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Tigray War and Humanitarian Crisis


Feb 25, 2021
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Eritrea Agrees to Withdraw Troops From Tigray, Ethiopia Says

The announcement comes amid mounting international condemnation of atrocities in Tigray, and days after an American presidential envoy visited Ethiopia’s prime minister.

NAIROBI, Kenya — After months of denial, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia admitted this week that Eritrean troops had been fighting in Tigray, the war-torn northern Ethiopian region where the brutal conflict between pro-government and local fighters has become a byword for atrocities against civilians.

On Friday, under mounting American and international pressure, Mr. Abiy went one step further and announced that the Eritrean soldiers had agreed to go home.

S- https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/26/world/africa/eritrea-troops-tigray-ethiopia.html?

US welcomes Eritrea's announced Ethiopia withdrawal
Looming withdrawal 'will be an important step in de-escalating the conflict, and restoring regional peace and stability'

The US on Monday cautiously welcomed Ethiopia's announcement that Eritrea would withdraw its forces from a conflict-hit border territory.

"The immediate and complete withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Tigray will be an important step in de-escalating the conflict, and restoring regional peace and stability," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters. "We hope both governments will make good on this commitment on the ground urgently."

S- https://www.aa.com.tr/en/americas/us-welcomes-eritreas-announced-ethiopia-withdrawal-/2191920

Eritrea has started withdrawing its troops from the northern restive Ethiopian region of Tigray, in accordance with an agreement reached by the two countries on 26 March, the Foreign Ministry of Ethiopia said in a statement.

S- https://sputniknews.com/africa/2021...eritrea-started-pulling-troops-out-of-tigray/

Ethiopia: Amidst hostilities in Tigray, humanitarian situation remains ‘dire’

Mr. Dujarric referenced the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in saying that an estimated 2.5 million people in rural Tigray have not had access to essential services over the last five months.

Moreover, the conflict continues to drive massive displacement across the region, with tens of thousands of people moving towards urban areas, including to Mekelle and Shire. 

“According to a recent assessment report, there could be as many as 450,000 people displaced in Shire”, he stated.

As UN humanitarian partners scale up the response, they are grappling with capacity and resource challenges, “which remains inadequate for the estimated 4.5 million people who need life-saving assistance”, said Mr. Dujarric.

S- https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/04/1089282

US To Provide Over $150Mln In Aid To Ethiopia's Tigray - State Dept

"Today, the United States government through USAID announced more than $152 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help the people affected by the crisis in Ethiopia's Tigray region," Price said.

Price said the assistance would provide life saving food, water, medical and health support, as well as shelter and protection to the people of the region.

"With this funding, the USAID Will provide more than 148,000 metric tones of urgently needed food assistance," he noted.

Fighting in Tigray broke out in November after the Ethiopian government accused the local ruling party � the Tigray People's Liberation Front � of attacking a regional military base to hijack weapons and arm the anti-government militia.

Since then, the conflict has pushed thousands of Ethiopian refugees to neighboring Sudan. International human rights groups have alleged possible crimes in Tigray, including those committed by Eritrean troops.

S- https://www.urdupoint.com/en/world/us-to-provide-over-150mln-in-aid-to-ethiopia-1218353.html

Timeline of the Tigray War
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