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The Rise And Fall Of Benazir Bhutto

It was a Colossal failiure .....because the phenomenon called Democracy does not works unless population is 100% educated

She had no memorable impact ,lot of potential but never realized

  • No memorable impact
  • No Mega Project i.e DAM / power plant
  • Not a single memorable Industrial company setup

Countless corruption charges as is case with Nawaz Sharif and in end lady was out of Pakistan with Zardari who himself was in prison for 3-4 years

The "Outsiders" pushed Pakistan to give her a second chance which is why Musharaf allowed her back he advised her not to return due to dangers against her life and in end she died

Nothing was achived , Zardari's government that followed was a Massive failiure

a) No gas
b) No Petrol
c) No Power plants

She was articulate (Yes)
She had Charisma (Yes , may be more in Western circles)
She had intellect similar to Hilary Clinton (Close resemblance in how they think)

However in a nut shell "She failed" when she had the control of country 100%

The propaganda run on our Modern age TV channels ,will never shed light on the realistic examination of her actual work achivement

The moden TV channels will cry Bhutto this bhutto that , or Bi bi this or baba that
that works for illiterate folk when it comes down to it !!! What did you do !!!! when you had control of nation ?

Did Nawaz Sharif Sabotaged her government certainly a debate ! Now that world has learned more details about Nawaz Sharif

> Any memorable Diplomatic win while she was in charge ? No
> Any Major investment drive while she was in charge ? No
> Any Land mark , industrial revolution in her time ? No
> Did the water issue finish in Sindh ? No
> Textile Industry revolution ? No
> Manufacturing revolution ? No

I think Bilawal House fortress was constructed in her time

Under the cloud of Terrorism she died - and it was regretful as she was a ex Prime Minister of Pakistan. An Under achiving Prime Minister certainly it was a Loss in that sense. But from
Performance stand point She did not fulfil her True Potential
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. .
But from
Performance stand point
Sometimes performance of leaders is so bad that we have measure by how less of a negatives they were. Benezir was a negative, no doubt about it. Although to be fair to her she did face certain odds above others but still we have to look at what her legacy was. It was minus. But despite that I place Benezir shoulders over Musharaf. He was also a negative but his legacy was even bigger minus then Benezir and even Mr 10% center.
It is not proper to compare Military Genius mastermind Musharaf, with a Political thinker Benazir (who may not have had practical experience to apply her knowledge practically)

Musharaf was best thing that happened to Pakistan

1- Pragmatic thinker and strategist
2- Experience to understand the Psychology of ground realities
3- Tactical awareness of the surroundings and various stakeholder's view point
4- Represented Pakistan well between 1999-2008
5- We gained with various tactical military cooperations under his watch
6- He promoted peace and defined our stance against Terrorism

His Achivement :
  • We concluded various defensive deals to streangthen Pakistan's National defence
  • He presented our case in World media to shed light of loses we are taking
  • He launched the revival of all National Assets
  • He launched IT revoluion in Pakistan
  • NADRA project / NAB project , Private News channels are started under his watch
  • Decisive delimitarization of Baluchistan and decisive win for Pakistan Military
  • Fast tracking of water projects for Baluchistan
  • Complete 160 degree refreshing of Pakistan's defences

All in all Musharaf's time really showcased to every one across Pakistan and Pakistanis world wide just how incompetent was Nawaz Sharif and PPP
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She had potential and a legacy to stand tall above others but unfortunately she lost her ideology and became part of power games and compromised on all her principles. She betrayed her father, she betrayed the poor people of the country who loved her, she even betrayed Pakistan...and people try give her benefit of doubt but after listening to Fatima Bhutto, I'm convinced she made the deal with the devil...She married Zardari just because of money otherwise he was notorious bastard even before his marriage with her. She betrayed her family and let her brother be killed, promoted all the police officers who participated in the encounter of Murtaza Bhutto and then she didn't even let the investigation to be carried on....so history repeated itself and as the golden words say "as you sow so shall you reap".... her husband killed her and didn't let the investigation to move forward..

It is not proper to compare Military Genius mastermind Musharaf, with a Political thinker Benazir (who may not have had practical experience to apply her knowledge practically)

Musharaf was best thing that happened to Pakistan

1- Pragmatic thinker and strategist
2- Experience to understand the Psychology of ground realities
3- Tactical awareness of the surroundings and various stakeholder's view point
4- Represented Pakistan well between 1999-2008
5- We gained with various tactical military cooperations under his watch
6- He promoted peace and defined our stance against Terrorism

His Achivement :
  • We concluded various defensive deals to streangthen Pakistan's National defence
  • He presented our case in World media to shed light of loses we are taking
  • He launched the revival of all National Assets
  • He launched IT revoluion in Pakistan
  • NADRA project / NAB project , Private News channels are started under his watch
  • Decisive delimitarization of Baluchistan and decisive win for Pakistan Military
  • Fast tracking of water projects for Baluchistan
  • Complete 160 degree refreshing of Pakistan's defences
I have refused all your points about about Musharraf in various posts on this forum. He was one of the tragedies happened to Pakistan.
Benazir perhaps can be best described inlight of Lot of promise and Theoretical Study from Western Universities but 0 practical experience to run government office.

She never actually worked in low level Government Jobs to understand the ground realities and how the Pakistani System works at ground level and this lack of experience really hindered her potential.

The potential was further diluted , as she obviously got busy with her marrige and other matters while Nawaz Sharif was plotting against her and laying the ground work to take her out of the picture.

She was not prepared for the Lota culture

Benazir was a product of Western Universities , where it is well understood you stand for principle and you don't change parties or flip flop and corruption and other sins are off limits

So when you take a person with such "Theoretical" views to come into Pakistani politics she FAILED. She had 0% experience to run government office

While she was the face of a group , the folks under were termites and together with Nawaz sharif it pulled the rug under her

It was typical case of a new person, being exposed for their lack of experience

Musharaf on other hand was product of Military training who rose up from Bottom in Military
  • Genius planner
  • Genius , thinking and clear visionary who saw realities on ground clearly
  • He was smart to see thru various threats
  • He was Trained to succeed in military sense but he used that knowledge to be Survior a winner
  • Tackling Terrorist in Lal Mosque was 100% correct call and I respect Musharaf 100% for it
  • When Nawaz sharif went out of control , Musharf put a nice big leash on his head and tied him up by the door
  • Musharaf's stance against Terrorism was 100% correct !!
  • Musharf is example of True son of nation
  • Musharaf's Philosophy is perahaps a lesson which needs to be taugt in book of military/civilian government books for diplomacy and leading a nation.
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She betrayed her father, she betrayed the poor people of the country who loved her, she even betrayed Pakistan.

Did she? In order for her to have betrayed there first has to be an oath to adhere. Seeing as her father was more than willing to lose 1/2 his country, that he supposedly "loved", I'm not surprised she lost more than 1/2 of Pakistan to terrorism. Nor am I surprised the holy PPP pushed for peace with those they claim to have killed her.

She betrayed the poor. Did she give out roti? I don't remember her feeding my grandparents. In fact I don't remember her doing anything for my family that engaged in agriculture. I haven't seen anything in where she supported those who engaged in industrialism or entrepreneurship or education.

She betrayed Pakistan? We can agree on that.

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