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The Top 15 Military Spenders in the World

True. It's all based on projections and projections are generally true in short term than in medium term or long term.

Year GDP (India)
2020 - 2.5 Trillion

2030 - 6 Trillion

2050 - 17 Trillion

lol 6 trillion in 2030. Thats nothing beyond dreams. If there was a bet for it I would bet $10,000 right now against that.
You are not counting rupee appreciation.If rupee appreciated to about 45-50 per USD,then we could easily touch 3 trillion by 2020.

Appreciation is a double edge sword and not desirable at least until 2050.

Rupee appreciation is very bad for the country which is heavily dependent on exports and remittances.

Look at what happened to Japan since the 1990s.

lol 6 trillion in 2030. Thats nothing beyond dreams. If there was a bet for it I would bet $10,000 right now against that.

Relax. Those are not my projections my dear.


If appreciated to 20 USD, then 2030 target will be reached by 2020.
Shoo troll.Enough 50 cents for today

Appreciation is a double edge sword and not desirable at least until 2050.

Rupee appreciation is very bad for the country which is heavily dependent on exports and remittances.

Look at what happened to Japan since the 1990s.
Rupee is bound to appreciate.Maybe in short term or it may take a few years but it is going to appreciate. Dollar cannot retain its current strength for a long time when it has yuan and euro nipping at its toes.
Shoo troll.Enough 50 cents for today

Rupee is bound to appreciate.Maybe in short term or it may take a few years but it is going to appreciate. Dollar cannot retain its current strength for a long time when it has yuan and euro nipping at its toes.

It would be based on the RBI policies but any drastic steps in either directions should be avoided.

Abe has followed the policy of depreciating Yen to prop up the economy but has been unsuccessful till date.

Fiscal & Monetary policies need to go hand in hand.
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True. It's all based on projections and projections are generally true in short term than in medium term or long term.

Year GDP (India)
2020 - 2.5 Trillion

2030 - 6 Trillion

2050 - 17 Trillion
Sorry but our current GDP is 2.28+ trillion and we'll most probably get 2.5 trillion USD figure by next year and 3 trillion by 2019 ( according to IMF of course)

You are not counting rupee appreciation.If rupee appreciated to about 45-50 per USD,then we could easily touch 3 trillion by 2020.
Even without rupee appreciation and current value, we'll touch 3 trillion mark by 2019( IMF figures).
PS: Current GDP( 2016) is 2.288 trillion USD. It was 2.09 trillion in 2015.
WOW! Pakistan is nowhere to be seen in that list but definitely gives most (with the exception of USA, Russia & China) of them a run for their budget. :pakistan: Especially one particular state ......
Saudis spending 14% of their GDP. No wonder they are going down.

But still You can't Trust the abilities of KSA armed force. Pese laga rahy hay Par fazool laga rahy hay...

I wounder what We (Pakistan military) would have been if we had a Defence budget of USD 15-16 Billion comparing to current USD 7-8 Billion. :azn:
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It would be based on the RBI policies but any drastic steps in either directions should be avoided.

Abe has followed the policy of depreciating Yen to prop up the economy but has been unsuccessful till date.

Fiscal & Monetary policies need to go hand in hand.
Currency depreciation works when you have a highly export based economy like China.As much as I want Make in India to work, we can't touch the capacity of production as China in any foreseeable future. But we have an consumption based economy and that is where high currency levels comes in handy.
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