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The Tibet factor: Will Modi rewrite the rules of India-China engagement?


Feb 21, 2014
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Even before Narendra Modi became the prime minister, he did something that none of the governments before his could do in the past 50 years. And this historically path-breaking move has remained largely out of sight of India’s fickle media.

Pooh-poohing the hand-wringing traditions set by a pusillanimous Manmohan Singh government, Modi invited Lobsang Sangay, the democratically elected political leader of Tibetan people in exile, to his swearing-in at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the most prominent emblem of state power.

Contrast this with the hypocrisy of earlier governments, whose ministers and top officials privately spoke admiringly of the Dalai Lama but deliberately stayed away from any event graced by him, to not offend Beijing. The Dalai Lama, who is the most revered refugee in the world, has been living in exile as India’s honoured guest since his escape from the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959. This falling in line with Beijing’s wishes simply diminished India in the eyes of the Chinese Communist leadership. For, the Chinese leadership has shown that it takes seriously only the strong and the assertive.

All that seems set to change now. The move to invite Sangay to the ultimate official function attended both by the heads of state and the government gives us an indication how India under Modi would like to appear in global affairs. Seen in the background of another significant move to appoint Ajit Doval as the National Security Adviser (NSA), a known sympathiser of the persecuted Tibetan people, India wants to be seen as a strong and resolute nation, unhesitant to take radical foreign policy initiatives.

Although Beijing responded with its default response of protesting against Sangay’s presence at the swearing-in by sending a demarche, it did not make a hue and cry about it. On the contrary, after a congratulatory message to Modi, Chinese premier Li Keqiang took the initiative to be the first among world leaders to call Modi on May 29. The courtesy call became a 25-minute chat when Modi referred to the seventh century Chinese Buddhist monk-scholar Hiuen Tsang’s 15-year-long stay and travels in India. Apart from visiting and studying with great Buddhist masters in the famous universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila, Hiuen Tsang also travelled through Vadnagar, Modi’s birthplace in Gujarat.

Buffer role

That the Chinese leadership is eager to do business with Modi’s government was evident when Chinese president Xi Jinping decided to send his Foreign Minister Wang Yi to New Delhi as a precursor to a visit by Xi himself later this year. As chief minister of Gujarat, Modi had visited China thrice in 2006, 2007 and in 2011, when the Chinese leadership bestowed an honour usually reserved for visiting heads of state or government by meeting him in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Tibet has traditionally played the role of a buffer between India and China until China annexed it in 1950. The largely Buddhist peace-loving Tibetan people have drawn spiritual sustenance from India, where the Buddha attained enlightenment. The Dalai Lama often refers to Indians as guru and Tibetans as faithful chela (disciple) who protected and preserved Buddha’s teachings even as they disappeared in India. Tibet is an ecologically fragile plateau that stores one of the biggest sources of fresh water in its glaciers. Five major rivers including the Brahmaputra, the Mekong and the Yangtse sustain more than 1.5 billion people downstream in South Asia, Vietnam and China.

That Tibet should remain a zone of peace and its people should enjoy basic human and civil rights is a no-brainer. The Manmohan Singh government’s wishy-washy stand on Tibet, the Dalai Lama and Tibetan refugees has thus far not only rendered a great disservice to the Tibetans but has allowed the Chinese leadership to be aggressive on its claim on Arunachal Pradesh bordering Tibet.The Chinese Communists are nationalists first and nationalism is their mantra for statecraft. In contrast, nationalism is looked down upon in India by a section of the western-educated Indian ruling elite.

Modi and his team will hopefully change that. By excising the bigotry and obscurantism in the nationalist fervour of sundry rabble-rousers and drawing strength from the noble in the vast classical Indian literature and syncretic traditions, India could build upon a nationalism that would be free from the western colonial vestiges still ruling many of its people’s minds. Resolving the Tibet issue is a win-win situation for both India and China. India will have a friendly people on its long Himalayan border and the Chinese leadership will gain the moral respectability that it so badly craves. It is perhaps a coincidence that following Sangay’s presence at the official ceremony, Beijing, after spurning offer of resuming talks for four years, showed willingness to reopen talks with the Dalai Lama’s representatives, albeit only on the spiritual leader’s future status. India must welcome this and nudge Beijing towards a peaceful resolution of the long-festering Tibet crisis.

The Tibet factor: Will Modi rewrite the rules of India-China engagement? | GulfNews.com
Tibet is our domestic affair, and you wanna interfere our domestic affair? Not even the superpower USA dares to openly declare something like that.

Go ahead, we might re-consider to re-arm the Maoist insurgency.
then leave aksai chin and stop skirmish in Indian terroritory ! you think your china is boss in this earth and yeah! maoist insurgency ! I was right yur country is same like North korea maoist slave not a communist nation at all ! thats why you got problem with vietnam , japan , Republic of China (the real chinese government ) , phillipines , burma , thailand and even Russia !
It is not really a factor we care about and India know well Tibet just garbage even the old British empire had observed and then neglect it.

Indian just say something which not really their concern to avoid the true issue- the boundary issue.

And Tibetan no one believe they can do someting.
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You cant scare us buddy. :)

There are more than 1,50,000 tibetans here, imagine if we start arming them.
Yes, your country will be broke. The Tibetans will cease to exist.
India already accepted Tibet as a part of China, so has the Dalai Lama himself.

So the question is, why accept Tibet as a part of China, if you are just going to undermine it at every opportunity, starting with hosting the Tibetan government in exile in 1959?
Yes, your country will be broke. The Tibetans will cease to exist.
Tibet is our domestic affair, and you wanna interfere our domestic affair? Not even the superpower USA dares to openly declare something like that.

Go ahead, we might re-consider to re-arm the Maoist insurgency.

Oh come-on you have been doing that since ages ... CPI-M has been kicked out of power.

@Topic interesting move Modi ... lets play chess
India already accepted Tibet as a part of China, so has the Dalai Lama himself.

So the question is, why accept Tibet as a part of China, if you are just going to undermine it at every opportunity, starting with hosting the Tibetan government in exile in 1959?
India accepted tibet, prior to 1963, when china and pakistan signed a deal on Pakistan occupied Kashmir, we were forced to rethink about tibet
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