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The UN Launches Investigation Into Drone Strikes: Updates & Discussions


Jan 14, 2012
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Just in. UN has launched an investigation on Drone strikes. It can limits the use of Drones in the future. There may be case of War Crimes be framed.

It is issued by objection from many countries including Pakistan, Russia and China.

The investigation is based on death of civilians due to drone strikes.

Congrats to All Pakistanis.


UN launches probe into drone strikes - Europe - Al Jazeera English

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has launched an investigation into drone strikes and will review resultant civilian casualties to determine whether the attacks constitute a war crime.

Ben Emmerson, a UN special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, formally launched the inquiry on Thursday, in response to requests from Russia, China and Pakistan.

A statement released by the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights states that the inquiry will provide a "critical examination of the factual evidence concerning civilian casualties".

It also states that the inquiry ultimately intends to make recommendations to the UN General Assembly to prompt countries to "investigate into the lawfulness and proportionality of such attacks".

"This is not an investigation into the conduct of any particular state. It's an investigation into the consequence into this form of technology," Emmerson told Al Jazeera.

"The reality is that the increasing availibility of this technology [...] makes it very likely that more states will be using this technology in the coming months and years and includes raising the spectre that non state organisations - organisations labelled as terrorist groups - could use the technology in retaliation," he added.

He said that it was a "very serious and escalating situation" which must be addressed by the international community "urgently".

At a press conference on Thursday in London, Emmerson said that the British government had already agreed to co-operate with the investigation and that he was 'optimistic' that the US would do the same.

He also requested the US to release 'before and after' videos of the drone strikes and internal reports of those killed, including civilians.

Emerson's team will conduct the inquiry in consultation with military experts and journalists from the UK, Yemen and Pakistan.

Drone deaths

Chris Woods, a senior journalist at London-based The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) said that "more than 400 US covert drone strikes have so far taken place in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia which have killed at least 3,000 people".

On a twitter post from Emmerson's press conference, Woods said that the "inquiry will study 25 drone strikes, where civilians [were] reported killed across Yemen, FATA [Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan], Somalia, Afghanistan and Gaza".

"We believe more than 500 were likely to have been civilians [in those attacks]. The UN inquiry is important because it will focus on the key questions of the legality of such strikes, and the reported deaths of civilians," he told Al Jazeera.

He added that TBIJ believes that there is not enough evidence to support the claims of some US officials who say that Pakistan secretly approves drone strikes.

Robert Densmore, editor of Defence Report magazine told Al Jazeera that the inquiry "is something that [needed] to happen to drive forward some more regulation".

He said the inquiry could lay a framework to a potential UN convention to govern the use of drones - something similar to conventions in place for undetectable landmines and cluster ammunition.

"I think there could be enough multilateral pressure to convince the US that this would be something to pursue" he said.


At least all should appreciate the success of Pakistan External Ministry over this issue.
there is no denying the fact that many civilians died on drone attack,but then multifold death of civilians occurs in case of using manned aircraft every year..don't know why they didn't concentrate on that fact.anyway,drones are the future and USA is miles ahead in this sector than both Russia and China.may be it is a political plot to stall/limited usa's use of this capability for few years(until they achieved some ;) )..
Too late but still good decision
Thousands of civilians are effected
Would mighty US agency CIA come in ambit of UN ??
Breaking News

UN to Investigate Drone Attacks

The United Nations has launched an investigation into the use of unmanned drone strikes and targeted killings in counter-terrorism operations.


The inquiry, announced Thursday in London, will investigate 25 strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and the Palestinian territories.

It will also focus on civilian killings and injuries as a result of the strikes.

The investigation will be carried out by British lawyer Ben Emmerson, the U.N. special envoy on counter-terrorism and human rights.

Emmerson says the use of drone technology is "here to it stay," adding that it is imperative that "appropriate legal and operational structures are urgently put in place to regulate its use."

Most attacks by the unmanned drones have been carried out by the United States, although Israel has also used them and other nations have access to the technology.

