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The Word " Terrorist & Terrorism " is not even Mentioned Once

Well what irks me the most is people here think the US is just an appendage of Britain or something. So what applies to how British/Europeans treat people or see things automagically applies to how the US sees it. Most people in the US look at Syria as white Muslim people (with a minority Christian community) getting bombed. I have a good friend from Syria and he's about as white looking as you can get. Now I can't say people are all broken up about white Muslims killing white Muslims. Certainly they have prejudices against them...but they don't see them as "brown" people or "not real white people". LOL!

I think we view things more like a Chinese person would see it vs a European. I doubt any Chinese members here would call any of the pics I posted a non-white person.

Let the hatred here not irk you. Chill, and carry on as a true Murrikan would! :D
Two christians just lost their lives trying to stop this man. What more do you want them to do?

Well I'm not sure anybody has determined if the victims or the assailant were Christians.
For all we know everybody was an Atheist.
Two christians just lost their lives trying to stop this man. What more do you want them to do?

Millions of Muslims died fighting the terrorists and yet whenever a act of terrorism is committed by a Muslim the entire community have to apologize and do something to stop it, so why not the white people and Christians are apologizing ? and have you seen any Muslims actually asking them to apologize on behalf of that terrorist , or you see any Muslim blaming entire White people or Christians ? No .. because act of a single man or minority can not brush all in bad color .

my argument is not to get a apology from any White male or Christian , All i wanted that people should understand the feeling when Western world paint us Muslims all as Terrorists and ask us to do more , and demand Muslims to ask ISIS to stop attacking as if they will heard us , and when they ( west ) all condemn Islam for the act of some Crazy Puto .
Millions of Muslims died fighting the terrorists and yet whenever a act of terrorism is committed by a Muslim the entire community have to apologize and do something to stop it, so why not the white people and Christians are apologizing ? and have you seen any Muslims actually asking them to apologize on behalf of that terrorist , or you see any Muslim blaming entire White people or Christians ? No .. because act of a single man or minority can not brush all in bad color .

my argument is not to get a apology from any White male or Christian , All i wanted that people should understand the feeling when Western world paint us Muslims all as Terrorists and ask us to do more , and demand Muslims to ask ISIS to stop attacking as if they will heard us , and when they ( west ) all condemn Islam for the act of some Crazy Puto .
At this point in time there are no Christian priests calling for holy war. There are no groups that kill non christians in the name of Christ. There is no ideology that asks christians to attack non christians and their institutions at random. In short there is no school of thought that encourages organized violence by Christians on non christians.

American law, with its foundations in the Ten Commandments, will be used to persecute this man who will most likely spend the rest of his life in Prison. His grave will NOT be visited by thousands. He will NOT be considered a martyr by any other Christian. Do you see the difference?

And before you point out america's numerous and regular invasions of other countries - let me say - a nation state is not a religious institution. Using force, in certain conditions, to guard national self interest is allowed by international law and very different to the ancient medieval idea of killing non believers. Much effort is taken to AVOID civilian deaths. Every country uses force to guard its self interest to the best of its ability. America's ability is more than others.

Well I'm not sure anybody has determined if the victims or the assailant were Christians.
For all we know everybody was an Atheist.
In this context, they were most likely culturally Christian - whatever may be their personal belief system.
Man shouting 'anti-everything slurs' kills 2 in Portland, police say
By Tony Marco, Nicole Chavez and Jason Hanna, CNN

Updated 1419 GMT (2219 HKT) May 27, 2017

(CNN)A man fatally stabbed two people and injured a third on a commuter train in Oregon's largest city Friday as people confronted him for "yelling a gamut of anti-Muslim and anti-everything slurs," a Portland police spokesman said.

Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, was on a Metropolitan Area Express (MAX) light-rail train in Portland late Friday afternoon when he started yelling what "would best be characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions," police said in news release.
Christian may have directed slurs at two young women who witnesses described as Muslim, one of whom was wearing a hijab, Portland police Sgt. Pete Simpson told CNN.
As two men tried to calm him down, Christian stabbed them and one other man, police said.

Jeremy Joseph Christian was charged with aggravated murder and attempted murder.
One man died at the scene, and a second victim died at a hospital, police said.
Christian was charged with two counts of aggravated murder, one count of attempted murder, two counts of second-degree intimidation and felony possession of a restricted weapon, police said. He was being held Saturday at the Multnomah County jail without opportunity for bail. His arraignment is set for Monday in county court, police said.
Police want the women's story
Investigators haven't been able to verify whether Christian was targeting the women with slurs because police haven't found them, Simpson said. Police want to speak with the women and anyone else who left the scene.



