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This is why Egypt will procure the SU-57

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Not many nations will procure the Russian SU-57.. Only a few were mentioned by Russian experts as showing serious interest.. Among them is Egypt.. and here is why:



Sukhoi PAK-FA abbreviated in Russian language as Prospective Airborne Complex of Front line Aviation is a program to develop fifth generation fighter aircraft.

The prototype aircraft designated as T 50 which had its first flight on 29 Jan 2010. It is expected to enter service with designation Sukhoi Su 50 in Russian Airforce.

The aircraft is being co-developed in collaboration with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited HAL with 50% sharing of fundings. The HAL would develop an Indian specific variant named Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) whose final contract is expected to be signed at the mid of 2017 after which aircraft will be developed within 7 years. The FGFA will be tailored for requirements of Indian Air Force according to Indian Military doctrine. While the aircraft is expected to be exported in large numbers in Asia Pacific. It was reported at Paris Air Show 2017 that the name FGFA is now completely replaced and the aircraft now be called Prospective Multirole Fighter PMF. The Sukhoi Aviation Corporation claims it to be better than any other fifth generation aircraft currently available for export. It will be the first aircraft in both Russian and Indian service to use stealth technology by which they could evade detection by enemy radar to some extent. It will replace Su 27 and MiG 29 in Russian Service and MiG 21 in Indian service.

The Conventional mentality of the Americans of considering every non American things inferior to them has drawn a lot of downplaying and criticism of T 50 program even at it's development stage. The Sukhoi PAK-FA shifts focus from the basic ideology of western military planners that a fifth generation aircraft needs to be stealth and situationally aware.

The Russians have a different thought. They have made a counter-stealth machine which itself is just enough stealth to force adversary stealth aircrafts come closer to detect it and get detected by it's own detection systems. All this by maintaining similar level of unprecedented situational awAreness. AS FUTURE BVR BATTLES ARE CONCERNED, THE PERFORMANCE OF BVRAAM depENDS UPON THE SPEED AND ALTITUDE OF LAUNCH PLATFORM, THUS IMOARTING GREATER RANGE TO A BVRAAM. FOR THIS THE SUKHOI SU-57 HAS HIGH SUPERCRUISING SPEEDS AND GREATER SERVICE CEILINGs over it's entire flight envelope, better than those 5th generation fighters it is supposed to compete with. For battle at close ranges Superior kinematic performance and wide availability of weapons along with robust self protection ECM and DIRCM devices are needed, which is where Sukhoi Su-57 claims to be superior. Along with eliminating the need of a Jamming support aircraft and to some extent an awacs and reconnaisance aircraft, Sukhoi Su-57 isn't just multirole , but omnirole.​

Program History


( picture credits Hesja Air Art )​

In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union outlined a need for a next-generation aircraft intended to enter service in the 1990s. The project was designated the I-90 (Russian: Истребитель, Istrebitel, “Fighter”) and required the fighter to have substantial ground attack capabilities and would eventually replace the MiG-29s and Su-27s in frontline tactical aviation service. The subsequent program designed to meet these requirements, the MFI (Russian: МФИ, Russian: Многофункциональный фронтовой истребитель, Mnogofunksionalni Frontovoy Istrebitel, “Multifunctional Frontline Fighter”), resulted in Mikoyan’s selection to develop the MiG 1.44. But due to the collapse of Soviet Union in the 1991. The funding for the project dried up and the MiG 1.44 program was closed. Although not selected for the MFI program the Sukhoi developed a forward swept/ aft swept wing aircraft named Sukhoi Su 47 but it met the same fate as MiG 1.44.

Following a competition between Sukhoi, Mikoyan, and Yakovlev, in 2002, Sukhoi was selected as the winner of the PAK FA competition and selected to lead the design of the new aircraft. Sukhoi’s new aircraft project code name is Τ-50, while according to the Russian Air Force, the aircraft will be called Ι-21 and the “construction” code will be “Izdelie 701”.


Mikoyan's Submission for PAK FA


Yakolev's Submision of PAK-FA


In 2007, Russia and India agreed to jointly develop the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA) for India. In September 2010, it was reported that India and Russia had agreed on a preliminary design contract where each country invests $6 billion; development of the FGFA fighter was expected to take 8–10 years. The agreement on the preliminary design was to be signed in December 2010 but was then expected to be signed in mid 2017 and after that aircraft would be developed within 7 years. Even during the yearly press breifings of 2017 year, the Indian Air Force chief kept his words reserved for the 5th generation fighter.

Planned deliveries and development

The Russian Air Force is expected to procure more than 150 PAK FA aircraft, the first of which is slated to be delivered in 2016. India plans on acquiring modified PAK FA as a part of its Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) program. It originally planned on buying 166 single-seat and 44 two-seat variants, but this has been reduced to 130-145 single-seat aircraft and the requirement for 45-50 twin-seat fighters has been dropped by 2014. The Russian Defence Ministry planned on purchasing the first 10 evaluation example aircraft after 2012 and then 60 production standard aircraft after 2016.

In December 2014, the Russian Air Force planned to receive 55 fighters by 2020. But Yuri Borisov, Russia’s deputy minister of defence for armaments stated in March 2015 that the Air Force will slow PAK FA production and reduce its initial order to 12 jets due to the nation’s deteriorating economy. Due to the aircraft’s complexity and rising costs, the Russian Air Force will retain large fleets of fourth-generation Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-35S. Moreover it is unwise to have a large fleet of 5th generation fighters that are equipped with 4th generation engines. The new engines once running into production will propel the purchase of Sukhoi Su-57 and just like Su-27 the Su-57 will also have advanced variants in future.


A 3D model rendered as HAL FGFA , taken from aermech.in​

Flight testing

The T-50’s maiden flight was repeatedly postponed from early 2007 after encountering unspecified technical problems. In August 2009, Alexander Zelin acknowledged that problems with the engine and in technical research remained unsolved. On 28 February 2009, Mikhail Pogosyan announced that the airframe was almost finished and that the first prototype should be ready by August 2009.

The first taxi test was successfully completed on 24 December 2009. Flight testing of the T-50 began with T-50-1, the first prototype aircraft, on 29 January 2010. Piloted by Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Bogdan, the aircraft’s 47-minute maiden flight took place at KnAAPO’s Dzemgi Airport in the Russian Far East.

On 3 March 2011, the second T-50 completed a 44-minute test flight. The first two prototypes lacked radar and weapon control systems; the third and fourth aircraft, first flown in 2011 and 2012, are fully functional test aircraft. On 14 March 2011, the T-50 achieved supersonic flight at a test range near Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
The T-50 was displayed publicly for the first time at the 2011 MAKS Airshow, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was in attendance. On 3 November 2011, the T-50 reportedly performed its 100th flight. More than 20 test flights were made in the next nine months.

The third prototype, T-50-3, was the first prototype to fly with an AESA radar. Originally scheduled for the end of 2011, these flights occurred in August 2012, and showed performance comparable to existing radars. On 22 November 2011, T-50-3 took its first flight from KnAAPO’s airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, piloted by Sergey Bogdan. The aircraft spent over an hour in the air, and was subjected to basic stability and powerplant checks. It differs from the other prototypes in the way it lacks a pitot tube. All 14 test aircraft are scheduled to fly by 2015.

The fourth prototype had its first flight on 12 December 2012 and joined the other three aircraft in testing near Moscow a month later. By the end of 2013, five T-50 prototypes were flown, with the fifth prototype having its first flight on 27 October 2013; with this flight the program has amassed more than 450 flights. The first aircraft for State testing was delivered on 21 February 2014. However the VVS lacks facilities for testing some of the aircraft’s performance parameters.

During the tests in 2013 the prototype 054 took off in just 310 m. It achieved a climb rate of 384 m/sec. The aircraft climbed 24,300 meters and was not allowed to climb further for safety reasons. It achieved a maximum speed of 2610 km/hr. The cruising speed of 2135 km/hr was achieved. All this was achieved with a full load of fuel and weight and size mock-ups of arms.

The fifth flying prototype T-50 ‘055’ was severely damaged by an engine fire after landing in June 2014. The aircraft was returned to flying condition after cannibalizing components from the unfinished sixth prototype.

It flew again on 16 October 2016 and was renamed T-50-5R. Currently this prototype was seen performing gun tests.

The sixth flying prototype 056 also the first prototype with heavily restructured airframe flew on 27th April 2016. It shocked the world as the stage ll prototypes were grossly improved over previous prototypes, changes were noted mostly on aft section of the fighter aircraft. Also radiation alert markings were noted on wings leading edge slats etc. A static test airframe also named T-50-6 is available for structural ground tests.

The seventh flying prototype named 058 took to skies on 17 November 2016, it's pictures took social media by storm as it was seen completed with all electro optical plus EW systems. Then flew the prototype 509 which is carrying the final version of avaionics for tests and it flew on 24th April 2017.

Then while everyone was waiting for 510, for reasons unknown it's construction got delayed and on 6th August 2017 the prototype 511 flew many pictures came with this prototype carrying two external fuel tanks this was supposed to be the last prototype but flew early. Later on 23rd December 2017 the last prototype 510 flew which was completely hidden from public eye, it's pictures were made available only after February 2018.

In the year 2018 the production versions T-50S1 and T-50S2 would mark formal induction of Sukhoi Su-57 in service.


[ image taken by Marina Lystseva]​

To reduce the PAK FA’s developmental risk and spread out associated costs, as well as to bridge the gap between it and older previous generation fighters, some of its technology and features, such as propulsion and avionics, were implemented in the Sukhoi Su-35S fighter, an advanced variant of the Su-27.

The Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) is manufacturing the new multirole fighter at Komsomol’sk-on-Amur along with Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KnAAPO), and final assembly is to take place at Komsomol’sk-on-Amur. Following a competition held in 2003, the Tekhnokompleks Scientific and Production Center, Ramenskoye Instrument Building Design Bureau, the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP), the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) in Yekaterinburg, the Polet firm in Nizhny Novgorod and the Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute in Moscow were selected for the development of the PAK-FA’s avionics suite. NPO Saturn is the lead contractor for the interim engines; Saturn and MMPP Salyut will compete for the definitive second stage engines.


Sixth prototype of T 50 , image taken from knaapo official website.​

Phase ll airframes
After the tests done on static test frames and early prototypes it was seen that internal structure wouldn't be able to sustain the stress developed while performing extreme manoeuvres envisioned by the design team. Hence the internal structure of T 50 was heavily reworked and its strength was beefed up significantly in the latest airframes. The static test frame T 50-7 and flying frame T 50-8 was delivered. The new test frame was flown to Zhukovsky where tests begun.

The new test frame have engines better covered in cowlings. The repositioned airbleed doors, side looking cheek mounted radars. IRST devices and protection devices. The sting was seen enlarged which houses the backward looking X band AESA radar.


8th prototype of T 50 image taken from gallery of Knaapo official website


improved stealthy air-bleed doors on phase ll airframes​



Images taken from defence.pk​

The Su-57 has a blended wing body fuselage and incorporates all-moving horizontal and vertical stabilizers; the vertical stabilizers toe inwards to serve as the aircraft’s airbrake the vertical stabilisers are all movable just like those of YF 23. It is stealthy, supermaneuverable, have supercruise capability, incorporate substantial amounts of composite materials to remain enough stealth to force it's fifth generation adversaries come close to it and do a WVR combat where it excels. The aircraft incorporates thrust vectoring and has adjustable leading edge vortex controllers (LEVCONs) designed to control vortices generated by the leading edge root extensions, and can provide trim and improve high angle of attack behaviour, including a quick stall recovery if the thrust vectoring system fails. Something which it's main rival the F 22 does not have. In the design of PAK-FA program the Sukhoi Design Bureau is said to have addressed the drawbacks of F 22 program.

The high end kinematic capabilities of Sukhoi Su-57 has been designed keeping in mind BVR fights in nature. In a BVR air to air engagement the tail chase range of a typical BVR missile is three times smaller than a head-on engagement range, due to which as soon as a fighter detects the adversary it has to accelarate and acquire maximum possible speeds and altitude to impart greater kinetic energy to the fired missile. Stealth Fighters like Su-57 cannot be detected even by advanced radars and optical detection systems until they are around 30-40 kms close, hence a reaction be it head on engagement or be it tail chase engagement must be fast. The advanced kinematics, built in missile jamming capability, DIRCM,360° situational awareness are the features in Su-57 designed keeping BVR air to air engagements as well as WVR engagements in mind.

The advanced flight control system and thrust vectoring nozzles make the aircraft departure resistant and highly maneuverable in both pitch and yaw, enabling the aircraft to perform very high angles of attack maneuvers such as the Pugachev’s Cobra and the Bell maneuver, along with doing flat rotations with little altitude loss. The aircraft’s high cruising speed and normal operating altitude is also expected to give it a significant kinematic advantage over prior generations of aircraft. The T-50 makes extensive use of composites, comprising 25% of the structural weight and almost 70% of the outer surface. The new phase ll airframes incorporates more features like cowling covers on engines and radar blocker meshed screen doors made of composites installed at the air intakes. The doors are retractable. Weapons are housed in two tandem main weapons bays between the engine nacelles and smaller bulged, triangular-section bays near the wing root. Internal weapons carriage eliminates drag from external stores and enables higher performance compared to external carriage.


Image taken from defence.pk
Advanced engines and aerodynamics enable the T-50 to supercruise, sustained supersonic flight without using afterburners. Combined with a high fuel load, the T-50 has a supersonic range of over 1,500 km, more than twice that of the Su-27. In the T-50’s design, Sukhoi addressed what it considered to be the F-22’s limitations, such as its inability to use thrust vectoring to induce roll and yaw moments and a lack of space for weapons bays between the engines, and complications for stall recovery if thrust vectoring fails.


the inflight refueling probe of Sukhoi PAK-FA​
Last edited:

The T-50’s design emphasizes frontal stealth, with RCS-reducing features most apparent in the forward hemisphere; the shaping of the aft fuselage of the early prototypes seemed to be much less optimized for radar stealth compared to the F-22 But the revised phase ll airframes which are close to operational airframes suggest huge attention being given on stealth capabilities. The combined effect of airframe shape and RAM of the production aircraft is estimated to have reduced the aircraft’s RCS to a value thirty times smaller than that of the Su-27. It will be the first operational aircraft in Russian Air Force service to use stealth technology. Similar to other stealth fighters such as the F-22, the airframe incorporates planform edge alignment to reduce its radar cross-section (RCS); the leading and trailing edges of the wings and control surfaces and the serrated edges of skin panels are carefully aligned at several specific angles in order to reduce the number of directions the radar waves can be reflected.





Weapons are carried internally in weapons bays within the airframe, and antennas are recessed from the surface of the skin to preserve the aircraft’s stealthy shape. The IRST housing is turned backwards when not in use, and its rear is treated with radar-absorbent material (RAM) to reduce its radar return. To mask the significant RCS contribution of the engine face, the partial serpentine inlet obscures most, but not all, of the engine’s fan and inlet guide-vanes (IGV). The production aircraft incorporates radar blockers similar in principle to those used on the F/A-18E/F in front of the engine fan to hide it from all angles. The aircraft uses RAM to absorb radar emissions and reduce their reflection back to the source, and the canopy is treated with a coating to minimize the radar return of the cockpit and pilot.


Engine inlet incorporates variable intake ramps for increased supersonic efficiency and retractable mesh screens to prevent foreign object debris being ingested by the engines
Image @img-new.cgtrader.com

RCS Reduction in various sectors of the forward hemisphere is achieved by using S-shaped air intake duct and the coating of radar absorbing materials. But if you look closely to those images available in the public domain, diagrams and photographs, it can be concluded that the inlet guide motor vehicle (GMV), or more simply - the first stage of the compressor to blades, it seems to be very clearly visible to enemy radar.

S-shaped channel provides only reduction of RCS in the axial directions to reduce the visibility of other sectors in the forward hemisphere, engineers in Sukhoi applied shielding to the GMV. (Something which people seem to be unaware about)

In the intake passage their is set special device, partially overlapping in the axial direction of the GMV preventing electromagnetic waves. In addition to screening, this constructive solution separates inlet channel into several different cylindrical or planar voids, and, flat surface of the cavities can be both parallel and intersecting. Such a complex segmentation and channel air intake cover wall segments with radar absorbing materials to reduce the power of the electromagnetic waves reflected from the GMV and from wall cavities, thus providing a decrease of the RCS in the forward hemisphere of the aircraft.

In all likelihood, the screen, installed in the intake passage, is a structure of fine-meshed nets, whose linear size of the cell is less than a quarter of the electromagnetic wavelength, irradiating plane. Thus fine-meshed net performs the role of screen for electromagnetic waves from a radar and reduces the entire aircraft’s frontal RCS.

Western analysts who dubbed PAK-FA less stealthy than F-22 and F-35 from frontal RCS aspects did not consider this fact or rather they may do not even have knowledge of this. It is imperative that PAK-FA’s RCS should be recalculated / reassessed by them.


( canopy glass is probably treated with Indium Tin Oxide as an RCS reduction measure )​

It would seem at first glance that the Su-57 is less stealthy compared with the F-22 and the F-35 but in reality, the Russian designers gave up some stealth in exchange for aerodynamic agility because aerodynamic agility is also important for BVR engagements and hence cannot be kept secondary. At -20dBsm, the Su-57 is still several magnitudes more stealthy than legacy 4th and 4++ generation fighters like the Rafale or the US Teen-series fighters. It should probably be stealthy enough to delay detection by advanced AESA radars like the F-22’s APG-77 until the enemy fighter is within its own BVR missile ranges. The RCS of Su-57 quoted by it's chief designer be around 0.01 m². This figure was quickly taken by western bloggers and was used to dub Su-57 less stealthy. But in reality the method of assesing RCS is different in Russia. The manner in which average value of overall RCS is taken is different, the chief designer of Su-57 also said that the overall RCS of F-35 would be around 0.3 to 0.4 m² (according to Russian methods of average RCS assesment). Below given is graph of radar engagement range versus target RCS of F 22's AN/APG 77. The detection range for 0.01m² target is below 40 kms. Somewhere between 35 to 40 km as there are no other means of targeting with F 22. The F 22 has to wait until Su-57 comes as close as 40 kms. All this if Su-57's currrent RCS figures are jugded true. But keep in mind that Both Su-57 and F-22 would surely recieve an early warning of each other due to numerous ground based, airborne and self contained EW systems.

This is a close engagement range.

This is what the program has achieved. The Sukhoi Su-57's entry into market would make western aircraft like all legacy US fighter aircraft the US teen series fighters, and the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, strategically irrelevant and non-viable.

image taken from ausairpower​
To know more about how an aircraft is made low observable Stealth design, click on the button below.​

One must also keep in mind that although a one to one engagement isn't rare. The scenarios are highly case specific.


