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Tipu Sultan: a secular internationalist, not a bigot

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Like Qasim introduced Islam to ancient Pakistan, Tipu brought secular ideals to Kerala and Karnata
You almost choked me there. Lol

Listen, please grow up.

Tipu lived in India so do more muslims after him ( more than those living in your nation ).

We discuss ourselves in the way we feel correct.
Banging your head against a wall!!
Some Secular Works of Tipu ,

In 1788, Tipu marched into Coorg and burnt down entire towns and villages. Mir Hussein Kirmani, Tipu’s courtier-cum-biographer describes how the raid resulted in the burning down of villages in Kushalapura (today’s Kushalnagar), Talakaveri, Madikeri, and other places. Additionally, Tipu in a letter to the Nawab of Kurnool, Runmust Khan describes how he took 40,000 Coorgis as prisoners and forcibly converted them to Islam and “incorporated them with our Ahmadi corps.” Already a thinly-populated country, Tipu’s brutal raid followed by large-scale prisoner-taking depopulated Coorg of its original inhabitants to a severe extent. To Islamise Coorg, he transported about 7,000 Muslim families belonging to the Shaikh and Sayyid sects to Coorg from elsewhere.

The intensity of Tipu’s raid was so terrifying that hundreds of temple priests fled to Mangalore along with their families. Worship came to a permanent halt in several temples. Some temples were covered with leaves in order to conceal their presence. The Maletirike Bhagavati temple at Virajpet is a good example of this. Equally, the renowned Omkareshwara temple in Madikeri was about to meet the same fate — the then ruler at Madikeri panicked at the approach of Tipu, removed its tower and replaced it with a dome so that it looked like a mosque from afar. The temple continues to retain this appearance till date. In his raid of Napoklu near Madikeri, Tipu destroyed the temples in the surrounding villages of Betu and Kolakeri.

Remnants of Tipu Sultan’s savage raid of Coorg survive even today — the forcibly converted Coorgis are today known as Kodava Mapilas (Coorg Muslims) whose last/family names are still Hindu — representative examples are surnames like Kuvalera, Italtanda, Mitaltanda, Kuppodanda, Kappanjeera, Kalera, Chekkera, Charmakaranda, Maniyanda, Balasojikaranda, and Mandeyanda.

To the Kodavas, Tipu’s fanatical dance of death in their homeland remains a wound that will never heal.

When we turn to the Malabar, the record is equally, if not gorier. Indeed, Tipu’s incursions into the Malabar can form the subject of an independent book. Like in Coorg, remnants of Tipu’s disastrous campaigns in the Malabar can be seen even today in the region. The city that bore the brunt of his excesses in the Malabar is Kozhikode (Calicut). William Logan’s Malabar Manual, the Malabar Gazetter, the Portuguese missionary Fr Bartholomew’s Voyage to East Indies, the German missionary Guntest and accounts by various contemporary British military officers contain first-hand accounts of how Tipu razed the city to the ground. An excerpt from Bartholomew provides us a representative glimpse:

First a corps of 30,000 barbarians who butchered everybody on the way… followed by the field-gun unit… Tipu was riding on an elephant behind which another army of 30,000 soldiers followed. Most of the men and women were hanged in Calicut, first mothers were hanged with their children tied to their necks. That barbarian Tipu Sultan tied the naked Christians and Hindus to the legs of elephants and made the elephants move around till the bodies of the helpless victims were torn to pieces. Temples and churches were ordered to be burned down, desecrated and destroyed. Christian and Hindu women were forced to marry Mohammadans and similarly their men were forced to marry Mohammadan women. Those Christians who refused to be honoured with Islam, were ordered to be killed by hanging immediately. These atrocities were told to me by the victims of Tipu Sultan who escaped from the clutches of his army and reached Varappuzha, which is the centre of Carmichael Christian Mission. I myself helped many victims to cross the Varappuzha River by boats.

