khan PTI if he was in power to any cross border anti-Indian fighters. This proves GHQ is directly involved in killing our own soldiers inside any city/tiown or village.
May allah have mercy for Patriots,
Take it easy guys.

Take a deep breath, understand the context, write a post, review and then hit Post reply.
PDM situation of getting more loyal to India BJP + America + Isreal is getting out of control
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna elehi Rajion, or Good Riddance.. God what times we live in.. we all going to hell soon...
We don’t give damn shit to what modi wants or not :lol:
If this is such a big news then why aren't Bharti media Baboons going berserk.
So RAW hit team and sleeper cells are active in Garrison town of Pindi but lumber #1 resources are diverted toward **** production.

Before joining this forum I considered RAW as the most inept intelligence organization while ISI as one of the best ones on par with MOSSAD. Now both of my perception has been reversed :D
Before joining this forum I considered RAW as the most inept intelligence organization while ISI as one of the best ones on par with MOSSAD. Now both of my perception has been reversed :D
Ours too. Atleast for lumber#1. RAW is still at the same place. May be higher budget at disposal now made some improvement.

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