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The mullah and Iran’s American dilemma


Dec 12, 2008
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The mullah and Iran’s American dilemma

By Amir Taheri

In a village near Tehran, a young man is voting as TV cameras record the event for the evening news. Suddenly, the reporter shouts: Cut!

The reason? The voter, presented by the TV reporter as a feda’i of the “Imam”, is wearing a T-shirt emblasoned with the US flag and the message: God Bless America.

The footage did not make it to the evening news. But someone with a sense of humour posted it on the Internet for all to see.

Foreign visitors to Iran are struck by the presence of signs and symbols related to the “Great Satan.” Caps bearing logos of US basketball clubs, key rings inscribed with names of American cities, mugs painted in American colours, and posters of American pop stars are everywhere.

For years, opinion polls, some conducted by the Pew Group, have shown that the US is the most popular foreign nation in Iran. There are fewer anti-Americans in Iran than in France.

A strong American presence has been a feature of the Khomeinist regime from the start. Khomeini’s first Cabinet, headed by the late Mehdi Bazargan, included five dual Iranian-American nationals.

In a recent debate in the Islamic Majlis in Tehran, a member claimed to have a list of 400 officials who had US citizenship or “Green Cards”. It was, perhaps, for that reason that a motion to ban dual nationals from public office was buried in the Majlis. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s PR strategist, a dual national, is a former university teacher from Washington.

Inside the US, the Islamic Republic runs lobby groups under different names.

Today, Iranian-Americans number around 1.8 million. There are also thousands of students who may or may not return to Iran. Some Khomeinist officials send their children to study in the US. And exile dissidents of the regime prefer the US than any other country. More than 200 former Khomeinist officials, including Cabinet ministers, ambassadors, members of the Islamic Majlis, and officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard including at least one general, live in the US as asylum seekers.

And, yet, at least once a year, Iran witnesses a feast of anti-American gesticulations with the burning of US flags and effigies of the US president. Khomeini’s slogan “Death to America!” is exhibited in many government buildings. Official discourse is peppered with bellicose themes against the United States, the only country apart from Israel, to be labeled “enemy” (doshman) rather than adversary.

In Iran, America is a national obsession.

Preparing for this article, I went through Tehran newspapers controlled by the office of the “Supreme Guide”. There contained a dozen articles and even more news items concerning US domestic and foreign policies. Of course, some of the items could be classified as anti-American. However, even those were borrowed from US citizens who have made commerce of anti-Americanism. In other words, the Islamic Republic imports much of its anti-American propaganda from the US.

So, why is there no thaw in Irano-American relations, frozen since 1979?

The answer lies in Iran’s political schizophrenia.

As a nation Iran has been profoundly Americanophile since the 1940s when US support helped push Stalin’s troops out of northwestern Iranian provinces. Khomeini’s revolution, however, had to adopt an anti-American profile. The ayatollah had portrayed the Shah as “an American lackey”. He also wanted to deprive the Left of one of its principal themes: hatred for American in the name of anti-Imperialism. A hotchpotch of xenophobia, misogyny, and misunderstood religious concepts, Khomeinism lacked an ideological backbone. It found it in anti-Americanism which, for decades, had filled the intellectual vacuum in other revolutionary movements, from Kim Il-sungism in North Korea to Fidelism in Cuba and, more recently, Chavism in Venezuela.

Deprived of its ideological backbone, Khomeinism would fade into nothingness.

As a nation and country, Iran badly needs to re-establish normal ties with the US and end a futile dispute that has kept it out of the international mainstream for a generation. As a vehicle for Khomeinism, however, Iran must remain anti-American if it is to retain its self-worth.

Ali Khamenei, the mullah cast as the “Imam” in Tehran, faces a dilemma: continuing the anti-American course could ruin the country. Ending anti-Americanism could administer the coup de grace to his moribund revolution.

Khamenei has a choice because, for the first time since the mullahs seized power, the “leader” is in a position to change course. All Khomeinist governments, from Bazargan to Ahmadinejad tried to normalise ties with the US and failed because rival factions sabotaged their efforts. Each faction feared that if its rival settled the “American problem” it would come on top in the power struggle.

With the defeat of the Ahmadinejad faction, Khamenei enjoys a rare moment of supremacy within the regime. Nevertheless, his position remains unstable and his temporary supremacy may not last long.

He could opt for normalisation with the US, hoping to enlarge his support base. In Barack Obama, he faces an American president who, like Jimmy Carter, is willing to acknowledge the Islamic Republic as a regional power.

