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Thousands Back Antigraft Hunger Strike in New Delhi



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Aug 31, 2009
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Thousands Back Antigraft Hunger Strike in New Delhi​


A girl waves an Indian flag and another sings a patriotic song beside India's anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare, right, on Sunday

NEW DELHI — Sunil and Suman Wadhwa dressed their 4-year-old son in a crisp white shirt and checkered shorts on Sunday for the blisteringly hot trip into New Delhi. They had never participated in a political rally, but after watching the anticorruption campaigner Anna Hazare on television, they wanted to do more than watch.

“We have come here to make change,” said Suman Wadhwa, 36, holding her small son, Gagan, after traveling from the eastern edge of the city. “If we had not come today, we would have felt that we didn’t contribute to the freedom struggle.”

The Wadhwas were far from alone. On Sunday, tens of thousands of people streamed into Ramlila Maidan, the public ground in the heart of New Delhi, the capital, where Mr. Hazare, 74, marked the sixth day of his anticorruption hunger strike.

Despite boiling temperatures, people came by car or by rickshaw, by subway or by foot. Faces were painted with the tricolors of the Indian flag. Many people wore the white Gandhi cap — the topi — now suddenly back in vogue.

Anyone traveling through New Delhi would have most likely bumped into some expression of support for Mr. Hazare, large or small, including a late afternoon march by several thousand people from the city’s historic India Gate to the mass gathering at Ramlila Maidan. In Mumbai, the country’s financial capital, large crowds marched through the city, while peaceful demonstrations were held elsewhere across the country.

“He has some X-factor,” Sumit Khanna, 21, a student, said of Mr. Hazare. “He is fighting for us. He is fighting for young India.”

It speaks to the unexpected ways that Mr. Hazare’s campaign has shaken Indian politics during the past week that a septuagenarian Gandhian is now described by a college student as having an X-factor.

Ordinarily, Mr. Hazare’s campaign might seem too arcane to stir such deep public passions: his standoff with the government is over competing pieces of legislation to create a national anticorruption agency. He has vowed not to break his fast until the government accepts his legislative proposal. Even many people now protesting admit to knowing only the basic differences about the rival proposals.

Yet Mr. Hazare has tapped into a deep public frustration with corruption and with the political class, demonstrating an appeal that has attracted college students, young professionals, doctors, teachers and families toting children, all of them members of a middle class long dismissed as politically apathetic in India. His critics have derided Mr. Hazare’s description of the anticorruption campaign as a “second freedom struggle,” yet many people at the Ramlila Maidan repeated the same phrase, proudly.

“This is for the whole of India, for the people of India,” said Amar Singh, 22, another college student. “This is not political. He doesn’t belong to any political party. All political parties are corrupt.”

For several months, India’s political landscape has been dominated by government corruption scandals that have fueled public outrage. But it is the smaller, more personal brushes with official graft that have motivated many people to turn out for Mr. Hazare’s movement. Vinay Mishra, 33, a mathematics tutor, said his family had to pay numerous bribes before they were granted the necessary permits to renovate their home. At one point, he said, an official from a local electricity board threatened a work stoppage unless he received a small payment.

“They kept raising unnecessary objections,” Mr. Mishra recalled. “Every time we had to do something with a government agency, we had to pay a bribe. The officials are not willing to do their work unless you pay them money.”

Dr. Ashwani Kansal, 43, brought his wife, Tanu, and their two children to Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, despite the heat and huge crowds. Dr. Kansal said his patients often had to pay a $10 bribe at a government office to get a birth certificate for a child. He said police officers demanded bribes if a person tried to file a complaint for a missing wallet or cellphone.

“Corruption is in the roots,” he said. “Everyone wants big money.”

Mr. Hazare has lost more than seven pounds since beginning his fast and spends much of each day sitting on an elevated platform as his advisers, known as Team Anna, make the rounds on television programs or make speeches to the crowd. On Sunday night, Indian news media reported that channels of communication had opened between Team Anna and the government, even if Mr. Hazare hardly seemed to be softening his insistence that Parliament pass his legislative proposal, known as the Jan Lokpal bill.


“Even if the prime minister comes,” he told the crowd at one point on Sunday, “I will not withdraw my hunger strike until the Jan Lokpal bill is passed in the Parliament. I can die but I will not bend.”

Mr. Hazare’s professed unwillingness to compromise, as well as his occasionally belligerent tone, has attracted criticism as government officials have cautioned that any legislation must reflect a broad national consensus. Others have accused him of trying to hold the parliamentary process hostage with his hunger strike, rather than participate in it.

Yet out on Ramlila Maidan, Mr. Hazare seems to have inspired mostly hope. Sunil Wadhwa, the father who brought his 4-year-old son, said many people felt powerless to influence the government and blamed corruption for all sorts of problems, even rising inflation. If politicians did not steal so much money, he argued, more of it would trickle down to the people for whom it is intended.

