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The Gaza Massacre; Imran Khan writes to UNSG


Sep 7, 2010
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PTI Chairman Imran Khan letter to UNSG Ban Ki-moon

H E Mr Ban Ki-moon

Secretary General

United Nations

First Ave at 46th Street

New York, N.Y. 10017


Email: sgcentral@un.org 25 July 2014



I write to you as the Chairman of the second largest political party in Pakistan and on behalf of the Pakistani nation that has always been the lead nation in UN peacekeeping across the globe. We have been watching in shock and horror as the state of Israel has unleashed the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza during the Muslim Holy month of Ramazan and the UN has stood by as a silent spectator. The death toll of the Palestinians in Gaza has risen above 800 and the Israeli aggression continues. The residents of Gaza cannot seek escape as Egypt has kept its border with Gaza sealed. The Egyptian authorities have also prevented medical supplies from going in to Gaza and the UN has issued not a word of protest.

Yet the UN’s primary responsibility is to maintain global peace and to prevent aggression. From the UN Charter’s preamble to Article 2:4 to Chapter V11, the UN has a duty to ensure that people are not persecuted and states do not aggress against other states and territories. The Office of Secretary General has a critical role to play in the maintenance of international peace and prevention of state aggression and war. Chapter XV Article 99 defines the special responsibility the SG has in this regard and Article 100.1 also calls on the SG not to be influenced by any state in the carrying out of his functions.

The SG has to ensure the credibility of the UN in times of crises and war. At present the UN is undergoing a major challenge in terms of sustaining its institutional credibility. The massacre of innocent women, children, and elderly by the state of Israel cannot simply be ignored by the UN and by yourself as its SG. Nor can the Israeli aggression under false claims of “self defence” be ignored – especially by the UN and its SG. The UN Charter clearly circumscribes the notion of self-defence in Chapter VII and the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Israeli Wall further countered the Israeli claims of self defence. How can the bombing of a hospital, a cemetery and a UN school be regarded as acts of self-defence?

As the world watches Israel losing all sense of humanity and breaking all international norms of behaviour, it is the UN to which it looks for intervention. After the UN World Summit of 2005 the international community asserted the principle of the Right to Protect as part of humanitarian intervention. The primary responsibility for enforcing this rests with the UN and its SG. I call on you to immediately exercise this responsibility to prevent a genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza.

As SG your actions will decide whether the UN is to remain credible as the harbinger of peace, the protector of the weak and the institution that ensures aggression remains unsuccessful around the globe. After all the UN was founded “to prevent future generations from the scourge of war”. It is up to you to ensure that the UN fulfills the mandate given to it by the comity of nations.

My country has always been one of the prime supporters of the UN in its peace and security functions. My Party has justice and human dignity as underlying principles. We cannot now allow the UN to lose all credibility because one powerful state is allowing Israel to conduct aggression against Gaza with impunity. We have a right to demand that you as the SG enforce the UN Charter and play an active role in halting Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian population of Gaza. As SG you must also demand and ensure Egypt open its border with Gaza to allow medical assistance and essential supplies to go into Gaza. You have a duty to ensure that the plan of genocide of the Palestinians by the Israeli state is thwarted. It is time for you as the UNSG to fulfill this critical duty.


Imran Khan

Chairman PTI

PTI Chairman Imran Khan letter to UNSG Ban Ki-moon

this shameful ban ki moon support israel. shame
Still nothing will happen Ban Ki Moon is a South Korean and an american puppet
Good move. Don't think anything will happen though. As long as there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY in the fed pump queens....Nothing will change. Just like European people specialize in technology, Muslims in jihad, Zionists specialize in money supply. The only solution of every problem is accountability.
As though anyone will even read what IK has written!! No one has time to waste on a non entity like IK.

But he's sure scored some political brownie points in his constituency!

As though anyone will even read what IK has written!! No one has time to waste on a non entity like IK.

But he's sure scored some political brownie points in his constituency!
He didn't say anything against israel while he was in uk to collecting donations. His donation drive could have hurt if he had written the letter to banki mon at that time :lol:
As though anyone will even read what IK has written!! No one has time to waste on a non entity like IK.

But he's sure scored some political brownie points in his constituency!
So a Yahoodi Agent stands up to raise his voice against Israeli aggression, while other so called self proclaimed Ameer ul Momineen are busy offering prayers.

