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The hypocrite Barack Hussein Obama strikes again and threatens action in South Sudan


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

U.S. President Barack Obama previously warned against any effort to seize power through the use of military force. (Reuters)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Monday, 23 December 2013

U.S. President Barack Obama threatened on Monday that he will take further action in South Sudan if necessary after U.S. forces were attacked there, amid rising concern that the recently-established country could slide into civil war.

“As I monitor the situation in South Sudan, I may take further action to support the security of U.S. citizens, personnel and property, including our embassy, in South Sudan,” Obama wrote in a letter to Congress.

On Saturday four U.S. servicemen were wounded when their planes were fired at in a rebel-held area.

The attack underlined the increasingly dangerous situation in South Sudan, where at least one U.N. base has also come under attack in recent days -- with the deaths of two Indian peacekeepers and possibly dozens of civilians.

U.S. citizens were safely evacuated on Sunday from Bor to Juba in South Sudan, the State Department said.

“This morning, the United States - in coordination with the United Nations and in consultation with the South Sudanese government - safely evacuated American citizens from Bor, South Sudan. U.S. citizens and citizens from our partner nations were flown from Bor to Juba on U.N. and U.S. civilian helicopters,” the State Department said in a statement.

Fighting has been raging in South Sudan for a week, after President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar of attempting a coup. Machar has denied this, and has accused Kiir of carrying out a vicious purge of his rivals.

The fighting has left hundreds dead and sent tens of thousands of people fleeing for protection in U.N. bases or to safer areas of the country, which only won independence from Sudan in 2011 but has been blighted by ethnic divisions, corruption and poverty.

The fighting has both ethnic and political dimensions, as troops loyal to Kiir, an ethnic Dinka, battle forces backing Machar, a Nuer.

Foreign governments, including those of the U.S., Britain, Uganda and Kenya, have been organizing special evacuation flights to pull out their nationals.

President Obama warned against continued fighting in South Sudan.

“Any effort to seize power through the use of military force will result in the end of longstanding support from the United tates and the international community,” the White House said.

South Sudan's government meanwhile acknowledged that much of Unity State, the country's main oil-producing area, was in the hands of the rebels.

Crucial oil fields

Forces loyal to Machar were also still in control of Bor, the capital of Jonglei state and situated about 200 kilometres (125 miles) north of Juba, although South Sudan's army spokesman said government troops were advancing.

“Bor is still under the control of Peter Gadet forces. The SPLA is still moving towards Bor but have not yet captured Bor,” Sudan People's Liberation Army spokesman Philip Aguer told AFP.

A local official in Bentiu -- the rebel-held capital of Unity State -- said the area was littered with bodies following the fall of the town, which was prompted by the defection of a top government commander.

“There are so many bodies, over a hundred not yet buried,” the local official, who asked not to be named, told AFP.

Army spokesman Aguer confirmed that “Unity State is currently divided, with the SPLA and the loyalists to the government on one side and those who are supporting Riek Machar on the other.”

“We are not in control of Bentiu and we don’t know how many people are wounded and how many people are killed,” Aguer said.

Oil production accounts for more than 95 percent of the country's fledgling economy, and the sector has been hit with oil companies also flying out their employees after the death of at least five South Sudanese oil workers Wednesday.

Juba's ambassador to Khartoum, however, insisted on Sunday that oil facilities had not been damaged and oil was still flowing.

Tens of thousands of South Sudanese have fled their homes, many seeking shelter at UN bases amid warnings the impoverished nation was on the brink of all-out civil war.

“I am afraid. I just can't imagine being forced to become refugees again,” said Susan Nakiden, a South Sudanese woman among the thousands sheltering at a U.N. base in Juba. The mother of three said she had already been forced to flee her home during the Sudanese civil war.