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The victims apparently didn't know Christian and were trying to protect other passengers on the train, police said.
The victims' names weren't immediately released. Witnesses said one was stabbed in the neck, CNN affiliate KOIN reported.
The injured passenger was being treated at a hospital and is expected to survive, police said.
'Hate is evil'
The stabbings happened at the start of Ramadan, a monthlong Muslim holy period of prayer, fasting and charity.
Following the attack, the Council on American-Islamic Relations called on President Donald Trump to denounce "rising bigotry" and acts of violence against Muslims.
"President Trump must speak out personally against the rising tide of Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry and racism in our nation that he has provoked through his numerous statements, policies and appointments that have negatively impacted minority communities," CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said.
Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon took to Twitter to decry the stabbings.
"Terrible tragedy on Portland's Max Train," he posted. "Champions of justice risked and lost their lives. Hate is evil."
CNN's Dave Alsup, Joe Sutton and Deanna Hackney contributed to this report.

P.S , Strange that in whole report the word Terrorist or terrorism is not mentioned even once, so should we consider this is not an Act or Terrorism and this man is not a Terrorist ? or these Words are only dedicated to Evil Muzlims ?

A few things you may have misinformed........ Let's do it one thing at a time.

The Definition of Terrorism is actually very well defined in United States Code. at 18 USC 2332

(1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that—
involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum;
the term “national of the United States” has the meaning given such term in section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
the term “person” means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property;
(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of—
declared war;
armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or
armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

(1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that—
involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum;
the term “national of the United States” has the meaning given such term in section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act;
the term “person” means any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property;
(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of—
declared war;
armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or
armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

The different between a hate crime, a normal violent crime and terrorism is quite distinctive, for an act to be called a "terror attack" the billing need to fill the requirement set out in 18 USC 2332. Which basically an act may or may not be violent in nature. Intended to Coerce the Civilian population and either try to influence of a government, or attack directly on government structure and affect the conduct of a government. Both physical (like attacking a government building) or attacking a government employee (Any federal and state employee)

Hate Crime may not be terrorism to begin with, I can hate something, act on it, but whether or not it incite terror is depending on several factors. As long as I do not have an ulterior motive behind my crime, or if I, in anyway, trying to coerce either the population or the government (ie, my act was random act of violence), that would mean the crime I committed is not an act of terrorism, but simply a violence crime (Assault or Murder) with or without Hate Crime Charge against it.

In this end, I could have kill 10 or 20 people, just because of their skin colour, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, but if I do not, A.) Attack any federal or state government employee, or attack them within government ground and B.) Have not try to coerce the population and the government to my agenda. Then I will not be charged with Terrorism, but 10 or 20 counts of Murders

On the other hand, if I send a bomb threat to a public place (Like an airport, or train station) or a government building, even if the bomb threat is a hoax (ie Not Real), so nobody is going to get hurt, I would still be charged with a federal count of Terrorism, because the act I did was to coerce the population (If I call the bomb threat in public Places) or coercing the government (If I call a bomb threat on a government building)

You also need to know, the charge between a count of murder, a count of Hate Crime, and a count of Terrorism is different. Every state have the jurisdiction to charge a person with murder and hate crime (some state do not have hate crime law by the way) but only at federal level can a terrorism charge can be made, and this charge is quite specific as to you need to fit the bill to get charged, and by law, if a case was not an act of terrorism, the government cannot declare the person a terrorist and put him/her in a terrorism watch list.

Basically. the following action will lead to a terrorism charge in the US
-An unlawful act which used to coerce the population and/or the US government.
-An act of sponsoring an active terrorist group (by physical or material support)
-An act which intended to Process and/or use Weapon of Mass destruction.

The public view regarding Muslim and terrorist is actually a misdirect to the public. I would say, most people in America would associate Islam with Terrorism, that is, however, not the full picture, in the US, people are more akin to the problem of Domestic Terrorism than International Terrorism, the general public associate not only Islam to Terrorism, also Bikie Gang, KKK, Anarchist Group, anti-Government group, local militia to terrorism.

