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Threat to Modi


Jan 11, 2011
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Threat to Modi

Yasin Bhatkal surprised his interrogators late last August when he named all the top 10 on his hit list: Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi…. There was no other name. The captured Indian Mujahideen (IM) co- founder appeared remorseless, defiant— and brutally blunt even for a man who’d plant bombs in a mosque because he hated foreign women in short skirts entering it. Bhatkal, who was on the run for eight years and was arrested in Nepal last year, is the key suspect in the case of Pune’s German Bakery attack in February 2010 that killed 17 people. Investigators had identified Bhatkal through CCTV footage from the bakery. “We would do anything to get Modi, at whatever cost,” he told a police officer in Bihar, a state that has emerged as a recruitment ground for jihadists. It was to Bihar that Bhatkal, mastermind of several bomb blasts across India, was first brought from Nepal—where he was living in disguise as an Ayurvedic practitioner, lying low while quietly making plans for his next strike.

Bhatkal’s disclosures should have put the Centre and Nitish Kumar’s government in Bihar on their toes, but they didn’t. Within months, the IM struck again, this time at a Modi rally in Patna, killing eight people and injuring scores of others. A young captured IM terrorist told his interrogators that it was his life’s calling to be a ‘martyr’—and that he and his team had done an extensive recce of various cities in the country where the BJP leader would address rallies, including Kanpur and Allahabad, to chalk out an audacious attempt on his life. If the IM had succeeded in this operation, communal harmony in India would have suffered a heavy blow.

The Central Government was finally shaken out of its slumber, and since the Patna blasts—which kicked up a melee of finger-pointing and counter-accusations— the State’s security cover for Modi, Gujarat’s Chief Minister and the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate, has been tightened significantly. But the extent of the threat to his life is much more worrisome than is perceived, suggest intelligence inputs that Open has gained access to.

Central security agencies acknowledge that for Islamist forces, Modi is India’s No 1 target. ‘He faces a high degree of threat not just from IM but also from Pakistani groups that routinely collaborate with Indian operatives such as Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Harkat ul Mujahideen, Harkat ul Jihad Islami, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Hizbul Mujahideen,’ says a government document.

The official assessment is backed by intelligence inputs that point to numerous plots to target Modi. These are some of the leads available with India’s agencies:

» Officials of Pakistan’s external intelligence agency, the ISI, held a meeting with Indian Sikh radicals residing at House No G 541, DHA, Phase 5, Lahore, on 26 October 2013, where ISI operatives motivated Sikh extremists, including Lakhbir Singh Rode and Jagtar Singh Tara, to assist in transporting explosives to India to create disturbances at Modi rallies.

» At an indoor meeting of the banned SIMI in Nepal, held at the office of the Islamic Sangh, Birat Nagar, Nepal, speakers said the need of the hour was to find faithfuls who were ready to “neutralise” Modi.

» A D-Company operative, Munna Jhingra, who is currently incarcerated in Thailand on drug charges, has told an associate in Pakistan that he would eliminate Modi upon his release from jail.

» Maulana Masood Azhar of the Jaish-e- Mohammed told his acolytes that Modi would be killed if he becomes India’s Prime Minister.

» IM leaders operating from Karachi are likely to depute trained cadres that would enter India to carry out fidayeen attacks on Modi.

» Pakistan-based IM terrorists are planning a terror strike in a prominent Indian city that Modi is likely to visit—such as Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad or Surat.

» Zia ur Rehman alias Waqas, an IM operative picked up from Dhaka, has disclosed in his interrogation that Bhatkal and Asadullah Akhtar—both now in police custody—had discussed strikes on Modi.

Robert Spencer, founder of the blog Jihad Watch, tells Open that he has in his possession enough evidence to suggest that the jihadist threat to Indian nationalist leaders is “very big”. “They will do anything to kill them,” he says. Spencer has tracked jihadist movements across the world.

Bhatkal’s interrogation could have been used to extract more details of IM activities across the country. But it seems political apathy got in the way.

The IM leader’s arrest was supposed to be the biggest victory of the past couple of decades for Indian security agencies. Working with intelligence assets created in Nepal, by early August 2013, IB officials had traced Bhatkal’s exact location in Pokhara. However, to cross over, nab him and get him to Bihar, they needed around Rs 2 lakh. Time was crucial, and rather than going through the rigmarole of getting financial clearances from the IB headquarters, the sleuths informally arranged the money with the help of a police official posted at Raxaul.

Five days later, the IB team and Motihari’s Superintendent of Police drove back with Bhatkal, hoping to get as much information as possible out of him over the next 24 hours on IM operations and targets.
The initial questioning soon after his arrest would have given his interrogators a tactical advantage, as a terror accused is psychologically most vulnerable in this period. Lack of judicial scrutiny tends to spook the most hardened of criminals, and they usually yield leads at the slightest exertion of psychological pressure. But this is where things went horribly wrong. As the Bihar police— under the instructions of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar—refused to arrest Bhatkal, the IB sleuths were forced to bring in the National Investigation Agency (the IB has no power to arrest anyone). Unfortunately, a senior NIA officer, unable to keep the catch secret, tipped off the media. Though the officer was shifted out of the NIA later, enough damage had already been done: Bhatkal had to be produced rightaway before a magistrate after the news of his arrest appeared on TV. Once his questioning began under court scrutiny, Bhatkal became more confident and less cooperative. The interrogators were now met with carefully crafted responses like, “I am not feeling up to it” or “I have to offer namaaz” every time they began asking him questions.

But the Patna blasts at Modi’s rally on 27 October 2013 prompted the Centre to do a rethink. A panicky UPA Government issued an order to throw a ring of security around Modi on par with that of someone shielded by the Special Protection Group, which covers prime ministers and other top leaders.

All of Modi’s recent public meetings have seen a strict observance of ASL— short for ‘Advance Security liaison’—protocols (see graphic), a drill that is undertaken during visits of India’s President, Prime Minister and Congress President Sonia Gandhi. The order demanded that Modi be treated as an ASL protectee all over the country.


The significance of the IM threat came to light after the interrogation of David Coleman Headley, the man who scouted for targets of a jihadist attack on Mumbai that took place on 26 November 2008. He was the first to reveal to his US interrogators details of the so-called Karachi Project—a plot scripted by the ISI, involving retired and serving officers of the Pakistan army, to launch terror attacks on India through the use of Lashkar collaborators. Among the aims of this sinister plan, Indian cities were to be subjected to a series of terror attacks designed and directed by ISI-appointed handlers in Karachi but executed by IM operatives and passed off as cases of ‘homegrown terror’.

The probe of the Patna blasts has revealed how influential the IM is in Bihar. Tehsin Akhtar alias Monu, a leading member of the group’s Darbhanga module who is thought to have masterminded those blasts, had set up a network that stretched from Darbhanga, Madhubani, Sitamarhi and Samastipur in the state’s north to Aurangabad and Gaya in central Bihar. Monu, according to intelligence sources, was also behind the serial bomb blasts on the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in July, an act of terror scripted in retaliation to the alleged killings of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

During their interrogation, members of the Patna attack module told the police that Tehsin Akhtar had instigated the group to carry out serial blasts. Said one, named Imtiaz: “Hamaara uddeshya thha ki aatank phaile aur bhaag daud mein kaafi sankhya mein mahilayein aur bachche marein” (Our objective was to spread terror so that women and children get killed in heavy numbers in the resultant stampede). According to Imtiaz, the stampede plan was Akhtar’s, who was present at Gandhi Maidan to supervise the bombers as they ringed the rally ground with explosives. “Muzaffarnagar mein bahut Muslim maare gaye hain, aur tum sirf namaaz hi padhte raho (Many Muslims got killed in Muzaffarnagar and all you do is to pray),” Tehsin exhorted his associates, according to one of those who planted the explosives.


Ignoring intelligence inputs has been a curse in India right from the time of Mahatma Gandhi to that of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. A retired police officer, who has served eight prime ministers as an SPG hand, tells Open of an incident that speaks of the callous approach to security that enabled the killing of Rajiv Gandhi by LTTE assassins.

Three days before the former PM’s assassination, the officer was on his way to Balia, hometown of the then Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar. When he reached platform No 2 of Patna Railway Station, he saw a slogan-shouting crowd surge ahead and about on Platform No 1, shunting aside everything in its way. Youthful Congress supporters and others were milling around, with arms and legs flailing and bodies bobbing to the crackle of slogans. There was palpable excitement in the air, as if it were a defining moment in India’s political history.

And then he saw Rajiv Gandhi being bumped from shoulder to excited shoulder. By force of habit, the former SPG officer’s instant thought—indeed worry— was of Gandhi’s security. Any one of the hundreds of hands in that mob reaching out to touch, shake his hand, or garland him could blow him to bits, he realised with a disconcerting sense of apprehension.

Three days later, after hours of hectic official engagements with the then Prime Minister, the former SPG official had barely retired to rest in Balia, at the PM’s house, when constables came banging on the door. There was shocking news. “Sir, the Congress president has been assassinated at Sriperambudur.” The apprehension had turned to reality.

“It was his extreme proximity to the public that made his security threat perception the most sensitive among many PMs,” says the former SPG official. Interestingly enough, speaking to a New York Times reporter on his way to his rally venue at Sriperambudur, Rajiv Gandhi had expanded on this, asserting that it was imperative for him to personally ask voters across India to return the Congress to power, even if it meant approaching people and interacting with them as if it were a local election. “I used to campaign like this before I became PM, now that I am no longer one, I’m going back to that,” the reporter later recalled him as saying. ‘They decked him in flowers. Minutes later, he was dead,’ wrote Barbara Crosette of The New York Times in her eyewitness account of Rajiv Gandhi’s murder at that rally on 21 May 1991, after the first phase of polling in that year’s General Election was over.

When Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister before his party lost power in the General Election of 1989, the SPG official was part of a special crack team of security personnel especially trained for the PM’s security. Then a junior officer, he had had several opportunities to interact directly with the PM.

As PM, Gandhi had participated actively in shaping this new expert security crew. Among his directives, he wanted their attire kept sober and uniform from its director down to every constable; this would signal an operational structure free of any rigid hierarchy that might hamper the flow of information from the ground to senior officers and vice-versa. Gandhi was also keen that the special agents in his security detail appear ordinary so as not to deter ordinary folk from getting close. In consonance with that, he also decided that the SPG would be armed only discreetly—unlike the Black Cat Commandos who would be seen wielding firearms in public to keep people at bay.

It was VP Singh—after assuming power in 1989 at the head of the National Front Government—who made 7 Race Course Road the PM’s official residence, where the SPG pitched an elaborate security camp. Singh, the SPG official recalls, had particularly strained relations with his protectors, even ascribing conspiratorial political motives to their heavy presence on the premises. It was also he who ordered that Gandhi be stripped of his SPG cover just two months after he stepped down as PM.

Keeping VIPs safe is a matter of utmost importance in any democracy. In a letter against the official probe of security lapses surrounding Rajiv Gandhi’s assasination, B Raman, a former additional director in the Cabinet Secretariat, had observed: ‘General Charles de Gaulle used to disregard the advice of his security officers. John F Kennedy went to Dallas in Texas despite intelligence reports of likely disruption of his visit by conservative and racist elements. French President Giscard d’Estaing was in the habit of driving at breakneck speed and was once involved in a serious collision with a milk van when he went out at night without informing the security. Indira Gandhi was disinclined to wear a bullet-proof vest. Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was killed in 1987, and his wife were in the habit of going for after-dinner walks without informing their security. When mishaps occur, the security bureaucracy cannot absolve itself of responsibility by claiming that the VIP invited trouble by not observing precautions. The bureaucracy is expected to protect him despite the VIP’s propensity for non-observance of precautions.’


Many international experts on terror believe it is only a matter of time that Modi becomes a target of trans-national Islamists operating in the Middle East, especially since they thrive on the spectacle such an attack would be. Says renowned author and military historian Edward Luttwak: “In the case of India, jihadists are both an organic expression of the Islamic legal doctrine that no Darr-ul Islam territory can ever be alienated to non-Muslim rule (regardless of the proportion of its non-Muslim population)—a doctrine promulgated by the Uttar Pradesh-based, tax-exempt Darul Uloom Deoband—and jihad is also an instrument of the Pakistani state; the former provides numbers, the latter specialised training.”He adds, “Both together mean that for India, jihadists are a strategic threat.” This means, he argues, that Modi is not only vulnerable to assassination but also to a temporary conquest of his political space by 26/11-style attackers.

Those tasked with safeguarding Modi agree that it is a challenge, but say they are leaving nothing to chance. According to a senior security official posted in Gandhinagar, the point is to make sure nothing is let slip even for a fraction of a moment. “Remember the statement issued by the Irish Republican Army on the attempt to kill Margaret Thatcher in 1984 at the Brighton Hotel?” he says, “The statement ended like this, ‘…You have to be lucky all the time. We have to be lucky only once’.”

That, he says, is the brutal truth.

Threat to Modi | OPEN Magazine
Forget killed. If Modi is so much as hurt - there will be a storm India has never seen before. Like it or not that is the truth.

Besides, Islamic terrorists are just one of his many enemies. He has many other - including far left groups.
Forget killed. If Modi is so much as hurt - there will be a storm India has never seen before. Like it or not that is the truth.

Besides, Islamic terrorists are just one of his many enemies. He has many other - including far left groups.

That is a fact. Whether anyone of likes it or not if modi wins the electins, he will be the choice of the Indian people. If the likes of hafiz saeed decide to attack him, retaliation will be massive, not only the terrorists but any supporting agencies like ISI or the even state of Pakistan will be made to pay a very very very heavy price. I hope better sense prevails all around, terrorism is not a solution to anything.