“We feel angry but we can’t do anything,” Mr. Wadhwa, a teacher, said. “Now we have this platform to show our anger.”

He said he felt that Mr. Hazare understood the travails of the ordinary man. Indian politicians, on the other hand, did not, he said.

“You can’t connect with them,” he said. “You just can’t go to them. They have become an elite class. They are just different.”

I was there yesterday ... amazing scenes indeed !

Never seen so many people united under the Indian flag for a common cause ....
Thousands Back Antigraft Hunger Strike in New Delhi​


A girl waves an Indian flag and another sings a patriotic song beside India's anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare, right, on Sunday

NEW DELHI — Sunil and Suman Wadhwa dressed their 4-year-old son in a crisp white shirt and checkered shorts on Sunday for the blisteringly hot trip into New Delhi. They had never participated in a political rally, but after watching the anticorruption campaigner Anna Hazare on television, they wanted to do more than watch.

“We have come here to make change,” said Suman Wadhwa, 36, holding her small son, Gagan, after traveling from the eastern edge of the city. “If we had not come today, we would have felt that we didn’t contribute to the freedom struggle.”

The Wadhwas were far from alone. On Sunday, tens of thousands of people streamed into Ramlila Maidan, the public ground in the heart of New Delhi, the capital, where Mr. Hazare, 74, marked the sixth day of his anticorruption hunger strike.

Despite boiling temperatures, people came by car or by rickshaw, by subway or by foot. Faces were painted with the tricolors of the Indian flag. Many people wore the white Gandhi cap — the topi — now suddenly back in vogue.

Anyone traveling through New Delhi would have most likely bumped into some expression of support for Mr. Hazare, large or small, including a late afternoon march by several thousand people from the city’s historic India Gate to the mass gathering at Ramlila Maidan. In Mumbai, the country’s financial capital, large crowds marched through the city, while peaceful demonstrations were held elsewhere across the country.

“He has some X-factor,” Sumit Khanna, 21, a student, said of Mr. Hazare. “He is fighting for us. He is fighting for young India.”

It speaks to the unexpected ways that Mr. Hazare’s campaign has shaken Indian politics during the past week that a septuagenarian Gandhian is now described by a college student as having an X-factor.

Ordinarily, Mr. Hazare’s campaign might seem too arcane to stir such deep public passions: his standoff with the government is over competing pieces of legislation to create a national anticorruption agency. He has vowed not to break his fast until the government accepts his legislative proposal. Even many people now protesting admit to knowing only the basic differences about the rival proposals.

Yet Mr. Hazare has tapped into a deep public frustration with corruption and with the political class, demonstrating an appeal that has attracted college students, young professionals, doctors, teachers and families toting children, all of them members of a middle class long dismissed as politically apathetic in India. His critics have derided Mr. Hazare’s description of the anticorruption campaign as a “second freedom struggle,” yet many people at the Ramlila Maidan repeated the same phrase, proudly.

“This is for the whole of India, for the people of India,” said Amar Singh, 22, another college student. “This is not political. He doesn’t belong to any political party. All political parties are corrupt.”

For several months, India’s political landscape has been dominated by government corruption scandals that have fueled public outrage. But it is the smaller, more personal brushes with official graft that have motivated many people to turn out for Mr. Hazare’s movement. Vinay Mishra, 33, a mathematics tutor, said his family had to pay numerous bribes before they were granted the necessary permits to renovate their home. At one point, he said, an official from a local electricity board threatened a work stoppage unless he received a small payment.

“They kept raising unnecessary objections,” Mr. Mishra recalled. “Every time we had to do something with a government agency, we had to pay a bribe. The officials are not willing to do their work unless you pay them money.”

Dr. Ashwani Kansal, 43, brought his wife, Tanu, and their two children to Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, despite the heat and huge crowds. Dr. Kansal said his patients often had to pay a $10 bribe at a government office to get a birth certificate for a child. He said police officers demanded bribes if a person tried to file a complaint for a missing wallet or cellphone.

“Corruption is in the roots,” he said. “Everyone wants big money.”

Mr. Hazare has lost more than seven pounds since beginning his fast and spends much of each day sitting on an elevated platform as his advisers, known as Team Anna, make the rounds on television programs or make speeches to the crowd. On Sunday night, Indian news media reported that channels of communication had opened between Team Anna and the government, even if Mr. Hazare hardly seemed to be softening his insistence that Parliament pass his legislative proposal, known as the Jan Lokpal bill.


“Even if the prime minister comes,” he told the crowd at one point on Sunday, “I will not withdraw my hunger strike until the Jan Lokpal bill is passed in the Parliament. I can die but I will not bend.”