(With AFP)

Last Update: Monday, 23 December 2013 KSA 01:25 - GMT 22:25


What a hypocrite this half Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama, is. Did he not promise the same thing in Syria and his famous "crossed red line". But of course only 130.000 people have died there. What a useless president. Please stick to your already written speeches by third parties. That is the only thing that you are a good at. Or stick to domestic issues.
Time for the American people to elect a more competent president in 3 years time. Anyway his second term will end by then so he will get removed anyway never to return again.
What a hypocrite this half Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama, is. Did he not promise the same thing in Syria and his famous "crossed red line"

He wasn't hypocrite about it, not as much as he was reluctant to take a military action. This guy won't go to war, mark my word on that. The liberals are so humane when it comes to taking a military action.
He wasn't hypocrite about it, not as much as he was reluctant to take a military action. This guy won't go to war, mark my word on that. The liberals are so humane when it comes to taking a military action.

Of course he is. For months he was talking about not crossing the red line otherwise the USA would react. We saw nothing of that. Now in South Sudan which with all due respect is nothing compared to the catastrophe we see in Syria, he is willing to take actions.

Let us see if that will be one of many empty claims.

The Obama administration is a useless administration in terms of their foreign policy.

Anyway no wonder that he got elected when his main rival was even more clueless than him (Mitt Romney). I mean come on!

Nothing agains the person Obama just his foreign policy. I am sure that I could have a nice chat with him about politics, basketball etc. I have many of the same interests as he has and I have even read his autobiography.

But this is not how an American president should act.

How long can we the Arab people, Muslims and people of the Middle East tolerate the havoc that is Syria which is threatening the region and our security, future etc.

Why not act jointly in Syria? Anyway we are not the world's policeman.

U.S. President Barack Obama previously warned against any effort to seize power through the use of military force. (Reuters)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News
Monday, 23 December 2013


What a hypocrite this half Kenyan, Barack Hussein Obama, is. Did he not promise the same thing in Syria and his famous "crossed red line". But of course only 130.000 people have died there. What a useless president. Please stick to your already written speeches by third parties. That is the only thing that you are a good at. Or stick to domestic issues.
Time for the American people to elect a more competent president in 3 years time. Anyway his second term will end by then so he will get removed anyway never to return again.

How is he a useless President because he did not take action in Syria? It is not in America's interest to send troops into Syria and most Americans are against military action. So at most he is a liar.
How is he a useless President because he did not take action in Syria? It is not in America's interest to send troops into Syria and most Americans are against military action. So at most he is a liar.

How does not taking action (which would mean that the conflict would end as we see it today) harmonize with his political views, previous statements and constant talk about a better world and his writings about the ignorance of the Rwanda civil war by the world society? He is doing the very same thing in Syria.

There was never any talk about sending troops to Syria. There was only talk about air bombardments and putting an end to the crimes of the Child-Murderer alias al-Asshead.

Now he is threatening to act in South Sudan. LOL. Let us see how this unfolds or whether it is another empty claim.

Bottom line his foreign policy has been a utter disgrace.

No more world policeman? Find with me. But then don't talk like one.
How does not taking action (which would mean that the conflict would end as we see it today) harmonize with his ideologies, previous statements and constant talk about a better world and his writings about the ignorance of the Rwanda civil war by the world society? He is doing the very same thing in Syria.

There was never any talk about sending troops to Syria. There was only talk about air bombardments and putting an end to the crimes of the Child-Murderer alias al-Asshead.

Now he is threatening to act in South Sudan. LOL. Let us see how this unfolds or whether it is another empty claim.

Doesn't matter how he feels about it, the people here prefer no action in the middle east. You do not see anyone from America criticizing his hypocrisy on this particular issue.
Doesn't matter how he feels about it, the people here prefer no action in the middle east. You do not see anyone from America criticizing his hypocrisy on this particular issue.

Well, then he should not even have used all those hours on talking about Syria and sounding like he and his regime cared. They clearly don't even if they could stop the bloodshed. They should just openly say that they do not care about the ME. The other game is just pathetic.