Filthy niggers such as Modi who hanker after U.S. visas want the pleasure of drinking water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets as do hundreds of thousands of Gujaratis running brothels (called motels but renting rooms by the hour for sex) and I.I.T. graduates -- I am one ( PsychotherapyDOTeBoardDOTcom ) -- given 1.3 crore packages before graduation by American companies so they can work for this most ferocious of India’s enemies with a mentality as filthy as the water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets they will be drinking. I have shown that both M. K. Gandhi and Nehru were sponsored by British intelligence. Kejriwal is sponsored by CIA-RAW because, like me, he is from I.I.T. Kharagpur but his fasts were not the CIA-enforced starvation up to 3 weeks at a time I have suffered, unlike me he has been promoted, not suppressed, in the media by CIA-RAW and, via electronic voting machines controlled by the CIA by microwave signals from satellites, he can even be made prime minister by CIA-RAW (added on Dec 11 ‘13: CIA-RAW showed its minute-by-minute management of Kejriwal by first sending him to meditate for 2 days after the voting because of my references to filthy mentality, above, and meditation then stopping the 19-minute recording of his interview with NDTV in the middle -- which it knew I was watching -- and adding a 3 minute segment at the end having him say he had gone away for 2 days because he was not feeling well, when it saw that sending him for meditation did not cut any ice with me and having his mother do an interview with NDTV pretending it was done while he was still away several days before it was broadcast with her saying he had gone away because he was not feeling well; this falsification of the time of the interview that can easily be established was a fraud in service of a larger crime -- CIA-RAW’s management of Kejriwal -- and can be used to put away and hang Kejriwal, NDTV, RAW and a lot of others for treason; after that the CIA had him included in a list of the world‘s greatest thinkers by Foreign Policy magazine though corruption and bribery are way down in the list of India‘s problems the biggest of which is CIA rule over India and its suppression of the greatest Indian of all time capable of making India the supreme military and economic power in the world immediately; also, after I wrote the above about Kejriwal, a flood of stories in the media said that Nandan Nilekani -- also from an I.I.T. -- who, despite being worth well over a billion dollars from working for the Americans has become chairman of India‘s Unique Identification Card -- Aadhar card -- program which has entered into a contract with MongoDB which is part-funded by the CIA “to identify, adapt and deliver innovative technology solutions to support the missions of CIA and the broader US intelligence community” including “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate” -- Economic Times, Dec 3 ‘13 -- to bring India’s population under comprehensive American control as do numerous programs under the guise of homeland security etc. for which the U.S. National Security Agency chief recently spent about a week in India with a team of 17 -- what was he doing with a team of 17 for almost a week in India? -- will be the Congress party‘s prime ministerial candidate, nominated by the CIA which will be happy if any of its nominees -- Modi, Kejriwal or Nilekani -- becomes prime minister and, as is shown in the comments of the CIA Director and K. Subrahmanyam to me, which can be found at HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom, the entire Indian government is simply a front for the CIA), though when I ran for Parliament from East Delhi in 1996, RAW changed the Returning Officer in mid-stream and instructed the civil servants who did the counting to register exactly one vote for me from each polling booth; when I mentioned this falsification of vote counts, Vajpayee had the BJP candidate, B. L. Sharma “Prem“, who won, resign his Lok Sabha seat but when Vajpayee became prime minister, Advani as Home Minister was sent to CIA headquarters -- or face prosecution for the Babri Masjid demolition which he undertook at Vajpayee’s suggestion who suggested it to Advani at the CIA’s suggestion -- and the Home Ministry and Intelligence Bureau began to participate, in addition to RAW, in the CIA’s crimes against me with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance for the past 37 years. No one is allowed to be in public life in India unless sponsored by CIA-RAW. The Nehru family, Modi, Kejriwal -- all deserve death though they may not all be killed in the nuclear destruction of RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block. The fecal bacteria from flush toilets in their drinking water form the essence of Americans. Avoid contact with Americans as you would with faeces. Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria.
(Added on Dec 15 ‘13 : After what I wrote above about Nandan Nilekani, his candidacy for prime minister became untenable and CIA-RAW -- see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom -- decided to revive the candidacy of the Italian woman’s son by giving him credit for the Lok Pal bill for which it ordered Anna Hazare to support the government’s Lok Pak bill; as I have said, Hazare’s agitation was sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India ‘Gandhian’ and so poor, weak and enslaved. If the Aam Admi Party were smart, they will see that CIA rule over India is an incomparably bigger problem than bribery and destroy the Congress and the BJP by publicizing their participation in the CIA’s crimes against me and against India. But, as I have said, India’s nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra; he does not need India’s conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India).
(NOV 27 ‘13) I have repeatedly emphasized the ability of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to make any digital system -- including all defence equipment from aircraft to submarines and missiles to nuclear power plants and anything else you can think of -- do whatever it wants with microwave signals from satellites, such as blowing up an Indian submarine recently and making about a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft crash (IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom). Two days ago I was filling out a form at a website and I got a screen saying you need to update your Adobe reader to view the document but the CIA, via NSA satellites, wouldn’t let me update the Adobe reader. I went to a commercial place that rents computers and got the same message though their computers already had the latest version of the Adobe reader. As soon as the owner of the place came to see why it was doing that, the CIA removed the problem without his doing anything. Then, after mailing the filled out form, as I tried to track it, I kept getting ‘There is no record of it in our system’, both on the telephone and on the Canada Post website, even two days after mailing it, though the tracking history, beginning with the acceptance of the item at the post office, is supposed to appear within minutes of the item being accepted at the post office. As I prepared to take it up with Canada Post, the CIA stopped making the item disappear and the tracking history, starting from acceptance of the item at the post office with date and time, appeared. These are tiny examples of what the CIA can do. Having India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York and not exploding them, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is absolutely suicidal. The CIA’s Indian proxies -- RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block -- have to be destroyed along with Washington and New York: filthy niggers of the Indian government such as the defence minister who chastised the Indian Navy recently for making the submarine blow up by not following due procedures -- not because he knew of any violation of procedure but simply to deny sabotage by the United States and justify holding anti-submarine warfare exercises with the U.S. (paragraph dated Nov 7 ’13 below) -- the finance minister who keeps giving away ownership and control of India to Americans though India has an unlimited amount of investment capital simply by printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes -- which is what the Americans have been doing following my proposal about money-- and the innumerable riots, partition of the country and all around misery, including participation in the CIA’s crimes against me -- Kapil Sibal literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against me -- that the Intelligence Bureau/RAW and the rest of the Indian government is guilty of. No amount of time and effort spent on any weapon system or anything else will do India any good unless the only effective weapon India has against the United States -- exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation -- is used first.
(NOV 21 ‘13) A Jew, the first and only psychologist to be given a Nobel Prize in Economics -- about which I wrote (‘ How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More’ : How IndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom) "When an American psychologist was given the Nobel Prize in Economics a couple of years ago, I pointed out that his work had not the millionth part of the significance my work has for Economics. ... " -- was given the United States’ highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, yesterday as was Bill Clinton about whom I wrote (HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom): “the firangis gave the Nobel prize in Economics to the mediocre Indian named Amartya Sen as a substitute for the Nobel prize for me since they would not let their crimes against me, committed in collaboration with India’s RAW and India’s prime ministers, be exposed. When Clinton, as president, held a White House conference on the “New Economy”, the “New Economy” was the economy that my proposal about money leads to; of all the dozens of Nobel prize winners in Economics, he invited Amartya Sen to the conference -- though Sen had absolutely nothing to do with the “New Economy” -- because he is their mediocre Indian substitute for the greatest Indian of all time they have been committing crimes against. When Amartya Sen was given the Nobel prize, Vajpayee left New Delhi for several days to avoid meeting him, because he knew Sen was the firangis’ dummy substitute to cover their crimes against me, but RAW kept Sen waiting in New Delhi several days till Vajpayee yielded and gave him all the honours CIA-RAW wanted him to receive as a substitute for me”. Obama, who gave the award to the Jew and Clinton, has continued to apply my proposal about money, like Clinton and George W. Bush, to the U.S. economy (see IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom) : “It is noteworthy that both the United States government and the Indian government had proceeded to implement my proposal about money, as I have described in letters dated August 1, 2001, September 6, 2001 and April 13, 2001 (also letters about stock market manipulation by the U.S. Treasury Department by pumping money into the stock market; Bush made a trip through an underground tunnel from the White House to the Treasury Department to see the set up created for such manipulation) that appeared in the American online newspaper thecurrentonline; they can be found at SatishChandraInTheCurrentonlineDOTblogspotDOTcom . The Vajpayee government set up a separate Cabinet Committee on Economic Strategy for the purpose of stealing my proposal about money. When I pointed out that they were trying to STEAL my proposal about money, they stopped implementing it. The U.S. Federal Reserve has been buying more than a trillion dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds every year -- another way of applying my proposal about money. The DMK government in Tamil Nadu was having Indian currency printed in China with the connivance of the head of the Reserve Bank of India, given to A. Raja as bribes and used to give freebies to the people of Tamil Nadu -- its way of applying my proposal about money since the Central government would not apply it to India as a whole”. Rather, the Indian government is letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money.
So long as I keep writing, CIA-RAW can manage things because it controls the media, government, all political parties and the general public. What it cannot manage is the explosion of emplaced nuclear warheads in Washington and New York. Fearing that India’s nuclear forces were about to explode the emplaced nuclear warheads, CIA-RAW allowed the expose of Modi’s surveillance of a woman to get into the media since I have said that Modi is CIA-sponsored. But after I wrote the paragraph dated Nov 20 ‘13 below, RAW had the staff of Tehelka -- a RAW-sponsored organ whose first sting operation was on George Fernandes, with whom I had once spoken over the phone, to ensure that he never utters a word about the 24-hour satellite surveillance and harassment against me for the past 36 years -- stage a sexual harassment scenario which has completely eclipsed Modi’s surveillance of the woman in the media. But I could write till hell freezes over and it will not make the slightest difference to CIA-RAW’s absolute, total control of India. Only exploding the nuclear warheads to destroy Washington, New York and RAW will end CIA rule over India.
(NOV 20 ‘13) The headlines scream “Open Defecation” by the majority of Indians on World Toilet Day. Going to the fields is the most environmentally friendly way to defecate. Lake Ontario which supplies Toronto’s drinking water is heavily polluted from fecal bacteria from flush toilets whose health effects are ignored. Cleanliness procedures of Indians from Yoga to daily life -- Indians expressed shock that the University of Chicago president’s wife put a spoon which she had just put in her mouth to taste a dish she was preparing back in the pot to stir it and I replied “That’s why they are called dirty Jews” -- are the most stringent in the world. The environmental and health effects -- from water requirements to pollution of water bodies -- of flush toilets on India will be devastating. Without first establishing dominance via emplaced nuclear warheads (below), snatching entire continents from the white man after killing the existing population, India cannot be dominant in health and sanitation.
(NOV 12 ‘13) Regarding the 4 earthquakes in 3 hours in New Delhi : the nuclear explosions that will destroy RAW Headquarters and South Block & North Block will also cause earthquakes. No one is saying that like the visit of the evil Pope and super cyclones in Orissa (below), these earthquakes are related to the evil in New Delhi (below). But the earthquakes caused by the nuclear explosions definitely will be due to the evil in New Delhi.
(NOV 8 ‘13) I have been posting comments on the Cartoons Against Corruption web site (www.cartoonsagainstcorruptionDOTblogspotDOTcom ) for months. Usually lots of other people also posted comments there but for about a year or so there were no comments other than mine. I suspected that my browser was being redirected by CIA-RAW to a dummy website as they do when I try to post at many other websites. Today I went to a commercial place where you can rent computers and tried to log on to Cartoons Against Corruption. Sure enough, none of my recent comments were there and there were hundreds of comments from other people. My most recent comment on this -- real rather than dummy -- website was dated March 22, 2013 and the most recent comments from other people were from September, 2012. On coming home, I tried to log on to this web site from my own computer and this time I reached the real, rather than dummy, web site. After I wrote this comment, found that my browser is again being redirected to the dummy web site. Since RAW is redirecting traffic away from his web site, the owner of the web site, who has criminal charges against him for the contents of his web site, has the right to sue RAW for violation of his civil rights and file a criminal complaint as well. RAW’s behavior is unconstitutional and RAW has been doing this with the full support of all Indian governments since 1977 and so all Indian governments -- in all their branches, legislative, executive and judiciary -- since 1977 have been unconstitutional.
(NOV 7 ‘13) Neither Agni I, nor Agni II or Agni III or Agni IV or Agni V make India dominant over the United States; only exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, with a warning that warheads emplaced in additional U.S. cities will be exploded if there is any retaliation, does. These emplaced warheads are India’s super-weapon to establish dominance over the enemy. Missiles will be useful after dominance has been established, to totally destroy and rub this enemy into the dirt. The enemy’s proxy which is the Indian government also has to be destroyed. After blowing up an Indian submarine, the United States right now is conducting anti-submarine warfare exercises with India, rendering the rest of India’s submarines useless and subverting the Indian navy’s officers and men -- the service chiefs and senior officers are already subverted. The new governor of the Reserve Bank who works for the CIA is bringing American banks, letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money. The head of ISRO who congratulated his staff for the successful development of GSLV before a test because he knew it had been sabotaged is expressing hope that the success of the mission to Mars will prompt the United States to take control of ISRO which is what he means by other countries becoming more interested in collaborative missions with India. In every sphere of life India’s government is rushing India into slavery to the United States. Taking control of India away from proxies of the CIA by the simultaneous destruction of Washington, New York and RAW, South Block, North Block is necessary to destroy the enemy United States.
(NOV 6 ‘13) Any evacuation of New Delhi/ Delhi will eliminate surprise and prompt the United States and its Indian proxies to do everything possible to avoid being destroyed. I have shown ( in NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that everyone in New Delhi / Delhi is a collaborator with the enemy and wrote that ideally the entire population of New Delhi / Delhi should be killed; in fact there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. One of the warheads should be targeted at RAW headquarters and one at South Block and North Block on Raisina Hill.

(OCT 29 ‘13) People are aghast that Modi went ahead with his Patna rally after half a dozen bombs had already exploded at the venue and several had been killed. Others are aghast that the Home Minister went to a Bollywood music function hours after the explosions and deaths in Patna. No one is aghast that life goes on as usual in New Delhi despite the impending simultaneous nuclear destruction of Washington, New York and RAW; there is no evacuation of New Delhi / Delhi.
(Oct 19 ‘13) I said “All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities”. It is to try to counter the effect of what I said that Manmohan Singh is going to Moscow and Beijing tomorrow. But what he says does not matter, only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. It was because of what I said that Saudi Arabia rejected membership of the UN Security Council a day after being elected to it. Saudi Arabia, like India, has suffered several stampedes at religious gatherings instigated through proxies of the CIA one of which killed almost 1,500 people.

