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The Mother of all chaos


Jul 8, 2006
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The Mother of all chaos
8/29/2006 - Political - Article Ref: IV0608-3095
Opinion Summary: Agree:4 Disagree:0 Neutral:1
By: Munir Daair
Iviews* -

New World Order through constructive chaos

Is it possible that US President George W. Bush might "create a crises of such magnitude that it 'justifies' calling off or postponing the next elections? After all, under the two terms limit, it is impossible to steal another election".

The limit, known as the 22nd Amendment of the US constitution, was ratified by a Republican controlled Congress in 1951. Since its ratification several attempts have been made by both, Republicans and Democrats to repeal the amendment, the most recent being a February 2005 proposal.

Three questions immediately bring themselves to the fore here.

Will the term limit be repealed?

Should it be repealed, will Mr. Bush, who will definitely run again, be re-elected?

If the term limit is not repealed, how likely is it that Bush will create some crises justifying calling off or postponing the next elections?

I rate the first question as likely, especially considering the bi-partisan effort involved. There are even sound and democratic basis to remove presidential term limits so that voters get to determine presidential terms of office.

However, the devil is in the second and third questions.

Suppose the 22nd amendment is repealed enabling Bush to run again. With his record, including Afghanistan, Iraq, now Lebanon, biggest 4 budget deficits in US history, highest number of scandals of any US president, highest number of civil liberties violation of any US president, including the Patriot Act and secret wire tapping, mismanaging rescue efforts in the largely Afro-American Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina, how likely is it that Bush will be re-elected?

Indeed, there is even the question of whether it serves Bush's interest to have the 22nd amendment repealed, forcing him to face the electorate again. Wouldn't Bush be better served by a massive terrorist attack upon the US instead? In 2003 General Franks, who lead the American war against Iraq, stated that a "massive casualty producing event" would result in Americans questioning their constitution and militarising their country in order to avoid similar future events!

General Franks was talking about the 2004 elections. However, while Bush did not need to resort to such extremes in 2004, in 2008 with a proper mandate very unlikely, the situation is different.

Before you judge me a "conspiracy theory" geek, consider these facts:

Bush, who attended Yale like his father and grandfather, belongs to an order called the "Order of Skull and Bones" whose American chapter was founded and continues to exist in Yale College since 1832.

Hegel's theory

This order was first founded in Germany. It is based on the philosophy of Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, then chairman of the University of Berlin who advanced the theory that the masses must devote their absolute obedience to the State which he called the "final end" in the "march of God in the world". In this way, Hegel theorised, "The State has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State." Hegelism is the foundation of the "New World Order" created through the process of "Constructive Chaos". Papa and Baby Bush, members of the Order of Skull and Bones, are advocates of the "New World Order".

The Bush wars we have seen in the Middle East so far are part of that process of "Constructive Chaos" advocated by Hegelism. This process, not yet completed, makes it imperative that Bush remains president. Bush senior's failure to get re-elected was a setback in the process of the "Constructive Chaos" necessary to create the New World Order.

Bush junior has appointed the highest number of Bonesmen of any US administration.

Neo-Conservatives direct the policies of the Bush administration through organisations such as Project for the New American Century (PNAC). PNAC's 90 page manifesto, "Building America's Defences", discusses in detail how America must transform its power in the new century. In paragraph 2 of page 51 PNAC describes this transformation as follows: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalysing event like a new Pearl Harbor." PNAC was founded and is headed by William Kristol, a well known Jewish-American and a Zionist. The manifesto, dated September 2000, is PNAC's policy guideline for the Bush administration. Note the reference to a "catastrophic catalysing event like Pearl Harbor". This catastrophic event seems to have happened exactly one year later, on 9/11, 2001!

The Arab world is uniquely important for those aspiring for world domination. This region has been the target of foreign powers at least for the past 1,000 years.

Bush's expressions, "Axis of Evil" and most recently "Islamic Facists", should leave no doubt about the extent that Bush and his neoconservatives will go towards achieving their aim, especially now that there is no "Evil Empire" to worry about.

Unless stopped, what catastrophes await us as we get closer to 2008 and the Bush day of reckoning?

Only time will tell.

Munir Daair is a Yemeni political analyst and writes on special assignment for Gulf News.
The Mother of all chaos
8/29/2006 - Political - Article Ref: IV0608-3095
Opinion Summary: Agree:4 Disagree:0 Neutral:1
By: Munir Daair
Iviews* -

The Arab world is uniquely important for those aspiring for world domination. This region has been the target of foreign powers at least for the past 1,000 years.

Munir Daair is a Yemeni political analyst and writes on special assignment for Gulf News.

I know there are those forum members who dislike 'one-liners' even when the item deserves only the briefest reply. The above article really deserves only one word and even that shouldn't be used in polite company.
The article is wild and foolish speculation from beginning to end and the journalistic style is abysmal. Where are the facts? We weren't told any! Someone has a mighty chip on his or her shoulder. Whatever happened to fact finding and balanced reporting? Clearly they are not important to this particular jouralist. If anyone believes such unadulterated tosh I can only feel pity for them.

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