However, normalisation with US could change the socio-political landscape in the Iran. Queues of Iranians seeking visas at the US embassy in Tehran, a direct American “cultural invasion”, repeatedly denounced by Khamenei, and visits, both as tourists and investors, by millions of Iranians living abroad could create an atmosphere in which Khomeinsim would look out of place.

Khamenei might consider normalisation too risky for the regime. Having obtained Obama’s tacit acceptance of Iran’s right to enrich uranium, Khamenei could declare victory over the nuclear issue and further radicalise his regime by intensifying moves against the US on other fronts, notably Iraq and the Gulf. That is the North Korean method of cheat-and-retreat in which a step backwards is followed with two steps forward against “the enemy.”

Which course would Khamenei choose? Though the jury is out my feeling is that he lacks the courage to opt for normalisation.

Amir Taheri was born in Ahvaz, southwest Iran, and educated in Tehran, London and Paris. He was Executive Editor-in-Chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran (1972-79). In 1980-84, he was Middle East Editor for the Sunday Times. In 1984-92, he served as member of the Executive Board of the International Press Institute (IPI). Between 1980 and 2004, he was a contributor to the International Herald Tribune. He has written for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, the New York Times, the London Times, the French magazine Politique Internationale, and the German weekly Focus. Between 1989 and 2005, he was editorial writer for the German daily Die Welt. Taheri has published 11 books, some of which have been translated into 20 languages. He has been a columnist for Asharq Alawsat since 1987. Taheri's latest book "The Persian Night" is published by Encounter Books in London and New York.
Any Iranian who likes America is Traitor to his country. these fckers killed Iranian women and children in a civilian airliner and they said they thought it was a f-14. these A holes overthrow a democratic government in the 50s and installed a dictator called shah.
these a holes helped sadam, these A holes give weapon to our enemies(GCC,israel) these A holes will always be A holes.
Can someone explain, whether Palestine is the only problem between Iran and Israel? I mean, if that problem is resolved, will the relations normalize?
Can someone explain, whether Palestine is the only problem between Iran and Israel? I mean, if that problem is resolved, will the relations normalize?
Palestine is not a "problem between Iran and Israel." "Palestine" is a tool wielded by Iran's mullahs in their quest for domination of the middle east. By waving the bloody flag of Israel-hatred Iran seeks to blind or suborn others to its quest to become a regional superpower and build an Islamic Persian Empire. "Palestine" can thus never be resolved through negotiations between Iran and Israel.

The most concrete result of Iran's policy has been the subjection of Lebanon to Iran's proxy rule, something that became quite clear when Hezbollah occupied Beirut a few years ago rather than submit its secret fiber-optic communications system and control of Beirut airport to the national government.
Can someone explain, whether Palestine is the only problem between Iran and Israel? I mean, if that problem is resolved, will the relations normalize?

Palestine is a big issue between them, since Iran is pretty much the only Islamic country standing up for occupied nation. If that issue is resolved, its a big step forward. Iran said they would officially recognize Israel then.

After that Israel will have to realize its unilateral domination in the region days are over, Iran (and others) have just as much rights to be regional powers. Israel cant deal with that idea at the moment. In their paranoid heads as soon as strong opponent shows up "its Hitler and Holocaust time", "threat to Jews existence", and similar schizophrenic nonsense. The way they push US and the whole World to bring its opponent on their knees through crippling sanctions, or even better to them - war, is simply criminal.
Listen guys, we all hate the US. I don't think anybody hates that pos country more than me. However, time has come for us to choose a different strategy for the same end goal. We've achieved invincibility to a point. I was just reading an Economist article about how the Iranian nuclear program has passed the point of no return and even the biggest of bombing campaigns could only delay it. I think a quote that the author in that article used was "you can't bomb knowledge" and if they're bombed, they will pull out of the NPT, fix whatever damage that has been caused and get a nuke within a very short time. It doesn't take long to take 20% enriched uranium and make it 90+% enriched uranium. The hard part is getting it from 3.5 to 20, which we've done and are doing as I write this.

But our economy is starting to take a hit and we won't be able to hold on for long if it continues like this. Now is the time to make a deal. We all know that the industrial base in Iran is EXTREMELY strong by Middle Eastern standards. What's lacking, and at the levels of African countries, is the business environment. We need to get as much of the sanctions removed, make the country more open, drive up investment, export our products (which we can do immidiately once the sanctions are removed) etc... Iran could raise its GDP 4 fold in a little more than a decade. The amount of potential in the country is enormous.

