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The Pakistani slaves of modern Greece

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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The Pakistani slaves of modern Greece
By Rafia Zakaria

In Ancient Greece, the region known as Laconia, or Lacedaemonia, belonged to the kingdom of Sparta. As the annals of historical chronicles reveal, the Kingdom of Sparta fought the Kingdom of Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Sparta won that war, and Athens, previously the strongest city state in the ancient world, was reduced to a devastated shadow of its former self.

According to some historians, the “helots” who dwelled in Laconia and nearby Messenia, were permanently enslaved by the ruling Spartans, forced to perform agricultural labour and other tasks.

According to Plutarch, they were ritually humiliated and mistreated and even slaughtered in the autumn, when the harvest was over. If a Spartan killed one of them, he would not receive any punishment.

Other historians such as Aristophanes of Byzantium alleges that the helots occupied a “middle status” between slaves and servants. They were tied to the agricultural land and served and supported the Spartans.

The same conundrum could be said to describe the condition of those that toil the agricultural lands of what was formerly Sparta and is now Greece.

These new slaves of former Sparta are no longer the helots but Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

Like their forbears, the almost slaves of ancient times, they too toil the agricultural fields, picking oranges which are squeezed to produce organic orange juice for wealthy Europeans. The similarities do not end there.

Like the helots of Ancient Sparta, the Pakistani and Bangladeshi workers in the region are forbidden from engaging in activities that the other inhabitants of the region can do freely. They are forbidden from going to the beach, they may not rent houses, and they cannot receive service at restaurants.

The almost-slaves of the modern Peloponnese are thus forced to live in warehouses or chicken coops with a lucky few able to house themselves in derelict buildings. For the privilege of these habitations, they must pay 50 euros.

Like the autumnal slave massacres of ancient Sparta documented by Plutarch, the modern almost slaves of Laconia regularly face assaults. Last year, a group of 33 Bangladeshi farm workers were shot by their farm supervisors because they gathered to protest the working conditions at the camp.

According to the workers interviewed by Amnesty International, the supervisors threatened the workers that they would kill them and the shooting went on for nearly 20 minutes. The workers in that strawberry farm were found to have been living in sheds made of plastic sheeting, with no access to clean water and no bathrooms.

The slaves of ancient Greece had likely fared better.

In another incident, a Pakistani migrant worker, Mohammad Asif reported that he had been assaulted by the Mayor of Evrotas Ioannis Grypiotis and then sent to a detention camp for 18 months. When he returned, the Mayor saw him again and threatened to hit him once more.

Another Pakistani worker, Nadim Asif, said that he was assaulted by the police because he could not immediately produce his papers. The officer broke his hand.

A Pakistani worker named Ibrar Hussein was also punched and kicked by the police. When another, Rizwan Ahmed, accused a police officer of assault, he was taken the police station and beaten up and told that he had no right to be anywhere in Greece except the farm that he worked on.

Police in the region are said to carry out regular raids of the migrants’ houses, kicking and hitting them with trunches for no reason at all.

The rise of various racist and neo-Nazi groups in the region has only exacerbated the problem and provided a justification for what is in effect the new slave class of the region. The racial and religious differences that the migrant workers have from the local population allow all sorts of racist and bigoted stereotypes to be attached to them.

On their side, the workers fleeing prospects of employment in Pakistan itself continue to make their way to any place else, even a Greece where they will become almost slaves. In this way, global inequality and local bigotry combine to revive the ancient and exploitative custom of slavery.

Now known as migrant workers, the Pakistani slaves of Modern Greece are tied to the land, divested of their dignity and reduced to something less than human. Living in sheds and under tarps, picking the good fruit for others and fed the rotting fruit that no one else will eat, they like millions of others, are part of the new global underclass.

The semantic tricks and loopholes of the developed world no longer label them slaves, but they continue to live like them and die like them, providing a testament that the modern world is not a moral world, its innovation, the slapping of new labels on old evils.
When you sneak into someone country without any valid documents then what do you expect.

I have seen people working and earning handsome amount in pakistan doing these kind of things . They spend their savings just to go to europe and get humilated on day to day basis.

May God help them .
Fcuk you Greece. Bloody inhumans.

Government of Pakistan should be able to protect the basic rights of their people.Even India should help Pakistan and BD to protect the basic rights of people from our subcontinent for the sake that we all three have common history.
Europe no longer have space for more inmigrants. Basically stay where you are unless you have job offer. Especially Greece which is poorest country in EU right now.

In future when Europe needs more low skilled people, they will do what GCC have done. Temporary workers with no chance of getting permanent residency.
The greeks dont have jobs for their own people, you can't expect them to provide proper jobs to immigrants.
Fcuk you Greece. Bloody inhumans.

Government of Pakistan should be able to protect the basic rights of their people.Even India should help Pakistan and BD to protect the basic rights of people from our subcontinent for the sake that we all three have common history.

European countries set standard of human rights to high, and Greece is not even proper European country. Its basically burden on old continent economicallly, just there for historical reasons. Greek people are tax evaders, and other things which are common among non-european countries. They are basically middle easterns christians in EU union.
Fcuk you Greece. Bloody inhumans.

Government of Pakistan should be able to protect the basic rights of their people.Even India should help Pakistan and BD to protect the basic rights of people from our subcontinent for the sake that we all three have common history.

Create own UN along with BRICS members and a few more deny entry of western thugs of current UN. There should be a collective Org for Asia to protect Asians from bankrupt Nations.
Will our generation see south asians respected in world..............

Reading such news makes we very depressed that we are no better than african states....
To be quite honest, it should be the responsibility if our own people and our own leaders to uplift the status of our nations and their citizens.

You can't go into someone else's home and expect to be treated equal to or better than their family members. Its sad that our people have to go through such humiliations abroad and it only reflects the negative state of our countries.
A little but of research before going to Greece would have helped them. Greece is going through a tough time. Also Greeks aren't used to large scale migration of Non-Greeks. I deplore the behaviour of Greek Police but seriously why would you go to a country illegally, once you are there illegally you have effectively broken many laws. So technically speaking these migrants should be deported.
A little but of research before going to Greece would have helped them. Greece is going through a tough time. Also Greeks aren't used to large scale migration of Non-Greeks. I deplore the behaviour of Greek Police but seriously why would you go to a country illegally, once you are there illegally you have effectively broken many laws. So technically speaking these migrants should be deported.
I suppose Greece is mostly used as a jumping pad to enter into EU. But circumstances force some to remain in Greece - even temporarily.
I suppose Greece is mostly used as a jumping pad to enter into EU. But circumstances force some to remain in Greece - even temporarily.

Yeah. Many people also get tricked into giving their life savings into thinking they will end up somewhere in Germany, France and most of all UK.

We have to develop our own nations if we want to avoid being treated like idiots.
Pakistanis Bengali & Indian illegals are stupid going to greece .
The clever ones catch a flight to Dubai onto Brazil onto the Carribean then into America
Pakistanis Bengali & Indian illegals are stupid going to greece .
The clever ones catch a flight to Dubai onto Brazil onto the Carribean then into America

In USA one forever remain illegal. Though getting legal even in South European countries is very difficult now.
Corruption, corrupt & incompetent politicians, worsening law & order in Pakistan is the main cause of youth leaving Pakistan, legally or illegally. I know how these poor people try to enter Europe illegally it is just painful.

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