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Top 10 strongest Air Forces of the world (TopYaps)

I think this is real list - some updated i updated Turkish airforce

1) USA
2) Russia
3) China - 2623
4) Israel - 1440
5) S. Arabia - 1425
6) India - 1351
7) Japan - 1254
8) Turkey - 1220
9) Korea - 1107
10) Egypt - 902
11) France - 883
12) UK - 874
13) Greece - 746
14) Germany - 702
15) Pakistan - 667
16) UAE - 559
17) Singapore - 519
18) Sweden - 512
19) Italy - 510
20) Spain - 489
21) Australia - 395
22) Canada - 356


F-16C = 1/1
F-16A = 0.8/0.8
F-16 block 52+ aka F-16I = 1.1/1.2
F-16 block 60 = 1.3/1.2
F-15A = 1.2/0.5
F-15C = 1.3/0.5
F-15E = 1.4/1.5
F-15S = 1.3/1.4
F-15SG = 1.5/1.5
F-18A = 1/1.1
F-18F = 1.3/1.3
F-2 = 1.3/1.2
F-16AM = 1/08
Mirage 2000 = 1/1
Typhoon (MESA radar) = 1.3/1.1
Rafale (PESA radar) = 1.2/1.2
Tornado IDS = 0.5/1.2
Tornado ADV = 1/0.6
F-4 = 0.4/0.7
F-4 Terminator = 0.6/1
Su-27 = 1.2/0.4
MiG-29 = 0.9/0.5
Su-30MKI = 1.3/1.2
Su-30MKK = 1.2/1.2
MiG-21 aka J7 = 0.3/0.4
MiG-27 = 0.3/0.7
JF-17 = 0.9/0.8
AMX = 0.3/0.5
Mirage F.1 = 0.7/0.8
Mirage 3/5 = 0.3/0.4
Jaguar = 0.2/0.6
F-5 = 0.3/0.4
J-10 = 1/1
J-8 = 0.6/0.4
JH-7 = 0.5/1.1
Q-5 = 0.1/0.4
H-6 = 0/1

E-3, Phalcon, KJ-2000, Boeing 737 = 8/0
Saab, KJ-200 = 6/0
E-2C, ZDK-03 = 4/0

jet tanker = 2/6
KC-130, H-6 tankers = 1/4

Here the results:


86 Typhoon
136 Tornado GR4
AEW&C: 7 E-3
tanker: 4 Tristar, 12 VC-10

260 air to air points/354 air to ground points


59 Rafale
158 Mirage 2000
AEW&C: 4 E-3
tanker: 14 KC-135



55 Typhoon
177 Tornado IDS
45 F-4
tanker: 4 A310



25 F-15I
30 F-15 C/D
30 F-15 A/B
101 F-16I
135 F-16C/D
100 F-16A/B
AEW&C: 4 G550
tanker: 7 KC-707, 5 KC-130



146 Su-30MKI
45 Mirage 2000
68 MiG-29
88 MiG-27ML
152 MiG-21Bis
120 Jaguar
AEW&C: 3 Phalcon
tanker: 7 IL-78MKI



240 F-16 C/D
52 F-4 Terminator 2020
110 F-4
87 F-5
AEW&C: 4 Boeing 737 AEW&C
tanker: 7 KC-135



60 F-15K
169 F-16C/D
84 F-4E
170 F-5E
AEW&C: 2 Boeing 737



82 F-2
180 F-15C/D
117 F-4E
AEW&C: 4 E-767, 13 E-2C
tanker: 4 KC-767


Saudi Arabia

72 Typhoon
109 F-15C/D
72 F-15S
87 Tornado IDS
24 Tornado ADV
120 F-5
AEW&C: 5 E-3
tanker: 8 KE-3



190 J-10
100 Su-30MKK
189 Su-27 and J-11
180 J-8
280 J-7 (MiG-21)
60 JH-7
180 Q-5
110 H-6 (Tu-16)
AEW&C: 5 KJ-2000, 2 KJ-200
tanker: 8 IL-78, 10 H-6