The problem is, the general public is quite gullible, and that what they see, normal population in US have not had much interaction with Muslim people in their community, that lead to this mistrust, however, the more informed group of Population would generally not going to make wave because they will not do anything stupid like burning a koran and firebombing a mosque. That lead to the public mistrust between Muslim (Both American own and Foreign) and Normal Everyday citizens. That is the reason why Islamic Group in US tended to be apologetic because there are not too many outreach (beside Mosque open day) that would allow normal everyday American to connect with the Muslim community.
He is considered white by most Americans.
The definition of what race you belong to gets slightly confusing when you enter regions such as central asia,north africa,south asia and middle east

In this case i blame the alt right anti everything mentality you come across such people daily on brietfart the first thing they criticize me for is my name and my place of origin not even listening to my opinion

If most middle easterners dress a certain way you cant tell them apart from Latinos or Mediterraneans
People from the Middle East have just as much right to be called white as those from European nations.
Interesting history behind it
We shouldnt act like the fox crowd good and bad people are everywhere but i wont micne my words on the american govt and media they love war and are largely responsible for what is wrong in MENA because they toppled stable regimes

In the US he is considered white.
Are you sure he wont be called Latino ? :D

So your white assertions are off the mark. We have no idea about the complexion of the women who were on that train. They ran away.
I dont know why but many in US view Muslims as one race of homogeneous individuals
Even inside US Muslims from different areas have different values and economic standing

Well her claim of "white without privileges" is not a unique story. You can claim that about people with Russian or Eastern block backgrounds. They've been highly scrutinized since the Cold War started - and even before then! We going to start calling them non-white too?

Are you sure he wont be called Latino ? :D

Good point. But even then the category is White Hispanic and non-White Hispanic. Don't ask me to explain it because when I read it I get a headache. I had always thought it had something to do with being part Native American or African.

Screen Shot 2017-05-29 at 7.04.52 AM.jpg

You think your pic looks less white than this one? (football fans in Spain)

I think most Americans find this whole who is white and who isn't rather farcical. Most would say if you aren't part Oriental, Pacific Islander, Indian, Native American, or black African you have a pretty good chance of being classified as white.
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you proved nothing wrong, the report i post in OP does not mentioned word terrorist .. Plus you didn't apologize on his behalf and so many other White people this means they silently support this act.
i am just using Your people logic against you :) why you are getting upset ? just apologize and prove that you are against the white terrorism ..

The race is irrelevant here. You should avoid using white and brown conflict. There are plenty of blacks in the US who hate Muslims just like this terrorist does. It's a conflict between two civilizations.
Well her claim of "white without privileges" is not a unique story. You can claim that about people with Russian or Eastern block backgrounds. They've been highly scrutinized since the Cold War started - and even before then! We going to start calling them non-white too?

Good point. But even then the category is White Hispanic and non-White Hispanic. Don't ask me to explain it because when I read it I get a headache. I had always thought it had something to do with being part Native American or African.

View attachment 399871
You think your pic looks less white than this one (football fans in Spain)
True during a time period even Irish were discriminated against a bigot will always find ways to hate
But the case of Arabs is different not all Arabs are white

Some Arabs are white some are non-white but the reason why they picked White as race was because of the restriction on other races?
Am i correct?
Good point. But even then the category is White Hispanic and non-White Hispanic. Don't ask me to explain it because when I read it I get a headache. I had always thought it had something to do with being part Native American or African.
Nah he looks like native american Hispanic not the European origin one :D
Kind of like this guy with less hair :D

you have a pretty good chance of being classified as white.
By this definition there are more whites outside Europe than inside it
You think your pic looks less white than this one? (football fans in Spain)

This one?
Nah we just dont consider our-self white :D




We mostly come in olivish and brownish shades with a sizable white minority :D

The race is irrelevant here. You should avoid using white and brown conflict. There are plenty of blacks in the US who hate Muslims just like this terrorist does. It's a conflict between two civilizations.
The white nationalists of US hate everyone who is not a white christian republican Muslims are just the latest punching bag
There are no groups that kill non christians in the name of Christ.

Really ?:drag: please do your homework

The different between a hate crime, a normal violent crime and terrorism is quite distinctive, for an act to be called a "terror attack" the billing need to fill the requirement set out in 18 USC 2332. Which basically an act may or may not be violent in nature. Intended to Coerce the Civilian population and either try to influence of a government, or attack directly on government structure and affect the conduct of a government. Both physical (like attacking a government building) or attacking a government employee (Any federal and state employee)

There were shooting that has nothing to do with Govt , and conducted by American citizen but just because the word Muslim is related to them so these incident were called Islamic Terrorism , the word Islamic is highlighted all the time . for example attack on Gay club by a American/Afghan national that kill 50 innocent, he did hate them has nothing to do with govt so why its considered terrorism and not the case of that white young man who kill 8-10 black people in church ?