Mr. Hazare’s professed unwillingness to compromise, as well as his occasionally belligerent tone, has attracted criticism as government officials have cautioned that any legislation must reflect a broad national consensus. Others have accused him of trying to hold the parliamentary process hostage with his hunger strike, rather than participate in it.

Yet out on Ramlila Maidan, Mr. Hazare seems to have inspired mostly hope. Sunil Wadhwa, the father who brought his 4-year-old son, said many people felt powerless to influence the government and blamed corruption for all sorts of problems, even rising inflation. If politicians did not steal so much money, he argued, more of it would trickle down to the people for whom it is intended.

“We feel angry but we can’t do anything,” Mr. Wadhwa, a teacher, said. “Now we have this platform to show our anger.”

He said he felt that Mr. Hazare understood the travails of the ordinary man. Indian politicians, on the other hand, did not, he said.

“You can’t connect with them,” he said. “You just can’t go to them. They have become an elite class. They are just different.”


Hey buddy, love your signature. It is awesome.
it looks more of a collage festival , students dancing - singing , they all are having a great time there on a holiday
Need to get rid this useless government which has no leadership. Government is acting like a headless chicken.
Need to get rid this useless government which has no leadership. Government is acting like a headless chicken.

Congress has lately forgotten politics... everything is going against them with their stupid statements.
Harare's fast enters 7th day. He lost 5kg weight but healthy and fit. :eek:

How do they do that? I cannot even fast for 10 hours!!! Amazing.
Holidays ending today and the movement will see the litmus test from tommoro onward
Survey shows overwhelming public support for Anna Hazare

A public opinion poll in the Capital has indicated an overwhelming support for social activist Anna Hazare, with 68 per cent of the respondents saying that his efforts would help in introduction of a strong Lokpal Bill in Parliament.

The survey, conducted by the Delhi-based Shyam Vyas MARC, covered responses from 616 people, mostly college students, in different parts of the city to gauge public expectations, views and perceptions regarding Anna Hazare's movement and government action.

A question whether Anna will finally be able to make a dent and reduce corruption, evoked a mixed response. While 44 per cent of the respondents supported him, 48 per cent were uncertain about the outcome.

However, the respondents agreed unanimously that Anna was receiving massive public support because the common man was fed up with corruption at all levels.

According to the poll, 96 per cent respondents felt that the powerful can get away with anything and the government was breeding a culture of non-accountability, 88 per cent said the government was apathetic to public grievances and 84 per cent expressed frustration over unfulfilled promises by politicians.

In all, 84 per cent respondents said they believed that Anna was getting support because he was perceived as a good human being. A whopping 92 per cent was of the opinion that the Prime Minister should have intervened to prevent Anna's arrest and his being sent to Tihar Central Jail.

“The decision to arrest Anna, according to 88 per cent respondents, was made by senior Ministers, while 12 per cent believed it was the Prime Minister himself who gave the go-ahead. Only 4 per cent believed that Delhi Police took the decision on their own.”

All the respondents questioned the sincerity of the senior Union Ministers who had negotiated with Team Anna, while 92 per cent believed that the international media attention over the entire sequence of events had adversely dented the country's image.

All the respondents knew Anna Hazare and about his initiative to bring a strong Lokpal Bill. They were aware of him having undertaken a fast and having been arrested and put in Tihar Jail.

“A whopping 96 per cent of the respondents stated that they approved of Anna Hazare's initiative. The rest were either uncertain or disapproved of it,” said the survey report.

On the handling of the situation by the Prime Minister and his Ministers, 84 per cent disapproved of it, whereas 16 per cent were uncertain.

“In all, 84 per cent respondents believed that Anna has managed to galvanise public opinion on corruption as never before in recent times. Sixteen per cent were uncertain, while no one was in disagreement.”

A huge 92 per cent of the respondents believed that Anna and his efforts have shown the Central Government in poor light and on the side of the corrupt. Only 8 per cent were uncertain. Eighty per cent believed that the damage to the ruling party and coalition was huge and even the Prime Minister's image had taken a hit.

In all, 88 per cent of respondents were of the opinion that Anna's efforts have given hope to the common man that corruption can be removed.

The Hindu : Cities / Delhi : Survey shows overwhelming public support for Anna Hazare
Group of IIT Kharagpur students have declined to accept degrees from Manmohan Singh today at a convocation. This is in support of Anna Hazare.
I fear that congress will soon pass thier own lopal bill which is in thier favor....

COngress has opened its religious card!!!!
They will make this a religious fight and in this mess,in cycle gap they will pass lokpal in thier favor...
That imam(proxy crongres guy) in new delhi has already given a statement to make this a damn religious thing....

We don't want congress to escape under religious smoke screen..

So now "IMAM" has given fatwa to all 15% muslim population india,,i'm sure No muslims will come in support..it's ok..no problem..we will make this congrees to pass this bill but please don't derail this movement...we want corruption free India.....
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