Pakistan was one of three countries that requested the investigation. Pakistan has condemned U.S. drone strikes on targets along the country's border with Afghanistan, saying that it not only violates the country's sovereignty, but that collateral damage caused by the strikes is fueling militancy in the region.

UN to Investigate Drone Attacks

Sky News: UN launches drone attacks probe

UN inquiry into US drone strikes prompts cautious optimism | World news | guardian.co.uk

UN launches probe into drone strikes - Europe - Al Jazeera English
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I wouldn't be getting my hopes up alot. We all know the inefficiency of the UN on the world stage and it's abysmal record of stopping innocent human killings. It can't do anything regarding any conflict other than give a customary statement.

We all know that this report even if it comes out, will be buried under piles of dirt and be just another report that no one pays heed to. UN cannot take action against US, it is a proven fact that no one can deny.

But being the optimist I am, maybe things will change now and some concrete efforts can be taken!
Afghan Taliban claim US-nato drone crashed in Nawa area, Adraskan district, Herat, wreckage recovered, transferred to secure location
US drones violate Pakistan’s sovereignty, says UN

ISLAMABAD: The head of a UN team investigating casualties from US drone strikes has concluded that the attacks violate Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Ben Emmerson, the UN special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, says the Pakistani government made clear to him it does not consent to the strikes.

He says Pakistani officials told him they have confirmed at least 400 civilian deaths by US drones.

A Pakistani analyst helping Emmerson’s team, Imtiaz Gul, said Friday that he gave the UN investigator case studies of 25 strikes that allegedly killed civilians.

Emmerson’s statement was released on Thursday, following his three-day visit to Pakistan that ended Wednesday.

US officials have disputed claims that drones have killed many civilians in Pakistan. They have also alleged Pakistan secretly consents to the strikes.

US drones violate Pakistan
bama should be arrested and tried in the international court of justice for crimes against humanity....today USA is voilating Pakistani airspace and killing women and children....tomorrow it could be holland or spain or belgium.........
Now they start this f...ing investigation when USA is going to leave Afghanistan while the drone strikes was carried out for years. Really Pakistan is hopeless and helpless country.
the 6 year old kid who got fatally wounded in the drone strike....his last words and his last prayers....do you think they will go unanswered?....i dont think so....
International community must heed Pakistan’s concerns over drones, says UN expert

15 March 2013 – The United States’ ongoing drone campaign in Pakistan is a violation of the South Asian nation’s sovereignty, as it is being conducted without the consent of its elected representatives or that of the legitimate Government, a United Nations independent expert has warned.

In a statement issued yesterday at the end of a three-day visit to Pakistan, where he inspected the impact of drone warfare on the local civilian population, the Special Rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, Ben Emmerson, reiterated Islamabad’s condemnation of the use of drones over its territory and urged an end to what he described as “forcible military interference.”

“The position of the Government of Pakistan is quite clear. It does not consent to the use of drones by the United States on its territory and it considers this to be a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Mr. Emmerson stated.

“Pakistan has called on the US to cease its campaign immediately,” he continued, adding that as a matter of international law, the US drone operations involve “the use of force on the territory of another State without its consent and is therefore a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.”

The UN expert also noted that Pakistan had been clear in expressing its fears that the drone campaign would ultimately be counter-productive, suggesting that it would further contribute to “radicalising a whole new generation, and thereby perpetuating the problem of terrorism in the region.”

Instead, Mr. Emmerson urged the international community to support the Pakistani Government in its attempts to implement a sustainable counter-terrorism strategy involving dialogue and development and reaching to the root causes of terrorism.

“The people of Pakistan need to be given room to develop this strategy,” he said, while pointing out that under the drone campaign, the Pashtun tribes residing in the targeted areas had already “suffered enormously” with their tribal structures “broken down” by numerous military operations.

“It is time for the international community to heed the concerns of Pakistan and give the next democratically-elected Government of Pakistan the space, support and assistance it needs to deliver a lasting peace on its own territory without forcible military interference by other States.”

Special rapporteurs are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a country situation or a specific human rights theme. The positions are honorary and the experts are not UN staff, nor are they paid for their work.
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