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The unsolvable Korean problem


Oct 2, 2013
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Viet Nam
This tragedy has few chances to see and end because of the nuclear weapon. A nation has been deeply divided for more than 50 years. They are weakened by this deep wound.

The Vietnam war, Cuba starving under embargo since decades, bloody African conflicts and so many more are directly created by the opposition of capitalism and communism

But we shouldn't forget that all of this is indirectly cause by the zionists who have created communism.

Karl Marx, Lenine, Trotsky and a lot little leaders of the communist parties in Europa were jews.

They wanted to enslave the people and they have created communism that has given birth to many many tragedies as they divided everybody.

The jews are back with their New World Order or Global Government. Al Qaeda are their battle horse in the mideast and be ready to see many more tragedies with that.

For example if a country such as China, France or USA don't want or don't want anymore to be their slave, they will arm any Al Qaeda group with a mini nuclear bomb to punish the people who don't want to obey.

They have never hesitated to make false flag attacks to reach their goals, like the 911 attack (3 towers destroyed by controlled demolitions), the USS Liberty attack, Operation Suzannah, killing britan soldiers to blame the palestinians...

Or like the Utoya massacre, carried out against the youth who were gathering in the island to boycott Israel.

Now that Israel have the nuclear bombs they think that Yahve wants them to dominate the world and they won't hesitate to be very brutal.

What can we do?
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Please leave China out of this. We have nothing to do with anything. We are a peace-loving people who just want our independent foreign policy. We do not meddle into foreign internal affair nor are we interest in doing so. The Korea War was force upon our throat by the mighty US and we have no choice but to defend ourselves.
Jews seems to be problm everywhere.....
Please leave China out of this. We have nothing to do with anything. We are a peace-loving people who just want our independent foreign policy. We do not meddle into foreign internal affair nor are we interest in doing so. The Korea War was force upon our throat by the mighty US and we have no choice but to defend ourselves.
No,we should be more confident,ambitious and aggressive instead of shy away.What you've said is purely coward and victim mindset.so pathetic and so shy like a weak and shy woman try to not be raped.
We are maker of kim regime and we will keep protecting them for our interests.
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This little bit of comment exposes your mentality as a rapist.

So a weak and shy woman is to be raped? What a trash of a human (if you could call yourself human that is)?
This little bit of comment exposes your mentality as a rapist.

So a weak and shy woman is to be raped? What a trash of a human (if you could call yourself human that is)?
you indian retard.being a strong man is defintely safer than being a weak woman when you try to go home in the midnight of india the rapist country.
^^^ May be your slanted eyee could see well. I live in Canada. You are still trashhhhh
No,we should be more confident,ambitious and aggressive instead of shy away.What you've said is purely coward and victim mindset.so pathetic and so shy like a weak and shy woman try to not be raped.
We are maker of kim regime and we will keep protecting them for our interests.
Yes it's time to bring back the Moghol empire
the famous words of Adolf hitler: i killed many jews but left a few for the world to see why i killed jews.
No,we should be more confident,ambitious and aggressive instead of shy away.What you've said is purely coward and victim mindset.so pathetic and so shy like a weak and shy woman try to not be raped.
We are maker of kim regime and we will keep protecting them for our interests.
"Keep a low profile and never take the lead [in world affairs]."
~ Deng Xiaoping

You MUST remember what our great leader Deng taught us. Staying low key does not mean we are a pacifist country. You MUST remember that we should not come off as a war-monger, especially in foreign affair when black/white is not as clear as you think. We must always come off a a peace-loving people but our will and principles will not be compromise. These principles include "territorial integrity, independent foreign policy, and politically self-determine".

Politics and political correctness is not your strong suit. Please leave those to me to respond these foreign threats!
I fear that you actually don't have much choices as Israel and the USA are predators: they dominate and the other must obey or die

There are many ways for them to destabilize China: through Vietnam, the Uighurs, Tibet...

And it won't be the first time they attack a giant, as they have destabilized Russia a lot of times: creation of communism, the Yugoslavian war, Goergia war (georgians fully US equipped), the colored revolutions in Bielorussia and Ukrania, Chechenia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria...
Please leave China out of this. We have nothing to do with anything. We are a peace-loving people who just want our independent foreign policy. We do not meddle into foreign internal affair nor are we interest in doing so. The Korea War was force upon our throat by the mighty US and we have no choice but to defend ourselves.
Please leave China out of this. We have nothing to do with anything. We are a peace-loving people who just want our independent foreign policy. We do not meddle into foreign internal affair nor are we interest in doing so. The Korea War was force upon our throat by the mighty US and we have no choice but to defend ourselves.

Did Japanese leave you alone, when you were the same peace loving nation?

Jewish banking mafia has long wanted to penetrate your financial organs, but have failed so far, the day they do so....God be with you, it wont be Kosher.
...all of this is indirectly cause by the zionists who have created communism. Karl Marx, Lenine, Trotsky and a lot little leaders of the communist parties in Europa were jews. They wanted to enslave the people and they have created communism that has given birth to many many tragedies as they divided everybody.
What a cheap shot. It's been discussed many times that not all Jews are Zionists. The Bolsheviks certainly were not: most of these guys scarcely had a Jewish background and they viewed Zionists as the competition:

I have not had the opportunity to learn the Jewish language, which moreover has been developed only since I became an adult. I have not had, and I do not have the possibility of following the Jewish press, which prevents me from giving a precise opinion on the different aspects of so important and tragic a problem. I cannot therefore claim any special authority...

...Now the nation cannot normally exist without a common territory. Zionism springs from this very idea. But the facts of every passing day demonstrate to us that Zionism is incapable of resolving the Jewish question. The conflict between the Jews and Arabs in Palestine acquires a more and more tragic and more and more menacing character. I do not at all believe that the Jewish question can be resolved within the framework of rotting capitalism and under the control of British imperialism....you ask me, can socialism solve this question? On this point I can but offer hypotheses. Once socialism has become master of our planet -"

- Trotsky, On the Jewish Question

Now you can understand history better. Soviet support of Zionism was opportunistic, aimed at sperading socialism and destroying British influence. With the Arabs' defeat in the independence war and the realization that Israel's political character would be democratic rather than totalitarian, the Soviets switched into outright opposition, providing many of Israel's Arab neighbors with weapons and more to support the goal of destroying Israel and spreading communist influence. In 1967 the Arab armies were unified under Egyptian command and positioning for a classic blitzkrieg thrust that would certainly have doomed the Jewish State had Israel not attacked pre-emptively.

It's not too hard to find out the truth. Why didn't you make the effort to do so yourself? Or did you always know it but wished to perpetuate falsehoods instead?

Now that Israel have the nuclear bombs they think that Yahve wants them to dominate the world and they won't hesitate to be very brutal.
G-d does NOT tell Jews that he "wants them to dominate the world." Where did you get this idea and why are you spreading it about?

The North Koreans have many problems: poverty, tyranny, and famine come to mind. The South Koreans have developed magnificently since the country divided. Many Koreans even study the Talmud, the Jewish collection of Oral Law, commentary, and lore, mostly because they find the values and ethics taught very valuable. South Korea used to be behind Pakistan on development and was considered a very corrupt country. How much could Pakistan improve if Pakistanis, like the South Koreans, took the values of the Talmud to heart, rather than blind bigotry and undeserved hatred?
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