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The UN's servitude to China made COVID-19 a death sentence for thousands

It will be interesting to see what will follow this pandemic in terms of the relationship between Western countries and China.
What about UN servitude to Israel resulting in in massacre of Palestinians or India who has put kashmiris in a lockdown for over 200 days now. I did not see you complaining than @DavidsSling because it was suiting your agenda till now. Hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to you lot.
@The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz Look at his avatar. Are we going to allow that here?
UN is made to serve the interests of all the big powers from US to China.

It's a joke and world wouldn't notice any difference if it didn't exist at all.

China can do a holocaust on Muslims without any repercussions.
India does it to Muslims
Myanmar to Rohingyas
The whole Arab world

It's like the UN was made to legalise torture on Muslims and stop the uprising of people.

If many countries heard what WHO suggestion at the time...

The outbreak will not as severe as today.

It was an economic consideration that put thousands of people die.

But now, everyone is blaming WHO.
If many countries heard what WHO suggestion at the time...

The outbreak will not as severe as today.

It was an economic consideration that put thousands of people die.

But now, everyone is blaming WHO.

Because the WHO is corrupt so is the UN, don't worry after this ends we will see what happens.
Might is right, money talk BS walks. UN did what UN does, kiss ***.
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