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Time to Hang Sarbajit Singh ?

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Wrong.. I will give a quick recap.


Just read the words by mod before commenting.

PS; this post will be deleted ... so read it fast...

So now mods cannot have an opinion, you have proven nothing. All this thread shows is that Indians have no problem with the execution of terrorists unless they are non Muslim Indians then it is crossing some sort of red line. :rolleyes:

The double standards are laughable and even being pushed forth by senior and higher level members. :disagree:
So now mods cannot have an opinion, you have proven nothing. All this thread shows is that Indians have no problem with the execution of terrorists unless they are non Muslim Indians then it is crossing some sort of red line. :rolleyes:

The double standards are laughable and even being pushed forth by senior and higher level members. :disagree:

I just gave that guy a quick recap, you dont need create fiction out of it.

Its just an explanation based on senior member's posts which are thought provoking for new members like jackyyyy.

Why make a mole out of the mountain? RelaXXXX...
So now mods cannot have an opinion, you have proven nothing. All this thread shows is that Indians have no problem with the execution of terrorists unless they are non Muslim Indians then it is crossing some sort of red line. :rolleyes:

The double standards are laughable and even being pushed forth by senior and higher level members. :disagree:

I can list alteast hundred non muslims for whom i demand hanging.
WE just said that he is innocent.
I just gave that guy a quick recap, you dont need create fiction out of it.

Its just an explanation based on senior member's posts which are thought provoking for new members like jackyyyy.

Why make a mole out of the mountain? RelaXXXX...

Actually since I called you out on it, you are telling me to relax. This is actually the second thread on this topic and even on the first thread elite rank Indian posters were advocating leniency and even release for this terrorist.

Mind you that too when Kasab was actually Amar Singh, a Tamil from Travancore:rofl:

The real question is why it bothers you so much if Pakistanis feel they should use India as an example and execute their own terrorists. @Aeronaut is not a part of GOP, he is just voicing his opinion.

I can list alteast hundred non muslims for whom i demand hanging.
WE just said that he is innocent.

An innocent man does not spend 23 years in jail if the case against him was so flimsy and confess to terrorism to another inmate who subsequently blows the whistle on him upon release.
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Actually since I called you out on it, you are telling me to relax. This is actually the second thread on this topic and even on the first thread elite rank Indian posters were advocating leniency and even release for this terrorist.

I didnt ask in any of my posts to release him because:

1- Rehman malik doesnt have account in pdf
2- This forum has no authority over international relations, hence i dont need to waste my words over it.

Maybe other Indians might say differently, but this is me.:enjoy:
The real question is why it bothers you so much if Pakistanis feel they should use India as an example and execute their own terrorists. @Aeronaut is not a part of GOP, he is just voicing his opinion.

Replying to someone on a forum doesn't equate to being bothered, am least bothered. Its sad that people have decided to voice their "opinion"/frustration, only after the execution of Kasab.
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An innocent man does not spend 23 years in jail if the case against him was so flimsy and confess to terrorism to another inmate who subsequently blows the whistle on him upon release.

That another inmate also confessed that sarbjeet converted to islam :lol:.

and one hour remand in police will make anybody to confess anything,understood?
I didnt ask in any of my posts to release him because:

1- Rehman malik doesnt have account in pdf
2- This forum has no authority over international relations, hence i dont need to waste my words over it.

Maybe other Indians might say differently, but this is me.:enjoy:

Bro, I never called you out I just quoted you since we were conversing. However the people who did do what I stated know who they are and they are high ranking members.

Replying to someone on a forum doesn't equate to being bothered, am least bothered. Its sad that people have decided to voice their "opinion"/frustration, only after the execution of Kasab.

Kasab is irrelevant to this topic, only you guys are trying to make some sort of correlation as if surabjeet is going to get executed exactly 24 hours after Kasab. If he is executed it can be days, months, or even years from now but whenever it is he will not be the only terrorist executed. That much is certain.
ah, so you are a political advisor to the Indian congress? - MMS needed to look "tough" on Pakistan, so he had to pull Kasab off many thousands of dead row list awaiting hanging -- fast trekking his hanging in secret. Sounds nothing more than an election stunt. Indians will rally behind the new "tough" MMS until new elections.

Nope. But im a fairly old resident of India who knows how political dealings and wheelings work. If it was meant for elections it would not have been done for atleast 1 year more.

And to let you know there were 5 reasons why it was done in a hurry and in such secrecy:
1. To prevent him from becoming a living symbol of those who wage war on India.
2. To prevent any kind of hostage crises to get him released - as has happened in the past.
3. To prevent any kind of terrorist attacks on prison particularly or India in general as a warning.
4. To prevent spurious filing of cases in SC to delay hanging after President rejected his plea.
5. To give a message that terrorists will not be dealt with leniently in India.