Iran is not the same country it was in the 70s. We are much more capable. There is no way in hell that we can ever become a puppet country like we once were. Opening the country up, even a little bit, could only help us achieve our goals. It would increase support for the regime as well.

It's time for IR to grow up. The Americans are ******* animals, but I rather fight these animals as an industrialized and powerful nationn rather than one that's uncertain about its future. We have to compromise and the time is now.
Palestine is a big issue between them, since Iran is pretty much the only Islamic country standing up for occupied nation. If that issue is resolved, its a big step forward. Iran said they would officially recognize Israel then.

After that Israel will have to realize its unilateral domination in the region days are over, Iran (and others) have just as much rights to be regional powers. Israel cant deal with that idea at the moment. In their paranoid heads as soon as strong opponent shows up "its Hitler and Holocaust time", "threat to Jews existence", and similar schizophrenic nonsense. The way they push US and the whole World to bring its opponent on their knees through crippling sanctions, or even better to them - war, is simply criminal.

One couldn't say it any better. This is the fact the zionazis are so desperate to hide.
Palestine is not a "problem between Iran and Israel." "Palestine" is a tool wielded by Iran's mullahs in their quest for domination of the middle east. By waving the bloody flag of Israel-hatred Iran seeks to blind or suborn others to its quest to become a regional superpower and build an Islamic Persian Empire. "Palestine" can thus never be resolved through negotiations between Iran and Israel.

The most concrete result of Iran's policy has been the subjection of Lebanon to Iran's proxy rule, something that became quite clear when Hezbollah occupied Beirut a few years ago rather than submit its secret fiber-optic communications system and control of Beirut airport to the national government.

Not only Iran's mullahs.

The Arabs also use the Palestinian issue mostly for political purposes. And not deal with the actual problem.
Palestine is not a "problem between Iran and Israel." "Palestine" is a tool wielded by Iran's mullahs in their quest for domination of the middle east. By waving the bloody flag of Israel-hatred Iran seeks to blind or suborn others to its quest to become a regional superpower and build an Islamic Persian Empire. "Palestine" can thus never be resolved through negotiations between Iran and Israel.

The most concrete result of Iran's policy has been the subjection of Lebanon to Iran's proxy rule, something that became quite clear when Hezbollah occupied Beirut a few years ago rather than submit its secret fiber-optic communications system and control of Beirut airport to the national government.
Hey s@tan worshiper freem@son or anything you think you are, I don't know how do you make these lies. Is Iran trying to invade and dominate middle east or the US? what did you eat last night? where did you sleep? Are you drunken? and that man Amir Taheri can you tell us how he has reached these remarkable results? how has he investigated about things going on in Iran? maybe by relaxing on his bed in one of the western countries which is Iran's enemy!
we Muslims want to invite mankind to our religion because it is the truth(haq) you zionists want to do that too but your way is not the truth (we will understand it very soon). and believe me one day you will have just two choices 1: accept Islam as your way. 2 : die and go to hell.
It won't take much time that Mahdi (pbuh) will appear and the truth will be understood. you and your masters (satan,...) are nothing against Allah's power and it will be proved.
Palestine is not a "problem between Iran and Israel." "Palestine" is a tool wielded by Iran's mullahs in their quest for domination of the middle east. By waving the bloody flag of Israel-hatred Iran seeks to blind or suborn others to its quest to become a regional superpower and build an Islamic Persian Empire. "Palestine" can thus never be resolved through negotiations between Iran and Israel.

The most concrete result of Iran's policy has been the subjection of Lebanon to Iran's proxy rule, something that became quite clear when Hezbollah occupied Beirut a few years ago rather than submit its secret fiber-optic communications system and control of Beirut airport to the national government.
It should be added that one of the reasons that Tehran ordered Hezbollah to kidnap the Israeli soldiers in 2006 is to give legitimacy to Hezbollah militias in Lebanon to "resist the Zionists" while they slowly hold on to power...
It should be added that one of the reasons that Tehran ordered Hezbollah to kidnap the Israeli soldiers in 2006 is to give legitimacy to Hezbollah militias in Lebanon to "resist the Zionists" while they slowly hold on to power...

So good to see Zionists and Sauds aka neo Zionists agree support and back each other up
It should be added that one of the reasons that Tehran ordered Hezbollah to kidnap the Israeli soldiers in 2006 is to give legitimacy to Hezbollah militias in Lebanon to "resist the Zionists" while they slowly hold on to power...

Conspiracy theories.....:lol:

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