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The officers are fat and oily, the soldiers are as thin as firewood, and the Indian army“s miserable appearance is the true portrayal

Useless at war, useless at Olympics. Just plain useless at everything.
Useless at war, useless at Olympics. Just plain useless at everything.


Chinese soldiers failed fitness tests because ‘they are too unfit and masturbate too much’

The Chinese army has revealed why it believes so many people have failed its fitness testing – and it makes for pretty bizarre reading. While some of the complaints make sense, with the military saying 20% failed because they were overweight, others are slightly less conventional.

They include military advice to young people to cut down on video games, using their smartphones, and even masturbating. It has been forced to publish a list of principles for candidates to follow, which has been published in its mouthpiece the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

The military said 8% of men had an enlarged vein in their scrotum, which they claim is caused by too much sitting down. This was attributed to ‘long time playing computer games, excessive masturbation, less exercise and so on’.

A poor diet was also to blame for plenty of candidates’ ill health, with 25% failing blood and urine test due to drinking too much alcohol and fizzy drinks, the military said. The army said 46% of recruits failed a vision test because they spend too long staring at screens, including their phones. Other reasons for failure include candidates eating too much junk food, having sinus problems due to drinking poor quality water, and mental health issues.
Regardless of how the Indian soldiers look, they have fought valiantly time and again. The battle of Longewala alone is one prime example of their sacrifices and bravery. Humiliating and belittling enemy soldiers will only lead to complacency and arrogance; neither is good in actual combat.

Chinese soldiers failed fitness tests because ‘they are too unfit and masturbate too much’

The Chinese army has revealed why it believes so many people have failed its fitness testing – and it makes for pretty bizarre reading. While some of the complaints make sense, with the military saying 20% failed because they were overweight, others are slightly less conventional.

They include military advice to young people to cut down on video games, using their smartphones, and even masturbating. It has been forced to publish a list of principles for candidates to follow, which has been published in its mouthpiece the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

The military said 8% of men had an enlarged vein in their scrotum, which they claim is caused by too much sitting down. This was attributed to ‘long time playing computer games, excessive masturbation, less exercise and so on’.

A poor diet was also to blame for plenty of candidates’ ill health, with 25% failing blood and urine test due to drinking too much alcohol and fizzy drinks, the military said. The army said 46% of recruits failed a vision test because they spend too long staring at screens, including their phones. Other reasons for failure include candidates eating too much junk food, having sinus problems due to drinking poor quality water, and mental health issues.

Still good enough to give the Indian military a good spanking :lol:

Chinese soldiers failed fitness tests because ‘they are too unfit and masturbate too much’

The Chinese army has revealed why it believes so many people have failed its fitness testing – and it makes for pretty bizarre reading. While some of the complaints make sense, with the military saying 20% failed because they were overweight, others are slightly less conventional.

They include military advice to young people to cut down on video games, using their smartphones, and even masturbating. It has been forced to publish a list of principles for candidates to follow, which has been published in its mouthpiece the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

The military said 8% of men had an enlarged vein in their scrotum, which they claim is caused by too much sitting down. This was attributed to ‘long time playing computer games, excessive masturbation, less exercise and so on’.

A poor diet was also to blame for plenty of candidates’ ill health, with 25% failing blood and urine test due to drinking too much alcohol and fizzy drinks, the military said. The army said 46% of recruits failed a vision test because they spend too long staring at screens, including their phones. Other reasons for failure include candidates eating too much junk food, having sinus problems due to drinking poor quality water, and mental health issues.
Where is India??

Military World Games


Getting sick of the endless CCP propaganda.
The officers are fat and oily, the soldiers are as thin as firewood, and the Indian army“s miserable appearance is the true portrayal
2020-07-11 15:36:25

Through various reported photos, we can often see such a scene: Indian soldiers often look scrawny, while almost all officers are fat-headed and big-bellied. There are two reasons for this difference within the Indian army. The first is related to the polarization of the rich and the poor in Indian society and caste system , and the second is related to the system of the Indian army. The combination of the two created this serious physical difference within the Indian army.

In the early 1960s, the issue of inequality in the ranks of soldiers in the Indian army became very prominent. Even as a prisoner in the war, captured Indian officers even need soldiers to serve them. In addition to serving the officers’ "eat and drink Lazarus", soldiers also carry things for the officers. During some border talks, the Indian army officers actually had a rider lifting 滑杆. It was four Indian soldiers who carried the sliding rods. It turned out that the ranks of the Indian army were so clear and the soldiers were so lowly.


