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The fight to control the South China Sea

Zhang Fan

Jul 15, 2015
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In may of 2015,China issued multiple warnings to a U.S surveillance plane,they asserted that the U.S had flown over their artificial islands in the SCS unprovoked,in response the U.S defended their reconnaissance fly in light of China's aggressive claims over the disputed area.So what is going on,why is the SCS so important?

Well,for starters,the SCS is the one of the most highly disputed regions in the world,a roughly one and a half million square miles zone is bordered by China,Brunei,Indonesia,Malaysia,Philippines,Singapore,Taiwan and Vietnam,all have overlapping claims over the different parts of the region,most significantly,China has asserted its sovereignty over nearly the entire SCS,violating the exclusive economic zones of every bordering country,most of those countries also have competing claims over a number of nearby islands,primarily the Paracel and Spratly islands.So,why are all these countries fighting over this region?For starters,the SCS is the second most used sea lane in the world,and hosts a third of all oversea shipping,it also represents a third of world's marine bio-diversity meaning that fishing rights heavily disputed as well.But,perhaps most importantly,beneath the sea of water is a massive sea and oil and natural gas,some estimates have suggested that there are about 81 billion barrels worth of oil under the seabed along wih 266 cubic feet of natural gas,so,who really owns the area?China claims they have owned the Paracel and Spratly islands including the surrounding waters since the 3rd century,archaeological finds from the 5th century support this claim,however,Vietnam says officially documented their ?? islands back in the 17th century,this is well before China legally stated its claim in the 19th century.The Philippines on the other hand claims dominions based on proximity as the Spratly islands are closest to them.meanwhile Malaysia and Brunei have used UN's convention on the law of sea to say their exclusive economic zones them rights to parts of the SCS.

This dispute has led to a number of island invasions and battles mostly between China and Vietnam,in the 70's and 80's China twice fought Vietnam over the islands and killed more than a hundred soldiers and sailers in total,then,in 2014,China created an administrative body in the Paracel islands in spite of Vietnam and Philippines,2 years later they began drilling for oil in Viet's disputed area,China's aggressive actions have created strong sense of conflict between the Southeast Asian countries and even with U.S's diplomatic intervention,it doesn't seem as though China is willing to back down

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