The devastation in Calicut was so comprehensive that it changed the character of the place forever. Calicut was home to more than 7,000 Brahmin families. Thanks to Tipu, more than 2,000 of these were wiped out, and the remaining fled to the forests. In the words of the German missionary Guntest, “[A]ccompanied by an army of 60,000, Tipu Sultan came to Kozhikode [Calicut] in 1788 and razed it to the ground. It is not possible even to describe the brutalities committed by that Islamic barbarian from Mysore.”

If this was not enough, we have testimony from the horse’s mouth. Tipu Sultan in letters to Syed Abdul Dulai and his officer Budruz Zaman Khan respectively gloats thus:

With the grace of Prophet Mohammed and Allah, almost all Hindus in Calicut are converted to Islam. Only on the borders of Cochin State a few are still not converted. I am determined to convert them also very soon. I consider this as Jehad to achieve that object.

Your two letters, with the enclosed memorandums of the Naimar (or Nair) captives, have been received. You did right in ordering a hundred and thirty-five of them to be circumcised, and in putting eleven of the youngest of these into the Usud Ilhye band (or class) and the remaining ninety-four into the Ahmedy Troop…

I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam. I am now determined to march against the cursed Raman Nair.

It is also pertinent to mention an extract from Life of Tipu Sultan published by the Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore in 1964 [iv][iv]:

Tipu imprisoned and forcibly converted more than a lakh Hindus and over 70,000 Christians in the Malabar region (they were forcibly circumcised and made to eat beef). Although these conversions were unethical and disgraceful, they served Tipu’s purpose. Once all these people had been cut off from their original faith, they were left with no option but to accept the very faith to which their ravager belonged, and they began to educate their children in Islam. They were later enlisted in the army and received good positions. Most of them morphed into religious zealots, and enhanced the ranks of the faithful in Tipu’s kingdom. Tipu’s zeal for conversion was not limited only to the Malabar region. He had spread it all the way up to Coimbatore.

As I mentioned earlier, there’s enough material on Tipu’s ghastly raid on the Malabar to merit an independent volume but these should suffice. In passing, it must be said that the consequences of his invasion was all-encompassing. Until his aggression, the Malabar region was a flourishing hub of pepper and spice trade throughout the world. However, when Tipu burnt and destroyed several cities and towns in one disastrous sweep, this trade was killed almost overnight. Pepper cultivation was completely stopped.

Tipu Sultan was a false hero
Source: Sandeep Balakrishna?
References from article:
Perversion of India's Political Parlance, Sitaram Goel

The Rigveda - A Historical Analysis, Shrikant Talageri

[iii][iii] Select letters of Tippoo Sultan, Colonel William Kirkpatrick

[iv][iv]Life of Tipu Sultan—Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore, translated by Bernard Wycliffe

[v][v] Tipu Sultan: Villain or Hero? Compiled by Sitaram Goel

[vi][vi]Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan, Lewin B Bowring

[vii][vii] It is impossible to build a strong nation on the foundation of falsehoods, Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa 24 September, 2006.

[viii][viii] Tipu Sultan X-rayed, Dr. I.M. Muthanna

[ix][ix] Bharatiya Samskruti (in Kannada), Dr. S. Srikanta Sastri. Paraphrased and translated by the author.

[x][x] See Footnote iii

[xi][xi] See Footnote viii

Satram goeyl?krishna and even some references are not working...ah c'mon man!
This is the main conflict,earlier the op was accused for posting from ''muslim'' point of view.
The fact is simple,for muslims he will remain a hero and they will define his bravery and herosim along with sympathy as well as they will reject all hindu claims.
Meanwhile,historians from areas like kerala will accuse him of whatsoever they like.
OPs attempt was good,he tried to make a post which showed both aspects of coin,both views with great decency,but you people rejected claiming that homeowrk has been done by muslim and as replacement you people show some one-sided article filled with vilification and accusation.Clever approach,i like this.
I definitely appreciate difference of opinion,but discourage discussions done by disgracing a figure which was followed by many.
The thread has served it's purpose.


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