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The man who was once tipped to be the next president of China is now a prisoner for life


Nov 4, 2011
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The man who was once tipped to be the next president of China is now a prisoner for life

May 08, 2018

One of China’s most high-profile politicians, Sun Zhengcai, once seen as a likely candidate to be China’s next leader, was sentenced to life in prison for taking nearly $27 million in bribes.

A court in the northern port city of Tianjin that has become the go-to choice for handling official corruption cases handed down the verdict today (May 8), after the 54-year-old Sun last month pleaded guilty to accepting more than 170 million yuan in bribes from 2002-2017.

Favored by Communist Party elders, Sun was seen as a rising star before he became snared in Chinese president Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign, which kicked off after Xi took power in 2012. It has punished more than 1.5 million corrupt officials over the past five years, and helped Xi exert tighter control over the party. But Sun’s investigation was seen as part of a more far-reaching goal—his fall just months before a key leadership meeting was seen as one of the strongest signals yet in support of rumors that Xi was planning on ruling beyond the conventional 10 years.

In July 2017, Sun was abruptly removed from his post as the party secretary of the inland city of Chongqing, and replaced by a Xi protégé. He was then put under investigation for violating party regulations. It was a sign that Xi “doesn’t feel bound by the order of promotion set by the previous generation of leaders,” a Beijing-based party watcher told the New York Times (paywall) at the time. In September, the party’s internal discipline watchdog formally expelled Sun from the party, saying (link in Chinese) he had become “highly bureaucratic, lazy and ineffective, led a degenerate and corrupt lifestyle, engaged in money-for-sex transactions.” In February, Sun was charged with bribery by prosecutors in Tianjin.

Sun had been seen as a contender for China’s presidency because his career path was following the trajectory of past leaders. In 2012, the then Chongqing party boss became the youngest member of the 25-person Politburo, the party’s top decision-making body. Originally, Sun looked likely to get a further elevation into the party’s innermost circle, the seven-person Politburo Standing Committee, during the party’s leadership reshuffle event in October—until party watchers noticed him missing from a ceremony for his replacement to run Chongqing.

With Sun sacked, Xi ended up picking no one in his fifties to join the standing committee, leaving a vacancy for his potential heir apparent. In March, the Chinese leader moved to abolish the presidential term limits with a constitutional change, dismantling the only institutional obstacle for him to rule for a third five-year term—or for life.

Sun’s case echoes the downfall of his predecessor Bo Xilai, the former Chongqing party boss from 2007-2012, who was also once a power rival of Xi. In 2013, Bo was charged with corruption and sentenced to life in prison, making the leadership of this particular city something of a poisoned chalice.

if he has 27m$ why he was sitting and waiting to be arrest in china why not move to some other country and enjoy his life
USD27 million is not a lot for the elites. If you tell jack ma if USD27million enough. Do u think he will accept it?
If he escapes overseas, China will hunt him down and make him serve his sentence.

That greatly depends on which country he flees to. I doubt China could do anything legal if the US and or Russia provides protection. Look at Snowden as an example. There's nothing the US can do as long Russia provides protection.
Corruption sud not be tolerate people still come and find different ways but i think china is doing good thing to keep high profile out of china's womb.
So called first world countries doesnt tolerate but they keep 3rd world corrupt people and their money with respect.
There are plenty of corrupts from China who have moved here to Australia. Some of these thugs have parked their black money in the apartment market in Sydney and Melbourne. I assume the same is the case for US, UK and other countries.
There are plenty of corrupts from China who have moved here to Australia. Some of these thugs have parked their black money in the apartment market in Sydney and Melbourne. I assume the same is the case for US, UK and other countries.
How do you know that they are corrupt officials, there are tons of newly rich business people in China doing shopping sprees on real estate everywhere in the world.
There are plenty of corrupts from China who have moved here to Australia. Some of these thugs have parked their black money in the apartment market in Sydney and Melbourne. I assume the same is the case for US, UK and other countries.
The real estate law is quite complicated in China thus they wouldn't mind investing elsewhere.
Not thugs. Just super rich people.
Sun’s case echoes the downfall of his predecessor Bo Xilai, the former Chongqing party boss from 2007-2012, who was also once a power rival of Xi. In 2013, Bo was charged with corruption and sentenced to life in prison, making the leadership of this particular city something of a poisoned chalice.
:rofl: You really don't want to be the boss of Chongqing. More seriously, excellent news - the anti-corruption campaign should reach high and low. Spare no one.
The father of the Chinese high speed railway empire was sentenced to death for corruption. It doesn't matter how much you achieved , the government is always watching you.
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