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The New York Times: Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop Its Growing Nuclear Program

Well how nyt got hold of this discussion?
Jewish spies in trump circle....they do not wish to see their vacation destinations in Israel destroyed as a result of iranian and Hezb retaliations..lol...not all are crazy as bibi..!!
Jewish spies in trump circle....they do not wish to see their vacation destinations in Israel destroyed as a result of iranian and Hezb retaliations..lol...not all are crazy as bibi..!!
they don't care about those vacation destination , they simply go somewhere else.
The Israelis desperately want Trump to attack Iran, but Trump isn't having it.

Iranian military needs to be on high alert till Jan 20th if Biden is to be inaugurated, if Israel want to attack, they will have to do it before Trump leaves office.
The Israelis desperately want Trump to attack Iran, but Trump isn't having it.

Iranian military needs to be on high alert till Jan 20th if Biden is to be inaugurated, if Israel want to attack, they will have to do it before Trump leaves office.

Trump is onboard with what Israel wants, that much has always been clear. The NY Times article sheds light on just how close America was to embroiling itself in yet another conflict with a Middle Eastern Nation. Yet logic and reasoning has, thus far, abstained the U.S. from launching an ill-fated conflict with Iran. I'm glad president Trump's staff and advisors adequately laid out what would happen if such an ill-advised action were to be enacted. They know, even Trump knows what Iran can do to America and its allies in the region. A simple fact that has kept them at bay for quite some time now... Although you do bring up a very good point.

Israel is clearly running out of time to do something against Iran's civilian nuclear infrastructure and Trump still wants to sabotage any future administrations efforts in joining back into the JCPOA. Like many have been saying before, these next two months will be critical for Iran and the region. I do genuinely suspect that the Israelis are up to something.
What was the point for trumps inner circle to go out of their way and leak this?

there are ministers in his office they don't want another war, specially a war which the outcome is unpredictable. since trump don't live in this reality and think he is the greates person on earth, people in the white house are afraid that he kicks something off that end up with thousands of u.s. soldiers dead and a middle east on fire.
so leaking things like that make the public and other high ranking politicians (senator and congressman) aware, so maybe trump will think twice before making a huge mistake.
The Israelis desperately want Trump to attack Iran, but Trump isn't having it.

Iranian military needs to be on high alert till Jan 20th if Biden is to be inaugurated, if Israel want to attack, they will have to do it before Trump leaves office.

i wouldnt put it past trump to do something like this in his last days.... hes got nothing to lose and is extremely bitter. and would love to give biden a nightmare to deal with.

though i think the deep state is what will prevent him from his plans... there is no way in hell the american deep state would allow him to make such a move. they arent completely stupid and suicidal. It would lead to an all out war in intensity that the US hasnt tasted since ww2

a lame duck trump does not have the authority to start such a war in my opinion
hes got nothing to lose and is extremely bitter

trumps says he that he want to run for president in 2024, if thats true, than there will be no war.
i wouldn't be suprise, if he really do a new campaigne in 2024, as we all know he don't take no as an answer.

but we have to wait this 1-2 months. he is unpreditcable and makes decisions based on his emotions and not from a logic and rational point, so only time will tell if he is stupid enough to attack are not. i am sure even he doesn't know, cause he is impulsiv and decides in a minute and doesn't think about the next step no matter what his advisers say. thats what makes him dangerous.

even for the terror attack on Haj Qassem most of his advisers didn't want him to do that. i think only 2-3 told told him to do so. one of them i know was cia chief gina haspel.
Trump is going to leave a cess pool for biden before going out. He will make sure that the next government of US will have as much mess on their hands as possible. A mentality of a typical loser, Trump hasnt taken this loss lightly and he will make sure the whole US pays the price.
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