9th flying prototype 511​

The main avionics systems are divided into two based on their functions the EW system is Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES) and the EO system is 101KS Atoll electro-optical system. The Sh121 consists of two systems one meant for target localisation, tracking and detection and other meant for electronic warfare, although the redundant systems can switch each others tasks in case one of them fails if Su-57 comes under an electronic attack. They are N036 Byelka (Squirrel) radar system and L402 Gimalai (Himalayas) electronic countermeasures system. The N036 system consists of main nose-mounted N036-1-01 X band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, or active phased array radar. Developed by Tikhomirov NIIP Institute, the N036 consists of the main nose-mounted N036-1-01 X band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, or active phased array radar (Russian: Активная фазированная антенная решётка, Aktivnaya Fazirovannaya Antennaya Reshotka, Russian: АФАР, AFAR) in Russian nomenclature, with 1,552 T/R modules and two side-looking N036B-1-01 X-band AESA radars with 358 T/R modules embedded in the cheeks of the forward fuselage for increased angular coverage.

The main avionics systems are divided into two based on their functions the EW system is Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES) and the EO system is 101KS Atoll electro-optical system. The Sh121 consists of two systems one meant for target localisation, tracking and detection and other meant for electronic warfare, although the redundant systems can switch each others tasks in case one of them fails if Su-57 comes under an electronic attack. They are N036 Byelka (Squirrel) radar system and L402 Gimalai (Himalayas) electronic countermeasures system. The N036 system consists of main nose-mounted N036-1-01 X band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, or active phased array radar. Developed by Tikhomirov NIIP Institute, the N036 consists of the main nose-mounted N036-1-01 X band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, or active phased array radar (Russian: Активная фазированная антенная решётка, Aktivnaya Fazirovannaya Antennaya Reshotka, Russian: АФАР, AFAR) in Russian nomenclature, with 1,552 T/R modules and two side-looking N036B-1-01 X-band AESA radars with 358 T/R modules embedded in the cheeks of the forward fuselage for increased angular coverage.


( sensors round the fuselage )


Backward facing tail array also meant for electronic warfare purposes.


Cheek mounted X-Band AESA radars for better angular coverage as well as GMTT GMTI functions.
The suite also has two N036L-1-01 L band transceivers on the wing’s leading edge extensions that are not only used to handle the N036Sh Pokosnik (Reaper) friend-or-foe identification system but also for electronic warfare purposes. Computer processing of the X- and L-band signals by the N036UVS computer and processor enable the system's information to be significantly enhanced.

The L-402 Gimalai consists of various active and passive antennas spread over PAK-FA’s airframe providing ‘smart skin’ capability. These antennas do the traditional function of sniffing enemy radio waves just like an RWR as well as perform electronic attack on enemy planes. The system can break the link between an adversary fighter and the missile fired by it thus jamming the incoming missiles mid air. It can perform a variety of electronic warafare jobs.


( wing slat mounted L band AESA radar can also perform tasks of a jamming pod )
all above 4 images are taken from militaryrussia.ru


Radiation alert markings on movable LERXs suggests that there must be L band radar antenna inside. Image taken from sturgenhouse.ibphost.com​

Byelka N036 AESA radar

N036 Byelka (Russian: Белка, literally Squirrel) is an advanced active electronically scanned array radar system developed by Tikhomirov NIIP for the fifth generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter aircraft. NIIP developed the radar from the N035 Irbis-E that was equipped on the Su-35S fighter aircraft.

The radar is a part of the T-50's Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES). The N036 radar system is developed by Tikhomirov NIIP Institute and consists of a main nose-mounted X-band AESA radar with 1,552 T/R modules, designated the N036-1-01, and two smaller X-band AESA radars with 358 T/R modules mounted on the sides of the forward fuselage designated N036B-1-01. The suite also has two N036L-1-01 L-band arrays on the wing's leading edge extensions that are not only used for friend-or-foe identification but also for electronic warfare purposes, these electronic warfare purposes are mentioned below. Computer processing of the X- and L-band signals enable the system's information to be significantly enhanced.

400km detection target for 1m radar cross section. Ability to track 62 targets and shoot 16 simultaneously. Ability to engage 4 targets on land simultaneously. The L402 "Himalayas" electronic countermeasures (ECM) suite made by the KNIRTI institute uses both its own arrays and that of the N036 radar. It makes use of the Russian processors Elbrus.

The radar will reduce pilot load and make use of a new data link to share information between aircraft. The T-50 will have secure communication links to share data with all other friendly aircraft in the area, as well as airborne and ground-based control points. In 2012 ground tests of the N036 radar began on the third T-50 aircraft. The L402 Himalayas electronic countermeasures (ECM) suite made by the KNIRTI institute uses both its own arrays and that of the N036 radar system. One of its arrays is mounted in the dorsal sting between the two engines. The system was mounted on the aircraft in 2014.

Optiko-elektronnaya the integrated system (OEIS) of the plane the product 101КS consists of six elements:

1. N036UVS computer and processor / IMA-BK


It has a central baget digital computer system, which has now been replaced by an even more smarter IMA-BK management system. This new system has taken sensor integration to the next level and prefers to show the data collected by all sensors as one big cohesive picture on the right hand side screen of operator console. The central computer’s software volume has exceeded 4 million lines of code, with several sophisticated aircraft control and integrated data processing modes more to be added.

T-50’s integrated avionics suite, the central computer controls the aircraft systems, weapons employment and self-defense and provides multifaceted intellectual support for the pilot. The central computer triple-hatted as electronic pilot, electronic navigator and electronic flight engineer, performs real-time automatic target identification and prioritization, optimal route plotting, optimal weapons use and self-defense, and system reconfiguration in case of failure. The cutting-edge control system assumes control of almost all key instruments of the fighter - the radars, navaids and comms, while each of the systems of the preceding aircraft prototype called for a computer of its own.

2. 101 KS-0 (About – defensive) – system of counteraction of IK GSN

101KS-O is a directed infrared energy counter measure (DIRCM). It works by directing a beam of energy towards the incoming heat seeking missile to confuse or destroy its tracking mechanism. In this case the directed energy takes the form of a laser beam. Laser beam fired towards incoming enemy missile confuses and disrupts it's electronics making it's targeting mechanism blind. The 101KS-O turrets are located on the dorsal spine and the forward fuselage. As shown here in the image below. The image was taken from official website of knaaz.


3. 101 KS-V (In – air) – quantum optical lokatsionny system

The UOMZ 101KS Atoll electro-optical system includes the 101KS-V infra-red search and track turret mounted on the starboard side in front of the cockpit. This sensor can detect, identify, and track multiple airborne targets simultaneously. It is particularly an Anti-Stealth measure which Sukhoi claims can see F 35 and F 22 at good enough ranges to engage them.

It is designed to detect heat emissions from aircraft and missiles passively. IRST are essentially thermographic cameras that detect and track heat sources without emitting any radiation in the process ( passive ). Older generation IRST systems have been an integral part of all Russian 4th and 4++ generation fighters like the MiG-29 Fulcrum and the Su-35 Flanker as well as the Euro-canards like the Rafale and the Typhoon. The 101KS-V is also sometimes referred to as the OLS-50M which is an advanced IRST based on the revolutionary Quantum Well Imaging Photodetectors ( QWIP ) technology. These new generation IRST systems have the potential to operate in a much wider spectral bandwidth that includes the very longwave 15 micron band to detect very cool targets. They can also be made to operate simultaneously in several different bandwidths.


4. 101 KS-U (At – ultra-violet) – optical system of delivery of TsU for KS-O.

The 101KS-U is a missile approach warning system against infra-red homing missiles. MAWS using ultraviolet technology can operate under all weather conditions and will not be affected by solar clutter. They provide good directional information of the incoming missile for good decoy dispensing decision making, maneuvering and to cue the DIRCM system into action.



(above images from paraley )​
5. 101 KS-N (N – land) – the pendant aim container.

The 101KS-N is an advanced navigation and targeting system similar in function to the AN/AAQ28 Litening and AN/AAQ33 Sniper advanced targeting pods of the US military. To minimize the PAK-FA's RCS it would be integrated into the airframe and would not be hanging as an external pod like the Litening or Sniper ATP on a F-16. It gives the PAK-FA precision ground attack capabilities in all weather, day or night.


( image taken from knaapo official site )


6. 101 KS-P ( Optic-electronic subsystem)


It has four electro optical cameras placed in frontal portion of the cockpit, these cameras allow the pilot to 'see through’ aircraft's body as the video feed is projected directly into the Helmet Mounted Display. This is not used for targeting purposes but for efficient low altitude flight and night landing operations.

The chief test pilot Sergei Bogdan once in an interview said that the usage 'see through’ feature gave him the delusion of an independent flight outside the aircraft.

The two wing mounted L-Band AESA radars of PAK-FA designated N036L-1-01 which is unlike anything that the West has. The L-Band occupies the 1.0GHz to 2.0GHz region of the radio spectrum corresponding to wave lengths of between 15cm to 30cm. It is of a significantly lower frequency and therefore longer wavelengths compared with the X-Band which straddles the 8.0GHz to 12.0GHz region and have wavelengths between 2.5cm to 3.75cm. The L-Band is also a very congested band utilized by both military and civilian applications.

When fully functional and mature, this L-Band AESA radar has the potential to be a game changer in aerial warfare. Firstly it stands a better chance of detecting fighter-sized stealth aircraft compared with its X-Band counterparts as most low observable aircrafts have designs optimized for stealthiness in the X-Band. Many stealth shaping features such as jagged exhaust nozzles, faceted surfaces and specially shaped engine inlets become ineffective in the controlled scattering of incoming radar waves when their size approximates the wavelength of the inbound pulse.

So a L-Band radar might just pick up a faint signature where the X-Band sees nothing. Larger VLO aircrafts like the B-2 bomber are more or less immune as they have structures larger than the typical 15cm to 30cm wavelength of the L-Band waves. At the same time the L-Band radar may also have a secondary function as a IFF transponder since the process utilizes a similar frequency band, thus reducing weight, volume and cooling requirements by saving on antennae and T/R module numbers.

