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The speech that got Morsi killed

Man you said a dumb thing last night,you said that Greece "has a strong nazi tradition". That is completely wrong historically.
I pointed out to you,that your country actually had two Waffen SS divisions and that the imams supported Hitler.
On the other hand,Greece fought the Axis and didn't had an active resistance against them too. Both from patriots and from communists.
well you have, it is not my fault, regarding ss divison, you probably do not that first liberated city in westerne europe from nazis was Villefranche, it was liberated from bosniak member of division under mutiny and stop the lies about 2 divisions when it was one and is formed mostly because of crimes of serbs on bosniak civili population, learn your stuff.
Yes, i know you fought italians when german came you laid down your weapons in week or so, herioc thing after that germans had 3 cozy year on greek shores and beaches.

I've asked you before to tell me how old you are. Since you supposedly lived through all that.
I've said numerous times on this forum,that I know atrocities happened in the war by all sides. Of course by Serbs too. Lamentably by Serbs too. That's what you get when you have football fanatics in paramilitary teams and scores to settle from WWII. But no,there's a lot of instances where numbers were exaggerated and massacres were blamed on Serbs. And then there are the times when nobody talks about how Serbs were provoked to react.
You can say it million times but it would be still a lie, serbs were not provoked they planned and executed genocide and ethnic cleansing by their own will and political program, they were not able t0 behave civilized in in position which is not supremacy by themself,

Anyway,i know it's your country and your countrymen and I don't expect you to just admit that. And it's ok. We can just agree to disagree without fighting.

Ah see? Now you tell me that you deny what happened in the early 20th century. Shouldn't I slap you then for denying that my grandparents survived the elimination of their communities in Anatolia? Because you said you would have slapped me if I denied the Bosnian "genocide" to you irl. Now you imply that you deny the Turks killed hundreds of thousands of Greek and Armenian people. Eh,what is there to talk then?
So, why did you start from Armenian genocide then?

Man,Serb Orthodoxy and in general Eastern Orthodoxy has absolutely nothing to do with "nazi ideology". Unless you consider AQ to be real Sunni islamic ideology. Do you understand what I mean? And if you hate the Serbs,it has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Just like I don't blame Arabs or Iranians about Ottoman crimes towards Greece. Just like Pakistan has nothing to do with Ottoman atrocities in the Balkans.

i do not know much about greek ortodoxy but i can tell for sure that serb ortodoxy is coloured with nazi ideology in past and embraced it fully at the end of century, for example check Nikolaj Velimirovic work and update yourself.
First of all you need to educate yourself further before you dive in wider topics that you mention, right now you are just parroting learnt misconceptions and false information.

These are all of my responses to your bullshit arguments which you never had any counter arguments for and chose to run away instead

Btw one of my posts in this thread was deleted by a gay moderator friend of yours

Again no response after that just ran away as usual :D

[3] Another post where you refused to answer my arguments with counter arguments

Btw again your gay partner deleted my post maybe you got triggered and reported me so it makes sense lol

[4] Again no response :D

[5] Ran away yet again LMAO

Is this enough? :laugh::laugh:
well you have, it is not my fault,
BUT HOW? Explain. You say something and you leave it like that. If anything,it's your country that has one. And when I say your country,I mean your people.

Yes, i know you fought italians when german came you laid down your weapons in week or so, herioc thing after that germans had 3 cozy year on greek shores and beaches.
We fought the Italians and kicked them back to Albania. We fought the Germans and they couldn't defeat the Metaxas line. So they entered through Bulgaria and bypassed the Metaxas line. So the Greek Army was fighting in two fronts and getting surrounded. That's why they eventually retreated.

The entire world,including the German leadership and Wehrmacht praised the courage and bravery of the Hellenic Army,yet a random guy from BiH says "you laid down your weapons in a week or so...heroic".

If that is not an attempt to troll,then it's pure ignorace. And you need to go back to studying history,I'm sorry to say.

