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Tired of Ceasefire: TTP terrorists start killing each other


Sep 21, 2011
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Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), an umbrella group for various factions of Pakistani Taliban currently at war with the State of Pakistan, is busy right now to calm down the tempers within the terrorist organization as so far 56 terrorists have been killed due to infighting since Sunday. 13 terrorists were reportedly killed on Friday.

The clashes between two groups, TTP chief Hakeemullah Mehsud and his deputy Wali-ur-Rehman Mehsud, are an extension of the tension among the two factions. Both the Mehsuds have already been killed in separate drone strikes. After killing of Hakeemullah, the Wali group tried to claim TTP leadership and its surviving leader Khan Said Sajna offered himself for the mantle, but a tribal outcast Mullah Fazlullah, currently holed up in Afghanistan under the wings of Karzai regime, was imposed as TTP leader by Afghan intelligence agency, NDS.

There was a simmering enmity between part of Mehsud tribe under Shehryar Mehsud supporting Fazalullah and that under Sajna. Both the factions attacked each other in Shakoti area, a pocket of South Waziristan Agency still under TTP influence, but now the fighting has spread to other agencies of the restive tribal belt called Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA).

Pakistani government is making efforts to make peace with TTP and has unilaterally released some of the terrorists under custody. But the new development of infighting will confuse the government as whom to talk to if one of the groups captures power of the terrorist outfit.

TTP infighting claims lives of 56 terrorists in Pakistan's tribal belt
good work , keep it up guys , remember kill a fake jihadi is also a jihad .. go for it , kill one fake jihadi and get 3 suicide jackets in strawberry flavor
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