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Top General speaks: Def Secy summoned me late night


Apr 8, 2007
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Top General speaks: Def Secy summoned me late night, said highest seat of power was worried, troops must go back quickly

February 21, 2014 10:21 am

LT-Gen A K Choudhary, who was Director General of Military Operations in January 2012, has confirmed that there was alarm at the highest levels of the UPA government in mid-January 2012 over themovement of two Army units near New Delhi. So much so that then defence secretary Shashi Kant Sharma summoned him shortly before midnight and told him that he “had just come back from the highest seat of power and that they are worried”.

Choudhary says he was told to immediately send the troops back and file a report to the government which he did the very next day.

This confirmation comes after almost two years of denial by both the government and the Army of any such incident, which was first investigated and reported by The Indian Express on April 4, 2012.

That report in The Indian Express was called “absolute rubbish” by Defence Minister A K Antony; the then chief, General V K Singh, speaking to The Hindu on April 7, 2012, called it “fables of a sick mind” and claimed that “no clarification was sought by the government”.

Speaking to The Indian Express in Patna Thursday, three weeks after his retirement as Bengal Area Commander, Choudhary said that the confusion was created due to increasing distrust “between two individuals” and “immaturity” on both sides. And that the entire situation could have been avoided if there was proper communication. “I did feel bad because I am in touch with the defence ministry on an hourly basis and, still, they didn’t raise this with me earlier,” he said.

Choudhary admitted that the troop movements “could have been avoided” if it was known that V K Singh was approaching the Supreme Court on the matter of his date of birth against the government on the same day — January 16, 2012.

Choudhary has confirmed (read his interview), that he was called in by then defence secretary to explain the movement of a mechanised infantry unit from Hisar and a paratroopers detachment from Agra late at night on the same day.

Choudhary has revealed that a day before his meeting with the defence secretary, he (Choudhary) had come to know about the movement of the Hisar unit near Delhi after a senior officer in charge of formations near the capital called him, alerting about concerns of intelligence agencies.

Choudhary said he had ordered this unit to halt and turn back a day before the defence secretary called him.
Describing his meeting with Sharma on January 16, the top officer said: “At around 11 pm, I got a call to come to office. The defence secretary had called me. I first informed the chief (V K Singh) and then went to meet the defence secretary. He (defence secretary) said he had just come back from the highest seat of power and that they are worried. He said bataiye kya ho raha hai. (Tell me what’s happening). I told him that this was an exercise and I have already told them to stop and take a different route. He said to me that they should be told to go back quickly. I said that they will go as per the drill as there is method to their movement and in any case they would have gone back after the exercise.

“He (Sharma) then asked about the para movement (para commando troops from Agra) also. I was initially not aware of it. They had been coming for training and going back. They used to come and go from that area in the past also. After the meeting, I also told them to carry out no further movement and asked them to go back in smaller groups.”

Choudhary recalled how he had discovered the movements of mechanised columns a day earlier. “On the evening of January 15 (a day before I was called by the Defence Secretary), I got a call at about 11-11.30 pm from one of the senior officers in charge of a formation looking after Delhi Area, inquiring about some troop movements. He must have been asked by some intelligence fellows. I told him I did not know, and said let me find out. I then asked the Corps Commander (1 Corps) concerned, who said there was nothing and that they were just doing an exercise that had been discussed in the past. May be, he had discussed this with the Chief and other senior officers. From what I gathered, they were checking out the time its takes to move these troops.”

According to the former DGMO, he asked the officer concerned about their proximity to Delhi. “I asked him about why they had come this close? He said that the route was like that only. Since some people said there are some problems, I asked them to halt there and told them that they should take a different route the next day. However, they said they could not stop there as the location had shops on both sides, so they will stop at a day harbour (a place where a military convoy halts during daytime) 15-20 km ahead. As a result, the convoy kept moving for 45 minutes more and then halted.”

Choudhary said that behind the confusion was the deepening trust deficit between the government and the Army. “I think the (Defence) Ministry and the IB (Intelligence Bureau) got excited and made their impression on the basis of the last five to six months when things had gone to a level where there had been distrust among people —- two individuals. There was immaturity on both sides. Immaturity on the part of the commanders I don’t know, if he knew about the dates (court) or had he had thought on these lines, he could have stopped it. But I don’t think he thought on those lines.” he said.

On the lessons learnt, Choudhary said that the Army submitted a written report detailing the troop movements on January 17 and explained in detail that the troops were moving as part of a planned exercise. He further said that a few months down the line, instructions were passed that the government needs to be informed of all army movements near the national capital.

Top General speaks: Def Secy summoned me late night, said highest seat of power was worried, troops must go back quickly | The Indian Express | Page 99
The 2012 troop movement investigations


The Indian Express reported on the dramatic developments of January 16-17, 2012 after investigation that went on for weeks.

Late on the night of January 16 (the day Army Chief General V K Singh approached the Supreme Court on his date of birth issue), central intelligence agencies reported an unexpected (and non-notified) movement by a key military unit, from the mechanised infantry based in Hisar (Haryana) as a part of the 33rd Armoured Division (which is a part of 1 Corps, a strike formation based in Mathura and commanded by Lt Gen. A K Singh) in the direction of the capital, 150 km away. Our report from April 4, 2012

THE DAY AFTER: Govt fails to convince House panel

Defence Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma and the vice-chiefs of the three services have failed to convince a Parliament panel with their answers to questions arising out of ‘The Indian Express’ report on non-notified troop movements in the direction of the capital in January.

