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The Pakistan I Know...


Oct 20, 2008
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United States
Here is something I posted in a previous thread...Here's some truth.

Pakistan has very bad governance record throughout the decade. We have had leader's that mismanage the country's money, a roller coaster ride with foreign investment, bad economic policies (though PM S.Aziz did try privatization of the private sector)...We have had bombings in our country that frighten foreign investors...Our rupee tumbles down in value, bad education and school quality, poor health care infrastructure...High inflation....Problem after problem after problem...

This is why many Pakistanis sadly have to leave their home country and move to the West...Because there is little opportunity in Pakistan, even for a University educated student it is difficult to find a good career...

Many of the streets are dusty and dirty, we still have donkeys and horses riding on the roads in many towns and the animals leave their excrement on the road, this can easily cause an outbreak of viruses and diseases, when it rains in many parts of Pakistan the flood waters easily rise because there is no proper draining system, when you go to the bazaar there are so many flies flying around the food...

Now we also have these power/energy shortages were the electricity is cut off every two hours or so...

Indeed these are hard times and shameful times...

This is just one dark side of Pakistan...

Quite frankly I know the truth and don't care what any of you think about what I just said.


Ooo Yeah and that great tasting fresh and natural air pollution in Lahore:agree: Very natural indeed...

Alright now the rakshaws and the vehicles who are releasing this very toxic pollution into the air cause tremendous pollution.

The animal waste on the road is highly unsanitary and despicable, the flies landing on the food and sweets in the bazaar is unsanitary and unhealthy (since you care about "really help a person's health out") maybe you should consider this...

Also what about the frequent traffic congestion and chaos, Pakistan needs more traffic lights, in many parts of Pakistan there are none most of them are in the major cities...This chaotic traffic is a nuisance and the problem must be addressed.

What about the fact that No one is required to possess a legal license to drive a vehicle, this is very dangerous as it allows young inexperience people to drive on our chaotic roads, not only putting their own lives at risk but others!

Let's look at how Pakistanis are dumping their trash, you will find these horrible open fields of trash burning trash all out in the open, not even in a factory were the pollutants and smog can be contained!

Dirty water, do you know why we Pakistanis living abroad can't even drink water from a kitchen faucet in Pakistan. The water there is polluted, people even catch hepatitis, fevers, illnesses, it is truly horrible. We boil and then cool our water before we drink it, or buy bottled water...

Indeed there are many problems in Pakistan.

For a long period on this Forum we don't even discuss the real problem's facing our country...:tsk: Talking about Al-Khalid tanks, Helos, Nukes, War, PAF, and the military all the time isn't going to improve our country, don't worry about the army the army is fine, we need to concentrate on our civil society and the every day Pakistani...

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