Anyway I would find it tragicomic if he started some military campaign in South Sudan (highly unlikely after all) while Syrian not far away has been burning for 3 years.

Anyway he remains a hypocrite in my eyes in terms of his foreign policy and in many Americans eyes from what I have seen on the internet and media.
Well, then he should not even have used all those hours on talking about Syria and sounding like he and his regime cared. They clearly don't even if they could stop the bloodshed. They should just openly say that they do not care about the ME. The other game is just pathetic.

Anyway I would find it tragicomic if he started some military campaign in South Sudan (highly unlikely after all) while Syrian not far away has been burning for 3 years.

Anyway he remains a hypocrite in my eyes in terms of his foreign policy and in many Americans eyes from what I have seen on the internet and media.

Yeah he is hypocrite and a foreign policy disaster that is for sure. Anyway it is in America's interest that peace is restored in South Sudan because the relatively new country has vast oil reserves and our companies are trying to compete for bids with the Chinese. Most of the fighting is taking place in oil rich cities which is why you see threats of getting involved. If Obama helps the winning side, it will in turn help negotiations when it comes to oil.

The chinese also want peace in South Sudan for the same reason.
How is he a useless President because he did not take action in Syria? It is not in America's interest to send troops into Syria and most Americans are against military action. So at most he is a liar.

No country deserves an American life or an American dollar.

Obama shouldn't have drawn a line in the sand though, this mistake was on his behalf, he faced a blow back from some of the most out-spoken GOP's over this. Another thing was that the US never had the intention to put boots on the ground.
No country deserves an American life or an American dollar.

Obama shouldn't have drawn a line in the sand though, this mistake was on his behalf, he faced a blow back from some of the most out-spoken GOP's over this. Another thing was that the US never had the intention to put boots on the ground.

Not to mention that it makes USA look weak, undecided and unreliable in terms of their foreign policy. Usually when past American presidents have been that vocal about crossing any red lines they acted accordingly. Rightly or wrongly.

Obama on the other hand is acting like a scared mouse or an extreme isolationist in terms of his foreign policy.
Well outside of the Pacific areas where he is trying to counter Chinese influence……. Let us see what that will bring of good things.

USA whether we like it or not is still too important for them to be messing around like that.
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I think Democrats are always like that .....Whatever you are expecting, it could only be possible if Republican are in power..And i doubt in any time future Republican will be in power....
I can clearly see that US is slowly doing a role reversal now...In coming months...US and NATO will make every type of effort to Iran and its line to make sure interest in Afganistan is protected...

Of course he is. For months he was talking about not crossing the red line otherwise the USA would react. We saw nothing of that. Now in South Sudan which with all due respect is nothing compared to the catastrophe we see in Syria, he is willing to take actions.

Let us see if that will be one of many empty claims.

The Obama administration is a useless administration in terms of their foreign policy.

Anyway no wonder that he got elected when his main rival was even more clueless than him (Mitt Romney). I mean come on!

Nothing agains the person Obama just his foreign policy. I am sure that I could have a nice chat with him about politics, basketball etc. I have many of the same interests as he has and I have even read his autobiography.

But this is not how an American president should act.

How long can we the Arab people, Muslims and people of the Middle East tolerate the havoc that is Syria which is threatening the region and our security, future etc.

Why not act jointly in Syria? Anyway we are not the world's policeman.
Not to mention that it makes USA look weak, undecided and unreliable in terms of their foreign policy. Usually when past American presidents have been that vocal about crossing any red lines they acted accordingly. Rightly or wrongly.

Obama on the other hand is acting like a scared mouse or an extreme isolationist in terms of his foreign policy.
Well outside of the Pacific areas where he is trying to counter Chinese influence……. Let us see what that will bring of good things.

USA whether we like it or not is still too important for them to be messing around like that.

They did move the ships near syrian waters, but then russia intervened and struck a deal plus the US poll was against another war...but you are probably right that US wont act in Sudan.
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