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Lol. Did that misspelling touch some nerve. ;)

didnt touch some nerve. But the country name is PAKISTAN. Ask your father for the correct spelling if you can't do it yourself.

if it's spelled PAKISTAN, then you shouldnt spell it some other way; unless you have some ill intentions --and that wont win you much other than hostility here.

I know it is the Indian entertainment industry that rules Pakistan.

a lot of your films do make your way over to Pakistan....regrettably...but lets just say, your girls do some things which our girls cant be seen doing. :D

It's still their language. That's the point.

you have no point

I am not talking of Pushto. You have just adapted our language. That remains a fact.

Urdu isnt your language

All Pukhtuns are also called Afghans. Even your NWFP was proposed to be named "Afghania" or something for that reason.

Afghans are citizens of Afghanistan. As for name of Province, many names were proposed. That wasnt the final result.

In fact, try reading any literature before 1900s, you will always see the word "Afghan" for the Pushtuns.

that's b/c Pakistan wasn't a country (nor was ''india'' for that matter)

Replied already. It is a foreign language as far as Pakistan is considered.

you fail to convince

Any language that is not the native tongue of 93% of Pakistanis (only of 7% Mohajirs) is a foreign language. It is no different from English for you. Only it came from India, rather than Britannia.

then why do majority of Pakistanis speak and understand it? I would say regardless of ethnic group, Urdu is a success story in Pakistan and it has helped with national cohesion.

You really think they are worse than what Afgans (or Pushtuns if you insist) are doing in Karachi or any city of Pakistan.

nothing to do with language; just political influence and tit for tat. Not related here.

Do they say: "We will serve you, we are a serving class, just call us Khan Sahab"? This is from a Pukhtoon representative who said that Pukhtoon are the serving class (dirt cheap menial labor) in Karachi who serve the others, they just want some respect by being called "Khan Sahab".

not even worth replying to.....same (worse) happens in mumbai alone, forget the rest of hindustan

Morale of the story: Apne ghar main pahale jhaanko. ;)

our ghaar isnt yours....yours isnt ours.

at the end of the day, we say thank God for that.

just dont steal our dialect or speaking style; dont copy our music. And (for your own good) stop bastardizing a language.

That's all. I wont consult for 1.2 billion indians; that's a lot of dirty and tedious work.

You are welcome to have your opinion. You can guess the value we give to it. ;)

you're right...which is why i wonder why you post on a Pakistani forum or keep returning here to reply :)
Here's the correct sound in another word.. click play icon... it's NOT "d" ,,, thou English doesn't have the right alphabet butit's close to "RH" (MohanjodaRhoo)

another one "JhagRHaa"

& remember Amitabh's koon-banay-gaa-kaRHoor-patee...!!! even in English spelling are "CRORE"

Another,,, PaRHnay (to read)

& kilometeR...

= = = = = =

& here's the word correctly pronounced in the song BUT wrongly written by indians consistently ;;;
A text based internet forum is such a boring place to discuss dialects and pronunciations.
didnt touch some nerve. But the country name is PAKISTAN. Ask your father for the correct spelling if you can't do it yourself.

if it's spelled PAKISTAN, then you shouldnt spell it some other way; unless you have some ill intentions --and that wont win you much other than hostility here.

I will check with your Abba jaan. I obviously need some spelling lessons. ;)

a lot of your films do make your way over to Pakistan....regrettably...but lets just say, your girls do some things which our girls cant be seen doing. :D

Like this perhaps:

Or this:

You guys are funny. On the one hand, 86% of you want to stone adulterers to death, yet you are so obsessed with other girls.

you have no point

Urdu isnt your language

Afghans are citizens of Afghanistan. As for name of Province, many names were proposed. That wasnt the final result.

that's b/c Pakistan wasn't a country (nor was ''india'' for that matter)

you fail to convince

Not going to spend any more time on this. Already spent more time than it was worth.

then why do majority of Pakistanis speak and understand it? I would say regardless of ethnic group, Urdu is a success story in Pakistan and it has helped with national cohesion.

Is that a real question!

