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to the Democrats: on Syria and sharing geopolitical influence


Jun 2, 2012
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Hello democrats.

I some very serious requests for you this year, but first let me give you some background on myself;

I consider myself an amateur diplomat. I got into "the game" just after 9/11, advocating US restraint and carefulness in your response to that dreadful attack. Which you showed, the invasion of Afghanistan took a few months to get underway, you have my thanks for that to this day.

I'm Dutch, and after the murder of the foolishly muslim-provoking celebrity Theo van Gogh, I noticed reports in the media of muslim Dutch youth getting into online brawls with white youth, with the potential of causing many a physical fight and knock-on small-scale terror strikes against whites in my home country.

Ever since then, I've been on online forums advocating peace and allowing-eachother-to-be-different-from-eachother.

The muslim youth on the Dutch forums.marokko.nl (our most assertive muslim group) around 2003 was very much into discussing the suffering of people in what i now call "sandlands", the middle east.

To make a long story short, I got these muslim local youths to focus on being Dutch first, and have continued to keep an eye on that important fact. At the same time however, I myself found the suffering of sandlanders more and more unbearable, and as part of keeping Dutch muslims moderate, I had promised them I'd take up the issue of Israeli-American arrogance in sandlands with the Israelis and Americans.

In 2006 or 2007, the US media was rife with announcements of an imminent attack on Iran, due to their nuclear program. I went to the republican forum on compuserve to express my opposition to this idea. I put forth the argument that Europe would not be able to help the regime-change of Iran due to their now native muslim population, and that the regime change of Afghanistan and Iraq hadn't exactly been smooth or without civilian casualties, leading to a vicious downward spiral of new terrorist recruits easily made because of all the unreasonable suffering Muslims had to endure, combined with that -in my eyes- kind of silly attacks by western media on a Prophet (Mohammed) now long dead.

So here we are in 2013. The Israelis are finally making less civilian casualties, as are you Americans.

Time for the next steps in securing the Newer World Order; recognizing that Russia and China have their own spheres of influence which in my not-so-humble view are not to be messed with by Americans, nor Israelis, nor Europeans.

So what are my requests from the current US administration?

{1} Recognizing (semi-publicly please) that NATO has expanded eastward too far, and that that missile defence shield in Eastern Europe has to be scrapped, to be replaced with a _small contingent_ of ICBM defence missiles/lasers in ITALY instead.

{2} Giving Syria back to Assad. Support the Russians (who *need* that last remaining seaport of theirs there to remain theirs) crushing the Syrian opposition forces in short order please. The quicker their resistance is crushed, the sooner order can be restored to Syria, and the sooner the refugees can return home. Let Russia do the re-building this time.

{3} We of NATO can not be so arrogant that we "fix the entire middle east". The middle east, re-educating the Muslims, is a project of NATO + Russia + China(if they want) + Pakistan(they're sure to want, and have been demonized far too much in US media), as far as I'm concerned.

{4} If you're going to drill for oil on Canadian soil, be sure to leave behind production forests on the soil you extract oil from. Put a team of terraformers on the case if you must, but make sure you stay friends with the Canadians by giving them something in the long run (production forests planted) as well as in short order (money for oil).

{5} Reduce civilian casualties in the Mexican drug war, make this a top priority in fact. You can keep up the drugs wars (harddrugs are BAD indeed), but make sure the enforcement becomes more entertaining than it is causing semi-mass-suffering as it is today.

{4} + {5} = {6} ; Secure the NORTH-American trade union before you link up to South America. Your national flaw, Americans, is to bite off more than you can chew. I hope the Democrats under the leadership of Obama do better in this regard than the Republicans have under the entertaining but damaging leadership of Bush Junior.

{7} Focus on internal rebuilding. Make it a point of national pride to have the rich buy up all that cheap housing, and then in a philantropic way give it away by means of very-cheap-rent to veterans and criminals who have been patient enough to answer their parole boards. MAKE SURE you don't raise the rent after these people fix up such places with their own sweat, or you'll lose all good Karma points you've scored in the process! You want to secure a good re-incarnation option, want to secure your place in Heaven? Then you do some philantropic work please, that strenthens not only your nation but your well-below-middle-class people as well.

{8} Besides {7}, you should also focus on internal defence rather than external retaliation. That means "growing" more sturdy and secure road, airport, electricity and internet infrastructures, the building of which will put more people to work. Consider {8} and {7} your manhattan projects of this part of this century.

With kind regards, and some worry for the future,
Rene Veerman, white Dutch, born and raised in The Netherlands.

cross-posted to : http://community.compuserve.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=ws-democrat&tid=155556
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