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The real hand behind anti-drone campaigns

I just connected the dots.
I was talking with my wazir friends and drone came into the discussion...they were entirely blaming Pak army for drone attacks...their point was that question arises why drones are mostly striked in north waziristan?....because haqqani network and foriegn militants openely operate in miranshah and mir ali with permission of Pak army....every local is aware of this fact ...... They also stressed on the point that drones are least of their worries, curfews by pak army in north waziristan week after week have paralyzed their lives....they are not migrating because of drones, but because of war between pak army and taliban....
Tribals have hundreds other problems and issues but its strange that in rest of Pakistan the focus is only on drone.

That is the most publicized secret.. and quite true. We need Haqqani.. we've had him as our guy since the 80's.. and have striven very hard to give him a legitimate position amongst the Taliban(who for all the baseless or juvenile accusations by the west and India) were not always our friends..in case anyone remembers the spate of hijackings and antics by the Talibs during the early and mid 90's.
We supported them out of necessity because having two hostile fronts is NEVER a good idea.(forget the fact that the Iranians didn't like us much either then). When we finally did have Haqqani commanding respect within the Talibs we had 9/11.. and all of those plans went to water.. plainly because the Talibs in Majority decided to act all righteous and not throw out OBL and our man's vote did not count.

When the so-called Tora-Bora escape did happen is because we held our side of the deal to Haqqani and got him out.. unfortunately he too had his commitments and brought along his kin. And now its a case of a soiled pamper stuck to our hands we cant get rid of.
The NA is an ungrateful bunch but their reasons are valid since we supported Haqqani against them and when this phenomenon of Taliban happened we decided to support them. So yes, we have played our double games. but that gives little right to the west or anyone else to accuse us of doing so since they have their whole history peppered with such act.. but the world revolves around the Pot calling the Kettle Black and in this case the Pot has global media and perception like marionettes.
Rewriting history as we speak...
If you think Ayub Khans efforts along with Zia's to paint our wars and our military in all its glory were subversion.. you haven't even seen the masterpieces of historical rape that the west and others pull off through "Publications" in "renowned" journals by "academics". Call me a conspiracy theorist.. but I read too many books, old books by old authors ..ad.. those not yet tainted by the bucket of fecal matter known as the internet.

Why think in terms of "either /or, Black/White"? Do policy makers think in such terms?

They think like this.
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THe media hates army, both army and media and IK and religious parties are only milking the pre-established anti drone sentiment (which is propogated from no where but mullas and online ttp sympathisers posting scary pics on facebook)

Those scary pics are of our children who have died by the hands of a foreign country.

This is equivalent to a stranger coming into your house, going to your bedroom, and shi**ting exactly in the middle of the room.

Only an idiot would allow that.
Those scary pics are of our children who have died by the hands of a foreign country.

This is equivalent to a stranger coming into your house, going to your bedroom, and shi**ting exactly in the middle of the room.

Only an idiot would allow that.

Have you ever asked yourself , why is the stranger coming to my house and not to my neighbors or others civilized households? I'll give you a clue...

STOP SUPPORTING FUNDING AND TRAINING TERRORISTS! and then there would be no need for anyone to shzt in your house!
.....Is military establishment.

The idea is to spread anti-drone sentiments in public....through media and some political parties, criticizing the,

1- violation of soverignity of Pakistan
2- Highlighting the collateral damage.

The aim and goal is to get drone technology from America. Through anti-drone protests and sentiments, military is pressurizing America that "look sir, people of pakistan are angry, they are angry at violation of their country's soverignity, they are angry at collateral damages.....anti-american sentiments are at peak...please hand over technology to us, when afwaj-e-pakistan will use it , then the targets would be eliminated without provoking pakistani public, they trust us"

Drones have minimum collateral damages, most of the deaths are of terrorists. But pakistani establishment propagate only the collateral damage on purpose, the effectiveness and achievements of drones are ignored, on purpose.

@Armstrong, @xerus , @Icarus, @nuclearpak, @Secur, @Hyperion

Pakistan already has the capability to manufacture and operate drones, many are being used right now. However, I agree that our drones lack the maturity to be able to carry out precision strikes, however, to think that public sentiment will force the Americans to hand over the technology behind predator drones to us is a far fetched idea. The US couldn't give a flying fu** about what the average Pakistani thinks about drone attacks because they have no stakes on ground that the situation could endanger.
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