(Oct 15 ‘13) The rumor that a bridge to a temple they were standing on was collapsing that caused the stampede in Madhya Pradesh killing over a hundred was spread by RAW (see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom ) in response to the following comment of mine and in support of the Italian woman so the Italian woman could express “condolences” over the stupid behavior of the inferior Indian niggers. Just as all terrorism in India is instigated by the CIA via proxies in the subcontinent including India’s RAW, all temple stampedes in India are instigated by RAW as a part of psychological warfare against India on behalf of the white countries. I have described RAW arranging for practitioners of an Indian spiritual discipline, whose understanding of gravity and inertia I called superior to that of Albert Einstein, to be physically attacked and driven away in Noida and Madhya Pradesh on the C.I.A.'s orders because of my comment. CIA-RAW’s war against India in the field of science is monumental and remains thoroughly covered up by Indian as well as foreign governments and media. All poverty and economic deprivation in India is a consequence of first the British and now the CIA’s war against India. All forms of warfare against India is waged with the help of their Indian proxies. Just as what is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc., does not change the basic fact that India is now the sole superpower, even if the stampede was due to the stupidity of Indians -- I have said in my press releases that India’s population is a mountain of S-H-I-T -- it does not change this basic fact, described below, that India is now the sole superpower:-
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All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities. What is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc. does not change this basic fact. Nothing that your puppy dog/ fleck of filth Manmohan Singh says either to the Negro in the White House or in the General Assembly on nuclear, military or economic issues or anything else matters; only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom
All the evil in India comes from the United States where the equivalent of a Pope was psychologist B. F. Skinner whose school of psychology a paper I published destroyed -- ‘B. F. Skinner’s Monumental Crime’ : BFSkinnersMonumentalCrimeDOTblogspotDOTcom . But he lives on in the form of the CIA which continues to this day to wage war against India and myself with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance -- see ‘Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.’ : NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and the CIA is simply the essence of the United States and its population.
Satish Chandra
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(Oct 1 ‘13) CIA-RAW have deleted the following comments wherever I have posted them, including my own Facebook page, Cartoons Against Corruption and hundreds of news websites via Facebook saying it violates our community standards -- it is CIA-RAW that has deleted them, not Facebook and is preventing me from logging on to Facebook or posting them using any other commenting tool :-
-------- Start of comment # 1 -----------
I have said that India’s nuclear forces should simultaneously destroy Washington, New York and RAW (that is, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block), with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. The warheads should be triggered on a working day in Washington and New York during working hours -- 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time -- in Washington and New York. Nine AM in Washington and New York will be a little past office hours in New Delhi but that is fine. The United States government is shut down starting Oct 1 ’13 and government offices will be mostly empty but it cannot remain shut very long and triggering the warheads even during the shut down is not ruled out.
An article titled “The general and his stink bombs” in The Hindu of September 30 ‘13 says what I have been saying for many years; it says “After independence, the IB continued to maintain close links with its former parental organisation, the MI5. Recently released MI5 documents show that the first director of the IB, T.G. Sanjevi Pillai, cooperated with British officials in keeping a tab on the Indian high commissioner to London, V.K. Krishna Menon — a man they deeply distrusted for his alleged communist leanings. Examples can easily be multiplied”. But this does not capture a millionth part of what the Intelligence Bureau and RAW have been doing to this day. I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who served as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controlled the forum, locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist masters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' on blogspot ( nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) which can be found by doing a Google search with the title.
Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
(Continued) Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 36 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
What has been revealed so far about NSA monitoring of Indians is not a millionth part of what it does. For the last 36 years, NSA has kept the world's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian under 24-hour audio and video surveillance by satellite as well as surveillance of all electronic communications, computer use, etc. India's RAW has been participating in this surveillance and harassment to the hilt. On August 8, 2008, CIA director Michael Hayden and former chairman of India's Joint Intelligence Committee, K. Subrahmanyam, came on line and confirmed this surveillance by satellite that has been going on with this scientist as target for the past 36 years. See HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom for what they said. This is what the CIA has been doing to this scientist:-
""India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title; my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2013 and earlier editions."

Are you moin Ansari of rupeenews?
That is a fact. Whether anyone of likes it or not if modi wins the electins, he will be the choice of the Indian people. If the likes of hafiz saeed decide to attack him, retaliation will be massive, not only the terrorists but any supporting agencies like ISI or the even state of Pakistan will be made to pay a very very very heavy price. I hope better sense prevails all around, terrorism is not a solution to anything.

Are you moin Ansari of rupeenews?

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2014 and earlier editions); for more on the subject above see 'What You Should Know About RAW' (reproduced above) in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title.
Forget killed. If Modi is so much as hurt - there will be a storm India has never seen before. Like it or not that is the truth.

Besides, Islamic terrorists are just one of his many enemies. He has many other - including far left groups.

the biggest enemy of MODI is MODI himself
the biggest enemy of MODI is MODI himself
Narendra Modi should be whipped and hanged for giving a bouquet of roses to an American diplomat in exchange for a strip search and cavity search of an Indian diplomat. After my reference to Advani as Home Minister being forced, with the threat of being prosecuted for Babri Masjid demolition, to visit CIA headquarters and make the Home Ministry participate in the CIA’s crimes against me, CIA-RAW threatened Modi with prosecution for the killing of Muslims in 2002 and so today (Feb 27 ‘14) “Modi signals shift in favour of big retail”, that is Walmart, etc., reversing the BJP’s stand -- while acknowledging this will harm him politically -- and urging Indians to embrace foreign ownership and control of India and other BJP politicians, such as Arun Jaitley, have joined in this treasonous deal with CIA-RAW; CIA-RAW dictates -- with the threat of killing in the case of Rajiv’s son and threat of prosecution in the case of Modi -- what Indian politicians do and say, not India’s or the politicians’ own interests. P. Chidambaram should be whipped and hanged for speaking positively about Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist and greatest Indian of all time was publicly tortured for being an Indian. The Italian woman and son should be whipped and hanged for participating in crimes against him with the help of the CIA’s 24-hour satellite surveillance of him for the past 37 years. Arvind Kejriwal and Mamata Banerjee should be whipped and hanged for associating with CIA-RAW agent Hazare, a follower of M. K. Gandhi who was a lifelong British agent and a homosexual who wrote to his white master “How completely you have taken possession of my body; it is slavery with a vengeance”. You do not shake hands with any representative of a country whose population will be made to eat one another till no one remains alive. Filthy niggers Manmohan Singh, P. Chidambaram and Raghuram Rajan made India a beggar and slave at the G-20 urging “advanced nations, like the US, to take heed of countries vulnerable to the stimulus withdrawal” and “advanced nations must recognise the impact of their monetary policy decisions on other economies and "be prepared to act if things get out of kilter" “. Why? Because “The reduction in stimulus, known as tapering, may affect capital flows to emerging markets and impact their currencies”. Why do you want to give ownership and control of India to foreign enemies when India has all the investment capital it wants by simply printing the money which is what the U.S. is doing stealing my proposal about money -- see ‘How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year or More’ : HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom ? These filthy niggers Manmohan Singh and Raghuram Rajan must also be whipped and hanged along with filthy niggers Amartya Sen, Subramanian Swamy -- who were both brought to Harvard and one of them given a Nobel prize expressly to provide cover for the crimes against me -- and anyone else in public life you can think of. It is not too late to whip and hang filthy niggers Vajpayee and George Fernandes both of whom have been faking illness and an inability to speak to avoid answering questions about their participation in the CIA’s crimes against me. Nor is it too late to whip and hang filthy nigger Ram Jethmalani, who was also brought to Harvard to provide cover for crimes against me and rewarded with a half a million dollar per year law practice and filthy nigger L. K Advani who, while Home Minister, was brought, under pain of being prosecuted for the Babri Masjid demolition, to C.I.A. Headquarters to make India’s Home Ministry a participant in the C.I.A.’s crimes against me. Filthy nigger Kejriwal wants to provide a few services at lower rates but my proposal about money shows how to provide all goods and services free of charge to everyone. Filthy nigger M. Karunanidhi should be whipped and hanged; he was having Indian currency printed in China with the help of the Reserve Bank of India chief to provide some freebies to the people of Tamil Nadu as I described in my press releases but kept the crimes against me covered up otherwise everything could be provided free of charge to everyone in India. Filthy nigger Jayalalitha should be whipped and hanged for saying she has a vision for India but keeping quiet about the crimes against me because of which India will remain poor, weak and enslaved despite her vision. The filthy niggers that are India’s Supreme Court judges should be whipped and hanged for participating in CIA-RAW’s crimes against me and India by claiming to have lost the papers of a lawsuit I filed after duly acknowledging it as a front page lead report in New York’s News India-Times described two decades ago. I have described RAW’s trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food -- RAWsTraffickingOfIndianChildrenDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and said that “The Jews' fondness for human flesh is far easier sated on Indians than on those around them. Thousands of missing children from India end up in Israeli kitchens and it costs them less than goat meat … When the Congress Party president and her son spent a number of days in Switzerland recently [in 2011] taking care of their black money there, they were told in no uncertain terms by the Jewish bankers that their ability to keep their black money hidden depended on the continuation of the trafficking of Indians for food. Both the Congress Party president and her son had to partake of such food with their bankers to seal the agreement”. I have also described the torture and killing of the children so their skins can be made into shoes and handbags. The above state of affairs cannot be changed except by India’s nuclear forces simultaneously destroying Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block which they must do without delay, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. It is important for Pakistan’s media to inform the world about this so no one will think the nuclear explosions in New Delhi were caused by Pakistan and for Russian media to inform the world about this so no one will think the nuclear explosions in Washington and New York were caused by Russia. Regardless of what Pakistan and Russia do, India’s nuclear forces are putting India in grave danger and committing suicide by not obeying Satish Chandra and triggering the warheads. Russia and the U.S. can destroy the other but will be destroyed in return but India can destroy the U.S. without being destroyed.
--------END OF COMMENT--------

