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The Great Mauryan Empire


Nov 6, 2010
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Maurya Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power in ancient India, ruled by the Mauryan dynasty from 321 - 185 BCE. Originating from the kingdom of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic plains (modern Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh) in the eastern side of the Indian subcontinent, the empire had its capital city at Pataliputra (modern Patna).[1][2] The Empire was founded in 322 BCE by Chandragupta Maurya, who had overthrown the Nanda Dynasty and rapidly expanded his power westwards across central and western India, taking advantage of the disruptions of local powers in the wake of the withdrawal westward by Alexander the Great's Greek armies. By 320 BCE the empire had fully occupied Northwestern India, defeating and conquering the satraps left by Alexander.[3]

The Maurya Empire was one of the world's largest empires in its time, and the largest ever in the Indian subcontinent. At its greatest extent, the empire stretched to the north along the natural boundaries of the Himalayas, and to the east stretching into what is now Assam. To the west, it conquered beyond modern Pakistan, annexing Balochistan, the tip of south eastern parts of Iran and much of what is now Afghanistan, including the modern Herat[3] and Kandahar provinces. The Empire was expanded into India's central and southern regions by the emperors Chandragupta and Bindusara, but it excluded a small portion of unexplored tribal and forested regions near Kalinga (modern Odisha), until it was conquered by Ashoka. Its decline began 60 years after Ashoka's rule ended, and it dissolved in 185 BCE with the foundation of the Sunga Dynasty in Magadha.

Under Chandragupta, the Mauryan Empire conquered the trans-Indus region, which was under Macedonian rule. Chandragupta then defeated the invasion led by Seleucus I, a Greek general from Alexander's army. Under Chandragupta and his successors, internal and external trade, agriculture and economic activities, all thrived and expanded across India thanks to the creation of a single and efficient system of finance, administration, and security.

After the Kalinga War, the Empire experienced half a century of peace and security under Ashoka. Mauryan India also enjoyed an era of social harmony, religious transformation, and expansion of the sciences and of knowledge. Chandragupta Maurya's embrace of Jainism increased social and religious renewal and reform across his society, while Ashoka's embrace of Buddhism has been said to have been the foundation of the reign of social and political peace and non-violence across all of India. Ashoka sponsored the spreading of Buddhist ideals into Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, West Asia and Mediterranean Europe.[3]

The population of the empire has been estimated to be about 50 - 60 million making the Mauryan Empire one of the most populous empires of all time.[4][5]

Archaeologically, the period of Mauryan rule in South Asia falls into the era of Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW). The Arthashastra and the Edicts of Ashoka are the primary sources of written records of Mauryan times. The Lion Capital of Asoka at Sarnath has been made the national emblem of India.

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We owe this to the Britishers...had they not got curious about the dotted pillars hundreds and thousands of miles apart from each other and about the inscriptions on 'em then today we would not have accorded so much importance to the Mauryan empire.
The fact is that no magnificent architecture was left ,the towns where the Maurya carried out most of their building work continued to be lived in right up to the present day and so the Mauryan remains were buried under streets and buildings used by later generations.
The truth about the Maurya gradually began to emerge when it was realised that these pillars were the work of one king called Asoka, whose realm covered a vast area of India and beyond, it was realised that here was an historical phenomenon of huge significance.Till then Ashoka and Chandragupta were all but forgotten.
I am glad that today our national emblem is one of Ashoka's pillars.The four lions would always remind us of this empire and its greatness.

Mauryan empire is one of the greatest in not just the Indian history but may be the world history too since its empire was comparable to that of persian,Roman or the Han empires.

The decline of mauryan empire was largely due to Maurya's failure to develop robust imperial institutions. Unlike the Han empire in China which continued to run smoothly for almost 400 years even when the emperors were nonentities, the effectiveness of Mauryan rule was always directly dependent upon the personal ability and energy of the king.And we had just 2 great emperors from the Mauryans. They never had a system in place to select and promote honest and capable officials.
And how can the mauryan empire be talked about without the mention of behemoth like Chanakya....the original father of politics.

There's a lot more to mauryan empire than we know.

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According to Megasthenes the mean breadth (of the Ganges) is 100 stadia, and its
least depth 20 fathoms. At the meeting of this river and another is situated Palibothra, a
city eighty stadia in length and fifteen in breadth. It is of the shape of a parallelogram,
and is girded with a wooden wall, pierced with loopholes for the discharge of arrows. It
has a ditch in front for defence and for receiving the sewage of the city. The people in
whose country this city is situated is the most distinguished in all India, and is called the
Prasii. The king, in addition to his family name, must adopt the surname of Palibothros,
as Sandrakottos, for instance, did, to whom Megasthenes was sent on an embassy. [This
custom also prevails among the Parthians, for all are called Arsakai, though each has his
own peculiar name, as Orodes, Phraates, or some other.]