EXPRESS STANDS BY ITS REPORT: A meticulous reconstruction of the movement of two key Army units

The report is a meticulous reconstruction and a very sober interpretation of the movement of two key Army units towards New Delhi on the night of January 16-17.

GENERAL V K SINGH REACTS: ‘Absolutely stupid’

In Nepal, then Army Chief Gen V K Singh says the report in The Indian Express on unusual troop movements in the direction of the capital in mid-January was “absolutely stupid”.

The 2012 troop movement investigations | idrw.org
General Singh would stage a coup over his date of birth issue. Sonia and MMS would be imprisoned. Modi would be appointed caretaker PM. The RSS would start a civil war.
You have a bright future in bollywood .

this is the propaganda to tarnish relations between Military and civilian leadership in India .

India is the only glimmering example of Military -Civilian unity in subcontinent where otherwise military has routinely fiddled with statecraft ...

somebody who is not reconciled to this is cooking up and raking up these stories ...

Indian military is united with government to defend the nation...no way of Military to even think up of undermining government in India .
this is the propaganda to tarnish relations between Military and civilian leadership in India .

India is the only glimmering example of Military -Civilian unity in subcontinent where otherwise military has routinely fiddled with statecraft ...

somebody who is not reconciled to this is cooking up and raking up these stories ...

Indian military is united with government to defend the nation...no way of Military to even think up of undermining government in India .
I agree on this part but why the government is not trusting the army?
For a second I thought I was reading about my country. Why the heck would an Indian government EVER have to fear such a scenario?
For a second I thought I was reading about my country. Why the heck would an Indian government EVER have to fear such a scenario?
Because it has happened before in India's history - the commander in chief of the army has assassinated the ruler and taken power. It happened in 185 BCE, when Brihadrata was assassinated during a military parade by the Brahmin general Pusyamitra Sunga, commander-in-chief of his guard, who then took over the throne and established the Sunga dynasty, and brought the Maurya empire to an end. So the GoI is weary of a repeat of history happening, and got spooked when a brigade passed by.

On a serious note, this is a pathetic attempt by Indian Express to vindicate their own risible cover story that was trashed from all quarters.
On a serious note, this is a pathetic attempt by Indian Express to vindicate their own risible cover story that was trashed from all quarters.

Besides this, weak Govts are forever nervous hence they see shadows where there none.
I agree on this part but why the government is not trusting the army?
Possibility of military coup was raised by lower lever officer in government ....( whatever may have been the cause and reason to do so ) ...since this was unprecedented kind of alarm ( raised by some defence secretary on behest of some person in think tank ) ...government had to clarify by calling DGMO . Matter was settled after clarification by DGMO military operations .

where is the question of mistrust ?

If a third person tells you some thing about your family member ....won't you like to settle the issue by frank one on one talk ?

does seeking clarification amounts to mistrust ?

I think any relationship which is damaged by even just seeking clarification is not a relationship ..bur arrangement of connivance !

I think any robust relationship will never be perturbed by such small " storm- in -a- tea cup "
Because it has happened before in India's history - the commander in chief of the army has assassinated the ruler and taken power. It happened in 185 BCE, when Brihadrata was assassinated during a military parade by the Brahmin general Pusyamitra Sunga, commander-in-chief of his guard, who then took over the throne and established the Sunga dynasty, and brought the Maurya empire to an end. So the GoI is weary of a repeat of history happening, and got spooked when a brigade passed by.

On a serious note, this is a pathetic attempt by Indian Express to vindicate their own risible cover story that was trashed from all quarters.

Thanks for the information . Never knew it .
Besides this, weak Govts are forever nervous hence they see shadows where there none.
Let's not fall for the Indian express' propoganda and actually believe that the govt was scared. Such stories only serve to throw suspicion on the excellent civil-military relations the country has enjoyed. Governments in India have many things to worry about - the army is not one of them. Like any healthy democracy, the govt is scared of its own people, but not of the armed forces. It is scared of the electorate, of the media, of public opinion. The army doesn't figure in their list of worries.

Thanks for the information . Never knew it .
It was the first and last military coup in the landmass that is present day India, and happened 2200 years back.
The situation was unique in my opinion , the then COAS had taken the Govt to court (he lost the case over the age) but it caused lot of mistrust between the MOD and certain section of the army which were "loyal" ( i use this phrase loosely) to vk singh. This misunderstanding must have been a result of that .
the defense sec called the DGMO as per protocol and defused the matter . nothing more need to be said.
The situation was unique in my opinion , the then COAS had taken the Govt to court (he lost the case over the age) but it caused lot of mistrust between the MOD and certain section of the army which were "loyal" ( i use this phrase loosely) to vk singh. This misunderstanding must have been a result of that .
the defense sec called the DGMO as per protocol and defused the matter . nothing more need to be said.

Unfortunately irresponsible media in process of ' creating ' news stories ...do not understand what great disservice they are doing to the nation by constantly raking up 2 year old news ....

actually constant media- tamasha like this can potentially cause mistrust ....which does not exist in first place ...

there are always political opponents and opportunistic waiting for such media- enlightenment....

while military and defense ministry has so many burning issues these headless chickens are quacking over about 2 year old news ....

The worst thing we all are colluding in propagating these media-mongering by posting , reposting and discussing this worthless piece of news ( .....although we all intend to save truth being victimized in this concerted campaign of lies )
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