(Feb 14 ‘14) Narendra Modi should be whipped and hanged for giving a bouquet of roses to an American diplomat in exchange for a strip search and cavity search of an Indian diplomat. You do not shake hands with any representative of a country whose population will be made to eat one another till no one remains alive.
(Feb 3 ‘14) India’s government and political parties know that -- thanks to Satish Chandra -- India has nuclear supremacy over the United States and can dictate to the United States in any and all matters but they keep quiet about it and hide it because the public coming to know about it will mean Satish Chandra will be the ruler of India and they will get the death penalty they richly deserve and so they will get the death they deserve via the nuclear destruction of RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block along with that of Washington and New York. I have said : “ In designing nuclear weapons for use against the United States, radioactive materials should be identified that can be dispersed over the territory of the United States, either via separate radiological weapons (“dirty bombs”) or as part of the regular thermonuclear weapons, that will so contaminate the territory of the United States with radioactivity that nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation. This will force the Americans who survive the nuclear bomb explosions on the four thousand largest population centers to eat one another till no one remains alive. The ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with such radioactivity can be done in a separate operation -- such as by unmanned aerial vehicles -- after its four thousand largest population centers have been destroyed by regular thermonuclear weapons”. When the Congress Party president accused the BJP of engaging in “zeher ki kheti”, she was referring to the above because just hours before she made this accusation I had referred to this part of my blog containing references to destroying the four thousand largest population centers of the United States and then salting its territory with radioactivity so that “nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation”. As she often does, she ascribed this statement of mine to the BJP though I have absolutely nothing to do with the BJP and in all the back and forth between the Congress party and the BJP sparked by “zeher ki kheti”, both parties avoided taking my name as CIA-RAW has ordered them to do for several decades because once the existence of Satish Chandra and his news and views become known to the public, that will be the end of the Congress Party and the BJP. The phrase “zeher ki kheti” was from Mani Shankar Aiyar who has written the Italian woman’s speeches for many years. As I have said in my blog, for many years he has sat at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in the CIA’s crimes against me and against India and still does. It was the territory of the United States, not India, that I wrote about salting with radioactivity but the Italian woman and Mani Shankar Aiyar protect the United States, not India, as does the entire Indian government: WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom . RAW carried out the murder of the student from the Northeast who had few external injuries to neutralize my reference to the genocidal intent of Americans toward India -- as it carried out the murder of Sunanda Pushkar who had few external injuries -- and staged several highly publicized gang rapes in India to neutralize my references to the Anglo-American rape of India.
(Feb 1 ‘14) In the same sentence in which I referred to arresting the American ambassador, I also said “Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria” which -- not the reference to arresting the U.S. ambassador -- caused the Americans to let the Indian diplomat go because, with its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, India can destroy these cities with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation and so already has nuclear supremacy over the United States and can dictate to the United States in any and all matters.
(Jan 31 ‘14) I have shown that five thousand thermonuclear warheads of two hundred kilotons each targeted at the four thousand largest population centers of the United States -- the larger cities will have more than one warhead assigned to them -- will have a total yield of one thousand megatons, that is the combined yield of twenty of the fifty-megaton hydrogen bomb the Soviet Union once tested and these five thousand warheads will do a good job of destroying the United States (NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom ). Once the cover up of the news and views of India’s leadership is lifted, the genocidal intent and behavior of the United States toward India will be clear.
(Jan 26 ‘14) Far from canceling military exercises with the United States, the traitors in New Delhi are going ahead with Malabar naval exercises and have invited Japan to join in. You do not hold exercises with a country you have to destroy coast-to-coast. The first step is the simultaneous destruction of Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block by India’s nuclear forces.
(Jan. 22 ‘14) RAW murdered Sunanda Pushkar on Manmohan Singh’s order: she said she took the “crimes” of Shashi Tharoor in IPL upon herself and she will not put up with it and was about to reveal the crimes which would have been a blow to the scandal-ridden UPA government and so RAW was ordered to murder her. The BJP is silent because of its former president (the fat guy) killing a young girl after raping her and every one covering it up like Sunanda Pushkar’s murder and everyone covering up the crimes of CIA-RAW, with the help of 24-satellite surveillance for the past 37 years, against Satish Chandra to keep India poor, weak and enslaved, to continue their rape of Mother India.
(Jan. 20 ‘14) Regarding the “successful” test of the Agni IV missile today: I have been saying for many years (see IndianAirFircePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that the United States can control the operations of digital circuitry in any equipment, even if it is not connected to the outside world via the Internet, etc., by using microwave signals from satellites. Now others have also started saying that (“NSA can spy on offline computers wirelessly, says security expert”, CBS News, Dec 30 2013). The United States can make India’s missiles crash whenever it wants to. India’s only defence is exploding the nuclear warheads I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace in Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there any retaliation or sign of retaliation.
(Jan. 19 ‘14) India’s nuclear forces/ DRDO were going to carry out a test of the Agni IV missile on January 18 ‘14. After my reference below to Indians being inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, they did not carry out the test because I have said that neither Agni I nor Agni II or Agni III or Agni IV or Agni V make India dominant over the United States; only exploding India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation, does. I have also said that missiles will be useful after dominance has been established. Late on January 18 ‘14 I sent a press release referring to the “filthy niggers of the media“, after which the Agni IV test was rescheduled for January 20 ’14. But missile tests must not become a substitute for exploding India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York; without exploding those warheads, they will remain inferior Indian niggers and slaves of the white man.
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.
A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them). The British killed over ten million Indians (by gun and sword not famine) in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar and the killings continued right up to 1947 as seen in the example of a Sikh body guard riding in a jeep with the British viceroy gunning down any Indian, man woman or child, that came in view on either side of the road. For the slavery of present day Indians, see their behavior toward the greatest Indian of all time in the paragraph dated January 5 '14 below and for the CIA Director’s and K. Subrahmanyam’s offer to him of one crore rupees combined with threats, see HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom .
I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.
(Jan 15 ‘14) “Lost Danish tourist thrashed, gang-raped and robbed in Delhi” is the top story about India, staged by RAW to defuse outrage in Indian media about the expelled U.S. diplomats’ comments about vegetarians committing rape, etc. just as the flurry of highly publicized gang rapes in India since December ‘12 have been staged by RAW to ‘neutralize’ my references to the Anglo-American rape of India. The male diplomat expelled from India had an army of almost 500 spies and goons working for him, not to mention the entire Delhi Police department which helped him “evacuate” the criminally accused husband of the maid from India, all of RAW with tens of thousands of employees, India’s prime minister and the rest of the government. Where is the reciprocity in all of this? India’s ambassador to the U.S. works for the CIA as did his father who was evacuated from India under the guise of his fake death. Where is the reciprocity of CIA-sponsored Rahul, Modi, Kejriwal vs. CIA-suppressed Satish Chandra?
(Jan 14 ‘14) WHY DID INDIRA GANDHI NEED BRITISH HELP WITH OPERATION BLUE STAR? : The British killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar. Sikhs played a major role in these killings and afterwards as a Sikh body guard riding in a jeep with a British viceroy gunning down any Indian, man woman or child, who came in view on either side of the road, showed. Sikhs will fight bravely for India against Pakistan or China but never against the Anglo-Americans toward whom Sikhs hold their ultimate loyalty to this day. Indira Gandhi needed British “permission’ to move against the Sikhs because the British were the Sikhs’ lords and masters and the Nehru family were the designated rulers of India by virtue of Nehru’s continued loyalty to the British -- the same was the case for Vajpayee -- and what better way to get their permission than by having them help with the planning of Operation Blue Star? Sikhs are traitors to India and that is why until recently no Sikh was made an Army chief. A Sikh is now head of India’s nuclear forces which means India’s nuclear weapons are worthless if they have to be used against the Americans; see the heading of this press release repeated many dozens of times. Before this, a Christian was made head of India’s nuclear forces so that India’s nuclear weapons will be worthless against a white/Christian country such as the United States where India’s nuclear warheads are emplaced in Washington, New York and other cities. The only solution is for DRDO to have a means of triggering India’s nuclear warheads even if the heads of India’s nuclear forces are traitors.
(Jan 8 ‘14) A professor of philosophy at New York’s Baruch College once sat down opposite me in Au Bon Pain café in Harvard Square and the first words he said to me were “Maybe you are an Avatar”. Was there something so extra-ordinary in my appearance that made him say that? Others have said similar things. In view of the paragraph below, what they say seems to have some merit. Let us take what they say seriously. Let the word go out that Satish Chandra is an Avatar (Incarnation) and India’s legitimate ruler. Let the Congress, BJP and AAP match that! (Jan 9 ‘14) A couple hours after I sent the above, a post on Bharat-Rakshak said “There is indeed a God looking after India”. Well, you have to obey God, sing his praises and celebrate the life of an Avatar. This Avatar has already said that Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria; you are yet to arrest American consular staff -- and ambassador -- who helped someone with criminal charges against him flee Indian justice. There is an absolute ban on Bharat-Rakshak against taking the name of this Avatar or singing his praises. This is no way to win God’s favor./ Immediately upon my reference to arresting the American ambassador, the Americans gave diplomatic immunity to the Indian diplomat and let her fly home the same day (Jan 9 ‘14). Now let us deal with the Americans’ crimes against this Avatar (paragraph below).
(Jan 5 ‘14) CIA-SPONSORED RAHUL, MODI, KEJRIWAL VS. CIA-SUPPRESSED SATISH CHANDRA: The United States has successfully delayed by about thirty years the development of India’s cryogenic engine -- a tiny example of incomparably greater sabotage: ""India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title; my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2014 and earlier editions."
(Dec 28 ‘13) One nuclear explosion on Ramlila Grounds where the uninformed masses gather by the hundreds of thousands at the rallies of Kejriwal, Modi, etc. will take care of their popular support but, instead, one nuclear explosion on RAW headquarters and one on South Block - North Block will destroy traitors, including Kejriwal, sponsored by CIA-RAW while it suppresses Satish Chandra who can make India the supreme military and economic power in the world immediately.
(Dec 26 ‘13) With its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities, India has the means right now to make all U.S. presidents -- past and present -- present themselves in India to be whipped and hanged, by warning that Washington and New York will be destroyed if the U.S. fails to obey and additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.
(Dec 21 ‘13) Filthy niggers of the Indian government such as the Commerce and Industry Minister and the Foreign Minister insist on putting “the extremely valuable partnership” with the United States above all else; they have a partnership with the United States in raping Mother India -- they pull apart and hold open the entrances to the cavities of Mother India which the United States then rapes. They deserve death even more than Ratan Tata about whom I wrote: “Ratan Tata should be whipped and hanged for giving $50 million to Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist was publicly tortured for being an Indian and to keep India poor, weak and enslaved”. I have described -- IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom -- the war waged with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance for the past 37 years against the only Indian who is an obstacle to the Americans’ rape of India.
(Dec 20 ‘13) There was an arrest warrant, which was duly served on the American embassy, against Philip, the Indian “evacuated” from India by the United States on Dec 10 ‘13, as well as his wife -- as the Foreign Minister repeatedly said on television though a story today in the RAW organ Times of India cleverly omits mention of the warrant against the husband -- and the United States consular staff, which must have processed the visa and travel arrangements, must be arrested for the crime of helping an absconder to flee -- filthy niggers such as the Foreign Minister repeatedly referred to this as “visa fraud” but what matters is that this was a crime against Indian law which does not permit helping an absconder to flee -- and the entire consular staff can be arrested as suspects. The Indian government, which works for the United States, will try to avoid this. Ransacking one pizza outlet is not enough; all American businesses must be destroyed; as I have said below, Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria.
(Dec 12 ‘13) Ratan Tata should be whipped and hanged for giving $50 million to Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist was publicly tortured for being an Indian and to keep India poor, weak and enslaved.
(DEC 3 ‘13) Filthy niggers such as Modi who hanker after U.S. visas want the pleasure of drinking water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets as do hundreds of thousands of Gujaratis running brothels (called motels but renting rooms by the hour for sex) and I.I.T. graduates -- I am one ( PsychotherapyDOTeBoardDOTcom ) -- given 1.3 crore packages before graduation by American companies so they can work for this most ferocious of India’s enemies with a mentality as filthy as the water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets they will be drinking. I have shown that both M. K. Gandhi and Nehru were sponsored by British intelligence. Kejriwal is sponsored by CIA-RAW because, like me, he is from I.I.T. Kharagpur but his fasts were not the CIA-enforced starvation up to 3 weeks at a time I have suffered, unlike me he has been promoted, not suppressed, in the media by CIA-RAW and, via electronic voting machines controlled by the CIA by microwave signals from satellites, he can even be made prime minister by CIA-RAW (added on Dec 11 ‘13: CIA-RAW showed its minute-by-minute management of Kejriwal by first sending him to meditate for 2 days after the voting because of my references to filthy mentality, above, and meditation then stopping the 19-minute recording of his interview with NDTV in the middle -- which it knew I was watching -- and adding a 3 minute segment at the end having him say he had gone away for 2 days because he was not feeling well, when it saw that sending him for meditation did not cut any ice with me and having his mother do an interview with NDTV pretending it was done while he was still away several days before it was broadcast with her saying he had gone away because he was not feeling well; this falsification of the time of the interview that can easily be established was a fraud in service of a larger crime -- CIA-RAW’s management of Kejriwal -- and can be used to put away and hang Kejriwal, NDTV, RAW and a lot of others for treason; after that the CIA had him included in a list of the world‘s greatest thinkers by Foreign Policy magazine though corruption and bribery are way down in the list of India‘s problems the biggest of which is CIA rule over India and its suppression of the greatest Indian of all time capable of making India the supreme military and economic power in the world immediately; also, after I wrote the above about Kejriwal, a flood of stories in the media said that Nandan Nilekani -- also from an I.I.T. -- who, despite being worth well over a billion dollars from working for the Americans has become chairman of India‘s Unique Identification Card -- Aadhar card -- program which has entered into a contract with MongoDB which is part-funded by the CIA “to identify, adapt and deliver innovative technology solutions to support the missions of CIA and the broader US intelligence community” including “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate” -- Economic Times, Dec 3 ‘13 -- to bring India’s population under comprehensive American control as do numerous programs under the guise of homeland security etc. for which the U.S. National Security Agency chief recently spent about a week in India with a team of 17 -- what was he doing with a team of 17 for almost a week in India? -- will be the Congress party‘s prime ministerial candidate, nominated by the CIA which will be happy if any of its nominees -- Modi, Kejriwal or Nilekani -- becomes prime minister and, as is shown in the comments of the CIA Director and K. Subrahmanyam to me, which can be found at HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom, the entire Indian government is simply a front for the CIA), though when I ran for Parliament from East Delhi in 1996, RAW changed the Returning Officer in mid-stream and instructed the civil servants who did the counting to register exactly one vote for me from each polling booth; when I mentioned this falsification of vote counts, Vajpayee had the BJP candidate, B. L. Sharma “Prem“, who won, resign his Lok Sabha seat but when Vajpayee became prime minister, Advani as Home Minister was sent to CIA headquarters -- or face prosecution for the Babri Masjid demolition which he undertook at Vajpayee’s suggestion who suggested it to Advani at the CIA’s suggestion -- and the Home Ministry and Intelligence Bureau began to participate, in addition to RAW, in the CIA’s crimes against me with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance for the past 37 years. No one is allowed to be in public life in India unless sponsored by CIA-RAW. The Nehru family, Modi, Kejriwal -- all deserve death though they may not all be killed in the nuclear destruction of RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block. The fecal bacteria from flush toilets in their drinking water form the essence of Americans. Avoid contact with Americans as you would with faeces. Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria.
(Added on Dec 15 ‘13 : After what I wrote above about Nandan Nilekani, his candidacy for prime minister became untenable and CIA-RAW -- see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom -- decided to revive the candidacy of the Italian woman’s son by giving him credit for the Lok Pal bill for which it ordered Anna Hazare to support the government’s Lok Pak bill; as I have said, Hazare’s agitation was sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India ‘Gandhian’ and so poor, weak and enslaved. If the Aam Admi Party were smart, they will see that CIA rule over India is an incomparably bigger problem than bribery and destroy the Congress and the BJP by publicizing their participation in the CIA’s crimes against me and against India. But, as I have said, India’s nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra; he does not need India’s conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India).
(NOV 27 ‘13) I have repeatedly emphasized the ability of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to make any digital system -- including all defence equipment from aircraft to submarines and missiles to nuclear power plants and anything else you can think of -- do whatever it wants with microwave signals from satellites, such as blowing up an Indian submarine recently and making about a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft crash (IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom). Two days ago I was filling out a form at a website and I got a screen saying you need to update your Adobe reader to view the document but the CIA, via NSA satellites, wouldn’t let me update the Adobe reader. I went to a commercial place that rents computers and got the same message though their computers already had the latest version of the Adobe reader. As soon as the owner of the place came to see why it was doing that, the CIA removed the problem without his doing anything. Then, after mailing the filled out form, as I tried to track it, I kept getting ‘There is no record of it in our system’, both on the telephone and on the Canada Post website, even two days after mailing it, though the tracking history, beginning with the acceptance of the item at the post office, is supposed to appear within minutes of the item being accepted at the post office. As I prepared to take it up with Canada Post, the CIA stopped making the item disappear and the tracking history, starting from acceptance of the item at the post office with date and time, appeared. These are tiny examples of what the CIA can do. Having India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York and not exploding them, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is absolutely suicidal. The CIA’s Indian proxies -- RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block -- have to be destroyed along with Washington and New York: filthy niggers of the Indian government such as the defence minister who chastised the Indian Navy recently for making the submarine blow up by not following due procedures -- not because he knew of any violation of procedure but simply to deny sabotage by the United States and justify holding anti-submarine warfare exercises with the U.S. (paragraph dated Nov 7 ’13 below) -- the finance minister who keeps giving away ownership and control of India to Americans though India has an unlimited amount of investment capital simply by printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes -- which is what the Americans have been doing following my proposal about money-- and the innumerable riots, partition of the country and all around misery, including participation in the CIA’s crimes against me -- Kapil Sibal literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against me -- that the Intelligence Bureau/RAW and the rest of the Indian government is guilty of. No amount of time and effort spent on any weapon system or anything else will do India any good unless the only effective weapon India has against the United States -- exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation -- is used first.
(NOV 21 ‘13) A Jew, the first and only psychologist to be given a Nobel Prize in Economics -- about which I wrote (‘ How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More’ : How IndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom) "When an American psychologist was given the Nobel Prize in Economics a couple of years ago, I pointed out that his work had not the millionth part of the significance my work has for Economics. ... " -- was given the United States’ highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, yesterday as was Bill Clinton about whom I wrote (HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom): “the firangis gave the Nobel prize in Economics to the mediocre Indian named Amartya Sen as a substitute for the Nobel prize for me since they would not let their crimes against me, committed in collaboration with India’s RAW and India’s prime ministers, be exposed. When Clinton, as president, held a White House conference on the “New Economy”, the “New Economy” was the economy that my proposal about money leads to; of all the dozens of Nobel prize winners in Economics, he invited Amartya Sen to the conference -- though Sen had absolutely nothing to do with the “New Economy” -- because he is their mediocre Indian substitute for the greatest Indian of all time they have been committing crimes against. When Amartya Sen was given the Nobel prize, Vajpayee left New Delhi for several days to avoid meeting him, because he knew Sen was the firangis’ dummy substitute to cover their crimes against me, but RAW kept Sen waiting in New Delhi several days till Vajpayee yielded and gave him all the honours CIA-RAW wanted him to receive as a substitute for me”. Obama, who gave the award to the Jew and Clinton, has continued to apply my proposal about money, like Clinton and George W. Bush, to the U.S. economy (see IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom) : “It is noteworthy that both the United States government and the Indian government had proceeded to implement my proposal about money, as I have described in letters dated August 1, 2001, September 6, 2001 and April 13, 2001 (also letters about stock market manipulation by the U.S. Treasury Department by pumping money into the stock market; Bush made a trip through an underground tunnel from the White House to the Treasury Department to see the set up created for such manipulation) that appeared in the American online newspaper thecurrentonline; they can be found at SatishChandraInTheCurrentonlineDOTblogspotDOTcom . The Vajpayee government set up a separate Cabinet Committee on Economic Strategy for the purpose of stealing my proposal about money. When I pointed out that they were trying to STEAL my proposal about money, they stopped implementing it. The U.S. Federal Reserve has been buying more than a trillion dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds every year -- another way of applying my proposal about money. The DMK government in Tamil Nadu was having Indian currency printed in China with the connivance of the head of the Reserve Bank of India, given to A. Raja as bribes and used to give freebies to the people of Tamil Nadu -- its way of applying my proposal about money since the Central government would not apply it to India as a whole”. Rather, the Indian government is letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money.
So long as I keep writing, CIA-RAW can manage things because it controls the media, government, all political parties and the general public. What it cannot manage is the explosion of emplaced nuclear warheads in Washington and New York. Fearing that India’s nuclear forces were about to explode the emplaced nuclear warheads, CIA-RAW allowed the expose of Modi’s surveillance of a woman to get into the media since I have said that Modi is CIA-sponsored. But after I wrote the paragraph dated Nov 20 ‘13 below, RAW had the staff of Tehelka -- a RAW-sponsored organ whose first sting operation was on George Fernandes, with whom I had once spoken over the phone, to ensure that he never utters a word about the 24-hour satellite surveillance and harassment against me for the past 36 years -- stage a sexual harassment scenario which has completely eclipsed Modi’s surveillance of the woman in the media. But I could write till hell freezes over and it will not make the slightest difference to CIA-RAW’s absolute, total control of India. Only exploding the nuclear warheads to destroy Washington, New York and RAW will end CIA rule over India.
(NOV 20 ‘13) The headlines scream “Open Defecation” by the majority of Indians on World Toilet Day. Going to the fields is the most environmentally friendly way to defecate. Lake Ontario which supplies Toronto’s drinking water is heavily polluted from fecal bacteria from flush toilets whose health effects are ignored. Cleanliness procedures of Indians from Yoga to daily life -- Indians expressed shock that the University of Chicago president’s wife put a spoon which she had just put in her mouth to taste a dish she was preparing back in the pot to stir it and I replied “That’s why they are called dirty Jews” -- are the most stringent in the world. The environmental and health effects -- from water requirements to pollution of water bodies -- of flush toilets on India will be devastating. Without first establishing dominance via emplaced nuclear warheads (below), snatching entire continents from the white man after killing the existing population, India cannot be dominant in health and sanitation.
(NOV 12 ‘13) Regarding the 4 earthquakes in 3 hours in New Delhi : the nuclear explosions that will destroy RAW Headquarters and South Block & North Block will also cause earthquakes. No one is saying that like the visit of the evil Pope and super cyclones in Orissa (below), these earthquakes are related to the evil in New Delhi (below). But the earthquakes caused by the nuclear explosions definitely will be due to the evil in New Delhi.
(NOV 8 ‘13) I have been posting comments on the Cartoons Against Corruption web site (www.cartoonsagainstcorruptionDOTblogspotDOTcom ) for months. Usually lots of other people also posted comments there but for about a year or so there were no comments other than mine. I suspected that my browser was being redirected by CIA-RAW to a dummy website as they do when I try to post at many other websites. Today I went to a commercial place where you can rent computers and tried to log on to Cartoons Against Corruption. Sure enough, none of my recent comments were there and there were hundreds of comments from other people. My most recent comment on this -- real rather than dummy -- website was dated March 22, 2013 and the most recent comments from other people were from September, 2012. On coming home, I tried to log on to this web site from my own computer and this time I reached the real, rather than dummy, web site. After I wrote this comment, found that my browser is again being redirected to the dummy web site. Since RAW is redirecting traffic away from his web site, the owner of the web site, who has criminal charges against him for the contents of his web site, has the right to sue RAW for violation of his civil rights and file a criminal complaint as well. RAW’s behavior is unconstitutional and RAW has been doing this with the full support of all Indian governments since 1977 and so all Indian governments -- in all their branches, legislative, executive and judiciary -- since 1977 have been unconstitutional.
(NOV 7 ‘13) Neither Agni I, nor Agni II or Agni III or Agni IV or Agni V make India dominant over the United States; only exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, with a warning that warheads emplaced in additional U.S. cities will be exploded if there is any retaliation, does. These emplaced warheads are India’s super-weapon to establish dominance over the enemy. Missiles will be useful after dominance has been established, to totally destroy and rub this enemy into the dirt. The enemy’s proxy which is the Indian government also has to be destroyed. After blowing up an Indian submarine, the United States right now is conducting anti-submarine warfare exercises with India, rendering the rest of India’s submarines useless and subverting the Indian navy’s officers and men -- the service chiefs and senior officers are already subverted. The new governor of the Reserve Bank who works for the CIA is bringing American banks, letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money. The head of ISRO who congratulated his staff for the successful development of GSLV before a test because he knew it had been sabotaged is expressing hope that the success of the mission to Mars will prompt the United States to take control of ISRO which is what he means by other countries becoming more interested in collaborative missions with India. In every sphere of life India’s government is rushing India into slavery to the United States. Taking control of India away from proxies of the CIA by the simultaneous destruction of Washington, New York and RAW, South Block, North Block is necessary to destroy the enemy United States.
(NOV 6 ‘13) Any evacuation of New Delhi/ Delhi will eliminate surprise and prompt the United States and its Indian proxies to do everything possible to avoid being destroyed. I have shown ( in NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that everyone in New Delhi / Delhi is a collaborator with the enemy and wrote that ideally the entire population of New Delhi / Delhi should be killed; in fact there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. One of the warheads should be targeted at RAW headquarters and one at South Block and North Block on Raisina Hill.

