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The flu has already killed 10,000 across US as world frets over coronavirus(RIP)


Mar 18, 2016
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  • The flu remains a higher threat to U.S. public health than the new coronavirus.
  • This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations.
  • Roughly a dozen cases of the deadly coronavirus have been identified in the U.S., though the number has mushroomed across its outbreak zone in China.
While the new coronavirus ravages much of China and world leaders rush to close their borders to protect citizens from the outbreak, the flu has quietly killed 10,000 in the U.S. so far this influenza season.

At least 19 million people have come down with the flu in the U.S. with 180,000 ending up in the hospital, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The flu season, which started in September and can run until May, is currently at its peak and poses a greater health threat to the U.S. than the new coronavirus, physicians say. The new virus, which first emerged in Wuhan, China, on Dec. 31, has sickened roughly 17,400 and killed 362 people mostly in that country as of Monday morning.

"In the U.S., it's really a fear based on media and this being something new," Dr. Jennifer Lighter, hospital epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health, said of the new coronavirus. "When in reality, people can take measures to protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed 10,000 people."

The coronavirus outbreak, however, is proving to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far, according to world health officials. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu in the U.S., according to CDC estimates for the 2019-2020 flu season. The CDC estimates that 21 million people will eventually get the flu this season.

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"Two percent case fatality is still a tough case fatality when you compare it to the case fatality for the seasonal flu or other things," Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's health emergencies program, told reporters Wednesday.

"A relatively mild virus can cause a lot of damage if a lot of people get it," he added. "And this is the issue at the moment. We don't fully understand it."

Though some health-care professionals and analysts believe the number of coronavirus cases to be much higher, which would mean a lower mortality rate.

"I think we're going to find that the mortality number is going to be lower," Lighter said. "There is more than likely many times that number of people that have mild (cases) or are asymptomatic."

"It may end up being comparable to a bad flu season," Lighter added.

If that's the case, that would bode well for the virus's mortality rate, pathogens specialist Dr. Syra Madad told CNBC's "Squawk Box." It would bring the mortality rate much lower, she pointed out, if there were 100,000 cases and only 362 deaths rather than 10,000 cases with 362 deaths.

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"If we're saying over 100,000 cases, the overall severity of the disease goes down," she said. "The risk to the general American public is low," Madad said, though it's still "very concerning."

The two viruses have similar symptoms, which some health officials fear will cause misdiagnoses. Common flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat and aches. Coronavirus symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the CDC.

For now, Lighter stressed that the public should focus on the flu, which is affecting children especially hard this season. She urged people to get their flu shots, if they haven't already, and practice good hygiene. If they're near someone sick, she said to stand three feet away at all times.

"We are prepared at NYU to see patients that have coronavirus," she said. "But we need to remain focused on our patients in our hospital."

@Get Ya Wig Split RIP Brother, watch out for American Flu and Trump!:rofl:
Goes to show how media is manipulating and how the establishments of certain countries are playing this.

Really shameful behaviour.

Nearly half million people die with common flu every year! That should mean (going by the noise made about coronoa) that all countries should come to a complete lockdown. Coronavirus is not even deadly!!

US with 10,000 deaths. NYC No masks...a usual casual day. No flight bans.

China with 500..Beijing looks like "I am Legend"...and this isn't because the West told them to hide.

BTW the US doesn't have a monopoly on the flu

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Goes to show how media is manipulating and how the establishments of certain countries are playing this.

Really shameful behaviour.

Nearly half million people die with common flu every year! That should mean (going by the noise made about coronoa) that all countries should come to a complete lockdown. Coronavirus is not even deadly!!

Yes. But I think the Western media is more deadly than the American flu. They even completely ignore American life.
What's even worse is the global mortality for 2020 is estimated at 7.7 per thousand, approximately 6 million people have died this year already (all causes).

So not enough is being done to stop people dying from death. Only 562 people have died from this insignificant little outbreak of corona-virus, a mere 0.008% of all deaths globally. There has clearly been an overreaction from the mainstream media to deflect from the real story.

The entire world needs to be put into lock-down to combat the pandemic of people dying (all causes).
US with 10,000 deaths. NYC No masks...a usual casual day

China with 500..Beijing looks like "I am Legend".
Ah, thank you for concern from the United States. Let us ignore American life.

‘We’re much more worried about influenza’: Experts warn the flu is more concerning than Coronavirus

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) -- Now declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization, the Coronavirus is dominating the news cycle across the globe. Meantime, American health officials say influenza is causing more concern.

