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(thesis) Why China is the country with best potential to be Numero Umbre.

Oct 15, 2017
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1. Experience. China used to be Numero Umbre for millennia in terms of economic and military power, from Han dynasty to Ming dynasty.

2. Size. Chinese mainland is second biggest mainland after Russian mainland. While Russian mainland is bigger, it has worse geography due to cold and lack of sunshine. So Chinese mainland is best in world.

3. Population. China has world's biggest population since Han dynasty.

4. People. Chinese are the most disciplined and hardest working people on the planet, and smart too.

5. Natural resources. China has twin rivers Yellow and Yangtze, which are best rivers in the world. Plenty of access to Pacific ocean for example East China Sea, South China Sea, Yellow Sea. Plenty of oil and gas reserve.

6. Geography. Not located in the hot spot of the world Middle East, so away from conflict zones. Not as geographically isolated as America, Australia. So able to influence other countries while not drawing heat.

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1. Experience. China used to be Numero Umbre for millennia in terms of economic and military power, from Han dynasty to Ming dynasty.

2. Size. Chinese mainland is second biggest mainland after Russian mainland. While Russian mainland is bigger, it has worse geography due to cold and lack of sunshine. So Chinese mainland is best in world.

3. Population. China has world's biggest population since Han dynasty.

4. People. Chinese are the most disciplined and hardest working people on the planet, and smart too.

5. Natural resources. China has twin rivers Yellow and Yangtze, which are best rivers in the world. Plenty of access to Pacific ocean for example East China Sea, South China Sea, Yellow Sea. Plenty of oil and gas reserve.

6. Geography. Not located in the hot spot of the world Middle East, so away from conflict zones. Not as geographically isolated as America, Australia. So able to influence other countries while not drawing heat.

China is great and has been great in many ways for a long time but in reference to your list.

How many of those criteria does the UK meet? How about, Spain, France, Italy and Greece. They were each numero uno for a time, I believe.
No shit. No other country is anywhere close to challenging the US
No shit. No other country is anywhere close to challenging the US

China has bigger PPP economy than US. China has more warships and submarines than US. China has far bigger industrial base than US.
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China is great and has been great in many ways for a long time but in reference to your list.

How many of those criteria does the UK meet? How about, Spain, France, Italy and Greece. They were each numero uno for a time, I believe.
That is why these ALSO RAN were numero uno ONLY FOR A TIME.
That is why these ALSO RAN were numero uno ONLY FOR A TIME.

Only reason why those tiny European countries got to be so powerful was because they had a head start with exploration and industrialization while other societies were sleeping.
Only reason why those tiny European countries got to be so powerful was because they had a head start with exploration and industrialization while other societies were sleeping.

you have it backwards and mucked up.
you have it backwards and mucked up.
Not really. Europeans should be credited with starting the Industrial Age but it was because of that head start that these small
states once dominated.
Not really. Europeans should be credited with starting the Industrial Age but it was because of that head start that these small
states once dominated.

no, dude, I meant the other part of your comment. You have that backwards. having it backwards confuses who is good and bad thus mucked up.

Who protected whom, hey? ;) have a good one.
but China broke international law by arresting 1 million Ughurs

how is this number 1 country ?
but China broke international law by arresting 1 million Ughurs

how is this number 1 country ?
You must have SPENT A LOT OF TIME COUNTING in Xinjiang.

Or you took those numbers out of the FARTS OF ADRIAN ZENZ.
Some people are REALLY GULLIBLE or is it DUMB?
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