Hate Crime may not be terrorism to begin with, I can hate something, act on it, but whether or not it incite terror is depending on several factors. As long as I do not have an ulterior motive behind my crime, or if I, in anyway, trying to coerce either the population or the government (ie, my act was random act of violence), that would mean the crime I committed is not an act of terrorism, but simply a violence crime (Assault or Murder) with or without Hate Crime Charge against it.

with this logic don't you think we can put every shooting in US or Europe into Hate Crime other than terrorism ?

In this end, I could have kill 10 or 20 people, just because of their skin colour, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, but if I do not, A.) Attack any federal or state government employee, or attack them within government ground and B.) Have not try to coerce the population and the government to my agenda. Then I will not be charged with Terrorism, but 10 or 20 counts of Murders

Terrorism means An ACT that terrorize people in any way.. and Terrorist is a person who terrorize others .. the recent attack in Europe in which guys use trucks to ramp people, will come under murder instead of Islamic Terrorism ..

Basically. the following action will lead to a terrorism charge in the US
-An unlawful act which used to coerce the population and/or the US government.
-An act of sponsoring an active terrorist group (by physical or material support)
-An act which intended to Process and/or use Weapon of Mass destruction.

What you are saying maybe Right by US LAW but do you realize no one in US actually believe that, even a firing incident or a man shout with a knife in Train will be consider act of Islamic terrorism ..

The public view regarding Muslim and terrorist is actually a misdirect to the public. I would say, most people in America would associate Islam with Terrorism, that is, however, not the full picture, in the US, people are more akin to the problem of Domestic Terrorism than International Terrorism, the general public associate not only Islam to Terrorism, also Bikie Gang, KKK, Anarchist Group, anti-Government group, local militia to terrorism.

this is my point, the people in US are ignorant when it comes to matter like these, media biasness is there no one can deny that.. second part in above part is , US public will associate Islam with terrorism even if it has nothing to do with it or its a act of individual , this mind set was created after 9/11 by the US govt to gain support for their war in Afghanistan and Iraq .. we all know Govt needs to fool their people in order to get their support for War ..so the term Global war on terrorism was introduce which later turned into Global war on Islam .

The problem is, the general public is quite gullible, and that what they see, normal population in US have not had much interaction with Muslim people in their community, that lead to this mistrust, however, the more informed group of Population would generally not going to make wave because they will not do anything stupid like burning a koran and firebombing a mosque. That lead to the public mistrust between Muslim (Both American own and Foreign) and Normal Everyday citizens. That is the reason why Islamic Group in US tended to be apologetic because there are not too many outreach (beside Mosque open day) that would allow normal everyday American to connect with the Muslim community.

I Agree with this part ..
my point is not to get a actual Apology as i mentioned previously . i have many white Christian friends myself , i don't blame them for this act or any other shooting or abortion clinic bombings to Christians in general or white people in general , my point was to show the double standard which is deep rooted in western societies against the brown Muslim people . that if he is middle eastern brown Muslim he will put under the same basket of terrorism but if he is white male than he is either mentally sick , lone wolf or will not be considered a terrorist despite his acts terrorize a lot of people .. for me and according to definition of terrorism, those people who burn mosques in texas and other places or attack mosques are act of terrorism and should be treated as one and if authorities are not doing this, it means they are deliberately supporting this double standards .

The race is irrelevant here. You should avoid using white and brown conflict. There are plenty of blacks in the US who hate Muslims just like this terrorist does. It's a conflict between two civilizations.

The race is relevant in US, white superiority is not only i am talking about even my White Friends acknowledge that fact. unless you are FOX news watcher or Trump supporter ..
Passengers chased after the man after he fled the MAX train...and called the cops to follow along.


One of the two women victims has been identified as Destinee Mangum...who is not a Muslim.
However her friend (not identified) is.
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The race is relevant in US, white superiority is not only i am talking about even my White Friends acknowledge that fact. unless you are FOX news watcher or Trump supporter ..

