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The number of China's SSN/SSBN


Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Type 091: 401 402 (decommissioned) 403 404 405
Type 092: 406

Type 093: 407 408
Type 093A: 413 414
Type 093B: 415

Type 094: 409 410
Type 094A: 411 412
Type 094B: 416 (under the sea trial) 417 (nearly finished from the fitting out)

Both Type 093B (Type 093G) and Type 094B will feature a newly designed conning tower and the pump-jet technology.

The Type 094B will also carry up to 16 SLBMs and being technologically comparable to the Triomphant class and the Vanguard class.

The rest of the Type 091/092 will also start to phase out once the Type 095/096 entering into the service.
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A single Chinese Type 092 Xia SSBN can utterly defeat Japan

Type 091: 401 402 (decommissioned) 403 404 405
Type 092: 406

People should not look down on the early-generation Type 091 Han SSNs and Type 092 Xia SSBN.

The Han SSNs have been upgraded.

"Chinese Type 091 Han Class Nuclear-Powered Submarine | Global ...

China started the construction of the water-drop shaped 1st Type 091 SSN started ... Upgraded Type 091 nuclear submarines were fitted with the acoustic tiles to ..."


Also, do not forget that a single Chinese Type 092 Xia SSBN with 12 JL-1 SLBMs with 250/500 kiloton thermonuclear warheads can utterly defeat Japan.

No more Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, and Sendai.
A single Chinese Type 092 Xia SSBN can utterly defeat Japan

People should not look down on the early-generation Type 091 Han SSNs and Type 092 Xia SSBN.

The Han SSNs have been upgraded.

"Chinese Type 091 Han Class Nuclear-Powered Submarine | Global ...

China started the construction of the water-drop shaped 1st Type 091 SSN started ... Upgraded Type 091 nuclear submarines were fitted with the acoustic tiles to ...

Also, do not forget that a single Chinese Type 092 SSBN with 12 JL-1 SLBMs with 250/500 kiloton thermonuclear warheads can utterly defeat Japan.

No more Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, and Sendai.

The boat #406 is always reserved for Japan.

During the Taiwan Crisis, China did patrol the boat #406 with the thermonuclear warheads. If the a nuclear war ever outbroke between China and USA, then China wouldn't allow Japan to survive alone, and the boat #406 had the task to launch all of its SLBMs on Japan.

Otherwise, Japan will recolonize our soil again after the nuclear war.
The Type 095 seems to bear a lot of resemblance to the Seawolf class.



China and the U.S. use the same supercomputers and five-axis CNC machine tools to build submarines

China is catching up very quickly to the United States, because the United States publishes a lot of information regarding the new ideas in military technology.

For example, the idea of stealth shaping and coating was revolutionary. However, once you send China down that road, China can master the technology on its own.

Same thing with GPS. For China, it's not the implementation that is hard. It is the conceptual framework. Once China knows that GPS works or learns about the theoretical basis, China will do the rest by itself.

There is a lot of published data on new American submarines and the advantages that the new innovations (e.g. pump jet) convey. China can build its own pump jets. It's the idea of shrouding the propeller inside a lamp shade that was new.

China's technological horizons are limited only by ideas. Once China hears about a new idea or sees it in action, they can build a weapon with similar capability on their own.

The problem is that the United States is running out of new ideas. The United States has been unable to produce a successor to the hydrogen bomb, ICBM, stealth fighters, Aegis-system, etc. Thus, China has caught up or has almost caught up to the United States in numerous weapon categories.

None of us should be surprised that China can or will soon build a Chinese Seawolf or Virginia-class submarine. The supercomputer tools are the same. The five-axis CNC machine tool fabrication equipment is the same. The result should be submarines of similar performance.
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For the same reason, China will have its own Gerald Ford class supercarrier before 2030, thus it will also make the gap of the aircraft carrier technology between USA and China narrow down to 10 years.
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091:401 402(decommissioned)
091G:403 404 405
093:407 408
094:409 410 411 412
093A:413 414
Totally 13 in service,and 2 094As and some 093B are in construction,095 will soon be launched as well.

The Type 095 seems to bear a lot of resemblance to the Seawolf class.



It is not 095,but improved 093 class,093A or 093B.
091:401 402(decommissioned)
091G:403 404 405
093:407 408
094:409 410 411 412
093A:413 414
Totally 13 in service,and 2 094As and some 093B are in construction,095 will soon be launched as well.

It is not 095,but improved 093 class,093A or 093B.

The first pic seems to show a Type 093B which is like the hull number 415, and it was the only nuclear sub commissioned in 2013.

The two others feature a slope on the back of the conning tower, which is completely different from the Type 093B.

The Type 095 is also on the sea trial, just like the Type 052C and the Type 052D will soon be commissioned simultaneously.
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