Out of this - hostage crises was considered the biggest threat. There is precedent of Pakistani/Afghani terrorists doing something like they have in the past. However it would have been harder for them now, Pakistan is no longer as blase about sponsoring terrorism as it used to be earlier - so Pakistani state support would be none or minimal.
Kasab is irrelevant to this topic, only you guys are trying to make some sort of correlation as if surabjeet is going to get executed exactly 24 hours after Kasab. If he is executed it can be days, months, or even years from now but whenever it is he will not be the only terrorist executed. That much is certain.

You seem to have skipped the OP. The "correlation" was made in the very first post and is the gist of this thread.

And yes lets hope your government/establishment grows a pair and executes the terrorist scum who are blowing your country into bits. I for one would love to see our part of world free from any kind of terrorism.
Imran Khan's party demands hanging of Sarabjit in retaliation for Kasab's execution

TNN | Nov 22, 2012, 05.33 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Following the quick and secret execution of terrorist Ajmal Kasab in Pune on Wednesday, former cricketer Imran Khan's party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has demanded the hanging of Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh in retaliation, reports Times Now. Sarabjit Singh has been convicted and sentenced to death on terrorism charges in Pakistan.

In a demonstration organized by the party in Multan, PTI leader Naeemullah Khan said, "India waited for less than a month after the final verdict by their judiciary and we are protecting the terrorists for the last eight years."

Blaming the Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, he said that the president was the biggest hurdle to execution of terrorists on death row in the country.Sarabjit Singh has been on death row for over two decades. India and Sarabjit's family maintains that he is innocent who happened to stray over the international border in an ebriated state and his was a case of mistaken identity.

When contacted, Sarabjit's sister Dalbir Kaur refused to comment. She said, "Mujhe darr laga hain yaa darr nahi lag raha main kuch bhi bolna nahi chahti hoon." (I would not like to say whether I am scared or not scared for my brother).On Imran Khan's party's stand, she said, "He is not in the government so there is no need for me to a react ... but, I'm thankful to (former interior minister) Rehman Malik."

After Kasab was hanged yesterday, former Supreme Court judge and Press Council of India chairman Markandey Katju wrote a letter to the prime minister and president of Pakistan appealing yet again for clemency for Sarabjit.Katju had argued Sarabjit's case vis-a-vis Kasab's and stressed how both the cases are different and why Sarabjit deserves a pardon.

"You must have heard that Ajmal Kasab has been hanged in India. I wish to respectfully point out to you that this case is totally different from that of Sarabjit Singh who has been on death row in Pakistan for 21 years. About Kasab, there is no doubt about his guilt as he was caught red handed. However, there is great doubt about the guilt of Sarabjit Singh. So, the two cases are not similar," Katju said in the letter.

Imran Khan's party demands hanging of Sarabjit in retaliation for Kasab's execution - The Times of India

The word spreads :D

Ajmal Kasab Hanged: Fate of Indian national Sarabjit Singh hangs in balance

22 November, 2012 | 17:30

The hanging of Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab, who was the lone survivor of militant group responsible for Mumbai attacks in 2008, may put in balance fate of Indian national Sarabjit Singh, undergoing detention in Pakistan prison.

New Delhi, Nov 22/National Turk: The execution of Kasab, five days before 4th anniversary of Mumbai attacks, has come as a big relief to Indian citizens but there is also a worry in a section of society that it may endanger live of Sarabjit Singh, who is undergoing imprisonment in Pakistan.Sarabjit was arrested for his alleged involvement in a string of bombings in Pakistani cities in 1990 and has been awarded death sentence by Pakistani court.

According to media reports, there is an apprehension that the fresh mercy petition of Sarabjit might be rejected by Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari amid calls from hawkish elements in the country to hang him.“Kasab’s hanging has certainly put a big question mark on whether Sarabjit Singh, an Indian death row prisoner in Pakistan, would be allowed to return home,” reports said.
However, government sources in Indian capital were hopeful that Pakistan would not link Kasab’s case with that of Sarabjit.
“We don’t know what is in store for Sarabjit. We have to wait and watch to see how Kasab’s hanging will get embroiled in domestic politics of Pakistan,’’ they said.India claims that Sarabjit is a victim of mistaken identity and be released. However, Pakistan courts have upheld his death sentence and his fate lies with Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari.

Faiz Ahmad / NationalTurk India News


This is what happens when you stick to lies instead of pleading guilty and asking for mercy. Pull the damn lever..
its good i hope more and more demonstrations for such indian terrorists too if we look at hanging then every terrorist is equal be its pakistani or indian terrorist
You seem to have skipped the OP. The "correlation" was made in the very first post and is the gist of this thread.

And yes lets hope your government/establishment grows a pair and executes the terrorist scum who are blowing your country into bits. I for one would love to see our part of world free from any kind of terrorism.

Kasab was never mentioned, what was mentioned was using this as a precedent on Pakistani terrorists because quite frankly they deserve death. Sarabjeet included.
Pakistani originality at it's best :lol:

India has gone nuclear...........Time to make our own nukes

India has got nuclear deal.............Time to get our own nuke deal.

India has got IPL...............Time to get our own League.

India has got SSBN................Time to get our own SSBN.

India has hanged Kasab..............Time to hang Sarabhjit? :D
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