And, since the L-Band is utilized by so many applications, the L-Band radar may also be used to passively track and locate L-Band radar emissions from AWACS/AEW airborne radars, ground based search radars, emissions from JITDS/MIDS/Link-16 and hostile IFF / SSR emissions at long range.

It can then be used to execute high powered active jamming on those individual L-Band sources, an electronic attack to blind hostile AWACS radars and sever command and communications datalinks. Broad area jamming of GPS / satnav receivers may also be possible rendering navigation more difficult for hostile forces and the accurate delivery of GPS guided munitions to those jammed areas quite impossible.




(The final frontal section of PAK- FA should look somewhat like this. The image has been taken from paraley.net)



PAK FA Glonass reciever antennae cover is placed behind the cockpit


BINS-SP2 strapdown inertial navigation system

Strapdown inertial navigation system , it is a backup navigation system to be used in case GLONASS fails. If PAK-FA comes under an electronic attack and the links to the satellite navigation system gets disrupted. It still does not need to worry as the inertial navigation system would be there.

The BINS-SP2 architecture is based on three laser gyroscopes and three quartz accelerometers. The system can establish the platform’s coordinates and motion variables in the absence of external data inputs.


The T-50 has a glass cockpit with two 38 cm (15 in) main multi-functional LCD displays similar to the arrangement of the Su-35S. Positioned around the cockpit are three smaller control panel displays. The cockpit has a wide-angle (30° by 22°) head-up display (HUD), and Moscow-based Geofizika-NV provides a new NSTsI-V helmet-mounted sight and display for the ZSh-10 helmet. Primary controls are the joystick and a pair of throttles. The aircraft uses a two-piece canopy, with the aft section sliding forward and locking into place. The canopy is treated with special coatings to increase the aircraft's stealth.

The T-50 employs the NPP Zvezda K-36D-5 ejection seat and the SOZhE-50 life support system, which comprises the anti-g and oxygen generating system. The 30 kg (66 lb) oxygen generating system will provide the pilot with unlimited oxygen supply.The life support system will enable pilots to perform 9-g maneuvers for up to 30 seconds at a time, and the new VKK-17 partial pressure suit will allow safe ejection at altitudes of up to 23 km.




While all fifth generation programs are grabbing a hold on GaN based AESA radar, Russians have decided to break the trend and develop a completely new and relatively advanced radar called the Photonic Radar or the Radio Optic Phased Array Radar ( Russian Acronym: ROFAR ).

Russians does not possess the technological capabilities in microelectronics to make a powerful AESA radar in the manner the west does. The west leads in microelectronics. But in terms of photonics the Russians seem to have an upper hand. The Russian school of photonics is considered one of the best in the world. Suffice it to recall the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded in 1964 to Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov for research leading to the creation of the laser and again in 2000 to Zhores Alferov for the development of optoelectronics. In future optics and electronics will be called commonly as photonics.

Because photons have no mass and fly faster, the size of devices operating on the principles of photonics can be hundreds of times smaller than the usual modern servers. At the same time, data speed is ten times higher. The network will have a unique resistance to electromagnetic pulses from solar magnetic storms or nearby lightning strikes. The resolving power of communications systems and radar will increase tenfold. If modern radar has a radar radiation frequency of 10 GHz, with a 3 cm wide range of 1-2 GHz, then the radio-optical phased array antennas will be able to simultaneously operate at this frequency at a range from 1 Hz to 100 GHz.

( this above picture is not ROFAR , It is Phazotron Zhuk AE FGA-35 AESA radar )

Photonic Radar Explained

A Press Report on capabilities of ROFAR

Photonic technology greatly expand the possibilities of communication and radar ─ their weight decreased by more than half, and the resolution will increase tenfold. Ultra-wideband signal ROFAR allows you to get virtually the TV picture in the radar range. Radiofotoniki technology, in particular, should open up new opportunities for improvement "smart skin" on Russian airplanes and helicopters of the latest generation.

"The output of our work on ROFAR will get a full list of aircraft - manned and unmanned - which we plan to offer equipped with radar-based radio-optical phased arrays. I think that the PAK FA will also be on this list and it will be given to specific proposals "- said Mikheyev reporters, adding that the final decision will take the Department of Defense.

Mikheyev told reporters: "ROFAR allow us to see the plane, located 500 kilometers away, as if we are standing 50 meters away from it at the airport, his portrait in the baseband. Moreover, if needed, this technology will look in the aircraft itself, to know what kind of people and Appliances are there, because the signal can pass any obstacles, even lead-meter wall. "


An analysis of capabilities of ROFAR , particularly the range of detection (detection not tracking) is available in this link below. The analysis is based on imprirical relations , it states that ROFAR would be more than a match and detect all 4 th and 4.5th generation at BVR ranges and engage them. For VLO aircrafts like the PAK-FA's main competion F 22 Raptor and F 35 litening ll. The detection ranges being fair enough to engage it's opponents before it is exposed to theirs.

ROFAR can detect an object sized 0.001 m² ( F 35 ) at a distance of more than 60 km. and VLO targets of the size 0.00016 m² ( F 22 ) at a distance of more than 40 km. The PAK-FA program's main intention being seen fulfilled as the detection range of F 22's radar against targets of RCS 0.01 m² ( PAK-FA) is below 40 km. If the self protection capabilities like ECM and DIRCM of both live up to the promises then a dogfight between F 22 and PAK-FA would likely be occurring in WVR ranges and the fight be more dependent on missile capabilities and manoeuvrability of both.
To see the complete analysis of PAK-FA's radar click


Coverage of Different Radars of Sukhoi PAK-FA
Apart from these their is a different set of antennas as a part of L-402 system to perform Electronic warfare duties.

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Sensor Integration

One greater part of being a fifth generation fighter aircraft is ‘ SENSOR INTEGRATION’

Any fifth generation fighter aircraft currently in active service or being in test phase boasts a large number of active and passive, Radio Frequency based, Infrared based or Thermal Vision based sensors integrated into its airframe. All the fancy underbelly pods which 4++ generation fighters carry, fifth generation fighters have got them integrated inside their body.

Earlier data from various pods was shown on various screens. So pilot used to look at multiple screens constantly and make a picture of battlespace in his mind. The sensor integration, fuses all the data from various sensors and displays it on a single screen as one big cohesive picture.

All this is done as an aspect of crew comfort. In Sukhoi PAK-FA the makers have provided the hiegest possible sensor integration providing unmatched situational awareness to the crew. Here long range target localisation and electronic warfare functions are to be performed simultaneously while in a complex highly contested battles of the future where it is necessary that pilot must not get overloaded while making decisions. The package of PAK-FA’s L-402 Himalayas Electronic Warfare station and N036 radar station are so redundant that they can comfortably swap roles in between each other. The roles of target localisation and electronic warfare.

The L-402 system consists of various active and passive antennas spread over PAK-FA’s airframe providing ‘smart skin’ capability. The N036 radar system consists of 6 on board AESA radars working on X and L band.

Taking crew comfort to the 5+ generation level PAK-FA has a second electronic co-pilot ( something just like IRON MAN’s Jarvis ). This e-pilot can take up the jobs of an actual copilot and can perform them flwalewssly. So if PAK-FA pilot finds itself in a highly contested battle. He/She can ask Jarvis to do EW jobs while He/She focuses on targeting the enemy.

No other fifth generation fighter have this capability.



Image taken from Indian Defence News​

1- Sukhoi/ HAL Perspective Multirole Fighter / Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft.

The HAL FGFA (now PMF) will be an India Specific Variant of T 50. As India is contributing 50% of the funding India is slated to receive the technological know how. The Indians spent loads of money on development of Su 30 MKI whose later variants Su 30 MKM of Malaysia and Su 30 SM of Russia were sold, but India did not receive any royalties for that. It was because such a clause wasn't written in the contract.

The completed joint Indian/Russian versions of the single-seat or two-seat FGFA will differ from the current T-50 flying prototypes in 43 ways with improvements to stealth, supercruise, sensors, networking, and combat avionics.

In June 2010, the Indian Air Force planned to receive 50 of the single-seat “Russian version” before receiving the two-seat FGFA. Then in an October 2012 interview the Chief of Air Staff of India, NAK Browne, said that the IAF will purchase 144 of the single-seat FGFA. To reduce development costs and timelines, the IAF planned to begin induction of the FGFA in 2020.

Under a new offer, India will have to pay $3.7 billion, instead of $6 billion, for the technological know-how and three prototypes of PAK FA fighters. The proposal awaits a decision from Indian Side.

2- Naval Variant

Navalized Sukhoi T-50 PAK FAs will be deployed on the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and future Russian aircraft carriers. There will be a competition between the Sukhoi, Mikoyan and Yakovlev design bureaus to choose the new naval aircraft.

A model of Naval Variant of PAK-FA was shown on the mockup of Russia's future Shtorm Super Carrier confirming that a naval variant will definitely be developed. From the beginning itself Su PAK-FA is developed for STOL capabilities.



The Sukhoi PAK-FA isn't just a multirole aircraft. I chose to call it as omnirole aircraft. A multirole fighter aircraft means that the fighter would be able to perform multiple tasks. But an omnirole aircraft can perform all the tasks of all types of combat aircrafts. Being equipped with not just air to air but also air to ground weapons, it also offers considerable flexibility in naval strike role.

