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To Stay or not to Stay in Afghanistan...uncertainty in Brussels

why? Can you explain further bro?
Afghan Muslims are fighting a patriotic war to oust the US-NATO invasion forces. Instead of the invaders the Turks should assist the Muslim brethren at this critical time.
Afghan Muslims are fighting a patriotic war to oust the US-NATO invasion forces. Instead of the invaders the Turks should assist the Muslim brethren at this critical time.

I do respect your opinion. Appreciating, and I do. But in this view, i think we're on the right path with staying in Afghanistan, also our prev-policies on this issue. Many people would call me and my country as a puppet of west, or the so-called enemy of islam but, But Al-Qaeda, Talibs are not giving a war for their nation. They just want to kill all the coalition troops, and the citizens of their nations. But all those extra-ordinary counter-terrorism stuff wouldn't happen if they did not dive on the twin towers with planes resulting the deaths of thousands. May all the victims of terror rest in peace. Myself, also being a self-victim of terrorism, i do fully support the NATO operations, also proud of being a citizen of the alliance. Not because only, i support them but That's the right path that Turkey should support. Today Turkey is about to be a safe heaven for terrorist organisations (only the southeastern provinces),

No offence sir but, i think calling young men and women willing to die for their nation, that they went to those places for us as "invaders" is not sth acceptable by most of the community. I personally knew a soldier who died in there by a heli crash. Maybe even if your cause was true, it's not the fault of the so-called "invaders", it's their politicians, leaders.
Afghans simply don't like foreigners. But in case of Indians, they have no problem because of historical ties with us.

Most of Afghans were killed by carpet bombing, now Afghanistan is ruled by Tajiks, Hazara and foreigners.

Afghan Muslims are fighting a patriotic war to oust the US-NATO invasion forces. Instead of the invaders the Turks should assist the Muslim brethren at this critical time.

How can they be Muslims without any religious education, or display of it?
People who occupy Afghanistan today are mostly foreigners from India, US, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
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As we know that NATO is persisting/pressurizing Mr.Karzai to sign deal with united states before their withdrawl of troops which concludes following points:
-The US/NATO has decided to reshape their strategy.
-They have decided to continue their war after 2014,in order to assure in providing safeguards to their interest.
-They want to strenghten and implement results of their warfare effectively or to obtain successfully their objectives or atleast they want to keep the chances and objectives alive.

Now a question arises here that why Mr.Karzai is so not ready to sign deal with US?Why he is waiting for elections?
One more point,first loya jirga has agreed then US has approached towards Mr.Karzai for deal,which means what I think that Mr.Karzai wanted to strenghten his image ,as after invasion,he finds himself 'less influenced' as compare to wild afghan tribes,he is well aware that he is not in a position to control them in case of Taliban's presence too plus, in order to avoid history to repeat itself again Mr.Karzai is giving such impression that he is assuring to safeguard interest of Afghanistan, that is why he has clearly denied before elections.

I also believe that Mr.Karzai must deal with talibans rather then US,but he is well aware that Talibans will not give a rat's *** to him.
Americans are clever,they are well aware of Karzai's weakness,and they are well aware that Karzai will defintily want their support,that is why they are avoiding his 'dramay baazi' or demands you can say,and the why Americans are persisting to stay,I have mentioned already,they have their own interest or objectives
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