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The Racialization Of American Politics

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
November 25, 2014


Just look at those poor malnourished Blacks, all they wanted was some free beauty supplies

Fifty years after the Civil Rights movement and six years into the “post-racial” Obama presidency, we have Ferguson. A TOO theme is that politics in the US and other Western countries is getting steadily more racialized as Whites and non-Whites gravitate to separate political parties with vastly divergent interests and attitudes. Ferguson will accelerate this process. Apart from those Whites who make a living in the bastions of liberal power in the media and academic world (e.g., this incredible piece in Salon or this predictable reaction from a local Black politician), the great majority of Whites will see this as a justified shooting in which an out-of-control, enraged, and very physically imposing Black thug attacked a White police officer.

That’s what the evidence pointed to, and St. Louis prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch made it clear that some of the testimony implicating Officer Wilson was wildly at odds with the facts of the case. To put it charitably, these people saw what they wanted to see, and the Black underclass and the Black activists went all in with that narrative. Obama’s statement that the anger was “understandable” is outrageous since the anger flies in the face of the evidence. And even if you buy the idea that what happened in the past at least makes the reaction understandable, it certainly doesn’t justify an indictment, much less the shooting, burning and looting.

White America watching the TV coverage once again had its stereotypes of the Black underclass confirmed — irrational, violent, White-hating, and prone to criminality. Implicitly at least, there will be an uptick in race realism. Hollywood’s continuing attempts to stereotype Blacks as intelligent computer experts with the wisdom of Gandhi will face an increasingly uphill battle against reality.

After enabling a Black middle class, after all the affirmative action, after electing a Black president and getting a race-obsessed attorney general, after the massive, incredibly expensive, futile efforts to improve the academic performance of Black children, after all billions in the welfare programs, after all the programs aimed at lowering Black criminality, there remains a very large Black underclass operating completely outside the institutional structures created by White society. For this group, nothing remains except anger at a system they cannot comprehend and blaming their failures on White racism.

Like the racially divergent attitudes on the O.J. Simpson double murder verdict and Trayvon Martin, Ferguson will be another event stored deep in the brains of White America. Ferguson will make them identify more with being White and as having interests that are radically divergent from Black America (and other non-White groups). It will make them vote along with other Whites. It will further polarize the racial landscape.

If this were the 1980s, I likely would have deplored such a reaction. But it’s 2014, and the left has created so many facts on the ground via massive non-White immigration and the constant drumbeat about the evil of White America and the glories of multiculturalsim that the results of Ferguson can only be positive. It will lead Whites to having greater cohesion and a realization that it is suicide for Whites to become a minority in an America where there is so much irrational hatred against them. It will make Whites more concerned about massive non-White immigration, legal and illegal. Calls for yet more liberal programs to address the pathology of the Black underclass will fall on increasingly deaf ears. Whites will be more motivated than ever to move away from racial diversity.

Whites are one step further down the road of getting where they need to be to begin rolling back the disastrous policies of recent decades and begin the process of establishing White areas without the possibility of a Ferguson.

Ahh, yes, the future of White Americans, growing up in a society where not only are they a minority, but where everyone just hates them for being White:

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@dexter @Akheilos @RFS_Br @WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Aeronaut @Fulcrum15 @DESERT FIGHTER @Barakah @Zarvan @HunterKiller@Slav Defence @RAMPAGE @Developereo @Patriots @American Pakistani @hasnain0099 @TeesraIndiotHunter @Multani @kobiraaz @AUz @KingMamba @Pakistani shaheens @pehgaam e mohabbat @Jf Thunder @T-Rex @Indus Falcon @Informant @hussain0216 @rockstar08 @Arsalan @Riea @sense @Ceylal @qamar1990 @Syrian Lion @1000 @Malik Alashter @Indus Falcon @monitor @TheFlyingPretzel @MrShabi2010 @omega supremme @Mahmoud_EGY @hasnain0099 @Pakistanisage @Aslan @Abu Zolfiqar @@sur @Hasbara Buster @@majesticpankaj @RaptorRX707 @Flying Eagle @Adnan Butt @Timur @JEskandari @haman10 @raptor22 @Serpentine @SOHEIL @ResurgentIran @New @S00R3NA @IR1907 @kollang @iranigirl2 @anHuman @rahi2357 @Shah9 @Al Bhatti @JUBA @slapshot @Devil Soul @HRK @Peaceful Civilian @Irfan Baloch @Fukuoka @Leviza @Major Sam @revojam @Victory @Leader @invinciblesgunner @Tihamah @The SC @Skorpian @Stealth @imran169 @war khan @smarthief @Frogman @Bubblegum Crisis @Mudassar Jalil @islamrules @Umair Nawaz @fawwaxs @ZYXW @Shahrukh Saleem Qureshi @Sinan @xenon54 @Kaan @al-Hasani @p(-)0ENiX @Yzd Khalifa @flamer84 @senheiser @vostok @Peter C @C130 @Nihonjin1051 @SvenSvensonov @Falcon29[/QUOTE]
So when is the next Civil War in USA? Is that before or after the dollar dies? :D
So when is the next Civil War in USA? Is that before or after the dollar dies? :D
Civil war? I'm not sure. Though, there is bound to be an increase in racial tension among the various ethnic and racial groups within America jeopardizing its social prosperity.