The T-50 has two tandem main internal weapon bays each approximately 4.6 m (15.1 ft) long and 1.0 m (3.3 ft) wide and two small triangular-section weapon bays that protrude under the fuselage near the wing root. Internal carriage of weapons preserves the aircraft’s stealth and significantly reduces aerodynamic drag, thus preserving kinematic performance compared to performance with external stores. The T-50’s high cruising speed is expected to substantially increase weapon effectiveness compared to its predecessors. Vympel is developing two ejection launchers for the main bays: the UVKU-50L for missiles weighing up to 300 kg (660 lb) and the UVKU-50U for ordnance weighing up to 700 kg (1,500 lb). The aircraft has an internally mounted 9A1-4071K (GSh-301) 30 mm cannon near the right LEVCON root.


9A1-4071K (GSh-301) 30 mm cannon.

A new canon was seen being tested for PAK-FA at the scientific test range aircraft systems, located near the village of Faustovo Moscow region. It has been developed by specialists of JSC “Instrument Design Bureau” in late 2014. It was previously tested on a Su 27 SM multipurpose fighter.



the gun being tested​

It weighs around 50 kgs and its unique mechanism allows one if the highest rate of fire of around 1800 rounds per minute. It's rounds are high explosive inncendiary projectiles and armor-piercing tracer shells, capable of striking even lightly armored ground, surface and air targets. On ground targets gun is effective when shooting at a distance of 1800 meters, in the air – to 1200.

The gun has a stand-alone system vodoisparitelnogo cooling barrel. Its principle of operation is simple: the gun in the casing is water, which is heated in the barrel (during firing) is converted into steam.

Air to Air weapons

T 50 already has a large number of choices for air to air missiles of all types. But being a next generation aircraft. New missiles are being developed. These new missiles must have significant resistance to jamming and should get least confused by flares. They should also have reduced cross section in an order to be fitted inside the restricted size of the weapon bays of PAK-FA. The two central weapon bays are designed to carry six mid range and four long range AAMs.

1. K-77M (izdeliye 180)

It is a Medium-range missile having active radar-homing K-77M (izdeliye 180), an upgraded R-77 variant with AESA seeker and conventional rear fins

The Vympel NPO R-77 missile (NATO reporting name: AA-12 Adder) is a Russian medium range, active radar homing air-to-air missile system. It is also known by its export model designation RVV-AE. It is the Russian counterpart to the American AIM-120 AMRAAM missile.



Another improvement program was designated the R-77M, which made the missile longer and heavier, making use of a two-stage motor as well as an improved seeker. A further product-improvement of the R-77, designated the R-77M1 and then the R-77-PD, was to feature a ramjet propulsion device. This missile was destined for the MiG 1.44 that for the MFI program. The weapon has a laser fuse and an expanding rod warhead that can destroy the variable sized targets.

According to specifications, the R-77-1 and its export variant RVV-SD is 15 kg (33 lb) heavier than the basic R-77 / RVV-AE, weighing 190 kg (420 lb) rather than 175 kg (386 lb). Maximum range is increased to 110 km (68 mi) from 80 km (50 mi). The missile is also slightly longer at 3.71 metres (12.2 ft), rather than the 3.6 metres (11.8 ft) of the basic variant. Additional improvements include upgrades to the missile’s radar seeker and boat tail rear section to reduce drag.

Russian missile manufacturer Agat previously confirmed it was working on seeker upgrades for the R-77, implying that at least two projects were underway, one for export and one for the Russian air force.

2. K-74M2 (izdeliye 760)

It is the infrared-homing (“heat seeking”) short range missile. K-74M2 (izdeliye 760), an upgraded R-74 variant with reduced cross-section for internal carriage. For the PAK FA, Vympel is developing two new missiles based on R-73/R-74 technology. The first of these is izdeliye 760. Based on the K-74M, this is intended to match the performance of the MBDA Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM) and the Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder. It will have an improved IR seeker, an inertial control system, a datalink receiver for target updates and an advanced rocket motor with a longer burn time. To make the missile suitable for internal carriage, its cross-section will be reduced to 320×320 mm.

To maximise the weapon’s coverage, it can be fired in lock-on-after-launch (LOAL) mode, starting under inertial control before achieving in-flight lock-on. It will be able to engage targets up to 160° from the aircraft’s heading.

The follow-on K-MD (izdeliye 300) is intended to outperform the ASRAAM and AIM-9X. Although it will draw on the experience gained with the R-73/R-74 series, for most practical purposes it will be an all-new missile.

Its guidance system will be based on a new IR seeker incorporating a focal-plane array (FPA). This will have more than twice the lock-on range of the izdeliye 760 seeker, a high resistance to countermeasures and a target-recognition capability.

Air To Ground weapons

The air to ground weapons for T 50 would be mostly the improved versions of previous Russian air to surface missiles. But some of them are said to be optimised with square cross section for proper fitting and have improved performance.

1. Kh-38M air-to-ground missiles

Kh-38 is a family of highly modular air to surface missiles. Kh-38ME family consists of the following missiles: Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MKE, Kh-38MLE and Kh-38MTE modular aircraft guided missiles designed to shoot down a broad range of armored, reinforced and soft ground targets, sea surface and coastal targets, as well as groups of targets.

The Kh-38ME series is a comprehensive battlefield weapon, also launched from positions in tactical depth. Modularity brings high combat effectiveness against a variety of targets owing to the use of different payloads and guidance methods:

– Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar guidance;

– Kh-38MKE – inertial + satellite guidance;

– Kh-38MLE – inertial + semiactive laser guidance;

– Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal-imaging guidance.


The 250-kg payload (half of the missile total weght) consists of HE-Frag or penetrating warhead in Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MLE and Kh-38MTE, or a cluster warhead in Kh-38MKE.

The two-phase solid-propellant motor allows the missile to attain a speed twice as high as the speed of a sound. Kh-38MEs are carried by both FW and RW aircraft.


Launch range in km :- 3 – 40

Launch speed km/h (max Mach number) :- 2.2

Max missile turn angle, degrees in horizontal plane after launch :- (+;-) 80

Target destruction probability under enemy’s attack/without enemy’s attack :- 0.8/0.6

Shelf life :- 10 years.

Warhead weight :- up to 250 KGS.

Fuse type :- contact fuse

Motor :- Two-phase solid-propellant motor

Max launch weight :- 520 kgs

Dimensions LengthxDiameterxWing span :- 4.2 x 0.31 × 1.14 m.

Launch conditions: launch range :- 200 to 1200 m.

speed range 15 to 450 m/sec.

2. Kh-31PD anti-radiation missile

The Kh-31P is based on the normal aerodynamic scheme with X-shaped arrangement of the wing and rudder. The missile consists of three compartments. Each compartment is a structurally and functionally complete unit. In the case in a plane bearing surfaces there are four round side supersonic inlet closed in flight discharged plugs conical shape. The Kh-31P is equipped with high-explosive fragmentation warhead, upgraded X-31PD – universal tape, weighing 110 kg, increased lethality.

Engine 31DPK – ramjet, created in the ICD “Soyuz” (city Turaevo Moscow region). It consists of: air intakes, fuel tanks with a system of repression and fuel metering equipment, front-line unit, the combustion chamber with a fixed supersonic nozzle, electrohydraulic control system roszhiga.


Range, km: – Maximum 110 km. , – Minimum :- 15 km.

Flight speed, m / s: – Maximum :- 1000, – Mean :- 600-700.

Airspeed carrier km / h :- 600 -1250.

Height start, km :- 0.1-15.

Dimensions, mm:
– Length :- 4700 mm
– Maximum body diameter :- 360 mm
– Wingspan :- 778 mm
– Swing rudders :- 914 mm

Starting weight, kg :- around 600 to 715

Weight of warhead, kg :- 87-90

Bearing angle goal at the start:

– Takeover target by carrier :- ± 15 °
– A takeover target in the path :- ± 30 °

Developer :- IBC “Vympel”

Empty weight PU, kg :- 185.

3. Korrektiruyemaya Aviatsionnaya Bomba (KAB) family of bombs.

Developed by JSC KABs are a family of precision guided bombs consisting various explosive weights and various guidance systems.

KAB 250

It is having 250 kgs explosives. It has a laser-guided version (the KAB-250LG-E) and the GLONASS/INS-guided KAB-250S-E. Its circular error probable (CEP) for ground targets is 3-5 m.

KAB-500 precision guided bombs


Size, kg 500
Weight of warhead , kg 380
Guidance system TV correlation
homing head ensuring target lockon
while aboard the carrier
and automatic guidance during fall
Warhead HE concrete-piercing
Combat use conditions in daytime
at visually discernible targets
during level flight or dive
Guidance accuracy (CEP), m up to 4


Size, kg 500
Weight of warhead , kg 250
Guidance system TV correlation
homing head
Warhead fuel-air explosive
Combat use conditions in daytime at visually
discernible targets
during level flight
or dive on the
drop-and-forget principle
Guidance accuracy (CEP), m up to 4

4. OFZAB-500

High-explosive incendiary bomb aviation OFZAB-500 was established use in high speed with low altitudes against manpower and easily vulnerable field installations, warehouses and fuel depots. The bomb is intended to replace in the Russian Air Force obsolete FOZAB-500. It is used at altitudes of 300 – 20,000 m at speeds of 100 – 1200 km / h. OFZAB-500 allows the wearer to carry out maneuvers with large congestion.

Length, m
Diameter, mm
span, m
weight bombs, kg
Weight of explosive, kg 2.5
250 kg incendiary + 37.5 kg PF


5. ODAB-500PMV (ОДАБ-500ПМВ – Объемно-детонирующая авиационная бомба) thermobaric air bomb

Bomb manufactured by the Russian company basalts. Furthermore, the term thermobaric air bomb can meet even the names vacuum bomb, fuel, bomb, aerosol bomb, v detonujúca bomb or a high-explosive bomb.