You can say it million times but it would be still a lie, serbs were not provoked they planned and executed genocide and ethnic cleansing by their own will and political program, they were not able t0 behave civilized in in position which is not supremacy by themself,
Ok if we start this conversation,it will take pages and pages and in the end will get us nowhere,because you have your fixed ideas and there is no way for someone to change them. So it will be pointless if I start posting links,articles,documentaries
and quotes. In the end,you will not change your mind.

i do not know much about greek ortodoxy but i can tell for sure that serb ortodoxy is coloured with nazi ideology in past and embraced it fully at the end of century, for example check Nikolaj Velimirovic work and update yourself.
Then you know nothing about Orthodoxy. You hate Serbs and because Serbs are Orthodox,you hate Eastern Orthodoxy as well. It's like saying one hates Islam because of Turks or Bosniaks.

First of all you need to educate yourself further before you dive in wider topics that you mention, right now you are just parroting learnt misconceptions and false information.
Look who's talking.... 🙄

Again,how old are you? Be honest.
BUT HOW? Explain. You say something and you leave it like that. If anything,it's your country that has one. And when I say your country,I mean your people.
simple, you helped germans to wipe out jews wholeheartly

We fought the Italians and kicked them back to Albania. We fought the Germans and they couldn't defeat the Metaxas line. So they entered through Bulgaria and bypassed the Metaxas line. So the Greek Army was fighting in two fronts and getting surrounded. That's why they eventually retreated.

The entire world,including the German leadership and Wehrmacht praised the courage and bravery of the Hellenic Army,yet a random guy from BiH says "you laid down your weapons in a week or so...heroic".

If that is not an attempt to troll,then it's pure ignorace. And you need to go back to studying history,I'm sorry to say.

I know, Hitler almost surrendered to mighty greek army.
Ok if we start this conversation,it will take pages and pages and in the end will get us nowhere,because you have your fixed ideas and there is no way for someone to change them. So it will be pointless if I start posting links,articles,documentaries
and quotes. In the end,you will not change your mind.

Then you know nothing about Orthodoxy. You hate Serbs and because Serbs are Orthodox,you hate Eastern Orthodoxy as well. It's like saying one hates Islam because of Turks or Bosniaks.

Look who's talking.... 🙄

Again,how old are you? Be honest.

I gave you exact refrence abour serbs ortodox nazi tradition and you continue to spew nonsense and giberish,
simple, you helped germans to wipe out jews wholeheartly
Where on earth did you read that? Lol! 😂 That's utter bull and historically incorrect. On the contrary,there are a lot of cases where both clergy and people helped Jews escape or hid them from the Germans.

I know, Hitler almost surrendered to mighty greek army.


I gave you exact refrence abour serbs ortodox nazi tradition and you continue to spew nonsense and giberish,

Mulj,I'm afraid the giberish is all on your side. And you still do not reply about your age. You're probably a young man just like Apollon.

Anyway,stop derailing the thread. Enough.
Crimes against the Mb? Are we going to forget they funded and supported terrorism across egypt even when they were in office? Iam refering to when 6 soliders were kidnapped in rafah and morsi announced that the military should make sure the kidnappers and kidnapped are unharmed and mohammeds baltagy butchering of protesters with sniper rifiles to blame it on the military and his famous words of what happens in sinai will only stop when morsi is returned to office? The lapdog of the west is an extremist organiztion uses religion to get elected and threatens to burn egypt if he doesnt win the elections and tries selling police info to the americans about every single civillian and military personel in egypt. All my sources are listed in this thread you can go back and watch as we all watched live. The so called lap dog of the west has done every single thing to ruin the new middle east plan which the MB would base for and has strengthened egypts economy and military to levels make israel call america to inhibi this progress yet fail to

The crimes the MB did are of the highest order they will keep rotting in prision with their sheep to support their misery. Sympathy is what got them to office even that is disputed, sympathy will not work this time

the supporters of tin pot dictators are a dime a dozen...

some people will never grow.
Where on earth did you read that? Lol! 😂 That's utter bull and historically incorrect. On the contrary,there are a lot of cases where both clergy and people helped Jews escape or hid them from the Germans.