55 Typhoon
78 Tornado IDS
14 F-16A ADF
55 AMX
tanker: 2 KC-767, 2 KC-130



32 Typhoon
86 F-18A
24 Mirage F.1
tanker: 2 KC-707, 5 KC-130



126 F-16C/D
30 F-16C block 52+
44 Mirage 2000
57 F-4E
AEW&C: 4 Erieye



50 JF-17
45 F-16A/B
18 F-16C block 52+
75 Mirage III
83 Mirage V
144 F-7
AEW&C: 4 Erieye, 2 ZDK-03



40 F-16A
178 F-16C
18 Mirage 2000
32 F-4E
115 MiG-21 & J-7
60 Mirage V
AEW&C: 8 E-2C



79 F-16E
68 Mirage 2000
AEW&C: 2 Saab 340
tanker: 3 Airbus 330



103 F-18A
tanker: 2 A-310, 5 KC-130



71 F-18A
21 F-18F
AEW&C: 4 Boeing 737
tanker: 3 A330



24 F-15SG
54 F-16C
20 F-16C block 52+
49 F-5
AEW&C: 4 G550
tanker: 4 KC-135, 5 KC-130



158 Gripen
AEW&C: 4 Saab 340
tanker: 1 KC-130


Final points I calculated air-air points*2 + ground points
mirage-2000 also have variants that list discussed only one.
Turkey's air force is overestimated. Certainly not worth to mention it. The same counts for Arab countries, who have high quality fighter jets, but no real skills to operate them.

And what exactly makes you to think like that? Deep Turkish hatred maybe?
And what exactly makes you to think like that? Deep Turkish hatred maybe?

Are there any significant historical events Turkey's air force operated in? Unlike the US, Israel or even Iran, Turkey's has no significant experience in air warfare. And don't mention Turkey's air force history in correlation with fighting PKK rebels, or joint NATO exercises. What distinguishes good air forces from bad forces are their operation history in stressful moments, complex air operations and their ability to adapt to new situations. I even hold Netherland's air force in a higher regard.
Are there any significant historical events Turkey's air force operated in? Unlike the US, Israel or even Iran, Turkey's has no significant experience in air warfare. And don't mention Turkey's air force history in correlation with fighting PKK rebels, or joint NATO exercises. What distinguishes good air forces from bad forces are their operation history in stressful moments, complex air operations and their ability to adapt to new situations. I even hold Netherland's air force in a higher regard.

Yes Cyprus invasion and bombing, providing air cover to land and naval forces.

Serbia Operation, one of the only airforces to do night operation and record-long patrols on no fly zone.

. What happened to Iran was they got invaded by a country 10X worse weapons and smaller lol. What a shame. F-14 vs Iraqi junk. How embarrassing does it feel?
Yes Cyprus invasion and bombing. What happened to Iran was they got invaded by a country 10X worse weapons and smaller lol. What a shame. F-14 vs Iraqi junk. How embarrassing does it feel?

Read this and go wash your mouth:


Cyprus is an insignificant conflict. They are, until proven, just a paper tiger to me.
Iran fought an 8 year war against Iraq, who was financially supported by Gulf Arab states, and technologically by France and the Soviet Union. They even had access to American intelligence. And Iran had even no access to American spare parts.

Still Iran managed to kick the Iraq's air force as$. Iran's H3 operation is even one of the most complex air operation conducted in the last 30 years.
Iran fought an 8 year war against Iraq, who was financially supported by Gulf Arab states, and technologically by France and the Soviet Union. They even had access to American intelligence. And Iran had even no access to American spare parts.

Still Iran managed to kick the Iraq's air force as$. Iran's H3 operation was even the most complex conducted in the last 30 years.

Loooooool you got anhiliated by Iraq, give my granny F-14 of them times shell shoot Iraqi junk when it had phoenix missiles press a button long range missile, and you still got invaded.
In 1995, the Turkish Air Force took part in NATO's Operation Deliberate Force.

Turkey provided 18 F-16s for the NATO campaign against Serbia during Operation Allied Force in 1999. Of these, 11 TAI-built F-16s were stationed at the NATO base in Aviano, Italy, while the other 7 were based in Ankara, Turkey. All were equipped with laser-guided bombs using the LANTIRN night vision system. Turkish jets had previously patrolled Balkan airspace, providing protection for attacking aircraft. During this allied air campaign, TAI-built F-16s set a world CAP record by patrolling for 9 hours and 22 minutes above the Balkan theatre. Normally, CAP missions last between 3 to 4 hours.