More diversity = more conflicting interests = increase in racial/ethnic tension = violent confrontations.
Its only natural.
Civil war? I'm not sure. Though, there is bound to be an increase in racial tension among the various ethnic and racial groups within America jeopardizing its social prosperity.

More diversity = more conflicting interests = increase in racial/ethnic tension = violent confrontations.
Its only natural.

So why is USA still the richest country and still growing? May be because such "concerns" of racial tensions are overblown and don't really affect social prosperity? :D
So why is USA still the richest country and still growing? May be because such "concerns" of racial tensions are overblown and don't really affect social prosperity? :D
That is pure CIA propaganda, buddy.

I have been on this forum since 2009 and according to the 'sages' here everybody knows the US is going to collapse soon. Never mind that according to some Russian 'academics' we were supposed to collapse and break apart back in Jun/Jul 2010. Then it was the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement. Then it was high oil prices. Then it was China dumping US bonds.

Every time something in the US make international headlines, those same 'sages' emerge with their prognostications and each time each man was so certain he is correct.

Reminds me of an old arcade character...

That is pure CIA propaganda, buddy.

I have been on this forum since 2009 and according to the 'sages' here everybody knows the US is going to collapse soon. Never mind that according to some Russian 'academics' we were supposed to collapse and break apart back in Jun/Jul 2010. Then it was the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement. Then it was high oil prices. Then it was China dumping US bonds.

Every time something in the US make international headlines, those same 'sages' emerge with their prognostications and each time each man was so certain he is correct.

Reminds me of an old arcade character...

View attachment 178066

Zoltar says "Dollar is dead!"? :D
So why is USA still the richest country and still growing? May be because such "concerns" of racial tensions are overblown and don't really affect social prosperity? :D
This is from the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Latino Gang Members in Southern California are Terrorizing and Killing Blacks- Southern Poverty Law Center

Tensions Mounting Between Blacks and Latinos Nationwide - Southern Poverty Law Center

And other American sources:

Latino Gang Targeted Blacks, U.S. Says- The Wall Street journal

Latino Gangs Launch Attacks on Black Families in Compton to Drive Them Out of the City

Latino Gang Tried to Drive All Blacks From California City- Fox News

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf

In fact, there was an entire town in Southern California that was ethnically cleansed of Blacks by Mexicans, i don't think ethnic cleansing is a minor issue. Of course, the media won't highlight this fact since the media's only duty is portray everything as just fine besides the brutality of the "evil White cops" against the "poor Blacks thugs who just want to rob stores and mug unsuspecting pedestrians", of course.

This is from the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Latino Gang Members in Southern California are Terrorizing and Killing Blacks- Southern Poverty Law Center

Tensions Mounting Between Blacks and Latinos Nationwide - Southern Poverty Law Center

And other American sources:

Latino Gang Targeted Blacks, U.S. Says- The Wall Street journal

Latino Gangs Launch Attacks on Black Families in Compton to Drive Them Out of the City

Latino Gang Tried to Drive All Blacks From California City- Fox News

The New Race War: Black, Hispanic gangs kill each other over turf

In fact, there was an entire town in Southern California that was ethnically cleansed of Blacks by Mexicans, i don't think ethnic cleansing is a minor issue. Of course, the media won't highlight this fact since the media's only duty is portray everything as just fine besides the brutality of the "evil White cops" against the "poor Blacks thugs who just want to rob stores and mug unsuspecting pedestrians", of course.

Please let me know when the US Army decides to invade these towns. Then I will worry. :D
Oh yes, it is HORRIBLE here! :D
If you say so troll.

Reported for trolling and sarcasm. @Horus @@WebMaster @Oscar @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu deal with this troll please.

If you're going to behave like a ten year old girl i don't see what's the point of you commenting on a thread.

SSSSHHHH!!!!!! I am trying to dissuade them! :D
Reported for trolling and sarcasm. @Horus @WebMaster @Oscar @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu deal with this troll please.
That is pure CIA propaganda, buddy.

I have been on this forum since 2009 and according to the 'sages' here everybody knows the US is going to collapse soon. Never mind that according to some Russian 'academics' we were supposed to collapse and break apart back in Jun/Jul 2010. Then it was the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement. Then it was high oil prices. Then it was China dumping US bonds.

Every time something in the US make international headlines, those same 'sages' emerge with their prognostications and each time each man was so certain he is correct.


These "sages" are the true trolls here, but who cares? :D
SSSSHHHH!!!!!! I am trying to dissuade them! :D
His not saying this out of hatred for the US and has more to do with his hatred for blacks and thinks the whites in America are being unfairly treated/oppressed. This is just my observation from reading his posts.

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