(OCT 29 ‘13) People are aghast that Modi went ahead with his Patna rally after half a dozen bombs had already exploded at the venue and several had been killed. Others are aghast that the Home Minister went to a Bollywood music function hours after the explosions and deaths in Patna. No one is aghast that life goes on as usual in New Delhi despite the impending simultaneous nuclear destruction of Washington, New York and RAW; there is no evacuation of New Delhi / Delhi.
(Oct 19 ‘13) I said “All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities”. It is to try to counter the effect of what I said that Manmohan Singh is going to Moscow and Beijing tomorrow. But what he says does not matter, only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. It was because of what I said that Saudi Arabia rejected membership of the UN Security Council a day after being elected to it. Saudi Arabia, like India, has suffered several stampedes at religious gatherings instigated through proxies of the CIA one of which killed almost 1,500 people.

(Oct 15 ‘13) The rumor that a bridge to a temple they were standing on was collapsing that caused the stampede in Madhya Pradesh killing over a hundred was spread by RAW (see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom ) in response to the following comment of mine and in support of the Italian woman so the Italian woman could express “condolences” over the stupid behavior of the inferior Indian niggers. Just as all terrorism in India is instigated by the CIA via proxies in the subcontinent including India’s RAW, all temple stampedes in India are instigated by RAW as a part of psychological warfare against India on behalf of the white countries. I have described RAW arranging for practitioners of an Indian spiritual discipline, whose understanding of gravity and inertia I called superior to that of Albert Einstein, to be physically attacked and driven away in Noida and Madhya Pradesh on the C.I.A.'s orders because of my comment. CIA-RAW’s war against India in the field of science is monumental and remains thoroughly covered up by Indian as well as foreign governments and media. All poverty and economic deprivation in India is a consequence of first the British and now the CIA’s war against India. All forms of warfare against India is waged with the help of their Indian proxies. Just as what is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc., does not change the basic fact that India is now the sole superpower, even if the stampede was due to the stupidity of Indians -- I have said in my press releases that India’s population is a mountain of S-H-I-T -- it does not change this basic fact, described below, that India is now the sole superpower:-
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All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities. What is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc. does not change this basic fact. Nothing that your puppy dog/ fleck of filth Manmohan Singh says either to the Negro in the White House or in the General Assembly on nuclear, military or economic issues or anything else matters; only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom
All the evil in India comes from the United States where the equivalent of a Pope was psychologist B. F. Skinner whose school of psychology a paper I published destroyed -- ‘B. F. Skinner’s Monumental Crime’ : BFSkinnersMonumentalCrimeDOTblogspotDOTcom . But he lives on in the form of the CIA which continues to this day to wage war against India and myself with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance -- see ‘Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.’ : NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and the CIA is simply the essence of the United States and its population.
Satish Chandra
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(Oct 1 ‘13) CIA-RAW have deleted the following comments wherever I have posted them, including my own Facebook page, Cartoons Against Corruption and hundreds of news websites via Facebook saying it violates our community standards -- it is CIA-RAW that has deleted them, not Facebook and is preventing me from logging on to Facebook or posting them using any other commenting tool :-
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I have said that India’s nuclear forces should simultaneously destroy Washington, New York and RAW (that is, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block), with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. The warheads should be triggered on a working day in Washington and New York during working hours -- 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time -- in Washington and New York. Nine AM in Washington and New York will be a little past office hours in New Delhi but that is fine. The United States government is shut down starting Oct 1 ’13 and government offices will be mostly empty but it cannot remain shut very long and triggering the warheads even during the shut down is not ruled out.
An article titled “The general and his stink bombs” in The Hindu of September 30 ‘13 says what I have been saying for many years; it says “After independence, the IB continued to maintain close links with its former parental organisation, the MI5. Recently released MI5 documents show that the first director of the IB, T.G. Sanjevi Pillai, cooperated with British officials in keeping a tab on the Indian high commissioner to London, V.K. Krishna Menon — a man they deeply distrusted for his alleged communist leanings. Examples can easily be multiplied”. But this does not capture a millionth part of what the Intelligence Bureau and RAW have been doing to this day. I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who served as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controlled the forum, locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist masters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' on blogspot ( nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) which can be found by doing a Google search with the title.
Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
(Continued) Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 36 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
What has been revealed so far about NSA monitoring of Indians is not a millionth part of what it does. For the last 36 years, NSA has kept the world's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian under 24-hour audio and video surveillance by satellite as well as surveillance of all electronic communications, computer use, etc. India's RAW has been participating in this surveillance and harassment to the hilt. On August 8, 2008, CIA director Michael Hayden and former chairman of India's Joint Intelligence Committee, K. Subrahmanyam, came on line and confirmed this surveillance by satellite that has been going on with this scientist as target for the past 36 years. See HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom for what they said. This is what the CIA has been doing to this scientist:-
""India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title; my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2013 and earlier editions."
Narendra Modi should be whipped and hanged for giving a bouquet of roses to an American diplomat in exchange for a strip search and cavity search of an Indian diplomat. After my reference to Advani as Home Minister being forced, with the threat of being prosecuted for Babri Masjid demolition, to visit CIA headquarters and make the Home Ministry participate in the CIA’s crimes against me, CIA-RAW threatened Modi with prosecution for the killing of Muslims in 2002 and so today (Feb 27 ‘14) “Modi signals shift in favour of big retail”, that is Walmart, etc., reversing the BJP’s stand -- while acknowledging this will harm him politically -- and urging Indians to embrace foreign ownership and control of India and other BJP politicians, such as Arun Jaitley, have joined in this treasonous deal with CIA-RAW; CIA-RAW dictates -- with the threat of killing in the case of Rajiv’s son and threat of prosecution in the case of Modi -- what Indian politicians do and say, not India’s or the politicians’ own interests. P. Chidambaram should be whipped and hanged for speaking positively about Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist and greatest Indian of all time was publicly tortured for being an Indian. The Italian woman and son should be whipped and hanged for participating in crimes against him with the help of the CIA’s 24-hour satellite surveillance of him for the past 37 years. Arvind Kejriwal and Mamata Banerjee should be whipped and hanged for associating with CIA-RAW agent Hazare, a follower of M. K. Gandhi who was a lifelong British agent and a homosexual who wrote to his white master “How completely you have taken possession of my body; it is slavery with a vengeance”. You do not shake hands with any representative of a country whose population will be made to eat one another till no one remains alive. Filthy niggers Manmohan Singh, P. Chidambaram and Raghuram Rajan made India a beggar and slave at the G-20 urging “advanced nations, like the US, to take heed of countries vulnerable to the stimulus withdrawal” and “advanced nations must recognise the impact of their monetary policy decisions on other economies and "be prepared to act if things get out of kilter" “. Why? Because “The reduction in stimulus, known as tapering, may affect capital flows to emerging markets and impact their currencies”. Why do you want to give ownership and control of India to foreign enemies when India has all the investment capital it wants by simply printing the money which is what the U.S. is doing stealing my proposal about money -- see ‘How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year or More’ : HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom ? These filthy niggers Manmohan Singh and Raghuram Rajan must also be whipped and hanged along with filthy niggers Amartya Sen, Subramanian Swamy -- who were both brought to Harvard and one of them given a Nobel prize expressly to provide cover for the crimes against me -- and anyone else in public life you can think of. It is not too late to whip and hang filthy niggers Vajpayee and George Fernandes both of whom have been faking illness and an inability to speak to avoid answering questions about their participation in the CIA’s crimes against me. Nor is it too late to whip and hang filthy nigger Ram Jethmalani, who was also brought to Harvard to provide cover for crimes against me and rewarded with a half a million dollar per year law practice and filthy nigger L. K Advani who, while Home Minister, was brought, under pain of being prosecuted for the Babri Masjid demolition, to C.I.A. Headquarters to make India’s Home Ministry a participant in the C.I.A.’s crimes against me. Filthy nigger Kejriwal wants to provide a few services at lower rates but my proposal about money shows how to provide all goods and services free of charge to everyone. Filthy nigger M. Karunanidhi should be whipped and hanged; he was having Indian currency printed in China with the help of the Reserve Bank of India chief to provide some freebies to the people of Tamil Nadu as I described in my press releases but kept the crimes against me covered up otherwise everything could be provided free of charge to everyone in India. Filthy nigger Jayalalitha should be whipped and hanged for saying she has a vision for India but keeping quiet about the crimes against me because of which India will remain poor, weak and enslaved despite her vision. The filthy niggers that are India’s Supreme Court judges should be whipped and hanged for participating in CIA-RAW’s crimes against me and India by claiming to have lost the papers of a lawsuit I filed after duly acknowledging it as a front page lead report in New York’s News India-Times described two decades ago. I have described RAW’s trafficking of Indian children to Israel to be used as food -- RAWsTraffickingOfIndianChildrenDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and said that “The Jews' fondness for human flesh is far easier sated on Indians than on those around them. Thousands of missing children from India end up in Israeli kitchens and it costs them less than goat meat … When the Congress Party president and her son spent a number of days in Switzerland recently [in 2011] taking care of their black money there, they were told in no uncertain terms by the Jewish bankers that their ability to keep their black money hidden depended on the continuation of the trafficking of Indians for food. Both the Congress Party president and her son had to partake of such food with their bankers to seal the agreement”. I have also described the torture and killing of the children so their skins can be made into shoes and handbags. The above state of affairs cannot be changed except by India’s nuclear forces simultaneously destroying Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block which they must do without delay, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. It is important for Pakistan’s media to inform the world about this so no one will think the nuclear explosions in New Delhi were caused by Pakistan and for Russian media to inform the world about this so no one will think the nuclear explosions in Washington and New York were caused by Russia. Regardless of what Pakistan and Russia do, India’s nuclear forces are putting India in grave danger and committing suicide by not obeying Satish Chandra and triggering the warheads. Russia and the U.S. can destroy the other but will be destroyed in return but India can destroy the U.S. without being destroyed.
--------END OF COMMENT--------