Turkey participated in the UN peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, employing two squadrons (one in the Ghedi fighter wing, and after 2000 one in the Aviano fighter wing).[17] They returned to Turkey in 2001.
In 2006, 4 Turkish F-16 fighter jets were deployed for NATO's Baltic Air Policing operation.

In December 2007, the Turkish Air Force initiated Operation Northern Iraq, which continued until the end of February 2008, eventually becoming a part of Operation Sun. At the initial phase of this operation, on December 16, 2007, the TuAF used the AGM-65 Maverick and AGM-142 Popeye/Have Nap during a night bombardment for the first time.

Iran is weak don't get upset.
^ Insignificant, not that complex and supported by western forces, such as NATO or the US. I'm not impressed. Do you want to be impressed? Read this:


This movie tells the story of an Iranian attack against an Iraqi air base during Iran Iraq War. 48 Iraqi planes were destroyed or badly damaged. Here a detail story (taken from www.iiaf.net)

In their frustration for a successful offensive against Iran on the northern front between 12th and 22nd March of 1981, Iraq fired two Frog-7 surface-to-surface Rockets against cities of Dezful and Ahwaz.

Within days after this attack, commanders of the 31st and 32nd Tactical Fighter Wing in Shahrokhi Tactical Air Base (TAB 3, near Hamadan) planned a counter attack. According to Iranian intelligence, the Iraqi Air Force removed most of her valuable assets to its Al-Wallid air base on the Baghdad-Amman highway close to Jordanian border, part of H-3 complex. There at least two squadrons equipped with ten Tu-22B and at least six Tu-16 heavy bombers as well as two other units with MiG-23BNs and Su-20s were hidden. Supposedly out of reach of the Iranian Air Force. But, Iraqi's were wrong. For their operation against Al-Wallid, 31st and 32nd Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) gathered their best F-4E Phantom crews, four F-14A Tomcats, one Boeing 747 airborne command post and three Boeing 707 tankers. The plan was as follows, since the interceptors of the Iraqi air defenses were usually not very active, especially not in Northern Iraq. The only other obstacle was that Iranian pilots had to be careful to avoid SAMs in order to reach their target. Al-Wallid was almost 700 kilometers from Hamadan, and Phantoms had to fly over Baghdad. To increase their chances Iranian commanders decided to deploy their aircraft to Tabriz (TAB 2) first, and then from there they would have a "clean" route passing by Mosul and Kirkuk toward H-3. Since Phantoms could not reach their target without refueling in the air, two Boeing 707-3J9C had to be sent to Turkey in order to help the operation by meeting the attackers somewhere over northern Iraq.

The operation began in the early hours of the April 4,1981. The formation of eight F-4E, accompanied by two airborne reserves (whose pilots were sad enough that they had to return as nobody had any technical problems), started from Tabriz (TAB 2) and crossed into Iraq. Two pairs of F-14 Tomcats stayed at low altitude over the border waiting for their return. Sometime earlier, two Boeing 707 started from Istanbul International Airport in Turkey (officially in order to return to Iran) and clandestinely diverted from international commercial route in order to fly into Iraq. Flying at very low altitude between mountains of northwest Iraq, two tankers meet the Phantom formation and topped their fuel tanks, before escaping without an incident back towards Tabriz. The Phantom attackers then turned toward their prime target. The surprise was terrible for Iraqi's, not a single Iraqi interceptor on three bases of H-3 complex was in the air or ready to start.

The Phantoms split their formation into two sections coming from several different directions and attacked different parts of the base. First they bombed both runways at Al- Wallid in order to block any Iraqi fighters from taking off. Then further, bombs destroyed several hardened aircraft shelters. In the meantime, cluster bombs of the second group of Phamtons wrecked three large hangars, two radar stations and five Iraqi bombers. Subsequently, other parked aircraft were strafed. Iraqi's still hadn't reacted, even their anti-aircraft fire was weak, Phantoms had enough time to make multiple attacks and hit one enemy aircraft after another with the fire from their guns. No less than 48 different planes were claimed as destroyed or badly damaged at the end.