In India, professional soldiers are very comfortable. The Indian Army has set up a "low-level commissioned officer" level between officers and soldiers to appease the backbone of the veterans. Generally, the service period of low-level appointed officers is 20 to 33 years, and the maximum service age for lieutenant officers can be up to 50 years old, school officers are 55 years old, and generals are 65 years old. The Indian army officers conduct training in the camp and receive daily living allowances. From the resident to the training ground, there is a travel subsidy, and the holiday training is double salary. The officers themselves and their immediate family members can have free medical care. After 20 years of service for military officers and 17 years for low-level appointed officers, they can enjoy retirement pensions. The Indian army's rewards are also very generous. According to performance, brave people are divided into three levels: highest hero, big hero and hero. The bounty is 15,000, 8,000 and 4,000 rupees.


Why are Indian soldiers generally thinner? This can be talked about before and after serving as a soldier. We all know that India is a large country with a population of 1.3 billion. However, due to its backward economy and slow development, there are very few jobs available in the country. Coupled with the fact that India has a distinct caste hierarchy, it is almost impossible for poor people from low castes to live well in this life. And being a soldier is not only in charge of food and housing, but also possible to develop upward, so many people of lower castes are willing to come to the army.

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These people live at the bottom of society for a long time, and malnutrition is the norm, so their physical fitness is poor. In addition to this, because many of them are Hindus, they do not eat any meat and fish, and it is understandable that they will eventually become thin. This is why we see that the Indian recruits are basically skinny.

To tell the truth, the food after entering the army is not necessarily so good, and the food of Indian Army is also considered to be the worse in the world army. Compared with the daily abundance of food in the People’s Liberation Army, the Indian army’s vegetables, fruits, beans, and vegetables, are cooked with various curries as ingredients, which are not too much different from the foods that ordinary Indians eat in the movies. Big difference.

Besides, these soldiers usually still have a lot of training to be carried out, so it’s strange that they are not thin. With poor physical fitness, combat effectiveness is not much better. In the conflict that occurred some time ago, many Indian soldiers were wounded and killed in the conflict. The harsh natural conditions and their weak physical condition can be imagined.

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Compared with ordinary soldiers, being an officer is much better. The Indian pilot Abinandan, who was shot down by Pakistani Air Force last year but was praised as a hero, is a high-caste Kshatriya. His ancestors were professional soldiers for three generations. His father was an admiral of the Indian Air Force. After Abinandan was released and returned to China, he became a national hero under the operation of his father and family.

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The treatment of Indian officers is much better than that of soldiers, and they can even treat each other as masters and slaves. Like the social structure of India, most officers in the Indian army are of high caste. They originally lived a wealthy life, and the army’s conditions for officers are very good, so it’s hard not to get fat. Surprisingly, the Indian army is very short of officers, so in order to keep these officers to continue serving, they are often willing to give very generous treatment.


The salary of Indian army officers is three or four times that of ordinary Indians, and officers will have a special restaurant inside. Big fish and meat. In addition, the officers also have special orders to take care of them, so they don't have to worry about the daily routines at all, which can be said to be very cool. I also said before, sitting directly on the sedan chair. In addition, officers do not need daily training. As a result, after years of accumulation, the officers' stomachs became bigger and bigger. The average soldier is still so thin and the food is still so poor.

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In addition to the above, there are still many problems and contradictions within the Indian army. Because everyone is not the same kind of people, they are not of the same class, and the conscription by sea, land and air are also separated. Therefore, the Indian army has many factions and conflicts, which naturally affected the overall combat effectiveness of the army. Therefore, it is not without reason that the combat effectiveness is so unbearable.

Ah, defence.pk, the playground for spoiled chinese man-childs! And the mods are the useless kindergarten employees who sit around drinking coffee all day!

Man, i just painted the perfect picture of the reality of this forum🤣
Where is India??

Military World Games


You just insulted your buddies, who think they are the best military in the world.

Btw, what was these games abou?synchronized swimming perhaps? 🤣
Maybe Indians don't know the difference between the Olympic gams and world military games, you such in both anyway, military games have all events related to military and combats.
You have no clue what military games are about.
So were is pakistan on the list?
LOL. While china is preparing to win the Propaganda war, India is busy preparing to fight actual wars :lol:
PLA exercise in Tibet and Xinjiang near the Indian bordr everyday, didn't see Indian army exercise much, I don't blame India for that cause based on some report their ammo can only last for two weeks maximum, they have to save the ammo,
PLA exercise in Tibet and Xinjiang near the Indian bordr everyday, didn't see Indian army exercise much, I don't blame India for that cause based on some report their ammo can only last for two weeks maximum, they have to save the ammo,
Maybe because the indians find the Pangong Tso lake too cold for synchronized swimming😉
PLA exercise in Tibet and Xinjiang near the Indian bordr everyday, didn't see Indian army exercise much, I don't blame India for that cause based on some report their ammo can only last for two weeks maximum, they have to save the ammo,

Sure, we are weak, have low iq, stunted, cowardly and don't have ammo.

And yet the brave PLA has not dared to push us back from its own territory. Have you no shame ? :lol:
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