“It's making the news, and people are dying. So that always freaks people out. But people are dying from influenza. We've had a lot more deaths from influenza in the United States,” says Brenda Klahn, infection prevnetionist with SSM Health.

Klahn says the numbers speak for themselves: there are 425 deaths linked to the Coronavirus and only 11 cases in the United States. That is compared to 19 million cases of influenza in the U.S., and more than 10 thousand deaths this flu season.

Right now, the United States is seeing peak levels of influenza across the country. At the same time, medical experts are hearing patient concern for a different illness.

“I have a friend who said, 'If I had a vaccine for the Coronavirus, I would have people lined up for it.' Well the flu is quite more serious right now, and yet people aren't getting their flu vaccinations,” Klahn says.

So far, there is no Coronavirus vaccine.

World health exerts report 20,438 cases of the Coronavirus globally. While numbers like that can be scary, American health officials say the odds of getting sick with the Coronavirus are not very high.

“People are not out there and about with Coronavirus, walking down the halls or walking in the grocery store. People aren't out and about with Coronavirus right now,” Klahn says.

Instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate 21 million Americans will get the flu this season, meaning it is imperative to get a flu shot and stay home from work or school if you are sick.

Even though the Coronavirus risk is low for Americans, medical experts are monitoring clinics and hospitals for patients who may have recently traveled to Wuhan, China. Experts will continue to monitor virus numbers in case it continues to spread over the coming weeks.

ok, meanwhile. American media is concerned about China. thank you! :enjoy:
And how do we know 526 people have died from this corona-virus outbreak? The mainstream media is always exaggerating things, I think the real numbers are much lower than reported.

Government officials in China are also incentivized to overstate their numbers in order to meet their quotas. The only numbers being downplayed are the recovered/cured patients, health officials have been mistakenly classifying cured patients according to pre-existing conditions.
And how do we know 526 people have died from this corona-virus outbreak? The mainstream media is always exaggerating things, I think the real numbers are much lower than reported.

Government officials in China are also incentivized to overstate their numbers in order to meet their quotas. The only numbers being downplayed are the recovered/cured patients, health officials have been mistakenly classifying cured patients according to pre-existing conditions.
Western media need to serve politics.
I thought flu is just a common and "easy" desease.

Except the dangerous ones, those like SARS and Corona virus.

But it turns out flu is truly dangerous.
Its disgusting to see PDF members are actually involved in mudslinging when they dont realize the gravity of the situation. For God sake this is a highly contagious infection, we should unite as one and fight it rather than creating an embarrassing situation for each other.
I thought flu is just a common and "easy" desease.

Except the dangerous ones, those like SARS and Corona virus.

But it turns out flu is truly dangerous.

Look like common flu death only happen with very old people who will die soon anyway. I also dont believe with that number. Never read any news regarding Indonesian death case over common flue. Never hear about any one inside my big family or friends who died just because common flue.
The article in the OP states that corona virus is by comparison much more lethal. Its also spreading a lot quicker.
Ok buddy...now open your ears and listen to this...
Flu has a complication rate of .01%
Corona Virus has a complication rate of 20%

Complication means you need an ICU bed with a respirator.

Lets suppose 18 million people get the CV in USA...that means 3.6 million people with get complications .... and guess wat there are only a 100,000 ICU beds available...get it? so you are looking at 359000 dead people.

Now gulp down a big glass of stfu and stop misinforming people.

The threat is Real.
I thought flu is just a common and "easy" desease.

Except the dangerous ones, those like SARS and Corona virus.

But it turns out flu is truly dangerous.
common cold is mild and easy disease , influenza never ever considered mild in medical circle . sadly people mistake them with each other

Look like common flu death only happen with very old people who will die soon anyway. I also dont believe with that number. Never read any news regarding Indonesian death case over common flue. Never hear about any one inside my big family or friends who died just because common flue.
influenza can be pretty much deadly for young children , and serious strands can kill young peoples as much as old people
There is a big difference between "seasonal Flu virus" and this corona virus, the season flu virus is self-limiting and annihilates within a weak inside human body whereas corona virus is not found to be self-limiting or self-annihilating even weeks after being infected with corona virus. So in this regard corona virus is more like AIDS virus, if it gets inside your body, it wants to stay there without any time limit. And worst thing about this new Corona virus is that it is highly contagious, it spread very easily and a-symptomatically just from the breath of an infected human. That is the reason why Chinese government is freaked out with corona virus outbreak.

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