Finally, the whole Iranian formation turned back towards their base. Not even one F-4E was damaged during the attack on Al-Wallid and although many Iraqi interceptors were hasty scrambled toward them, none could catch up with Phantoms.The Iranian attack against Al-Wallid is the most successful such operation against any air base since 1967. Never again would only eight aircraft destroy such a large number of enemy aircrafts on the ground in one mission. Iraqi air defense command later claimed that Syrian interceptors were helping Iranians during the attack, and their radar followed Phantoms for some 67 minutes. If it was so, there are only two questions to be asked from Iraqi air defense. First, If they were alarmed by Syrian interceptors, why Iraqi interceptors weren't in the air already?. Secondly, why didn't they succeeded in stopping the brave bunch from the 31st and 32nd TFW?

^ Insignificant, not that complex and supported by western forces, such as NATO or the US. I'm not impressed.

Nobody is looking for a weak Iranian to be impressed.

İran needs more training with Lebanon air force Hahahahahaa Loool and Hezbollah, or maybe Venezuela
Turkey is until proven just a paper tiger, and you know it. Now go fighting some rebels hidden in mountains! Mighty Turks!
The same counts for Arab countries, who have high quality fighter jets, but no real skills to operate them.

I agree with the Arabs not having skills to operate them. During Arab Israeli war, there were Pakistani pilots assisting the Arabs.

Interesting read:
During Israel's War of Independence (1947–1949), Israel's diplomatic mission in Washington received information that Pakistan was trying to provide military assistance to the Arabs, including rumors that a Pakistani battalion would be sent to Palestine to fight alongside them. Pakistan bought 250,000 rifles in Czechoslovakia that apparently were meant for the Arabs. Also, it became known that Pakistan bought three planes in Italy for the Egyptians. The Pakistan Air Force in the 1967 and 1973 Arab–Israeli wars, Pakistani pilots flying Jordanian and Syrian planes shot down Israeli planes. Saiful Azam, a Pakistani pilot shot down at least 4 Israeli jets. In the 1982 battle for Beirut between Israel and the PLO, fifty Pakistani volunteers serving in the PLO were taken prisoner by Israel. After the 1973 war, Pakistan and the PLO signed an agreement for training PLO officers in Pakistani military institutions. After successfully destroying Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, Israelis planned a similar attack on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities at Kahuta in collusion with India in the 1980s. Using satellite pictures and intelligence information, Israel reportedly built a full-scale mock-up of Kahuta facility in the Negev Desert where pilots of F-16 and F-15 squadrons practised mock attacks. According to ‘The Asian Age’, journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark stated in their book ‘Deception: Pakistan, the US and the Global Weapons Conspiracy’, that Israeli Air Force was to launch an air attack on Kahuta in mid-1980s from Jamnagar airfield in Gujarat (India). The book claims that “in March 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi signed off (on) the Israeli-led operation bringing India, Pakistan and Israel to within a hair’s breadth of a nuclear conflagration”. Another report claims that Israel also planned an air strike directly out of Israel. After midway and midair refueling, Israeli warplanes planned to shoot down a commercial airline’s flight over Indian Ocean that flew into Islamabad early morning, fly in a tight formation to appear as one large aircraft on radar screens preventing detection, use the drowned airliner’s call sign to enter Islamabad’s air space, knock out Kahuta and fly out to Jammu to refuel and exit. According to reliable reports in mid-1980s this mission was actually launched one night. But the Israelis were in for a big surprise. They discovered that Pakistan Air Force had already sounded an alert and had taken to the skies in anticipation of this attack. The mission had to be hurriedly aborted.

Pakistan reminded the Israelis that Pakistan was no Iraq and that PAF was no Iraqi Air Force. Pakistan is reported to have conveyed that an attack on Kahuta would force Pakistan to lay waste to Dimona, Israel’s nuclear reactor in the Negev Desert. India was also warned that Islamabad would attack Trombay if Kahuta facilities were hit. The above quoted book claims that “Prime Minister Indira Gandhi eventually aborted the operation despite protests from military planners in New Delhi and Jerusalem.”
Turkey is until proven just a paper tiger, and you know it. Now go fighting some rebels hidden in mountains! Mighty Turks!

Loool don't get jealous mate, the key is better training, I know you don't have facilities but you guys are too low level to be invited to Anatolian eagle exercise, you need to improve only top level airforces come. We can assist you don't worry.
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