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The military identifies militants as the new enemy

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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The military identifies militants as the new enemy | Blog | DAWN.COM

Martyrs’ monument, GHQ, Rawalpindi: Bearded men in turbans are the new enemy. And the message came loud and clear from the country’s military high command.

The enemy’s bearded face dominated two large screens, placed on both sides of the parade ground at GHQ. It was April 30, the day when the nation remembers those killed in the fight against terror.

The guests were escorted to the ground by smartly dressed military officers, both men and women. The guests could see that the military had changed.

As the guests were seated, the two screens lit up, showing men in uniform, including policemen, fighting bearded militants. The militants were shown ambushing military convoys and killing innocent civilians. There’s no room for ambiguity. The military had made up its mind: the Taliban was the new enemy.

The military high command wanted the whole nation to learn this and to notice its commitment to fighting the militants. So the country’s civilian leaders, both in and out of the government, were also invited to join the army in pledging to fight the new enemy. The media and diplomats from friendly nations were also there to watch this and share it with the rest of the world.

Some watched silently, some with tears rolling down their cheeks as the stories of terrorism’s victims were reenacted for the screen.

A child was shown playing with his father, hugging his mother, preparing for his examination, training at the military academy and then taking up his duties as a soldier.

The story then moved to his marriage, his children and finally to the ambush as tall bearded men, their faces hidden behind turbans, attacked a military convoy. The soldier died fighting the enemy in a barren valley.

Then the parents, children and siblings of slain soldiers were brought on the stage. They completed the story, telling the audience who killed those soldiers and why.

A Baloch woman, whose son died while fighting militants in Balochistan, broke down on the stage. Her wailing wet most eyes. Even foreign military attaches could be seen wiping their tears.

Every body joined her when she chanted, “Pakistan Zindabad.”

The martyrs whose stories were reenacted on the Martyrs’ Day included a police officer, a politician and a journalist.

Police superintendent Syed Kalam was tasked with “uniting the people” against the Taliban and was killed when he refused to give up his campaign.

Journalist Nasrullah Khan Afridi was silenced because he refused to stop criticizing the Taliban.

Politician Bashir Ahmad Bilour was killed because he was trying to unite the country’s political forces against the Taliban.

Their stories were also reenacted and their children too were brought on the stage to tell the audience how they sacrificed their lives in the fight against the terrorists.

The wife of a Western military attaché sobbed as Afridi’s daughter, who cannot speak, used the sign language to share her grief.

The message was loud and clear, the Taliban were the enemy.

And the army chief, Gen. Ashraf Pervez Kayani, warned those who still say this is not Pakistan’s war, not to do so.

“If a small faction wants to enforce its distorted ideology over the entire nation by taking up arms … and considers all forms of bloodshed justified, then does the fight against this enemy of state constitute someone else’s war?” he asked.

Urging people to stop questioning the need to fight the militants, he said: “We cannot afford to confuse our soldiers and weaken their resolve with such misgivings.”

But his deeds were stronger than his words.

The Pakistani governments, both civilian and military, have often been hostile to Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and his family. Those of us, who have witnessed this hostility, could never imagine that an ANP leader (Bilour) will one day be eulogised at the GHQ.

Similarly, including a journalist and a police officer on the military’s list of fallen heroes also reflected a major change in the country’s military culture.

It seems that the army has not only recognised the Taliban as its enemy but also realises that it needs the support of the entire nation to win this war.
We had another thread sourcing an article some months back that Army has changed it's doctrine to fight TTP.

Ab yeh batao keh doctrine pehlay change hua tha ya ab?

The enemy was identified long ago...no need to run over the statement again and again.
Pakistan army needs to adopt a new stretagy which would win them the support of not only pakistani nation but whole muslim umma...taliban would be speechless. According to this new stretagy,
1- Compulsory beard for all soldiers , from sipahi to chief of army staff.
2- Khaki coloured shalwar kameez instead of patloon.
3- Strict 5 times praying of nimaz routine in the mosque.
4- Regular Quran and hadith bayans for faujis.
5- Principles of jihad implemented in Pak army, instead of colonial principles.
Pakistan army needs to adopt a new stretagy which would win them the support of not only pakistani nation but whole muslim umma...taliban would be speechless. According to this new stretagy,
1- Compulsory beard for all soldiers , from sipahi to chief of army staff.
2- Khaki coloured shalwar kameez instead of patloon.
3- Strict 5 times praying of nimaz routine in the mosque.
4- Regular Quran and hadith bayans for faujis.
5- Principles of jihad implemented in Pak army, instead of colonial principles.
Why doesn't the Afghan army implement these things first?
Pakistan army needs to adopt a new stretagy which would win them the support of not only pakistani nation but whole muslim umma...taliban would be speechless. According to this new stretagy,
1- Compulsory beard for all soldiers , from sipahi to chief of army staff.
2- Khaki coloured shalwar kameez instead of patloon.
3- Strict 5 times praying of nimaz routine in the mosque.
4- Regular Quran and hadith bayans for faujis.
5- Principles of jihad implemented in Pak army, instead of colonial principles.

and bullet proof inner wears.
and bullet proof inner wears.

And patloon is the standard outfit of every army. Have you been to Makkah? Security guards guarding Haram Al Sharif wears patloons and are mostly beardless. Same as the case in Masjid e Nabvi.... Security guards don't wear the dress of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) which was Thoub and which is traditional arabic dress. So does that make them non muslims?