(Feb 14 ‘14) Narendra Modi should be whipped and hanged for giving a bouquet of roses to an American diplomat in exchange for a strip search and cavity search of an Indian diplomat. You do not shake hands with any representative of a country whose population will be made to eat one another till no one remains alive.
(Feb 3 ‘14) India’s government and political parties know that -- thanks to Satish Chandra -- India has nuclear supremacy over the United States and can dictate to the United States in any and all matters but they keep quiet about it and hide it because the public coming to know about it will mean Satish Chandra will be the ruler of India and they will get the death penalty they richly deserve and so they will get the death they deserve via the nuclear destruction of RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block along with that of Washington and New York. I have said : “ In designing nuclear weapons for use against the United States, radioactive materials should be identified that can be dispersed over the territory of the United States, either via separate radiological weapons (“dirty bombs”) or as part of the regular thermonuclear weapons, that will so contaminate the territory of the United States with radioactivity that nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation. This will force the Americans who survive the nuclear bomb explosions on the four thousand largest population centers to eat one another till no one remains alive. The ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with such radioactivity can be done in a separate operation -- such as by unmanned aerial vehicles -- after its four thousand largest population centers have been destroyed by regular thermonuclear weapons”. When the Congress Party president accused the BJP of engaging in “zeher ki kheti”, she was referring to the above because just hours before she made this accusation I had referred to this part of my blog containing references to destroying the four thousand largest population centers of the United States and then salting its territory with radioactivity so that “nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation”. As she often does, she ascribed this statement of mine to the BJP though I have absolutely nothing to do with the BJP and in all the back and forth between the Congress party and the BJP sparked by “zeher ki kheti”, both parties avoided taking my name as CIA-RAW has ordered them to do for several decades because once the existence of Satish Chandra and his news and views become known to the public, that will be the end of the Congress Party and the BJP. The phrase “zeher ki kheti” was from Mani Shankar Aiyar who has written the Italian woman’s speeches for many years. As I have said in my blog, for many years he has sat at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in the CIA’s crimes against me and against India and still does. It was the territory of the United States, not India, that I wrote about salting with radioactivity but the Italian woman and Mani Shankar Aiyar protect the United States, not India, as does the entire Indian government: WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom . RAW carried out the murder of the student from the Northeast who had few external injuries to neutralize my reference to the genocidal intent of Americans toward India -- as it carried out the murder of Sunanda Pushkar who had few external injuries -- and staged several highly publicized gang rapes in India to neutralize my references to the Anglo-American rape of India.
(Feb 1 ‘14) In the same sentence in which I referred to arresting the American ambassador, I also said “Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria” which -- not the reference to arresting the U.S. ambassador -- caused the Americans to let the Indian diplomat go because, with its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, India can destroy these cities with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation and so already has nuclear supremacy over the United States and can dictate to the United States in any and all matters.
(Jan 31 ‘14) I have shown that five thousand thermonuclear warheads of two hundred kilotons each targeted at the four thousand largest population centers of the United States -- the larger cities will have more than one warhead assigned to them -- will have a total yield of one thousand megatons, that is the combined yield of twenty of the fifty-megaton hydrogen bomb the Soviet Union once tested and these five thousand warheads will do a good job of destroying the United States (NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom ). Once the cover up of the news and views of India’s leadership is lifted, the genocidal intent and behavior of the United States toward India will be clear.
(Jan 26 ‘14) Far from canceling military exercises with the United States, the traitors in New Delhi are going ahead with Malabar naval exercises and have invited Japan to join in. You do not hold exercises with a country you have to destroy coast-to-coast. The first step is the simultaneous destruction of Washington, New York, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block by India’s nuclear forces.
(Jan. 22 ‘14) RAW murdered Sunanda Pushkar on Manmohan Singh’s order: she said she took the “crimes” of Shashi Tharoor in IPL upon herself and she will not put up with it and was about to reveal the crimes which would have been a blow to the scandal-ridden UPA government and so RAW was ordered to murder her. The BJP is silent because of its former president (the fat guy) killing a young girl after raping her and every one covering it up like Sunanda Pushkar’s murder and everyone covering up the crimes of CIA-RAW, with the help of 24-satellite surveillance for the past 37 years, against Satish Chandra to keep India poor, weak and enslaved, to continue their rape of Mother India.
(Jan. 20 ‘14) Regarding the “successful” test of the Agni IV missile today: I have been saying for many years (see IndianAirFircePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that the United States can control the operations of digital circuitry in any equipment, even if it is not connected to the outside world via the Internet, etc., by using microwave signals from satellites. Now others have also started saying that (“NSA can spy on offline computers wirelessly, says security expert”, CBS News, Dec 30 2013). The United States can make India’s missiles crash whenever it wants to. India’s only defence is exploding the nuclear warheads I have had India’s nuclear forces emplace in Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be similarly destroyed if there any retaliation or sign of retaliation.
(Jan. 19 ‘14) India’s nuclear forces/ DRDO were going to carry out a test of the Agni IV missile on January 18 ‘14. After my reference below to Indians being inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, they did not carry out the test because I have said that neither Agni I nor Agni II or Agni III or Agni IV or Agni V make India dominant over the United States; only exploding India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation, does. I have also said that missiles will be useful after dominance has been established. Late on January 18 ‘14 I sent a press release referring to the “filthy niggers of the media“, after which the Agni IV test was rescheduled for January 20 ’14. But missile tests must not become a substitute for exploding India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York; without exploding those warheads, they will remain inferior Indian niggers and slaves of the white man.
Indians as a rule are inferior Indian niggers unfit to talk about strategic matters, especially if it involves the White Master in any way, which it always does. That is why in his 'Mein Kampf' Adolf Hitler said "As for India, I would rather see India under the British than under any one else". It is not just that a handful of the British from half way around the world ruled India for centuries; a lot of other people from various countries did that for a thousand years before that.
A modern day Babar will start each day by killing a million Indians before breakfast every morning, though some think three million will be better (this number can be herded into fairly small extermination circles and then a neutron bomb exploded over them). The British killed over ten million Indians (by gun and sword not famine) in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar and the killings continued right up to 1947 as seen in the example of a Sikh body guard riding in a jeep with the British viceroy gunning down any Indian, man woman or child, that came in view on either side of the road. For the slavery of present day Indians, see their behavior toward the greatest Indian of all time in the paragraph dated January 5 '14 below and for the CIA Director’s and K. Subrahmanyam’s offer to him of one crore rupees combined with threats, see HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom .
I am an Indian, but as far above the other Indians as they may be above cockroaches.
(Jan 15 ‘14) “Lost Danish tourist thrashed, gang-raped and robbed in Delhi” is the top story about India, staged by RAW to defuse outrage in Indian media about the expelled U.S. diplomats’ comments about vegetarians committing rape, etc. just as the flurry of highly publicized gang rapes in India since December ‘12 have been staged by RAW to ‘neutralize’ my references to the Anglo-American rape of India. The male diplomat expelled from India had an army of almost 500 spies and goons working for him, not to mention the entire Delhi Police department which helped him “evacuate” the criminally accused husband of the maid from India, all of RAW with tens of thousands of employees, India’s prime minister and the rest of the government. Where is the reciprocity in all of this? India’s ambassador to the U.S. works for the CIA as did his father who was evacuated from India under the guise of his fake death. Where is the reciprocity of CIA-sponsored Rahul, Modi, Kejriwal vs. CIA-suppressed Satish Chandra?
(Jan 14 ‘14) WHY DID INDIRA GANDHI NEED BRITISH HELP WITH OPERATION BLUE STAR? : The British killed over ten million Indians in just the ten years after 1857 in just Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar. Sikhs played a major role in these killings and afterwards as a Sikh body guard riding in a jeep with a British viceroy gunning down any Indian, man woman or child, who came in view on either side of the road, showed. Sikhs will fight bravely for India against Pakistan or China but never against the Anglo-Americans toward whom Sikhs hold their ultimate loyalty to this day. Indira Gandhi needed British “permission’ to move against the Sikhs because the British were the Sikhs’ lords and masters and the Nehru family were the designated rulers of India by virtue of Nehru’s continued loyalty to the British -- the same was the case for Vajpayee -- and what better way to get their permission than by having them help with the planning of Operation Blue Star? Sikhs are traitors to India and that is why until recently no Sikh was made an Army chief. A Sikh is now head of India’s nuclear forces which means India’s nuclear weapons are worthless if they have to be used against the Americans; see the heading of this press release repeated many dozens of times. Before this, a Christian was made head of India’s nuclear forces so that India’s nuclear weapons will be worthless against a white/Christian country such as the United States where India’s nuclear warheads are emplaced in Washington, New York and other cities. The only solution is for DRDO to have a means of triggering India’s nuclear warheads even if the heads of India’s nuclear forces are traitors.
(Jan 8 ‘14) A professor of philosophy at New York’s Baruch College once sat down opposite me in Au Bon Pain café in Harvard Square and the first words he said to me were “Maybe you are an Avatar”. Was there something so extra-ordinary in my appearance that made him say that? Others have said similar things. In view of the paragraph below, what they say seems to have some merit. Let us take what they say seriously. Let the word go out that Satish Chandra is an Avatar (Incarnation) and India’s legitimate ruler. Let the Congress, BJP and AAP match that! (Jan 9 ‘14) A couple hours after I sent the above, a post on Bharat-Rakshak said “There is indeed a God looking after India”. Well, you have to obey God, sing his praises and celebrate the life of an Avatar. This Avatar has already said that Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria; you are yet to arrest American consular staff -- and ambassador -- who helped someone with criminal charges against him flee Indian justice. There is an absolute ban on Bharat-Rakshak against taking the name of this Avatar or singing his praises. This is no way to win God’s favor./ Immediately upon my reference to arresting the American ambassador, the Americans gave diplomatic immunity to the Indian diplomat and let her fly home the same day (Jan 9 ‘14). Now let us deal with the Americans’ crimes against this Avatar (paragraph below).
(Jan 5 ‘14) CIA-SPONSORED RAHUL, MODI, KEJRIWAL VS. CIA-SUPPRESSED SATISH CHANDRA: The United States has successfully delayed by about thirty years the development of India’s cryogenic engine -- a tiny example of incomparably greater sabotage: ""India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title; my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2014 and earlier editions."
(Dec 28 ‘13) One nuclear explosion on Ramlila Grounds where the uninformed masses gather by the hundreds of thousands at the rallies of Kejriwal, Modi, etc. will take care of their popular support but, instead, one nuclear explosion on RAW headquarters and one on South Block - North Block will destroy traitors, including Kejriwal, sponsored by CIA-RAW while it suppresses Satish Chandra who can make India the supreme military and economic power in the world immediately.
(Dec 26 ‘13) With its nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington, New York and other U.S. cities, India has the means right now to make all U.S. presidents -- past and present -- present themselves in India to be whipped and hanged, by warning that Washington and New York will be destroyed if the U.S. fails to obey and additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation.
(Dec 21 ‘13) Filthy niggers of the Indian government such as the Commerce and Industry Minister and the Foreign Minister insist on putting “the extremely valuable partnership” with the United States above all else; they have a partnership with the United States in raping Mother India -- they pull apart and hold open the entrances to the cavities of Mother India which the United States then rapes. They deserve death even more than Ratan Tata about whom I wrote: “Ratan Tata should be whipped and hanged for giving $50 million to Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist was publicly tortured for being an Indian and to keep India poor, weak and enslaved”. I have described -- IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom -- the war waged with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance for the past 37 years against the only Indian who is an obstacle to the Americans’ rape of India.
(Dec 20 ‘13) There was an arrest warrant, which was duly served on the American embassy, against Philip, the Indian “evacuated” from India by the United States on Dec 10 ‘13, as well as his wife -- as the Foreign Minister repeatedly said on television though a story today in the RAW organ Times of India cleverly omits mention of the warrant against the husband -- and the United States consular staff, which must have processed the visa and travel arrangements, must be arrested for the crime of helping an absconder to flee -- filthy niggers such as the Foreign Minister repeatedly referred to this as “visa fraud” but what matters is that this was a crime against Indian law which does not permit helping an absconder to flee -- and the entire consular staff can be arrested as suspects. The Indian government, which works for the United States, will try to avoid this. Ransacking one pizza outlet is not enough; all American businesses must be destroyed; as I have said below, Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria.
(Dec 12 ‘13) Ratan Tata should be whipped and hanged for giving $50 million to Harvard University where the world’s greatest scientist was publicly tortured for being an Indian and to keep India poor, weak and enslaved.