Why do hundreds of millions in India and Pakistan and all over the world know English now?

nothing to do with language; just political influence and tit for tat. Not related here.

not even worth replying to.....same (worse) happens in mumbai alone, forget the rest of hindustan

I am sure you will remember the moral the next time you speak of issues in Maharashtra.

our ghaar isnt yours....yours isnt ours.

at the end of the day, we say thank God for that.

just dont steal our dialect or speaking style; dont copy our music. And (for your own good) stop bastardizing a language.

That's all. I wont consult for 1.2 billion indians; that's a lot of dirty and tedious work.

you're right...which is why i wonder why you post on a Pakistani forum or keep returning here to reply :)

But I will let you speak an Indian language. I won't even mind that funny Pathan accent- "Oye khocha, kidhar jaati"

We are the large hearted ones after all. ;)
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To the pakistani lecturers on Hindi - continue with your Urdu instead of giving lectures on hindi......if 'j' instead of 'z' irritates you..just ignore it..Its Hindi not urdu.....today 'j' irriates you tomorrow you might have problem with some English word and you would want to change it.
To the pakistani lecturers on Hindi - continue with your Urdu instead of giving lectures on hindi......if 'j' instead of 'z' irritates you..just ignore it..Its Hindi not urdu.....today 'j' irriates you tomorrow you might have problem with some English word and you would want to change it.

Its funny them being worried about How Indian speak our own language.

Pakistan's languages are: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Baloch.

English and Urdu are foreign languages that don't belong to them. They just use these languages.
Its funny them being worried about How Indian speak our own language.

Pakistan's languages are: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Baloch.

English and Urdu are foreign languages that don't belong to them. They just use these languages.

Funny thing is both Indians and Pakistanis use english to post their posts in this forum..and these lecturers want them to be perfect in that language...which mean they want Indians to write their hindi language in English correctly lol.
Somebody needs to see the titillating Kanijrian da Mujra. :lol:

Or may be the moti Pushto dancers.

They are really hilarious.

None are bastardisation of other languages and cultures.
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^^ You're more than welcome to derail this worthless thread :tup:
Urdu isnt your language

cheers . But don't tell it outside Pakistan. They'll take you for a liar.
...and Urdu are foreign languages that don't belong to them. They just use these languages.

That's a very inflammatory statement, especially when I'm not dead yet. If my forefathers came from Afghanistan and further north then Urdu might not have been born. And you, who are a farangi to this language and its culture, have the audacity to tell me it isn't mine!

BTW your own G. Narang sahib concluded the earliest forms of Urdu could be traced to the Saraiki areas of Pakistan. So don't tell a Pakistani it isn't his language too.
was that kid in the video really crying after getting slapped?

what a sissy

anyways, to get back on subject -- it was hindi zealouts who started saying the new language (Urdu -- a language coined which the Britishers were adament to) is of foreign origins (which in some ways, it was given the change from sanskirt to Persian/Arabic script and adoption of many new words not had in hindi)

replacement of common words by sanskirt led to treating the Muslims as 'foreign' by the hindu nationalist types --which of course helped those (in hindsight) to push for the creation of Pakistan - a country for the disenchanted and nationalistic Muslims.

the dispute led to the slogans by the usual indian chest thumpers like ''hindu,hindi hindustan'' and a two nation theory was propounded leading to no compromise or understanding --again, in hindight --a blessing in disguise for the Urdu speaking Muslims.

that is why post-1947 when Pakistan gained independence from britishers (and later india did the next day) Urdu was relegated to the background in ''free india''

use of this language Urdu was villified by the indian politicians due to the painful stigma permanentally implanted in them.......

it was in Urdu language that nationalistic feelings for Pakistan (whose name was used many time before 1947) were espoused and expressed....mostly poetically, and always peacefully
Hindi speakers? You are lecturing Hindi speakers to speak Hindi in Urdu?

May be you should try it with your Bangladeshi brethren first. Moshkora mot koro.

here in UAE a radio station is playing the bengali version of "ganay main dard hona chahiay" as " Gon main Dord"... lolzz
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