Yes, the race is relevant in the US but not in the global context I'm talking about. Modi's india is not a white world but that is one of the worst places of persecution against the Muslims right now. The same is happening in Burma. The west led by the US has indoctrinated the world where every single Muslim is viewed as a terrorist because of the role of some terrorists who get their funds and arms from entities like Mossad, CIA and RAW. The entire non-Muslim world is on the bandwagon. Just look at Turkey's relation with EU and it should be clear to you. As for watching western news, I am an open minded man. I like to listen to everybody but I've my own perspective because Allah has given me a brain for thinking independently.
There were shooting that has nothing to do with Govt , and conducted by American citizen but just because the word Muslim is related to them so these incident were called Islamic Terrorism , the word Islamic is highlighted all the time . for example attack on Gay club by a American/Afghan national that kill 50 innocent, he did hate them has nothing to do with govt so why its considered terrorism and not the case of that white young man who kill 8-10 black people in church ?

As I said, you have been misinformed by two things. 1.) The government definition of "Terrorism" and 2.) The "Media" definition of "Terrorism"

In the US, the official position on whether or not an incident is a "Terrorist" Attack lies within the 18 USC 2332, the problem is that, for an incident to be called "Terrorist Attack" the people prosecuting the case must be able to be proven in court, and it would be quite hard to actually justify a case t be terrorism unless an "Obvious" terrorist link.

Believe it or not, in the US, it's a lot easier to have proven a non-Muslim terrorist attack than a Muslim Terrorist, because of the connection often were related overseas, basically, if a muslim killed a bunch of people, unless the government can proof, beyond reasonable doubt that he is acting on behalf of a known Terrorist organisation, it's not really easy to prove such person as a terrorist. Hence, in FBI data, domestic terrorist (Non-Muslim) occupied at least 70% of the case that was defined by DOJ as terrorist attack.

Look at the terrorism link within the FBI, you can see how Terrorism was define and cases that charged under the Terrorism Code


On the other hand, Media do not need to prove anything, but to get scoop and sell papers or rating, they need to sensationalize the title. Which they will called it whatever they want with a question mark in the end so if they were proven wrong, they can say "we never intended to call this is or is not a terrorist attack, but blah blah blah,)

Media sell papers and rating to uninformed people, but the problem is that, exactly how many people in the US care about the "Official Definition" laid out from the DOJ and Congress? And how many people care about what they read in paper or on TV? If you realize the answer, then you will realised why and how the media is biased about an incident.

Now, to Dylan Roof as to why he was not charged with Terrorism related Charge, even with a manifesto and an act of violent was present into the equation? The simple answer is that there are not enough evidence to charge him with terrorism related federal charge.

The point to have included a terrorism charge on a case have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. The problem is, what is a manifesto to begin with? That is a thought process, which he intended to carry out a "Race War" which quite fit the bill of 18 USC 2332, the question is, how you can prove his action (gunning down 9 black folks) is related to his Manifesto?

A person without a group backing, with a few firearms could not have possible to start a race war by itself, therefore this is a lone wolf attack. Which will not result in any of what he (Roof) predicted, which is that he hope to start a race war between black and white. How can a prosecutor argue in this case, a single action of a young man would have achieve what he set out to be? Which is quite far fetch to prove, I mean, if I want to start a war of any kind, I wouldn't do it by myself, I will at least try to recruit a couple of more people into my rank and start making trouble everywhere, I mean, we don't lack Racist in the US. To say I can start a race war by myself is delusional. So this act, by acting alone, he had spared himself the Terrorism charge, because his action does not proven to be able to achieve his manifesto, hence the Fed cannot prove his act will indeed coerce the population. Hence terrorism charge felt thru.

On the other hand let's take Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, he was charged with 2332 due to a single fact that he was using a bomb (which class as weapon of Mass destruction) which mean it basically by passed the clause, he may not have a motive, but as he uses a bomb, it would have fit into 2332 weapon of mass destruction clause, which is why Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is charged with Terrorism with 3 victim killed but Roof is not with 9 people killed.

with this logic don't you think we can put every shooting in US or Europe into Hate Crime other than terrorism ?

Uhh, no. Hate crime only have to be able to proof that the motive is stemmed from hate (of religion, gender, sexual orientation and etc) while for Terrorism charge, one have to be proven how the crime will coerce civilian population and/or the government.

Terrorism means An ACT that terrorize people in any way.. and Terrorist is a person who terrorize others .. the recent attack in Europe in which guys use trucks to ramp people, will come under murder instead of Islamic Terrorism ..