The bomb is designed to control industrial zones, unprotected or protected by live force (eg. In enclosures, tunnels, caves), nepancierovanej technology and military equipment. The bomb is scheduled for troop (front) airplanes and helicopters. It can be used for the destruction of anti-personnel mines and anti-tank.Planes can toss a bomb from a height of 200 to 12,000 m at speeds of 500-1500 km / hr. Helicopters can toss a bomb from a height of 1100 – 4000 M at speeds of 50-300 km / h.

Bomb has built a lighter.
Diameter Bomb: 500 mm
Length: 2380 mm
Weight bombs: 525 kg
Weight of filling: 193 kg
equivalent of TNT explosions: 1000 kg


6. BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles.

It is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology. The name BrahMos is a portmanteau formed from the names of two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. It is the world’s fastest anti-ship cruise missile in operation. The missile travels at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0


The BrahMos-A is a modified air-launched variant of the missile which will arm the Sukhoi PAK-FA of the Indian air force as a standoff weapon. To reduce the missile’s weight to 2.55 tons, many modifications were made like using a smaller booster, adding fins for airborne stability after launch, and relocating the connector. It can be released from the height of 500 to 14,000 meters (1,640 to 46,000 ft). After release, the missile free falls for 100–150 meters, then goes into a cruise phase at 14,000 meters and finally the terminal phase at 15 meters.



BrahMos-NG (Next Generation) is a mini version based on the existing BrahMos, will have same 290 km range and mach 3.5 speed but it will weigh around 1.5 tons, 5 meters in length and 50 cm in diameter, making BrahMos-NG 50 percent lighter and three meters shorter than its predecessor. The system is expected to be inducted in the year 2017. BrahMos-NG will have lesser RCS (radar cross section) compared to its predecessor, making it harder for air defense systems to locate and engage the target. BrahMos-NG will have Land, Air, ship-borne and Submarine tube-launched variants. First test flight is expected to take place in 2017–18. Initially Brahmos-NG was called as Brahmos-M.


BrahMos-II is a hypersonic cruise missile currently under development and is estimated to have a range of 290 km. Like the BrahMos, the range of BrahMos II has also been limited to 290 km to comply with the MTCR. With a speed of Mach 7, it will have double the speed of the current BrahMos missile, and it will be the fastest hypersonic missile in the world. Development could take 7–8 years to complete.

7. Kh-59MK2

The Kh-59MK2 cruise missile bears little external resemblance to the earlier Kh-59 (AS-18 Kazoo), which is a conventional glide bomb with an externally mounted Saturn 36MT turbofan engine, but uses the same powerplant, warhead and guidance system. It has a redesigned airframe to reduce its radar signature and fit in the Sukhoi T-50’s weapon bays. The 1,700-lb. weapon has a design range of up to 160 nm.

The Kh-59MK2 features a stealth-contoured nose with short, swept horizontal chines, which avoids a radar cross-section (RCS) spike from a rounded nose but takes up less space in the length-limited (4.2-meter-long) T-50 bays than a pointed or wedge nose. Flat sides result in strong RCS spikes at 90-deg. to the missile’s axis, but if the weapon is at low altitude these are not exploitable by an airborne radar, because a radar at that position cannot detect any Doppler signal from the missile. The flush inlet is located under the body.



A third, modified weapon was the Kh-58UShKE-IIR (imaging infrared). The basic Kh-58UShKE, seen at previous MAKS shows, is a modernized, shortened, folding-wing version of the veteran Mach 4 Kh-58 (AS-11 Kilter). The new model adds two IIR sensors under the forebody, allowing the weapon to engage emitters that have been shut down.

The new weapons underscore the fact that the T-50 cannot be regarded as an analog to the Lockheed Martin F-22. It is designed for both air-to-air and air-to-surface missions, with the ability to carry four large weapons internally (versus two 1,000-lb. bombs on the F-22) as well as having provision for Kh-31 anti-radar missiles under the wings.


Anti-Ship Missiles

KH 35

Kh-35UE (AS-20 “Kayak”) anti-ship missile

Kh-35UE (AS-20 “Kayak”) anti-ship missile (wings extended)

The Zvezda Kh-35U (‘Star’, Russian: Х-35У, AS-20 ‘Kayak’) is the jet-launched version of a Russian subsonic anti-ship missile. The same missile can also be launched from helicopters, surface ships and coastal defence batteries with the help of a rocket booster, in which case it is known as Uran (‘Uranus’, SS-N-25 ‘Switchblade’, GRAU 3M24 ) or Bal (‘Ball’, SSC-6 ‘Sennight’, GRAU 3K60). It is also nicknamed “Harpoonski”, because it looks like and functions very similar to the American Harpoon Anti-Ship missile. It is designed to attack vessels up to 5000 tonnes.

The Kh-35 missile is a subsonic weapon featuring a normal aerodynamic configuration with cruciform wings and fins and a semisubmerged air duct intake. The propulsion unit is a turbofan engine. The missile is guided to its target at the final leg of the trajectory by commands fed from the active radar homing head and the radio altimeter.

Target designation data can be introduced into the missile from the launch aircraft or ship or external sources. Flight mission data is inserted into the missile control system after input of target coordinates. An inertial system controls the missile in flight, stabilizes it at an assigned altitude and brings it to a target location area. At a certain target range, the homing head is switched on to search for, lock on and track the target. The inertial control system then turns the missile toward the target and changes its flight altitude to an extremely low one. At this altitude, the missile continues the process of homing by the data fed from the homing head and the inertial control system until a hit is obtained.


The Kh-35 anti-ship missile can be employed in fair and adverse weather conditions at sea states up to 5-6, by day and night, under enemy fire and electronic countermeasures.

The Kh-35’s aerodynamic configuration is optimized for high subsonic-speed sea-skimming flight to ensure stealthy characteristics of the missile. The missile has low signatures thanks to its small dimensions, sea-skimming capability and a special guidance algorithm ensuring highly secure operational modes of the active radar seeker.

Its ARGS-35E active radar seeker operates in both single-and-multiple missile launch modes, acquiring and locking on targets at a maximum range of up to 20 km. A new radar seeker, Gran-KE have been developed by SPE Radar MMS and will be replacing the existing ARGS-35E X band seeker.


Weapon Configurations Of PAK-FA​


Pre-production and initial production batches of the T-50 will use interim engines, a pair of NPO Saturn izdeliye 117, or AL-41F1. Closely related to the Saturn 117S engine used by the Su-35S, the 117 engine is a highly improved and uprated variant of the AL-31 that powers the Su-27 family of aircraft. The 117 engine produces 93.1 kN (21,000 lbf) of dry thrust, 147.1 kN (33,067 lbf) of thrust in afterburner, and has a thrust to weight ratio of 10.5:1. The engines have full authority digital engine control (FADEC) and are integrated into the flight control system to facilitate maneuverability and handling.

The cited TVC capability of the 117S engine is ±15° in the vertical plane, and ±8° in the horizontal plane, with deflection angle rates of now up to 60 °/sec, putting them in the same onset rate category as fighter-type aerodynamic flight control surfaces. The engine employs a larger diameter fan, at 932 mm vs. the 905 mm fan in the earlier Al-31FP TVC engine. Key hot end components in the core were redesigned to employ the cooling system technology developed in the 1990s Al-41F, permitting much higher TIT ratings and a commensurately reduced thrust lapse rate with altitude, in turn permitting supercruise operation.

The auxiliary power unit and the starters for the T-50 aircraft designed and manufactured by the factory “Red October” (St. Petersburg). Probably, on the T-50 model is used, the gas turbine engine power unit GTDE-117M / GTDE-117-1M, which is a turboshaft engine with free turbine, has a modular design. Turbocharger module – single shaft with a single-stage centrifugal compressor and turbine. Reducer power turbine is made by a two-stage multi-threading scheme. Purpose: providing stand-alone preflight preparation of the aircraft without starting the main engines and their subsequent launch ..

Power in starter mode – 110 hp
Dimensions – 680 x 260 mm
Weight – 40 kg


Phase ll Engines

Production T-50 from 2020 onward will be equipped with a more powerful engine known as the izdeliye 30, a clean sheet design engine that will supersede the 117. NPO Saturn and MMPP Salyut are competing to supply this definitive second stage engine. Compared to the 117, the new powerplant will have increased thrust and fuel efficiency, greater reliability, and lower costs.

The izdeliye 30 has fewer fan and compressor stages than the 117, thus reducing the number of parts compared to its predecessor. The engine is designed to produce approximately 107 kN (24,050 lbf) of dry thrust and up to 167 kN (37,500 lbf) in afterburner. Full scale development began in 2011 and the engine’s compressor began bench testing in December 2014. The first test engines are planned to be completed in 2016, and flight testing is projected to begin in 2017. The new powerplant is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the 117 with minimal changes to the airframe. Some more reliable sources have quoted a figure of 24,054lbs dry thrust and 39,566lbs of afterburning thrust.

To briefly understand the propulsion systems in detail, click on the button below.​

General characteristics


Crew: 1
Length: 19.8 m (65.0 ft)
Wingspan: 13.95 m (45.8 ft)
Height: 4.74 m (15.6 ft)
Wing area: 78.8 m2 (848.1 ft2)
Empty weight: 18,000 kg (39,680 lb)
Loaded weight: 25,000 kg (55,115 lb) typical mission weight, 29,270 kg (64,530 lb) at full load
Max. takeoff weight: 35,000 kg (77,160 lb)
Fuel capacity: 10,300 kg (22,700 lb)[139]
Powerplant: 2 × NPO Saturn izdeliye 117 (AL-41F1) for initial production
Izdeliye 30 for later production, thrust vectoring turbofan
Dry thrust: 93.1 kN ( izdeliye 117) / 107 kN (21,000 lbf / 24,300 lbf) each
Thrust with afterburner: 147 kN ( izdeliye 117) / 167 kN (33,067 lbf / 37,500 lbf) each or 176 kN ( 39,566 lbf) each.