That's why i say Pakistani's are jahil when they associate patloons with Islam.
Would talk about it in relevant thread. But right now i am talking about army of islamic republic of pakistan, how it is suppossed to be.

My question is relevant to this thread as much as your comment is.
Pakistan army needs to adopt a new stretagy which would win them the support of not only pakistani nation but whole muslim umma...taliban would be speechless. According to this new stretagy,
1- Compulsory beard for all soldiers , from sipahi to chief of army staff.
2- Khaki coloured shalwar kameez instead of patloon.
3- Strict 5 times praying of nimaz routine in the mosque.
4- Regular Quran and hadith bayans for faujis.
5- Principles of jihad implemented in Pak army, instead of colonial principles.

Maybe not everyone wants to keep a beard? One can practice his religion without strict enforcement by others for an overseeing of 5 times prayers? I mean lets not turn Pakistan into Saudi-Arabia.

Also lets not trust a snake, only good Taliban is a dead one. And also lets not mention "ummah" until internal conflicts are resolved, ummah unfortunately is a lost cause.

Work with what you have, talibans are on their last legs desperately recruiting kids and brainwashing them. You want to ever work with these people count people like me out.
And patloon is the standard outfit of every army. Have you been to Makkah? Security guards guarding Haram Al Sharif wears patloons and are mostly beardless. Same as the case in Masjid e Nabvi.... Security guards don't wear the dress of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) which was Thoub and which is traditional arabic dress. So does that make them non muslims?

That's why i say Pakistani's are jahil when they associate patloons with Islam.

Saudia arabia is not perfect islamic country. Holy prophet has told us not to copy jews and christians, pak army has inherited its uniform from christians. Shalwar kameez is our national dress, it is more suitable and comfortable for fauji action.
It would give positive message to all the muslims.
Maybe not everyone wants to keep a beard? One can practice his religion without strict enforcement by others for an overseeing of 5 times prayers? I mean lets not turn Pakistan into Saudi-Arabia.

Also lets not trust a snake, only good Taliban is a dead one. And also lets not mention "ummah" until internal conflicts are resolved, ummah unfortunately is a lost cause.

Work with what you have, talibans are on their last legs desperately recruiting kids and brainwashing them. You want to ever work with these people count people like me out.

Nimaz is farz for every muslim, it has nothing to do with saudification. Beard is only sunnat, but it would give positive image if it is made compulsory for fauj...Taliban use religion to fight you , are ideologically commited, why Pak army shouldnt use islam for its motivation and war against talibans? Afterall they are muslims.....faujis need jazba e jihad, this COIN and counter-terrorism tactics wont work.
Nimaz is farz for every muslim, it has nothing to do with saudification. Beard is only sunnat, but it would give positive image if it is made compulsory for fauj...Taliban use religion to fight you , are ideologically commited, why Pak army shouldnt use islam for its motivation and war against talibans? Afterall they are muslims.....faujis need jazba e jihad, this COIN and counter-terrorism tactics wont work.

Talibans set out with the very same religion fanaticism you want the army to imprint in their heads and now look at them. Fauj is doing just fine, please come out of religious crazyness. Practice it with in limits, dont try to force people into changing their lifestyle for your fanatical cause, its been our downfall why you people do not understand this?? What is wrong in that head of yours? Let people live as they want STOP FORCING PEOPLE TO LIVE IN A FASHION YOU DREAM OF, YOU ARE BEING A LUNATIC NOT ISLAMIC.
Talibans set out with the very same religion fanaticism you want the army to imprint in their heads and now look at them. Fauj is doing just fine, please come out of religious crazyness. Practice it with in limits, dont try to force people into changing their lifestyle for your fanatical cause, its been our downfall why you people do not understand this?? What is wrong in that head of yours? Let people live as they want STOP FORCING PEOPLE TO LIVE IN A FASHION YOU DREAM OF, YOU ARE BEING A LUNATIC NOT ISLAMIC.

You are talking in american tone, not muslim one. Listen brother things might be different in your america, but i am talking about pakistan and its army. It is just a suggestion on a forum, you dont need to over-react. West has brainwashed you, beard and every thing related to islam is linked with terrorists in western countries. Come out of this islamphobia.
Nimaz is farz for every muslim, it has nothing to do with saudification. Beard is only sunnat, but it would give positive image if it is made compulsory for fauj...Taliban use religion to fight you , are ideologically commited, why Pak army shouldnt use islam for its motivation and war against talibans? Afterall they are muslims.....faujis need jazba e jihad, this COIN and counter-terrorism tactics wont work.

The fauj (soldier and Majors) have as much jazba as you can get...they are fully committed.

There are only 2 organizations that are not confused and fully committed, Army and Taliban, everybody else is confused.

And wearing shalwar Kameez doesn't make you a muslim, it is the biggest Pakistani misconception that I have been hearing since birth.
You are talking in american tone, not muslim one. Listen brother things might be different in your america, but i am talking about pakistan and its army. It is just a suggestion on a forum, you dont need to over-react. West has brainwashed you, beard and every thing related to islam is linked with terrorists.

Of-corse, I did expect this kind of BS coming. Now I am not a muslim, you people have destroyed our nation and still are bent on its further destruction and you have the audacity to tell me not to over react?.

Enjoy for religious crazyness you aint scoring any brownie points with the man above, keep that in mind.

Fortunately people are starting to ignore backwards like yourself, hopefully your saints would vanish with time. I'll only say in the end, practice your faith with in its limits as told by trust able literature. Forcing people against their will is always going to provide you opposite results.

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