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Tibetans accept Chinese sovereity

Tibet deserves to be a free nation - just as it was before China invaded, illegally occupied it and forcibly annexed it. The fact that the Tibetans are still offering an olive branch to China, shows that they truly love Tibet and abhor violence.
I think u'd better ask ur Indian government do not admit the Tibet as the part of People's Republic of China. Indeed Indian government had admited Tibet belongs to PRC for dozens of years.
Shame on India :azn:

R there other countries including ur motherland has admited the Tibet as the part of PRC ?
Pls tell me, let me shame on them instead of ur guys who think Tibet as a free nation.
China's on the driver's seat and a closure can only benefit the nation.

However with that announcement the immolation will probably lessen or stop altogether.
Tibet deserves to be a free nation - just as it was before China invaded, illegally occupied it and forcibly annexed it. The fact that the Tibetans are still offering an olive branch to China, shows that they truly love Tibet and abhor violence.

Tibet is already free,
no more slave-owners,
no more maltreatment from Lamas (eyes digging, peeling, hands chopping...),
no more Siniora servants,
no more Caste system.
I think u'd better ask ur Indian government do not admit the Tibet as the part of People's Republic of China. Indeed Indian government had admited Tibet belongs to PRC for dozens of years.
Shame on India :azn:

R there other countries including ur motherland has admited the Tibet as the part of PRC ?
Pls tell me, let me shame on them instead of ur guys who think Tibet as a free nation.

LOL - you do realize I don't have to toe the line of my Government. In fact, I am opposed to most of the things my Government does. But I do enjoy that right. It is a shame you don't.

I think the most important thing for u is to take care of your mother, sisters, daughters! haha!
india is dangerous for them ~

Thanks for the unsolicited advice. Since we on back slapping terms now - I also advice you to join your Tibetan brothers in India and seek refuge here so that you can be truly free.
I wonder if PRC had not liberated and reintegrated Tibet into China,
if they would compete with the high capital of public rape, public defecating and public and cultural endorsed human rights violation over their reputation instead. Or as some call it "enjoying the freedom of democrazy".

Don't deal with terrorists. Don't deal with this Lama. He acts like a tame fox now, but once in, he will try to grab for more power, restart the separatism movement again and instigate conflict and mistrust.
LOL - you do realize I don't have to toe the line of my Government. In fact, I am opposed to most of the things my Government does. But I do enjoy that right. It is a shame you don't.

we knew you always oppose to most thing your government does new delhi is called rape capital for a reason:cheesy:
WASHINGTON--The leader of Tibet's exiled government said Wednesday he would accept the Chinese Communist Party's rule in the territory, assuring Beijing it faced no threat to its sovereignty if it eases its grip.

Lobsang Sangay, who was elected in 2011 to a new position of prime minister in exile after the Dalai Lama gave up political duties, appealed to China for new talks on the grievances that have triggered a wave of self-immolations.On a visit to Washington, Sangay said that the exiled government based in Dharamshala, India, was “not challenging China's sovereignty or territorial integrity” through its repeated calls for greater autonomy.

“What we seek is genuine autonomy as per the framework of the Chinese constitution. In short, if the Chinese government implements their own law, we would take that as genuine autonomy,” he said at the Council on Foreign Relations think tank.“That, we think, is a moderate, reasonable solution which is a win-win proposition both for the Chinese government and the Tibetan people.”


Lobsang Sangay with the Dalai Lama at his swearing-in ceremony as leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Photograph: Tsering Topgyal/AP August 2011

China's constitution grants Tibet autonomy.

Sangay expressed hope that Tibetans would assume decision-making positions in the region — notably party secretary — and said he did not oppose the control of China's ruling Communists.

“We don't challenge, or ask for, an overthrow of the Communist Party. We don't question or challenge the present structure of the ruling party,” he said.

Exiled Tibetan prime minister says he's 'not challenging' China - The China Post

If Dalai Lama accepts sovereignty of Chinese over Tibet then why don't he goes back to Tibet and spend rest of his life there?

Why is he and his "followers" have pitched permanent tents in India?

Why Tibetians are burning themselves and so much hulla boo?
If Dalai Lama accepts sovereignty of Chinese over Tibet then why don't he goes back to Tibet and spend rest of his life there?

Why is he and his "followers" have pitched permanent tents in India?

Why Tibetians are burning themselves and so much hulla boo?

He can't. Because his proposal, it's not just that and mainland China government disagree with all his proposal.

He also demanding China to make Tibet territory province much bigger, including big part of Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai. Forbid Han Chinese and anyone to enter Tibet, except Westerners. Established democracy government with strong tie with US. No China military present in Tibet land.

The self-immolation tactic idea, is probably came and enforced by CIA by encouraging young Tibetan monks to do so.

Exiled Tibetan is pretty fanatics and ignorant. China allowing cross border, and this is used by exile Tibetan CIA agents to spread false information and unrest in Tibet. Many of young Tibetan fall into this, some even believing that Dharmasala is an ultra modern small city with very high living standard and many things are free.
He can't. Because his proposal, it's not just that and mainland China government disagree with all his proposal.

He also demanding China to make Tibet territory province much bigger, including big part of Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai. Forbid Han Chinese and anyone to enter Tibet, except Westerners. Established democracy government with strong tie with US. No China military present in Tibet land.

This is a FUNNY demand and overall he simply wants to oppose China's sovereignty.:azn:
This is a FUNNY demand and overall he simply wants to oppose China's sovereignty.:azn:

It's true that Exiled Tibetan demands, reported in the Western mainstream media, is not complete than the actual in the Exiled Tibetan-Chinese meeting.

Well, Western mainstream media didn't violate the journalist ethics and law, they just use the hole in the law by not saying the whole story, but it created different impression by the readers. They don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story.

I think Western media use the same tactics in many situation around the world, to make impression that they and the faction they supported are always right, and others are wrong. The reality, things are far more complicated than that.
What is the definition of genuine autonomy?

They want to have the right of raising their feudal armed forces as per before 1959, so they can riot more violently and then get another Nobel Peace Prize? Or they want the right of recovering serfdom system and legally become slave owner again?

Tibetans already enjoy a genuine autonomy: they have faster economic development than India and they can have as many offspring as they want, unlike racial-suicidal Hans who suffer the restriction of right to give birth.

Secularism and racial mixing is the ultimate savior of the Chinese people! Stop preferential policies for ethnic minorities! Those policies produce too many traitors like Dalai Lama and Rabiya Kadder and her 11 children :taz:. :hitwall:
we knew you always oppose to most thing your government does new delhi is called rape capital for a reason:cheesy:

Perhaps in China rape is considered a laughing matter - here it is considered a serious crime. No wonder you are joking about - must be a cultural thing.
Perhaps in China rape is considered a laughing matter - here it is considered a serious crime. No wonder you are joking about - must be a cultural thing.

We Chinese are not free like you Indians because we will be shot if we rape someone. We also dont have the freedom to starve and have our very own Chinese caste system.
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