Don't know about British law (Well, common law have quite a few variation) But under Swedish Law and US law, that dude that ram his truck into the pavement and killed all these people would have been able to charge with Terrorism related charge, he had found with ISIS material and had pledge his manifesto online, if he had committed his crime in the US, he would have been charged with material support with terrorist organisation.

What you are saying maybe Right by US LAW but do you realize no one in US actually believe that, even a firing incident or a man shout with a knife in Train will be consider act of Islamic terrorism ..

Under the US law, there are no "Islamic Terrorism" Only International Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism, the US Law cannot control what the media call on a particular incident. And yes, as I explained before, Media would mostly connect the dot and call it a Muslim Terrorist, and many people would have believe it.

Then again, we cannot enact law that control what kind of tone the News Media report, that is the problem.

this is my point, the people in US are ignorant when it comes to matter like these, media biasness is there no one can deny that.. second part in above part is , US public will associate Islam with terrorism even if it has nothing to do with it or its a act of individual , this mind set was created after 9/11 by the US govt to gain support for their war in Afghanistan and Iraq .. we all know Govt needs to fool their people in order to get their support for War ..so the term Global war on terrorism was introduce which later turned into Global war on Islam .

That's does not seems fair to the government, people make their own assumption, People connect Islam to Terrorist, however, the Government was not to blame on this. The war is there, and for the people who fight the war, the war is always as objective as it can be, because the "War on Terror" does not solely happened in the middle east, it span all over the world into Philippines, South America and Europe (The Balkans) the problem is, the news media want to sell paper and get rating, they would basically spin a story to sell them, and in this case, they started victimize Islam, why not? Islam is a quite closed off religion, you do not have any public image in the US (Beside all the bad one), normal people don't know much about Islam, and that mean it is quite easy for the media to vilify Islam, and when they stir things up, they sell papers and ratings.

What the US government can do at the mean time? Basically nothing, we are fighting a war in the Middle East, we are not allowed to talk about why we fight, and back home, people don't really care what we do to begin with anyway. People don't want the "Official US Government" account on the war of terror, they want the fictionalized account bumped in by the media, but the government cannot really control the media because of the first amendment.

Think about it, it's the same with the Japanese during WW2, while the US Government is trying to fight Imperial Japanese expansionism, not every Japanese in Japan or Overseas, but the media portray it all the same, and the normal American see Japanese as a bunch of blood crazed evil people, we even scare of it so much we lockup our own people just because they have Japanese Root. But let's look at the bright side, 70 years on, we don't see the Japanese like we do in 1940 anymore. So one day when all these passes, Islam would have been gone back down to Pre-911 Level.

I Agree with this part ..
my point is not to get a actual Apology as i mentioned previously . i have many white Christian friends myself , i don't blame them for this act or any other shooting or abortion clinic bombings to Christians in general or white people in general , my point was to show the double standard which is deep rooted in western societies against the brown Muslim people . that if he is middle eastern brown Muslim he will put under the same basket of terrorism but if he is white male than he is either mentally sick , lone wolf or will not be considered a terrorist despite his acts terrorize a lot of people .. for me and according to definition of terrorism, those people who burn mosques in texas and other places or attack mosques are act of terrorism and should be treated as one and if authorities are not doing this, it means they are deliberately supporting this double standards .

As I said, the government did not have the same definition than in the Media, and media like to spin story, let me tell you a fact, for the last 20 Terrorist Attack that result in a Terrorism charge, 13 of them are committed by non-Muslim, and as I said in previous paragraph, 70% of terrorist attack in the US are domestic terrorist, either by Anti-Government group or Anarchist group, in reality, brown Muslim people was not called nearly as much of being terrorist than white folks.

But then you will probably never hear about them, because they are domestic terrorism, you live outside the US, basically unless they killed hack a lot of people, or they started to attack US installation in Pakistan, you would probably know, but otherwise, if they (The domestic terrorist) attack a small post office or Federal Plaza in a remote town (Which is their most frequent target), you would probably never heard about that in Pakistani.

Have you heard of the following Domestic Terrorist organisation??

The Order
Army of God
The Brotherhood
Alpha 66

The problem is, for those people involve in Domestic Terrorism (which is a lot more than Brown Muslim) many of them you probably never even heard of, simply because it does not sell in Pakistan, and have absolutely no reason you would know, or care. So does the domestic terrorism in Pakistan or any other country was not really concern the US unless it spoil over.

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