For Izdeliye 30
Dry Thrust : 107 KN
Thrust with Afterburner : 167 KN


Maximum speed:
At altitude: Mach 2.0 (2,140 km/h, 1,320 mph)
Supercruise: Mach 1.6 (1,700 km/h, 1,060 mph)
Range: 3,500 km (2,175 mi) subsonic
1,500 km (930 mi) supersonic[86]
Ferry range: 5,500 km (3,420 mi) [141]
Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,000 ft)
Wing loading: 317–444 kg/m2 (65–91 lb/ft2)
Saturn 117: 1.02 (1.19 at typical mission weight)
izdeliye 30: 1.16 (1.36 at typical mission weight)
Maximum g-load: +9.0 g


Guns: 1× 30 mm (1.181 in) 9A1-4071K (GSh-301) cannon in right LEVCON root

Air to air loadout:
4× K-77M or 4× izdeliye 810
2× K-74M2 or 2× izdeliye 300

Air to ground loadout:
4× Kh-38M or 4× Kh-58UShK or 8× KAB-250 or 4× KAB-500
2× K-74M2 or 2× izdeliye 300 or 2x Kh-31 PD
1x Kh-61 BrahMos -A.

Air to sea loadout:
4× Kh-35
2× K-74M2 or 2× izdeliye 300

Hardpoints: Six external hardpoints , Six to Eight internal.

Other weapons:


Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES)
N036 Byelka radar system
N036-1-01: Frontal X-band AESA radar
N036B-1-01: Cheek X-band AESA radars for increased angular coverage
N036L-1-01: Slat L-band arrays for IFF
L402 Himalayas Electronic countermeasure suite
101KS Atoll electro-optical system
101KS-O: Laser Directional Infrared Counter Measures
101KS-V: Infra-red search and track
101KS-U: Ultraviolet Missile Approach Warning system
101KS-N: Targeting pod

Last edited:
how do we know Egypt will purchase these?
Because they have showed serious interests..Russians identified a few potential customers and Egypt was among them.. It is the only viable Egyptian 5th generation fighter option on the market.. 2025 might be a good date for its procurement..
Not many nations will procure the Russian SU-57.. Only a few were mentioned by Russian experts as showing serious interest.. Among them is Egypt.. and here is why:



Sukhoi PAK-FA abbreviated in Russian language as Prospective Airborne Complex of Front line Aviation is a program to develop fifth generation fighter aircraft.

The prototype aircraft designated as T 50 which had its first flight on 29 Jan 2010. It is expected to enter service with designation Sukhoi Su 50 in Russian Airforce.

The aircraft is being co-developed in collaboration with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited HAL with 50% sharing of fundings. The HAL would develop an Indian specific variant named Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) whose final contract is expected to be signed at the mid of 2017 after which aircraft will be developed within 7 years. The FGFA will be tailored for requirements of Indian Air Force according to Indian Military doctrine. While the aircraft is expected to be exported in large numbers in Asia Pacific. It was reported at Paris Air Show 2017 that the name FGFA is now completely replaced and the aircraft now be called Prospective Multirole Fighter PMF. The Sukhoi Aviation Corporation claims it to be better than any other fifth generation aircraft currently available for export. It will be the first aircraft in both Russian and Indian service to use stealth technology by which they could evade detection by enemy radar to some extent. It will replace Su 27 and MiG 29 in Russian Service and MiG 21 in Indian service.

The Conventional mentality of the Americans of considering every non American things inferior to them has drawn a lot of downplaying and criticism of T 50 program even at it's development stage. The Sukhoi PAK-FA shifts focus from the basic ideology of western military planners that a fifth generation aircraft needs to be stealth and situationally aware.

The Russians have a different thought. They have made a counter-stealth machine which itself is just enough stealth to force adversary stealth aircrafts come closer to detect it and get detected by it's own detection systems. All this by maintaining similar level of unprecedented situational awAreness. AS FUTURE BVR BATTLES ARE CONCERNED, THE PERFORMANCE OF BVRAAM depENDS UPON THE SPEED AND ALTITUDE OF LAUNCH PLATFORM, THUS IMOARTING GREATER RANGE TO A BVRAAM. FOR THIS THE SUKHOI SU-57 HAS HIGH SUPERCRUISING SPEEDS AND GREATER SERVICE CEILINGs over it's entire flight envelope, better than those 5th generation fighters it is supposed to compete with. For battle at close ranges Superior kinematic performance and wide availability of weapons along with robust self protection ECM and DIRCM devices are needed, which is where Sukhoi Su-57 claims to be superior. Along with eliminating the need of a Jamming support aircraft and to some extent an awacs and reconnaisance aircraft, Sukhoi Su-57 isn't just multirole , but omnirole.​

Program History


( picture credits Hesja Air Art )​

In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union outlined a need for a next-generation aircraft intended to enter service in the 1990s. The project was designated the I-90 (Russian: Истребитель, Istrebitel, “Fighter”) and required the fighter to have substantial ground attack capabilities and would eventually replace the MiG-29s and Su-27s in frontline tactical aviation service. The subsequent program designed to meet these requirements, the MFI (Russian: МФИ, Russian: Многофункциональный фронтовой истребитель, Mnogofunksionalni Frontovoy Istrebitel, “Multifunctional Frontline Fighter”), resulted in Mikoyan’s selection to develop the MiG 1.44. But due to the collapse of Soviet Union in the 1991. The funding for the project dried up and the MiG 1.44 program was closed. Although not selected for the MFI program the Sukhoi developed a forward swept/ aft swept wing aircraft named Sukhoi Su 47 but it met the same fate as MiG 1.44.

Following a competition between Sukhoi, Mikoyan, and Yakovlev, in 2002, Sukhoi was selected as the winner of the PAK FA competition and selected to lead the design of the new aircraft. Sukhoi’s new aircraft project code name is Τ-50, while according to the Russian Air Force, the aircraft will be called Ι-21 and the “construction” code will be “Izdelie 701”.


Mikoyan's Submission for PAK FA


Yakolev's Submision of PAK-FA


In 2007, Russia and India agreed to jointly develop the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA) for India. In September 2010, it was reported that India and Russia had agreed on a preliminary design contract where each country invests $6 billion; development of the FGFA fighter was expected to take 8–10 years. The agreement on the preliminary design was to be signed in December 2010 but was then expected to be signed in mid 2017 and after that aircraft would be developed within 7 years. Even during the yearly press breifings of 2017 year, the Indian Air Force chief kept his words reserved for the 5th generation fighter.

Planned deliveries and development

The Russian Air Force is expected to procure more than 150 PAK FA aircraft, the first of which is slated to be delivered in 2016. India plans on acquiring modified PAK FA as a part of its Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) program. It originally planned on buying 166 single-seat and 44 two-seat variants, but this has been reduced to 130-145 single-seat aircraft and the requirement for 45-50 twin-seat fighters has been dropped by 2014. The Russian Defence Ministry planned on purchasing the first 10 evaluation example aircraft after 2012 and then 60 production standard aircraft after 2016.

In December 2014, the Russian Air Force planned to receive 55 fighters by 2020. But Yuri Borisov, Russia’s deputy minister of defence for armaments stated in March 2015 that the Air Force will slow PAK FA production and reduce its initial order to 12 jets due to the nation’s deteriorating economy. Due to the aircraft’s complexity and rising costs, the Russian Air Force will retain large fleets of fourth-generation Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-35S. Moreover it is unwise to have a large fleet of 5th generation fighters that are equipped with 4th generation engines. The new engines once running into production will propel the purchase of Sukhoi Su-57 and just like Su-27 the Su-57 will also have advanced variants in future.


A 3D model rendered as HAL FGFA , taken from aermech.in​

Flight testing

The T-50’s maiden flight was repeatedly postponed from early 2007 after encountering unspecified technical problems. In August 2009, Alexander Zelin acknowledged that problems with the engine and in technical research remained unsolved. On 28 February 2009, Mikhail Pogosyan announced that the airframe was almost finished and that the first prototype should be ready by August 2009.

The first taxi test was successfully completed on 24 December 2009. Flight testing of the T-50 began with T-50-1, the first prototype aircraft, on 29 January 2010. Piloted by Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Bogdan, the aircraft’s 47-minute maiden flight took place at KnAAPO’s Dzemgi Airport in the Russian Far East.

On 3 March 2011, the second T-50 completed a 44-minute test flight. The first two prototypes lacked radar and weapon control systems; the third and fourth aircraft, first flown in 2011 and 2012, are fully functional test aircraft. On 14 March 2011, the T-50 achieved supersonic flight at a test range near Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
The T-50 was displayed publicly for the first time at the 2011 MAKS Airshow, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was in attendance. On 3 November 2011, the T-50 reportedly performed its 100th flight. More than 20 test flights were made in the next nine months.

The third prototype, T-50-3, was the first prototype to fly with an AESA radar. Originally scheduled for the end of 2011, these flights occurred in August 2012, and showed performance comparable to existing radars. On 22 November 2011, T-50-3 took its first flight from KnAAPO’s airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, piloted by Sergey Bogdan. The aircraft spent over an hour in the air, and was subjected to basic stability and powerplant checks. It differs from the other prototypes in the way it lacks a pitot tube. All 14 test aircraft are scheduled to fly by 2015.

