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The Zionist Scholar, Brenda Schaffer, Who Is Theorizing Azari Separatism Against Iran

No additional commenting needed. This video deserves to be translated into English for friends who don't understand Persian (will try to do so if I get the time).

@Stryker1982 Please listen to this carefully. It will clear up all the questions you put to me.
I`d recommend this for all of the english/non farsi speakers:
Here you can read Schaffers "monologue" titled "Iran is more than persia"

When you have no less an organisation than the FDD,infamous for its pro-zionist and right-wing views, supporting Schaffer [who is listed on its website as a "special consultant",no less] then this certainly shows a rather clear agenda imho,ie the support by the zionists [and by extension the west and their arab vassals],for fomenting ethno-nationalism in iran,no doubt in the hope of finding more "useful idiots" such as jundallah,etc..,that can then be used to carry out acts of terrorism within iran,or even perhaps the break-up and balkanisation of iran along ethnic lines.

I think that this is ultimately just one more sign,that the zionists [and their fellow travelers] are getting increasingly more desperate,as their many attempts to "contain" iran,and also roll back its influence regionally,have either failed or worse backfired.

Historic drawing of war by European historian:

Tabrizi people killing Ottoman soldiers to the point that they would run to Safavid soldiers for help :)

No additional commenting needed. This video deserves to be translated into English for friends who don't understand Persian (will try to do so if I get the time).

@Stryker1982 Please listen to this carefully. It will clear up all the questions you put to me.
She is one of aliyev whores who isn’t even a scholar I mean who would say nizami is Azerbaijani and claim to be a scholar while even the donkey knew that Azerbaijan is a land name and not an ethnic group and the republic of Baku isn’t Azerbaijan since the only Azerbaijan is the one in Iran abd also Azerbaijan as identity didn’t exist before the 20th century so how ylthe hell nizami is Azerbaijani all of the sudden??!😂


No additional commenting needed. This video deserves to be translated into English for friends who don't understand Persian (will try to do so if I get the time).

@Stryker1982 Please listen to this carefully. It will clear up all the questions you put to me.
Jews are thirsty to blood of Muslims.
Iran ruled Turkey and parts of Europe for one millennium.

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