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We should start claiming all territories under Mauryan empire just like China does claiming territories that were under Qing Empire :rap::cheesy::cheers::dance3:
That Is what akhand bharat is. Why I posted this thread because, now days people are talking too much on mughal empire, and in some country, their plan is to rebuild mughal empire style rule, so to remind them that they r not the greatest but just big.

The foreign and military policy can make this possible. The way ashoka spread bydhhism, is a very use full topic to research.







Though their architecture isnt surviving, you can find references from reliefs and cave art done by their successors.
This shows the might and power. Such structures are not easy to build, and shows the strength of an empire.

The decline of mauryan empire was largely due to Maurya's failure to develop robust imperial institutions. Unlike the Han empire in China which continued to run smoothly for almost 400 years even when the emperors were nonentities, the effectiveness of Mauryan rule was always directly dependent upon the personal ability and energy of the king.And we had just 2 great emperors from the Mauryans. They never had a system in place to select and promote honest and capable officials.
And how can the mauryan empire be talked about without the mention of behemoth like Chanakya....the original father of politics.

There's a lot more to mauryan empire than we know.

View attachment 36875

this is the basic aim of this thread, what made it greatest? What policies they followed, how did they spread budhhism, how they made alliances.
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That Is what akhand bharat is. Why I posted this thread because, now days people are talking too much on mughal empire, and in some country, their plan is to rebuild mughal empire style rule, so to remind them that they r not the greatest but just big.

Ohh if thats the case then I think we should not forget the chola empire.It was huge too.It covered sooo many countries in the southern Asia.
I wish you had started a thread on all the great empires of India instead of just one. :tsk:
lol...its started from my place and ended there...
the lost lagacy of my ancestral place....what other mystery u hold....reveal...
Ohh if thats the case then I think we should not forget the chola empire.It was huge too.It covered sooo many countries in the southern Asia.
I wish you had started a thread on all the great empires of India instead of just one. :tsk:
You start a new thread on all the great Indian Dynasties and I will participate.
Are you a maurya?? :coffee:
If so contribute to this thread.
lol... i dont know if i am a maurya.. their line is long broken and dialuted.. but i know i am from the same land ... same blood flows through me...
its the only legacy ,structures and stories that are left and nothing more...
We owe this to the Britishers...had they not got curious about the dotted pillars hundreds and thousands of miles apart from each other and about the inscriptions on 'em then today we would not have accorded so much importance to the Mauryan empire.
The fact is that no magnificent architecture was left ,the towns where the Maurya carried out most of their building work continued to be lived in right up to the present day and so the Mauryan remains were buried under streets and buildings used by later generations.
The truth about the Maurya gradually began to emerge when it was realised that these pillars were the work of one king called Asoka, whose realm covered a vast area of India and beyond, it was realised that here was an historical phenomenon of huge significance.Till then Ashoka and Chandragupta were all but forgotten.
I am glad that today our national emblem is one of Ashoka's pillars.The four lions would always remind us of this empire and its greatness.

Mauryan empire is one of the greatest in not just the Indian history but may be the world history too since its empire was comparable to that of persian,Roman or the Han empires.

The decline of mauryan empire was largely due to Maurya's failure to develop robust imperial institutions. Unlike the Han empire in China which continued to run smoothly for almost 400 years even when the emperors were nonentities, the effectiveness of Mauryan rule was always directly dependent upon the personal ability and energy of the king.And we had just 2 great emperors from the Mauryans. They never had a system in place to select and promote honest and capable officials.
And how can the mauryan empire be talked about without the mention of behemoth like Chanakya....the original father of politics.

There's a lot more to mauryan empire than we know.

View attachment 36875

We did forget our history and since Independence, successive gov'ts made no effort to correctly document the past. However, while giving the British the credit for the discovery, we must never forget India was in the midst of 1000 yr Jihad that continously upset empires, social life, trade, etc in South Asia.

Our greatest blunder has been no change or addition to the political structure of gov't. We should change that. Indian parents should stop pushing their children for doctor or engineer mentality. Instead, they should realize the value in all professions in a developing nation like India where every major has a major benefit. We should never allow someone else to write our history and spread it as truth. It is loong overdue to re take our own history, interpret the ay it should and spread it to the world. This is what China is doing today.

I can only hope Modi makes a massive effort to create a public policy school for burecrats, politicans and students to teach them the finer art of goverance. So much to do, but so little time.
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