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Mulj,I'm afraid the giberish is all on your side. And you still do not reply about your age. You're probably a young man just like Apollon.

Anyway,stop derailing the thread. Enough.

In real terms Greek army was no more than a speed bump for the Panzer Corps... seriously no body really could serious dent the german army during the early years.

Only mother nature really stopped them...
In real terms Greek army was no more than a speed bump for the Panzer Corps... seriously no body really could serious dent the german army during the early years.
It was a bump that delayed Operation Barbarossa.
yes by 3 weeks... ie both yogoslaiva and greece.

congrats.... i am sure you made them break a sweat.

Pakistan Army out fought indian army for 11 weeks in kargil...

Are you comparing the Wehrmacht to the Indian Army?

I don't understand why you are trying to belittle the defence of the Greek Army. A superpower was fighting a tiny nation and they stumbled long enough for the world to notice. Why are you so salty on this?

"Eden rejected the criticism and argued that the UK's decision was unanimous and asserted that the Battle of Greece delayed Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.[183] This is an argument that historians used to assert that Greek resistance was a turning point in World War II.[184] According to film-maker and friend of Adolf Hitler Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler said that "if the Italians hadn't attacked Greece and needed our help, the war would have taken a different course. We could have anticipated the Russian cold by weeks and conquered Leningrad and Moscow. There would have been no Stalingrad".[185] Despite his reservations, Field Marshall Brooke seems also to have conceded that the Balkan Campaign delayed the offensive against the Soviet Union.[172]"

Anyway,how did we end up talking about WWII on a Morsi thread? Enough.
Are you comparing the Wehrmacht to the Indian Army?

I don't understand why you are trying to belittle the defence of the Greek Army. A superpower was fighting a tiny nation and they stumbled long enough for the world to notice. Why are you so salty on this?

"Eden rejected the criticism and argued that the UK's decision was unanimous and asserted that the Battle of Greece delayed Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.[183] This is an argument that historians used to assert that Greek resistance was a turning point in World War II.[184] According to film-maker and friend of Adolf Hitler Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler said that "if the Italians hadn't attacked Greece and needed our help, the war would have taken a different course. We could have anticipated the Russian cold by weeks and conquered Leningrad and Moscow. There would have been no Stalingrad".[185] Despite his reservations, Field Marshall Brooke seems also to have conceded that the Balkan Campaign delayed the offensive against the Soviet Union.[172]"

Anyway,how did we end up talking about WWII on a Morsi thread? Enough.

ok.. history time

Yes the balkan campaign was unnecessary.. but that really wasnt the reason why they lost.

Weather and changing of master plan during the invasion was the real culprit. For e.g Hilters focus on Stalingrad was unnessary it was already a waste and wasnt producing a great amount of war material as it been bombed into submission. If the focus continued towards the causcus oil region like in the intial master plan the out come would have been different.

similary the assult on moscow could have been delayed for logistics and others but it wasnt.

dont kid your selves Greek campaign was a side kick except for the brilliant German airborne invasion of crete.

PS i am not belittling any one.. like i said before no body could compete with the germans.. the real people who be ashamed should be the british and French... truly pathetic armies.

Anyway,how did we end up talking about WWII on a Morsi thread? Enough.

egypt is pretty boring....:-)
Yes the balkan campaign was unnecessary.. but that really wasnt the reason why they lost.
FFS nobody says that's the reason why the lost!

It did cause them time and casualties though.e.

Weather and changing of master plan during the invasion was the real culprit. For e.g Hilters focus on Stalingrad was unnessary it was already a waste and wasnt producing a great amount of war material as it been bombed into submission. If the focus continued towards the causcus oil region like in the intial master plan the out come would have been different.
Yes,I know bhai.

dont kid your selves Greek campaign was a side kick except for the brilliant German airborne invasion of crete.
Of course it was a side kick. The brilliant German airborne invasion of Crete cost them some 4,000 paratroopers.

Overall you cannot deny the brave resistance of the Hellenic Army,especially when you have a world power fighting against a small,underequipped nation that was also preocupied defending against another Axis country.

egypt is pretty boring....
Haram :o

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