بیچ کر تلواریں خرید لئے مصلے ہم نے
عزتیں لٹتی رہیں اور ہم دعا کرتے رہے
PTI Chairman Imran Khan letter to UNSG Ban Ki-moon

H E Mr Ban Ki-moon

Secretary General

United Nations

First Ave at 46th Street

New York, N.Y. 10017


Email: sgcentral@un.org 25 July 2014



I write to you as the Chairman of the second largest political party in Pakistan and on behalf of the Pakistani nation that has always been the lead nation in UN peacekeeping across the globe. We have been watching in shock and horror as the state of Israel has unleashed the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza during the Muslim Holy month of Ramazan and the UN has stood by as a silent spectator. The death toll of the Palestinians in Gaza has risen above 800 and the Israeli aggression continues. The residents of Gaza cannot seek escape as Egypt has kept its border with Gaza sealed. The Egyptian authorities have also prevented medical supplies from going in to Gaza and the UN has issued not a word of protest.

Yet the UN’s primary responsibility is to maintain global peace and to prevent aggression. From the UN Charter’s preamble to Article 2:4 to Chapter V11, the UN has a duty to ensure that people are not persecuted and states do not aggress against other states and territories. The Office of Secretary General has a critical role to play in the maintenance of international peace and prevention of state aggression and war. Chapter XV Article 99 defines the special responsibility the SG has in this regard and Article 100.1 also calls on the SG not to be influenced by any state in the carrying out of his functions.

The SG has to ensure the credibility of the UN in times of crises and war. At present the UN is undergoing a major challenge in terms of sustaining its institutional credibility. The massacre of innocent women, children, and elderly by the state of Israel cannot simply be ignored by the UN and by yourself as its SG. Nor can the Israeli aggression under false claims of “self defence” be ignored – especially by the UN and its SG. The UN Charter clearly circumscribes the notion of self-defence in Chapter VII and the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Israeli Wall further countered the Israeli claims of self defence. How can the bombing of a hospital, a cemetery and a UN school be regarded as acts of self-defence?

As the world watches Israel losing all sense of humanity and breaking all international norms of behaviour, it is the UN to which it looks for intervention. After the UN World Summit of 2005 the international community asserted the principle of the Right to Protect as part of humanitarian intervention. The primary responsibility for enforcing this rests with the UN and its SG. I call on you to immediately exercise this responsibility to prevent a genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza.

As SG your actions will decide whether the UN is to remain credible as the harbinger of peace, the protector of the weak and the institution that ensures aggression remains unsuccessful around the globe. After all the UN was founded “to prevent future generations from the scourge of war”. It is up to you to ensure that the UN fulfills the mandate given to it by the comity of nations.

My country has always been one of the prime supporters of the UN in its peace and security functions. My Party has justice and human dignity as underlying principles. We cannot now allow the UN to lose all credibility because one powerful state is allowing Israel to conduct aggression against Gaza with impunity. We have a right to demand that you as the SG enforce the UN Charter and play an active role in halting Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian population of Gaza. As SG you must also demand and ensure Egypt open its border with Gaza to allow medical assistance and essential supplies to go into Gaza. You have a duty to ensure that the plan of genocide of the Palestinians by the Israeli state is thwarted. It is time for you as the UNSG to fulfill this critical duty.


Imran Khan

Chairman PTI

PTI Chairman Imran Khan letter to UNSG Ban Ki-moon

this shameful ban ki moon support israel. shame

UN is useless and was proven to be so.

The solution is that Muslim countries should create the united nation of muslim countries UNOMC and it should be held in Pakistan.

Pakistan should be the center of technology and science for the muslim world and the rich Arab states should support Pakistan for achieving more advancement on science and technology.

When the Muslim world becomes strong enough then the world will respect them.
This topic shows how ignorant Indians are. They just love Jews. No matter how many muslims they kill. They just love Jews. So how can India be more then nationalistic hindu oriented nation? Incredible India. Let them agree with genocide. They do the same in Gujarat and Kashmir.

Imran Khan points out very clear that UN is in reality a failed institute. It has no credibility.
IK is a sensible man. Its a very good step that he has taken to write to UN. I wish he also write to UN about ISIS killing Iraqis, or Taliban (the bad ones) killing innocents in Pakistan itself, not to forget those Ahemedias and Shias getting killed by extremists in (again) Pakistan. Anyways its a good start. Keep it up.
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