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Tokyo hopes to team up with India in chabahar


Jun 29, 2015
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A new report says Japan seeks to play a part in the development of the southeastern Iranian port of Chabahar.

Tokyo hopes to team up with India in the development of the regional logistics hub in southeastern Iran, according to the Nikkei Asian Review citing its sources on Sunday.

The report said Tokyo wants to be part of a project on the construction of a site, which is set to include a port and an industrial complex in Chabahar.

It said Tokyo is keen to build stronger ties with Tehran and that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes to reach a deal on the port during a planned visit to the Iranian capital later this year.

In April, the Indian government announced plans to invest some $20 billion to build fertilizer and petrochemical plants at Chabahar.

The Japanese government hopes to start drawing up specific plans for Chabahar development by the end of this year through the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Tokyo will decide on details such as the necessary infrastructure and a list of companies it will invite to tender for the project. The investment will use official development assistance, the report added.

It said Japan hopes to develop the area into a trading center for resource-rich Central Asian countries such as Turkmenistan, the world's fourth largest producer of natural gas. It also hopes that Chabahar will serve as a logistics pivot for Iran and Afghanistan.

Late in April, local Iranian media reports said China also wanted to have a stake in Chabahar, with the official IRNA news agency saying a technical team of Chinese experts visited Chabahar in Iran’s province of Sistan-Baluchestan for the launch of a Chinese industrial town project there.

Chabahar is located in the Gulf of Oman on the border with Pakistan. It is the closest and best access point of Iran to the Indian Ocean and Iran has devised serious plans to turn it into a transit hub for immediate access to markets in the northern part of the Indian Ocean and Central Asia.

In May 2014, India and Iran signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly develop the port once the international sanctions against Iran were lifted. Both sides agreed as per the MoU to allow India to lease two docks at the port for a period of 10 years, a move that was meant to cut India's crude oil and urea transportation costs by around 30 percent.

What advantage will japan have with this development???
Any experts??
What advantage will japan have with this development???
Any experts??

I would assume financing and maybe some logistics consultation and advice for the port infrastructure.

Japanese port development is sort of a lost art these days given they have often been outbid by you know who....but they're old school and more professionally organised from what I've seen especially when you want to integrate land transport + local warehousing and planned urban sprawl.
I would assume financing and maybe some logistics consultation and advice for the port infrastructure.

Japanese port development is sort of a lost art these days given they have often been outbid by you know who....but they're old school and more professionally organised from what I've seen especially when you want to integrate land transport + local warehousing and planned urban sprawl.
Thank you so much sir,
I would assume China to be interested in chabahar, and they visited the port too( what could be the reason??? Have they understood the potential of geographical location)
Costs of transportation???
I have read many of your posts and you seem to be a scientist or a phd or a nuclear physicist.......... Thank you for your time
Thank you so much sir,
I would assume China to be interested in chabahar, and they visited the port too( what could be the reason??? Have they understood the potential of geographical location)
Costs of transportation???
I have read many of your posts and you seem to be a scientist or a phd or a nuclear physicist.......... Thank you for your time

Chinese are interested in everything these days :D

They have almost mastered the art of the hedge. If they can connect this project to their silk road ambition, it makes a lot of sense for them to have competing routes for trade in the area in the long run.

BTW, Glad you enjoy my posts. Yes I am a PhD in Aerospace Engg., piled higher and deeper (phd) as I like to say :D
Counter China in gawadar port and it will hit China economically and strategically as China will loose money invested in gawadar

Chinese don't care about how much money they invest in Gwadar port. This is strategic investment to avoid the blockage around Malacca Straits by adversarial navy.
Counter China in gawadar port and it will hit China economically and strategically as China will loose money invested in gawadar
China is no USA to pakistan. There investment is backed by committed returns and also on share-ability of loans. The loans will come from AIIB and IMF but will be given both to pakistan and china. That covers pakistans margin of cost (down payment). The returns are expected to be more than 25%(closer to 30) for chinese companies.

So why on earth they will give up this return. On top of this, pakistan will be maintaining and protecting the convoy. They will have double the money they have invested by the time it completes. This is also helping china to move the unused coal generator and old trains to pakistan. Then there is symbolism. They get to sell the arms to their biggest importer. Except to WS-10 they have been paying and more than before to them.
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