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The Sorry State of Urdu Journalism and the man that is Majeed Nizami


May 12, 2009
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Majeed Nizami is the Editor-in-Chief (read virtual dictator) of the Nawa e Waqt Group which publishes the Urdu daily Nawa e Waqt and the English daily The Nation.

Anybody who has had the "sharf" of reading these two papers, especially the Urdu one can attest that besides the ultra right wing stance and conspiratorial mindset, much like other business in Pakistan, it operates as a family business. Majeed Niazmi is praised every week and this article starts by praising him as well. So long for journalistic freedom and objectivity.

The problem is that Majeed Nizami considers himself to be the guardian of his own version of the two nation theory. He time and again starts mongering about war and spews venom against India. Although there can be many, indeed many reasonable justifications for hating India, the problem is that Majeed Niazmi starts painting war pictures as the only real solution and as the paper is very widely read across Pakistan, the effect is extremely negative.

I remember him addressing (who invited him to speak?) the Kashmir Day convention last year at Convention Centre and in his opinion "Kashmir ka wahid hal jang hai" (the only solution to Kashmir is war). Such irrational and unrealistic statements add to the already irrational mindset that has besieged our nation. War can never be the solution, especially for nuclear powers.

Old people should be forgiven for what they say but to claim that one or two cities being lost to Indian attacks is justifiable loss in his vision to destroy India is utter lunacy.

Read the column with images and everything here :- Nawaiwaqt eNewspaper - A house of quality news content | Urdu News | Pakistan News | ePaper

Here is the less rosy version:-


Somebody posted this on Viewpoint Online:-
Press baron wants India to be defeated in a nuclear war
‘Our missiles and nuclear bombs are superior to India’s ghosts, so tackling India is imperative. Don’t worry if a couple of our cities are also destroyed in the process’: Majeed Nizami
Shakil Chaudhary

In Jang’s issue of June 15, Haroonur Rasheed, one of the most popular columnists in Pakistan, condemned a “prestigious” Karachi-based magazine for writing that the Ahmadis were facing a Spanish Inquisition-style situation in Pakistan. Before launching his tirade, he did not bother to look up the word inquisition in the dictionary. He incorrectly translated it as "naslkooshi". Naslkooshi is called genocide in English. As for the inquisition, it is mazhabi ihtisaab or mazhabi ta'azeeb. Mr Haroonur Rasheed has declared that Ahmaidyyat is British imperialism's "khudsaakhta pauda" or self-made (sic) plant. What a contradiction! If it is a self-growing (not self-made) plant, then the British must not have anything to do with it. By the way, instead of khudsaakhta (self-made), the right word would have been "khoodro" (self-growing).

Without citing any evidence, he has also asserted that the current Ahmadi leadership is flourishing under the patronage of MI6 and the CIA. Ahmadi leadership's relations with Israel are no secret and that it has been involved in anti-Pakistan conspiracies. It proves yet again that in Pakistan's Urdu press you can write anything against the minorities and get away with it.

He also asserted that Muslims of the subcontinent always considered Ahmadis to be non-Muslims. He approvingly quoted Iqbal’s letter to Nehru as saying that “Qadianis are a traitor to Islam and India.” If Ahmadis are really so bad, then why did the founder of Pakistan made the Ahmadi leader Zafarullah Khan (1893-1985) the first foreign minister of Pakistan, who served in that position until 1954? Why didn't he declare them non-Muslims as had been demanded by the mullahs? Why did he describe Zafarullah Khan as his son? How had the same Zafarullah Khan become the president of the All India Muslim League in 1931?

Interestingly, the columnist defended Fauzia Wahab, the PPP information secretary, against mullahs’ fatwas, arguing that she was incapable of saying anything theologically objectionable thing because Hazrat Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (1817-1899), one of the founder of the Deobandi school of thought, was her ancestor. What an impeccable logic!

Pakistani press baron wants India to be defeated in a nuclear war

India is Pakistan’s eternal enemy. Unless we defeat it in a nuclear war, it will keep plotting conspiracies against Pakistan, said Mr Majeed Nizami, the owner-editor of the Nawa-i-Waqt newspaper, while addressing a function in his honour (Nawa-i-Waqt, June 24). Our missiles and nuclear bombs are superior to India’s ghosts, so tackling India is imperative, he declared. “Don’t worry if a couple of our cities are also destroyed in the process.”

Dr Mujahid Kamran, vice chancellor, Punjab University, Syed Asif Hashmi, chairman, Evacuee Trust Property Board, Bushra Rahman, MNA, Niaz Hussain Lakhvera, director, Lahore Art Council, Pervez Malik, PML-N MNA and finance secretary, Shoaib Bhutta, a staunch journalist friend and fan of President Zardari, and Khushnood Ali Khan, chief editor of Jinnah newspaper, paid glowing tributes to the “living legend”. Mr Bhutta blasted the Jang Group by saying that Aman ki Asha was a conspiracy to turn Pakistan into Hindus’ slave. “They want to annihilate the two-nation theory.” Only Majeed Nizami can stop the Hindu culture from entering Pakistan in the garb of Aman ki Asha, he added. Pervez Malik described Mr Nizami as the most credible (motabir) personality in Pakistan. He also praised Mr Nizami’s position on the Kashmir issue, saying that it deserves to be followed by everybody. Only Majeed Nizami’s power and force can save Pakistan, said Mr Lakhvera. Khushnood Ali Khan said that one of the missiles should be named after Mr Nizami.