The fourth prototype had its first flight on 12 December 2012 and joined the other three aircraft in testing near Moscow a month later. By the end of 2013, five T-50 prototypes were flown, with the fifth prototype having its first flight on 27 October 2013; with this flight the program has amassed more than 450 flights. The first aircraft for State testing was delivered on 21 February 2014. However the VVS lacks facilities for testing some of the aircraft’s performance parameters.

During the tests in 2013 the prototype 054 took off in just 310 m. It achieved a climb rate of 384 m/sec. The aircraft climbed 24,300 meters and was not allowed to climb further for safety reasons. It achieved a maximum speed of 2610 km/hr. The cruising speed of 2135 km/hr was achieved. All this was achieved with a full load of fuel and weight and size mock-ups of arms.

The fifth flying prototype T-50 ‘055’ was severely damaged by an engine fire after landing in June 2014. The aircraft was returned to flying condition after cannibalizing components from the unfinished sixth prototype.

It flew again on 16 October 2016 and was renamed T-50-5R. Currently this prototype was seen performing gun tests.

The sixth flying prototype 056 also the first prototype with heavily restructured airframe flew on 27th April 2016. It shocked the world as the stage ll prototypes were grossly improved over previous prototypes, changes were noted mostly on aft section of the fighter aircraft. Also radiation alert markings were noted on wings leading edge slats etc. A static test airframe also named T-50-6 is available for structural ground tests.

The seventh flying prototype named 058 took to skies on 17 November 2016, it's pictures took social media by storm as it was seen completed with all electro optical plus EW systems. Then flew the prototype 509 which is carrying the final version of avaionics for tests and it flew on 24th April 2017.

Then while everyone was waiting for 510, for reasons unknown it's construction got delayed and on 6th August 2017 the prototype 511 flew many pictures came with this prototype carrying two external fuel tanks this was supposed to be the last prototype but flew early. Later on 23rd December 2017 the last prototype 510 flew which was completely hidden from public eye, it's pictures were made available only after February 2018.

In the year 2018 the production versions T-50S1 and T-50S2 would mark formal induction of Sukhoi Su-57 in service.


[ image taken by Marina Lystseva]​

To reduce the PAK FA’s developmental risk and spread out associated costs, as well as to bridge the gap between it and older previous generation fighters, some of its technology and features, such as propulsion and avionics, were implemented in the Sukhoi Su-35S fighter, an advanced variant of the Su-27.

The Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) is manufacturing the new multirole fighter at Komsomol’sk-on-Amur along with Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KnAAPO), and final assembly is to take place at Komsomol’sk-on-Amur. Following a competition held in 2003, the Tekhnokompleks Scientific and Production Center, Ramenskoye Instrument Building Design Bureau, the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP), the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) in Yekaterinburg, the Polet firm in Nizhny Novgorod and the Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute in Moscow were selected for the development of the PAK-FA’s avionics suite. NPO Saturn is the lead contractor for the interim engines; Saturn and MMPP Salyut will compete for the definitive second stage engines.


Sixth prototype of T 50 , image taken from knaapo official website.​

Phase ll airframes
After the tests done on static test frames and early prototypes it was seen that internal structure wouldn't be able to sustain the stress developed while performing extreme manoeuvres envisioned by the design team. Hence the internal structure of T 50 was heavily reworked and its strength was beefed up significantly in the latest airframes. The static test frame T 50-7 and flying frame T 50-8 was delivered. The new test frame was flown to Zhukovsky where tests begun.

The new test frame have engines better covered in cowlings. The repositioned airbleed doors, side looking cheek mounted radars. IRST devices and protection devices. The sting was seen enlarged which houses the backward looking X band AESA radar.


8th prototype of T 50 image taken from gallery of Knaapo official website


improved stealthy air-bleed doors on phase ll airframes​



Images taken from defence.pk​

The Su-57 has a blended wing body fuselage and incorporates all-moving horizontal and vertical stabilizers; the vertical stabilizers toe inwards to serve as the aircraft’s airbrake the vertical stabilisers are all movable just like those of YF 23. It is stealthy, supermaneuverable, have supercruise capability, incorporate substantial amounts of composite materials to remain enough stealth to force it's fifth generation adversaries come close to it and do a WVR combat where it excels. The aircraft incorporates thrust vectoring and has adjustable leading edge vortex controllers (LEVCONs) designed to control vortices generated by the leading edge root extensions, and can provide trim and improve high angle of attack behaviour, including a quick stall recovery if the thrust vectoring system fails. Something which it's main rival the F 22 does not have. In the design of PAK-FA program the Sukhoi Design Bureau is said to have addressed the drawbacks of F 22 program.

The high end kinematic capabilities of Sukhoi Su-57 has been designed keeping in mind BVR fights in nature. In a BVR air to air engagement the tail chase range of a typical BVR missile is three times smaller than a head-on engagement range, due to which as soon as a fighter detects the adversary it has to accelarate and acquire maximum possible speeds and altitude to impart greater kinetic energy to the fired missile. Stealth Fighters like Su-57 cannot be detected even by advanced radars and optical detection systems until they are around 30-40 kms close, hence a reaction be it head on engagement or be it tail chase engagement must be fast. The advanced kinematics, built in missile jamming capability, DIRCM,360° situational awareness are the features in Su-57 designed keeping BVR air to air engagements as well as WVR engagements in mind.

The advanced flight control system and thrust vectoring nozzles make the aircraft departure resistant and highly maneuverable in both pitch and yaw, enabling the aircraft to perform very high angles of attack maneuvers such as the Pugachev’s Cobra and the Bell maneuver, along with doing flat rotations with little altitude loss. The aircraft’s high cruising speed and normal operating altitude is also expected to give it a significant kinematic advantage over prior generations of aircraft. The T-50 makes extensive use of composites, comprising 25% of the structural weight and almost 70% of the outer surface. The new phase ll airframes incorporates more features like cowling covers on engines and radar blocker meshed screen doors made of composites installed at the air intakes. The doors are retractable. Weapons are housed in two tandem main weapons bays between the engine nacelles and smaller bulged, triangular-section bays near the wing root. Internal weapons carriage eliminates drag from external stores and enables higher performance compared to external carriage.


Image taken from defence.pk
Advanced engines and aerodynamics enable the T-50 to supercruise, sustained supersonic flight without using afterburners. Combined with a high fuel load, the T-50 has a supersonic range of over 1,500 km, more than twice that of the Su-27. In the T-50’s design, Sukhoi addressed what it considered to be the F-22’s limitations, such as its inability to use thrust vectoring to induce roll and yaw moments and a lack of space for weapons bays between the engines, and complications for stall recovery if thrust vectoring fails.


the inflight refueling probe of Sukhoi PAK-FA​
Due to India, Russia fails. I think Russia now will never takes India input on their products
Due to India, Russia fails. I think Russia now will never takes India input on their products
Russia did not fail..there was no Indian input, they have rather financed some projects for some components, but they wanted more ToT than what they paid for, so the JV failed, the Russians continue on their own as you can see in this thread..
man TBH i like this baby . don't know why people did not take it serious . good if Egypt buy them .

It, on paper seems amazing. Any chance Pakistan could purchase them? Dont kno when Project Azm will conclude and hiw successful it will be!

Tbh jf17 blk 3 do not match the Rafaels as far as specs go. How do we counter IAF then?
It, on paper seems amazing. Any chance Pakistan could purchase them? Dont kno when Project Azm will conclude and hiw successful it will be!
pakistan's defence budget is 11BD if i'm not wrong. why you guys always doubt that if you will get some plane from russia or europeans or not?? i dont get that. egypt get 25 su-35s with 2 billion same as china. you can pay russia 1 billion per year up to 4 years and get 20-30 pakfas you are not sanctioned.

ROFAR can detect an object sized 0.001 m² ( F 35 ) at a distance of more than 60 km. and VLO targets of the size 0.00016 m² ( F 22 ) at a distance of more than 40 km. The PAK-FA program's main intention being seen fulfilled as the detection range of F 22's radar against targets of RCS 0.01 m² ( PAK-FA) is below 40 km. If the self protection capabilities like ECM and DIRCM of both live up to the promises then a dogfight between F 22 and PAK-FA would likely be occurring in WVR ranges and the fight be more dependent on missile capabilities and manoeuvrability of both.
i'm not sure about the number attributed to pakfas RCS. however it could be true because of non stealth canopy glass and the spherical IRSTs. final version would have smaller RCS.
pakistan's defence budget is 11BD if i'm not wrong. why you guys always doubt that if you will get some plane from russia or europeans or not?? i dont get that. egypt get 25 su-35s with 2 billion same as china. you can pay russia 1 billion per year up to 4 years and get 20-30 pakfas you are not sanctioned.

i'm not sure about the number attributed to pakfas RCS. however it could be true because of non stealth canopy glass and the spherical IRSTs. final version would have smaller RCS.
Actully it's sometimes way more then 11 billion, :whistle:
pakistan's defence budget is 11BD if i'm not wrong. why you guys always doubt that if you will get some plane from russia or europeans or not?? i dont get that. egypt get 25 su-35s with 2 billion same as china. you can pay russia 1 billion per year up to 4 years and get 20-30 pakfas you are not sanctioned.

i'm not sure about the number attributed to pakfas RCS. however it could be true because of non stealth canopy glass and the spherical IRSTs. final version would have smaller RCS.
Due to war on terror our most of budget went there.

Russia did not fail..there was no Indian input, they have rather financed some projects for some components, but they wanted more ToT than what they paid for, so the JV failed, the Russians continue on their own as you can see in this thread..
India submit their demands about jet and Russia considers that and design according and then India U-turn and they want to blackmail Russia to get in hand their high end technology result both failed. Indian are not babies that they don't know what they are signing

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