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The Pegida Anti-Immigration Movement Splits Germany | The New York Times


Oct 20, 2008
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Germans call for Muslims to exit Europe.

Germans call for Muslims to exit Europe.

Oversimplifying it much ?

At the beginning of December 2014, Pegida published an undated and anonymous one-page manifesto of 19 bulleted position statements.[26]

  1. Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
  2. Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
  3. Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
  4. Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
  5. Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
  6. Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
  7. Demands an increase in funding for the police.
  8. Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
  9. Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
  10. States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.[27]
  11. Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
  12. States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children"[28]).
  13. Argues for the protection of Germany's traditionally Judeo-Christian culture.
  14. Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
  15. Opposes weapon export to radical and non-permitted groups, such as the PKK.
  16. Opposes parallel societies/parallel jurisdictions, for example Sharia courts, Sharia police and peace judges.
  17. States that Pegida oppose gender mainstreaming, and political correctness.
  18. Indicates that Pegida oppose any radicalism, whether religious or politically motivated.
  19. Says that Pegida oppose hate speech, regardless of religion.
Oversimplifying it much ?

What's wrong with them calling for an end to refugees and an end to Muslim immigration to Germany? These Germans are also calling for mass deportation, they want a Germany for Germans, nothing wrong with that.
What's wrong with them calling for an end to refugees and an end to Muslim immigration to Germany? These Germans are also calling for mass deportation, they want a Germany for Germans, nothing wrong with that.

They don't call for "all muslims out of Europe".
They don't call for "all muslims out of Europe".

Not all Muslims but definitely majority of them... "There are too many of them" as one German said in the video.
Not all Muslims but definitely majority of them... "There are too many of them" as one German said in the video.

They demand a stop to immigration and deportation of some current refugees not a 15th century Spanish type expulsion of muslims with European citizenship.Big difference.
Greece pledges to shut immigrant detention centres

Greece's new left-wing government pledged on Saturday to close down detention centres for illegal immigrants that have long been criticised by rights groups as inhumane.

A Pakistani man had died overnight at the Amygdaleza detention centre in western Athens in a suspected suicide.

"Detention centres - we're finished with them," Deputy Interior Minister Yannis Panousis, who is in charge of public order and civil protection, told reporters on Saturday when he visited the centre.

"I'm here to express my shame, not as a minister but as a human being," he said. "I couldn't believe what I saw. I really could not believe it. This must change and it must change immediately."

The United Nations has accused Greece of holding migrants in shocking conditions without heating or hot water. Panousis said the government would set up "open" reception centres with better facilities.

Greece is the route of choice into the European Union for hundreds of thousands of mainly Asian and African migrants every year. Rising anti-foreigner sentiment during Greece's economic crisis made immigration a hot political issue.

The former conservative-led government of Antonis Samaras launched a sweep operation in 2012 called "Xenios Zeus", after the ancient Greek god of guests and travellers, arresting thousands of undocumented immigrants.

Amygdaleza was Greece's first dedicated detention centre for illegal migrants, and consists of dozens of containers that were originally set up to house people displaced by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

Greece pledges to shut immigrant detention centres| Reuters

I do think that the facilities should be improved and that everyone detained in these centres should have access to heating and hot water but converting them to open centres would increase criminality in the country. Also these people aren't idiots. There's no way they'll come back voluntarily if you let them free after telling them that you'll deport them. They'll try to escape to another country since they have nothing to lose.
not really (splitting germans) most germans agree with pegedia but are afraid to be pulled in the nazi corner.. even if they have same wishes and same thoughts with npd nazi corner they would not want to be part of this..

so it is hard to be a fashist german because they can easy claim you a nazi..
What's wrong with them calling for an end to refugees and an end to Muslim immigration to Germany? These Germans are also calling for mass deportation, they want a Germany for Germans, nothing wrong with that.
They should call an end to all of the immigration, because yes they may not all be bad, but we need to find a way to figure out which ones are so i believe that it's their right to say, no we don't want them into our country! Plus it's not necessarily splitting the country it has just stumped a lot of them, they obviously don't want to split Germany again the last time that happened a lot of families were split, but they just don't know what to think because the main attacks have happened out side of Germany, but they will have their final choice once it happens to them!
They demand a stop to immigration and deportation of some current refugees not a 15th century Spanish type expulsion of muslims with European citizenship.Big difference.

what speaks against total expulsion? Dont get soft amigo
Not all Muslims but definitely majority of them... "There are too many of them" as one German said in the video.
"There are too many of them" is not what they said, they said "there will be too many of them" "there will be so many of them that we won't be able to defend ourselves and solve world problems" I'm studying German culture and language! Through all of Germany's harsh past, you have to feel bad for them!

not really (splitting germans) most germans agree with pegedia but are afraid to be pulled in the nazi corner.. even if they have same wishes and same thoughts with npd nazi corner they would not want to be part of this..

so it is hard to be a fashist german because they can easy claim you a nazi..
Yeah I know, that really sucks because you have to think the founder posed as Adolf Hitler which brings out the NPD's "Neo-Nazi" believes! In Germany that would ruin your reputation for ever!
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