(DEC 3 ‘13) Filthy niggers such as Modi who hanker after U.S. visas want the pleasure of drinking water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets as do hundreds of thousands of Gujaratis running brothels (called motels but renting rooms by the hour for sex) and I.I.T. graduates -- I am one ( PsychotherapyDOTeBoardDOTcom ) -- given 1.3 crore packages before graduation by American companies so they can work for this most ferocious of India’s enemies with a mentality as filthy as the water loaded with fecal bacteria from flush toilets they will be drinking. I have shown that both M. K. Gandhi and Nehru were sponsored by British intelligence. Kejriwal is sponsored by CIA-RAW because, like me, he is from I.I.T. Kharagpur but his fasts were not the CIA-enforced starvation up to 3 weeks at a time I have suffered, unlike me he has been promoted, not suppressed, in the media by CIA-RAW and, via electronic voting machines controlled by the CIA by microwave signals from satellites, he can even be made prime minister by CIA-RAW (added on Dec 11 ‘13: CIA-RAW showed its minute-by-minute management of Kejriwal by first sending him to meditate for 2 days after the voting because of my references to filthy mentality, above, and meditation then stopping the 19-minute recording of his interview with NDTV in the middle -- which it knew I was watching -- and adding a 3 minute segment at the end having him say he had gone away for 2 days because he was not feeling well, when it saw that sending him for meditation did not cut any ice with me and having his mother do an interview with NDTV pretending it was done while he was still away several days before it was broadcast with her saying he had gone away because he was not feeling well; this falsification of the time of the interview that can easily be established was a fraud in service of a larger crime -- CIA-RAW’s management of Kejriwal -- and can be used to put away and hang Kejriwal, NDTV, RAW and a lot of others for treason; after that the CIA had him included in a list of the world‘s greatest thinkers by Foreign Policy magazine though corruption and bribery are way down in the list of India‘s problems the biggest of which is CIA rule over India and its suppression of the greatest Indian of all time capable of making India the supreme military and economic power in the world immediately; also, after I wrote the above about Kejriwal, a flood of stories in the media said that Nandan Nilekani -- also from an I.I.T. -- who, despite being worth well over a billion dollars from working for the Americans has become chairman of India‘s Unique Identification Card -- Aadhar card -- program which has entered into a contract with MongoDB which is part-funded by the CIA “to identify, adapt and deliver innovative technology solutions to support the missions of CIA and the broader US intelligence community” including “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate” -- Economic Times, Dec 3 ‘13 -- to bring India’s population under comprehensive American control as do numerous programs under the guise of homeland security etc. for which the U.S. National Security Agency chief recently spent about a week in India with a team of 17 -- what was he doing with a team of 17 for almost a week in India? -- will be the Congress party‘s prime ministerial candidate, nominated by the CIA which will be happy if any of its nominees -- Modi, Kejriwal or Nilekani -- becomes prime minister and, as is shown in the comments of the CIA Director and K. Subrahmanyam to me, which can be found at HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom, the entire Indian government is simply a front for the CIA), though when I ran for Parliament from East Delhi in 1996, RAW changed the Returning Officer in mid-stream and instructed the civil servants who did the counting to register exactly one vote for me from each polling booth; when I mentioned this falsification of vote counts, Vajpayee had the BJP candidate, B. L. Sharma “Prem“, who won, resign his Lok Sabha seat but when Vajpayee became prime minister, Advani as Home Minister was sent to CIA headquarters -- or face prosecution for the Babri Masjid demolition which he undertook at Vajpayee’s suggestion who suggested it to Advani at the CIA’s suggestion -- and the Home Ministry and Intelligence Bureau began to participate, in addition to RAW, in the CIA’s crimes against me with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance for the past 37 years. No one is allowed to be in public life in India unless sponsored by CIA-RAW. The Nehru family, Modi, Kejriwal -- all deserve death though they may not all be killed in the nuclear destruction of RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block. The fecal bacteria from flush toilets in their drinking water form the essence of Americans. Avoid contact with Americans as you would with faeces. Americans deserve to be killed as ruthlessly as fecal bacteria.
(Added on Dec 15 ‘13 : After what I wrote above about Nandan Nilekani, his candidacy for prime minister became untenable and CIA-RAW -- see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom -- decided to revive the candidacy of the Italian woman’s son by giving him credit for the Lok Pal bill for which it ordered Anna Hazare to support the government’s Lok Pak bill; as I have said, Hazare’s agitation was sponsored by CIA-RAW to keep India ‘Gandhian’ and so poor, weak and enslaved. If the Aam Admi Party were smart, they will see that CIA rule over India is an incomparably bigger problem than bribery and destroy the Congress and the BJP by publicizing their participation in the CIA’s crimes against me and against India. But, as I have said, India’s nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra; he does not need India’s conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India).
(NOV 27 ‘13) I have repeatedly emphasized the ability of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to make any digital system -- including all defence equipment from aircraft to submarines and missiles to nuclear power plants and anything else you can think of -- do whatever it wants with microwave signals from satellites, such as blowing up an Indian submarine recently and making about a thousand Indian Air Force aircraft crash (IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom). Two days ago I was filling out a form at a website and I got a screen saying you need to update your Adobe reader to view the document but the CIA, via NSA satellites, wouldn’t let me update the Adobe reader. I went to a commercial place that rents computers and got the same message though their computers already had the latest version of the Adobe reader. As soon as the owner of the place came to see why it was doing that, the CIA removed the problem without his doing anything. Then, after mailing the filled out form, as I tried to track it, I kept getting ‘There is no record of it in our system’, both on the telephone and on the Canada Post website, even two days after mailing it, though the tracking history, beginning with the acceptance of the item at the post office, is supposed to appear within minutes of the item being accepted at the post office. As I prepared to take it up with Canada Post, the CIA stopped making the item disappear and the tracking history, starting from acceptance of the item at the post office with date and time, appeared. These are tiny examples of what the CIA can do. Having India’s nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York and not exploding them, with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation, is absolutely suicidal. The CIA’s Indian proxies -- RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block -- have to be destroyed along with Washington and New York: filthy niggers of the Indian government such as the defence minister who chastised the Indian Navy recently for making the submarine blow up by not following due procedures -- not because he knew of any violation of procedure but simply to deny sabotage by the United States and justify holding anti-submarine warfare exercises with the U.S. (paragraph dated Nov 7 ’13 below) -- the finance minister who keeps giving away ownership and control of India to Americans though India has an unlimited amount of investment capital simply by printing the money so long as it is used for productive purposes -- which is what the Americans have been doing following my proposal about money-- and the innumerable riots, partition of the country and all around misery, including participation in the CIA’s crimes against me -- Kapil Sibal literally sits at CIA-supplied terminals to participate in crimes against me -- that the Intelligence Bureau/RAW and the rest of the Indian government is guilty of. No amount of time and effort spent on any weapon system or anything else will do India any good unless the only effective weapon India has against the United States -- exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed if there is any retaliation -- is used first.
(NOV 21 ‘13) A Jew, the first and only psychologist to be given a Nobel Prize in Economics -- about which I wrote (‘ How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More’ : How IndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom) "When an American psychologist was given the Nobel Prize in Economics a couple of years ago, I pointed out that his work had not the millionth part of the significance my work has for Economics. ... " -- was given the United States’ highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, yesterday as was Bill Clinton about whom I wrote (HowIndiasEconomyCanGrowDOTblogspotDOTcom): “the firangis gave the Nobel prize in Economics to the mediocre Indian named Amartya Sen as a substitute for the Nobel prize for me since they would not let their crimes against me, committed in collaboration with India’s RAW and India’s prime ministers, be exposed. When Clinton, as president, held a White House conference on the “New Economy”, the “New Economy” was the economy that my proposal about money leads to; of all the dozens of Nobel prize winners in Economics, he invited Amartya Sen to the conference -- though Sen had absolutely nothing to do with the “New Economy” -- because he is their mediocre Indian substitute for the greatest Indian of all time they have been committing crimes against. When Amartya Sen was given the Nobel prize, Vajpayee left New Delhi for several days to avoid meeting him, because he knew Sen was the firangis’ dummy substitute to cover their crimes against me, but RAW kept Sen waiting in New Delhi several days till Vajpayee yielded and gave him all the honours CIA-RAW wanted him to receive as a substitute for me”. Obama, who gave the award to the Jew and Clinton, has continued to apply my proposal about money, like Clinton and George W. Bush, to the U.S. economy (see IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom) : “It is noteworthy that both the United States government and the Indian government had proceeded to implement my proposal about money, as I have described in letters dated August 1, 2001, September 6, 2001 and April 13, 2001 (also letters about stock market manipulation by the U.S. Treasury Department by pumping money into the stock market; Bush made a trip through an underground tunnel from the White House to the Treasury Department to see the set up created for such manipulation) that appeared in the American online newspaper thecurrentonline; they can be found at SatishChandraInTheCurrentonlineDOTblogspotDOTcom . The Vajpayee government set up a separate Cabinet Committee on Economic Strategy for the purpose of stealing my proposal about money. When I pointed out that they were trying to STEAL my proposal about money, they stopped implementing it. The U.S. Federal Reserve has been buying more than a trillion dollars of U.S. Treasury bonds every year -- another way of applying my proposal about money. The DMK government in Tamil Nadu was having Indian currency printed in China with the connivance of the head of the Reserve Bank of India, given to A. Raja as bribes and used to give freebies to the people of Tamil Nadu -- its way of applying my proposal about money since the Central government would not apply it to India as a whole”. Rather, the Indian government is letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money.
So long as I keep writing, CIA-RAW can manage things because it controls the media, government, all political parties and the general public. What it cannot manage is the explosion of emplaced nuclear warheads in Washington and New York. Fearing that India’s nuclear forces were about to explode the emplaced nuclear warheads, CIA-RAW allowed the expose of Modi’s surveillance of a woman to get into the media since I have said that Modi is CIA-sponsored. But after I wrote the paragraph dated Nov 20 ‘13 below, RAW had the staff of Tehelka -- a RAW-sponsored organ whose first sting operation was on George Fernandes, with whom I had once spoken over the phone, to ensure that he never utters a word about the 24-hour satellite surveillance and harassment against me for the past 36 years -- stage a sexual harassment scenario which has completely eclipsed Modi’s surveillance of the woman in the media. But I could write till hell freezes over and it will not make the slightest difference to CIA-RAW’s absolute, total control of India. Only exploding the nuclear warheads to destroy Washington, New York and RAW will end CIA rule over India.
(NOV 20 ‘13) The headlines scream “Open Defecation” by the majority of Indians on World Toilet Day. Going to the fields is the most environmentally friendly way to defecate. Lake Ontario which supplies Toronto’s drinking water is heavily polluted from fecal bacteria from flush toilets whose health effects are ignored. Cleanliness procedures of Indians from Yoga to daily life -- Indians expressed shock that the University of Chicago president’s wife put a spoon which she had just put in her mouth to taste a dish she was preparing back in the pot to stir it and I replied “That’s why they are called dirty Jews” -- are the most stringent in the world. The environmental and health effects -- from water requirements to pollution of water bodies -- of flush toilets on India will be devastating. Without first establishing dominance via emplaced nuclear warheads (below), snatching entire continents from the white man after killing the existing population, India cannot be dominant in health and sanitation.
(NOV 12 ‘13) Regarding the 4 earthquakes in 3 hours in New Delhi : the nuclear explosions that will destroy RAW Headquarters and South Block & North Block will also cause earthquakes. No one is saying that like the visit of the evil Pope and super cyclones in Orissa (below), these earthquakes are related to the evil in New Delhi (below). But the earthquakes caused by the nuclear explosions definitely will be due to the evil in New Delhi.
(NOV 8 ‘13) I have been posting comments on the Cartoons Against Corruption web site (www.cartoonsagainstcorruptionDOTblogspotDOTcom ) for months. Usually lots of other people also posted comments there but for about a year or so there were no comments other than mine. I suspected that my browser was being redirected by CIA-RAW to a dummy website as they do when I try to post at many other websites. Today I went to a commercial place where you can rent computers and tried to log on to Cartoons Against Corruption. Sure enough, none of my recent comments were there and there were hundreds of comments from other people. My most recent comment on this -- real rather than dummy -- website was dated March 22, 2013 and the most recent comments from other people were from September, 2012. On coming home, I tried to log on to this web site from my own computer and this time I reached the real, rather than dummy, web site. After I wrote this comment, found that my browser is again being redirected to the dummy web site. Since RAW is redirecting traffic away from his web site, the owner of the web site, who has criminal charges against him for the contents of his web site, has the right to sue RAW for violation of his civil rights and file a criminal complaint as well. RAW’s behavior is unconstitutional and RAW has been doing this with the full support of all Indian governments since 1977 and so all Indian governments -- in all their branches, legislative, executive and judiciary -- since 1977 have been unconstitutional.
(NOV 7 ‘13) Neither Agni I, nor Agni II or Agni III or Agni IV or Agni V make India dominant over the United States; only exploding the nuclear warheads emplaced in Washington and New York, with a warning that warheads emplaced in additional U.S. cities will be exploded if there is any retaliation, does. These emplaced warheads are India’s super-weapon to establish dominance over the enemy. Missiles will be useful after dominance has been established, to totally destroy and rub this enemy into the dirt. The enemy’s proxy which is the Indian government also has to be destroyed. After blowing up an Indian submarine, the United States right now is conducting anti-submarine warfare exercises with India, rendering the rest of India’s submarines useless and subverting the Indian navy’s officers and men -- the service chiefs and senior officers are already subverted. The new governor of the Reserve Bank who works for the CIA is bringing American banks, letting the U.S. take ownership and control of India by simply printing money. The head of ISRO who congratulated his staff for the successful development of GSLV before a test because he knew it had been sabotaged is expressing hope that the success of the mission to Mars will prompt the United States to take control of ISRO which is what he means by other countries becoming more interested in collaborative missions with India. In every sphere of life India’s government is rushing India into slavery to the United States. Taking control of India away from proxies of the CIA by the simultaneous destruction of Washington, New York and RAW, South Block, North Block is necessary to destroy the enemy United States.
(NOV 6 ‘13) Any evacuation of New Delhi/ Delhi will eliminate surprise and prompt the United States and its Indian proxies to do everything possible to avoid being destroyed. I have shown ( in NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom ) that everyone in New Delhi / Delhi is a collaborator with the enemy and wrote that ideally the entire population of New Delhi / Delhi should be killed; in fact there will be a gradient of destruction radiating from ground zero. One of the warheads should be targeted at RAW headquarters and one at South Block and North Block on Raisina Hill.

