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The minimum revolution recipe for Pakistan


May 27, 2015
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Dear fellow Pakistanis.
At the movement, half of Pakistan is of the view that Pakistan was about to become a superpower under the great leadership of Imran Khan. Rest of the Pakistan is drumming the same old melody: Hukumat ko zara time do (Qayamat tak ka time kafi rahyga?)

But the issue on the ground is as follows: All Parties are infested with the same lot, PTI or no PTI. This lot consists of Smugglers, International Human traffickers, National Tax evaders, Money Launderers, and people like that. Bureaucracy is another piece of cancer in the body of Pakistan. Almost all officers who are 20 grade or above have already shifted their everything to foreign countries. And to be honest majority of them are thieves.

But we have still some hope in the people. So here is the recipe:
Some people from all walks of life, politics, and ex-serviceman, in collaboration with the Military, gather and put the country in emergency. The motto should be the end of corruption, the building of infrastructure, and purging Pakistan of all the ticks on the body of Pakistan. The time duration of this setup will not exceed more than 3 years in total from the time of inception. All Nawabs, Wadday Pirs, Wadyras, Smugglers, Tax evaders will be leveled during this time. Or jo na many bat uska naam TV pe announce kerdia jaey keh is banday ka aaper sub kch halal hai kion keh isnain awam ka paisa loota hai or awam ko aam ijazat hai keh chahy is aadmi ki koi chez bhi uthaly ya cheen ly, or hukumat k pass indraj kerwalay. And the ones who leave the country with their assets and then later are proven guilty should be hunted down in their safe homes, where ever they go.

It's now, or never. Dary baghair qadam uthana hoga. People must act now. I bet, the politicians of Pakistan will never be able to solve people's problems.
They, along with corrupt from bureaucracy are here to hunt you and your country.

What do you say?
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This is not Revolution. This is called Vigilantism. I will not support the Qadiani Show Boy, Imran Khan.

However, we should boycott the expensive products of the multinationals. Also all imported fancy stuff.
This is not Revolution. This is called Vigilantism. I will not support the Qadiani Show Boy, Imran Khan.

However, we should boycott the expensive products of the multinationals. Also all imported fancy stuff.
Ban on imported luxury items can be a good idea.
The Military Generals and Supreme court Judges are more corrupt than Politicians. If the Judges done
their job then all corrupt people will either be hanged or in prison for life.

If the Army done their job then TTP and BLA will be finished but they are more interested in corruption
and DHA's.
Bhai, I don't see any other way out. Politics can't even correct a flat tyre in Pakistan.

And you think such a rag tag crowd will be able to do something?

As a nation, we need to stop looking for magical shortcuts, no matter how attractive they may appear to be. These problems took decades to create, and they will take decades to resolve, by hard work and steady determination, just like every other country.
One thing is certain, no change is going to come via peaceful protests and Jalsas that IK thinks off. I cant find a suitable example in history where change came through peaceful jalsa. If you want change then be prepared to get your hands dirty with the blood of those who have been leaching Pakistan through its entire existence.
These now or never threads are getting boring.

Imran Khan’s long march seems like it is not happening.

The PDM are doing a great job pulverizing Pakistan’s economy.

The generals, judiciary, politicians are corrupt to the core.

Best is to focus on education and hope for the best after 30 years.

Pakistan will remain intact. Paradoxically, the corrupt need Pakistan to survive so that they can continue milking it.

No hard feelings.
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