Mr Nizami has changed his justification for initiating a nuclear war with India. Nawa-i-Waqt (Nov 5, 2008) quoted him as saying: “Pakistan should not hesitate to use nuclear weapons to wrest Kashmir from India”. He had also said that his fondest wish was to turn himself into a nuclear bomb and get dropped on India. In the 1980s, General Zia once invited him to accompany him to India. He angrily turned down the invitation saying “If I ever go to India, I will travel by tank.” As for his position on the Kashmir issue, on March 8, 2008, Nawa-i-Waqt quoted him as saying that "Kashmir was our jugular vein. Anybody who shows flexibility on this issue is a traitor." So all those Pakistanis who do not have an uncmpromising position on Kashmir are traitors, and it would be pretty hard to exclude even shining patriots such as Nawaz Sharif and Mushahid Hussain.

Hindus, Jews and Christians cannot be Muslims’ well-wishers

The Nawa-i-Waqt (June 6) editorially quoted Herman Van Rompuy, the EU president, as saying that the EU would increase Pakistan’s economic assistance by 50% but Pakistan could not be provided “trade access” to EU because the WTO would object to it, on the grounds that a country that does not meet the requirements was being given the facility.

After these lines the paper declared that Hindus, Jews and Christians can have differences among themselves but they are all solidly united on one thing: the destruction of the Muslims. “Expecting anything good from them amounts to living in a fool’s paradise.”

This is an excellent example of the persecution complex that Pakistan’s Urdu press promotes day in day out. The paper probably wants Pakistan to cut itself off from the rest of the world. Maybe it is inspired by the shining example of Burma. If paper's asssertion is really true, then why doesn’t the OIC pass a resolution, telling its members to sever diplomatic relations with Hindu, Jewish and Christian countries? What about the People’s Republic of China? Its people are not even ahl-i-kitab (people of the book)? It is an atheist country. Under the Sharia, a Muslim can marry a Christian or Jewsih woman, but not an atheist.What about Pakistan’s excellent relations with Nepal, which until recently was the only declared Hindu state in the world?

Gen. Qayyum cites fake quotations against Jews

In his Nawa-i-Waqt column of June 18, Lt. Gen. Abdul Qayyum (ret), former chiarman of Pakistan Steel, approvingly quoted Adolph Hitler as saying: “I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some of them so that you can know why I was killing them.” The general ‘s anti-Semitism knows no bounds. He also approvingly quoted Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), one of the founding fathers of the United States, against Jews. This is what Mr Franklin purportedly said:

There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in their graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans, even when they lived among us for ten generations. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil our institutions. They should be excluded by the Constitution.

There is one problem with these quotations: they are fake. According to Wikipedia, Mr Franklin’s purported anti-Jewish speech is sometimes is called the Franklin Forgery. It first appeared in 1934 in the pages of William Pelley’s pro-Nazi weekly magazine Liberation.

In the same column, the general also wrote that out of 57 Muslim countries, 31 have diplomatic relations with Israel. Both these claims are totally wrong. First, there are no 57 Muslim countries. At least ten of the OIC members are Muslim-minority countries and the number of Muslims countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel is much smaller. He made another bizarre claim: Zionists poisoned many prophets. He does not seem to be aware that the Zionist movement was founded in 1897 by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), an Austro-Hungarian journalist.

This column is a truly sad commentary on Pakistan’s Urdu press. It proves that Pakistan’s Urdu newspapers have little regard for factual accuracy. The institution of fact checking is totally alien. Consequently, readers are constantly fed falsehoods.

Besides this Nawa e Waqt spreads hatred of all kinds. As I have mentioned out time and again, the paper used to publish a weekly column in its Sunday magazine by a person under a pseudonym against Ahmadis. The column wasn't based on religious scripture but rather accused the Ahmadis of unimaginable things from marrying their own sisters, eating human waste in religious ceremonies and other highly objectionable statements. Of course these were never backed by any sources, just spreading hatred.

My main concern has never been that the Urdu press is right-wing, it has always been that Urdu journalism has lost all objectivity and ability to pursue independent analysis (not saying that the English language press is great in this respect). Hardly any noteworthy column writer has been left with the urdu press, most are journalists who now claim to be media-demics (media - pseudo academics). This has led to a sharp decline in quality over the years and the column pages in the Urdu dailies are the best example of delusional mindsets.

Majeed Nizami deserves reprimand for time and again issuing such ourtightly objectionable statements in public. The public needs to be protected by war mongers who think that the loss of the lives of people of Pakistan are somehow justifiable in order to secure his dream of India's destruction.

PS:- Don't come up with you're being a hypocrite, he has freedom of speech arguments.

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