(OCT 29 ‘13) People are aghast that Modi went ahead with his Patna rally after half a dozen bombs had already exploded at the venue and several had been killed. Others are aghast that the Home Minister went to a Bollywood music function hours after the explosions and deaths in Patna. No one is aghast that life goes on as usual in New Delhi despite the impending simultaneous nuclear destruction of Washington, New York and RAW; there is no evacuation of New Delhi / Delhi.
(Oct 19 ‘13) I said “All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities”. It is to try to counter the effect of what I said that Manmohan Singh is going to Moscow and Beijing tomorrow. But what he says does not matter, only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. It was because of what I said that Saudi Arabia rejected membership of the UN Security Council a day after being elected to it. Saudi Arabia, like India, has suffered several stampedes at religious gatherings instigated through proxies of the CIA one of which killed almost 1,500 people.

(Oct 15 ‘13) The rumor that a bridge to a temple they were standing on was collapsing that caused the stampede in Madhya Pradesh killing over a hundred was spread by RAW (see WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom ) in response to the following comment of mine and in support of the Italian woman so the Italian woman could express “condolences” over the stupid behavior of the inferior Indian niggers. Just as all terrorism in India is instigated by the CIA via proxies in the subcontinent including India’s RAW, all temple stampedes in India are instigated by RAW as a part of psychological warfare against India on behalf of the white countries. I have described RAW arranging for practitioners of an Indian spiritual discipline, whose understanding of gravity and inertia I called superior to that of Albert Einstein, to be physically attacked and driven away in Noida and Madhya Pradesh on the C.I.A.'s orders because of my comment. CIA-RAW’s war against India in the field of science is monumental and remains thoroughly covered up by Indian as well as foreign governments and media. All poverty and economic deprivation in India is a consequence of first the British and now the CIA’s war against India. All forms of warfare against India is waged with the help of their Indian proxies. Just as what is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc., does not change the basic fact that India is now the sole superpower, even if the stampede was due to the stupidity of Indians -- I have said in my press releases that India’s population is a mountain of S-H-I-T -- it does not change this basic fact, described below, that India is now the sole superpower:-
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All the stupid niggers of the U.N. Security Council (the five permanent members) need to be reminded that India is the sole superpower; after destroying Washington and New York with its nuclear warheads emplaced in U.S. cities, India can compel the United States to use its nuclear-armed ICBMs to destroy, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg, or Beijing and Shanghai or any other country in the world, or lose more of its own cities. What is said below about the flecks of filth that are Indian politicians or Manmohan Singh or RAW, etc. does not change this basic fact. Nothing that your puppy dog/ fleck of filth Manmohan Singh says either to the Negro in the White House or in the General Assembly on nuclear, military or economic issues or anything else matters; only what India’s legitimate ruler says matters. IndiasLegitimateRulerSatishChandraDOTblogspotDOTcom
All the evil in India comes from the United States where the equivalent of a Pope was psychologist B. F. Skinner whose school of psychology a paper I published destroyed -- ‘B. F. Skinner’s Monumental Crime’ : BFSkinnersMonumentalCrimeDOTblogspotDOTcom . But he lives on in the form of the CIA which continues to this day to wage war against India and myself with the help of 24-hour satellite surveillance -- see ‘Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.’ : NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUSDOTblogspotDOTcom -- and the CIA is simply the essence of the United States and its population.
Satish Chandra
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(Oct 1 ‘13) CIA-RAW have deleted the following comments wherever I have posted them, including my own Facebook page, Cartoons Against Corruption and hundreds of news websites via Facebook saying it violates our community standards -- it is CIA-RAW that has deleted them, not Facebook and is preventing me from logging on to Facebook or posting them using any other commenting tool :-
-------- Start of comment # 1 -----------
I have said that India’s nuclear forces should simultaneously destroy Washington, New York and RAW (that is, RAW headquarters, South Block and North Block), with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them, if there is any retaliation or sign of retaliation. The warheads should be triggered on a working day in Washington and New York during working hours -- 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time -- in Washington and New York. Nine AM in Washington and New York will be a little past office hours in New Delhi but that is fine. The United States government is shut down starting Oct 1 ’13 and government offices will be mostly empty but it cannot remain shut very long and triggering the warheads even during the shut down is not ruled out.
An article titled “The general and his stink bombs” in The Hindu of September 30 ‘13 says what I have been saying for many years; it says “After independence, the IB continued to maintain close links with its former parental organisation, the MI5. Recently released MI5 documents show that the first director of the IB, T.G. Sanjevi Pillai, cooperated with British officials in keeping a tab on the Indian high commissioner to London, V.K. Krishna Menon — a man they deeply distrusted for his alleged communist leanings. Examples can easily be multiplied”. But this does not capture a millionth part of what the Intelligence Bureau and RAW have been doing to this day. I have written (for example in my article titled ‘India’s Technological and Economic Emancipation’ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' : nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) about the continued control of Indian intelligence agencies by British and later American intelligence agencies after 1947. India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was split off from the Intelligence Bureau which had continued after 1947 to be loyal to the British. Later the Americans supplanted the British and RAW functions as a branch of the CIA against India. As part of this relationship, CIA-RAW exercises extensive control over the Indian media and, among its various activities, engages in sabotage of indigenous research and development to keep India dependent on other countries for defence and other equipment (the nuclear deal is just another CIA-RAW operation of that kind, though of a scope and with consequences far graver than any such operation till now).
An example of this is a Bharat-Rakshak discussion thread about a black box installed by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in the indigenously developed Arjun tank that documented the sabotage of its engines during trials by the Army; such sabotage has been the basis of the Army's rejection, on RAW's prompting, of the Arjun tank in favour of imports (as I said in the above article, India‘s Army is the collaborator Army that helped the British rule India and, even after Independence, all its regiments and units have retained their former identities and regularly celebrate the anniversaries of their founding by the British). A CIA-RAW operative, who served as a moderator on Bharat-Rakshak and controlled the forum, locked away this discussion thread so that numerous posts that had appeared documenting the sabotage of the Arjun tank were covered up. The major metropolitan newspapers, on most of which CIA-RAW exercises extensive control, have made no mention of the black box -- which was like the flight data recorder in aircraft -- installed by DRDO in Arjun tanks and the shocking findings about the sabotage even though a report on this was provided to them by the Indo Asian News Service (IANS).
There is across the board sabotage by various means by CIA-RAW to keep India down technologically, economically and militarily. RAW's grip over India is comparable to the old KGB's grip over the Soviet Union, with the difference that whereas the KGB worked for the good of the Soviet Union, except toward the end, RAW has always worked for its imperialist masters. The role of politicians in governing India is insignificant compared to that of CIA-RAW but RAW has no place in the public's consciousness or in discussions of public affairs in India.
An important point about the sabotage of Arjun is that people on the Arjun discussion thread on Bharat-Rakshak were aghast at the Army's behavior and calling for Army brass being tried for treason, etc. but it will be a mistake to stop with the Army; it is RAW which is behind such sabotage not just of Arjun but of India's interests, technological, economic and other, in a lot of areas. RAW has operatives in the Army at various levels but it is necessary to go to the root of the problem. RAW has to be destroyed and I have suggested that a brand new external intelligence agency be formed with the help of military intelligence (RAW is supposed to be India's external intelligence agency but at least 90% of its activities are within India, against India).
The destruction of RAW does not mean simply disbanding the agency and letting its employees continue their service to the CIA through other organisations, old or new, or in other roles. It is a mammoth agency with just the number of joint secretaries in the hundreds. It is India’s real ‘government’ and the politicians and civil servants largely obey its dictates. It puts the words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, etc., and determines most policies that are, erroneously, attributed to them. Any one, even a prime minister, whom CIA-RAW considers inconvenient is eliminated, if necessary by death, as I have said regarding the deaths of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and, later, Rajiv Gandhi in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘ in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US' on blogspot ( nuclearsupremacyforindiaoverusDOTblogspotDOTcom ) which can be found by doing a Google search with the title.
Over the past many years, I have shown how almost all terrorist incidents in India since 1983 have been carried out by outfits controlled by the CIA either directly or through intelligence agencies in the region, including India’s RAW. The Jain Commision of Inquiry, which went into Rajiv Gandhi’s death, acknowledged that the LTTE, which carried out his assassination, was created and controlled by RAW. It was an open secret that MQM, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, when it was known as a terrorist organization, was a creation of RAW. But the same is true of many terrorist outfits that operate in India.
(Continued) Another example of RAW’s multifarious activities, that I have described in press releases, articles and letters to the press since 1987, is its spreading heroin addiction and AIDS first in India’s Northeast then elsewhere to provide the United States with a population to use as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development, after the CIA was assigned the task of roping in a population for this purpose. I have described how both Rajiv Gandhi (after being blackmailed with threats of exposure of the Bofors and HDW kickbacks by Swedish and German media at the CIA‘s instigation) and Vajpayee cooperated in this. But terrorism, etc., are the least of its activities; I mentioned those only because the existence of terrorism is publicly known. Its sabotage of India’s research and development activities, of which the sabotage of the Arjun tank is just one example, is among the deadliest of its activities.
The nuclear deal and its various aspects -- replacing indigenous production of uranium and reactors with imports, the capping, rollback and elimination of India’s nuclear weapons program, media control and buying up politicians, scientists, etc. for this purpose -- is just the largest and deadliest of such activities, leaving out the 24-hour satellite surveillance and all the crimes, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the past 36 years, against India’s greatest scientist, described in my article titled ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year‘. The point is that all the tens of thousands of RAW employees are guilty of the gravest treason and deserve the death penalty. So do all those -- politicians, civil servants and others -- who are willing collaborators of CIA-RAW.
What has been revealed so far about NSA monitoring of Indians is not a millionth part of what it does. For the last 36 years, NSA has kept the world's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian under 24-hour audio and video surveillance by satellite as well as surveillance of all electronic communications, computer use, etc. India's RAW has been participating in this surveillance and harassment to the hilt. On August 8, 2008, CIA director Michael Hayden and former chairman of India's Joint Intelligence Committee, K. Subrahmanyam, came on line and confirmed this surveillance by satellite that has been going on with this scientist as target for the past 36 years. See HaydenSubrahmanyamDOTblogspotDOTcom for what they said. This is what the CIA has been doing to this scientist:-
""India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title; my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2013 and earlier editions."

@WebMaster yeh banda purana papi hai aur bada boring hai, Isko ban kar do please. :cray:
In a discussion thread, one guy spamming. SOmeone ban this Kaal...!

Whether Modi or Congress, one thing is We never wish to see another riot in India. ever.
This yasin mofo is a goldmine of information, churn out everything off him and finish IM completely

Good going RAW
If and when Modi becomes PM he will be given full SPG PM cover which is merely a few weeks away. After the PM Modi is the most protected man in India, having his Z++ security boosted with additional NSG operators and an Advance Security Liaison from the MHA.

There is little more that can be for Modi now but I do think that in the future SPG cover should be given to all credible Prime Ministerial candidates in the run up to elections much like the US Secret Service protects all Presidential candidates after the primaries(IIRC this is when USSS cover is given).
the biggest enemy of MODI is MODI himself
Care to explain? But before that plz care to explain what u know bout Modi? His journey till date, achievements, nature of achievements, etc

Or are you just another ignorant Pakistani to know bout him thru likes of Zaid Hameed and Armed Forces? :D

We want peace in India :) No more riots in India :) and Modi as PM in India :D
If Modi comes, there wont be any riot ever. Simple reason being his authoratarian attitude. Riots happen when Sickulars treat people and communities as commodities and Vote Banks. Interestingly, Muslims in India have finally after 6 decades have understood this.
I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography can be found in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2014 and earlier editions); for more on the subject above see 'What You Should Know About RAW' (reproduced above) in my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U. S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title.

Do you have a name? Where do you live?
What I find is interesting is that Nitish Kumar refused to arrest Bhatkal just to prove his "secular" credentials and now this has emboldened him and now NIA is finding difficult to get info
What I find is interesting is that Nitish Kumar refused to arrest Bhatkal just to prove his "secular" credentials and now this has emboldened him and now NIA is finding difficult to get info

What is so surprising about that ?
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