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Tonbo Imaging- An Indian startup Indian army got to know from US Army


Jul 23, 2017
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About decade ago, US troops were in India for exercises with the Indian Army wherein they displayed their infantry weapons and gear.

They told that the optical gear they use was designed by a Bangalore based company. India was not aware of it.

That company is Tonbo Imaging.

Indian Army rushed to Bangalore to see the company and were awestruck with the cutting edge technology developed by an Indian company.

Recently, Israeli Special Forces have purchased optical gear from Tonbo Imaging.

The obtuse organization .i.e. the Indian Army combined with the stupid Ministry of Defense procurement system puts off Indian startups.

I repeat only private players can make India atmanirbhar in military equipment.

Indian Startup 'TONBO IMAGING' is helping the Indian Army to keep the borders safe from Chinese Intrusions..



How Tonbo Powered The Surgical Strike? | The StartUp Central

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That’s a #CRPF QAT Commando!
His accessories: ~FAB modified AK with TONBO thermal imaging sight.

~Helmet hs mounted TONBO Panaromic Night Vision Goggles (120 deg), like the ones used by US Navy seals during the raid in which Osama killed.

Indian Army know About tonbo. Don't get overimpressed by our news channels.

Every procurement is done through tenders,
ask yourself , why Tonbo never won any tenders and Even more important, why Tonbo never cried in front on news channels after loosing?

It's because tonbo doesn't manufacture anything significant parts, but instead it's more of a solution provider by buying stuff from others and integrating it.
And that's why it was never qualified to win a tender. Now it's winning some small parts tenders which r not critical but enhance a soldier efficiency.
Every procurement is done through tenders,
ask yourself , why Tonbo never won any tenders and Even more important, why Tonbo never cried in front on news channels after loosing?
That's why I said Indian militaries procurement procedure must change.
They are flying antique Mig21s, getting shot down and bringing dishonor to entire nation while finding fault with LCA for dozen odd years.

It's because tonbo doesn't manufacture anything significant parts, but instead it's more of a solution provider by buying stuff from others and integrating it.
And that's why it was never qualified to win a tender. Now it's winning some small parts tenders which r not critical but enhance a soldier efficiency.
Tonbo designs all its products and manufactures commercially viable parts of those products.

If we go by ur line of thinking, someone would say HAL doesn't manufactures significant parts, but instead it's more of a solution provider by buying stuff from others and integrating it.
If we go by ur line of thinking, someone would say HAL doesn't manufactures significant parts, but instead it's more of a solution provider by buying stuff from others and integrating it.

Are you seriously comparing HAL with tonbo lol.

It's like comparing tata with your local mechanic who is really good at creating modified cars or bikes and saying tata also does the same by buying parts of local dealers and just assembles them.
Tonbo deal in small products which doesn't require too much security when it comes to sourcing the parts, I bet it sources a lot of stuff from China , Korea as well.

When tonbo enters into some critical component manufacturing than it's a diff thing. I would rate L&T or Kalayani group the real asset or even tata group to be future of Indian private defence.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Tonbo is not good, it's just the news r just Making them seem like a star wars company while they r just simple start up and might become big in next 10-20 yrs if big private players don't eat them up.
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